The left destroys everything, even pretty will not be tolerated.

Let's have Mr. America and Mr. Universe and 3 and 4 year old boys competing in the Young Mr. New York beauty pageants, all wearing a tailored suit and then in a tiny little bathing suit. Get that hair styled just right. Muscles, great ass, I'm picturing some pleasant evenings watching these competitions.

Why is it only women? We know why. That's why I don't like them.
I'm not going to start slamming the Right for this--in general, we don't think about the message it sends.

What's so terrible about whatever message is being sent with this picture?

Some girls like being girly. Stop trying to make your vision of womanhood the only vision of womanhood.
It's my opinion. Sure I played dress up and loved wearing a plastic tiara and pretending to be a princess when I was 5, walking around in my mother's silver dancin shoes.
I don't know what boys like to dress up as.
It is a whole different thing to turn female attractiveness into a spectacle. It is everywhere. Make men wear tight slinky evening clothes that show every bump and curve and 5 inch heels. No? Why not? Women are expected to.
Let's have Mr. America and Mr. Universe and 3 and 4 year old boys competing in the Young Mr. New York beauty pageants, all wearing a tailored suit and then in a tiny little bathing suit. Get that hair styled just right. Muscles, great ass, I'm picturing some pleasant evenings watching these competitions.

Why is it only women? We know why. That's why I don't like them.
I'm not going to start slamming the Right for this--in general, we don't think about the message it sends.

What's so terrible about whatever message is being sent with this picture?

Some girls like being girly. Stop trying to make your vision of womanhood the only vision of womanhood.
It's my opinion. Sure I played dress up and loved wearing a plastic tiara and pretending to be a princess when I was 5, walking around in my mother's silver dancin shoes.
I don't know what boys like to dress up as.
It is a whole different thing to turn female attractiveness into a spectacle. It is everywhere. Make men wear tight slinky evening clothes that show every bump and curve and 5 inch heels. No? Why not? Women are expected to.

You just showed a side of yourself I really didnt want to see.....
There should be a Miss Drag Queen America. Let the guys have a go at it dressed as women in bathing suits. Tuck, dudes. TUCK!!
Let's have Mr. America and Mr. Universe and 3 and 4 year old boys competing in the Young Mr. New York beauty pageants, all wearing a tailored suit and then in a tiny little bathing suit. Get that hair styled just right. Muscles, great ass, I'm picturing some pleasant evenings watching these competitions.

Why is it only women? We know why. That's why I don't like them.
I'm not going to start slamming the Right for this--in general, we don't think about the message it sends.

What's so terrible about whatever message is being sent with this picture?

Some girls like being girly. Stop trying to make your vision of womanhood the only vision of womanhood.
It's my opinion. Sure I played dress up and loved wearing a plastic tiara and pretending to be a princess when I was 5, walking around in my mother's silver dancin shoes.
I don't know what boys like to dress up as.
It is a whole different thing to turn female attractiveness into a spectacle. It is everywhere. Make men wear tight slinky evening clothes that show every bump and curve and 5 inch heels. No? Why not? Women are expected to.

Most of the women who dress up that much (that I know) do it because they like to.

Most boys like dirt. The fact we clean up to attract women is our equivalent of slinky evening gowns. Trust me I'd rather be in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt than a nice suit and tie, or slacks and an nice shirt.
The only ones having a cow about this new rule are...the guys.

I have a feeling to women who were interested in competing, and for the past few years have worked to fit into the general requirements of the competition are none to thrilled.

In gaming we call this "changing the meta", and for people good at the old meta, it is a definite cause of butthurt.
Miss America goes woke: No more swimsuit competition at pageant

What’s next for the SJW crowd? Make pretty girls wear burkas? How late my before a tranny gets in there?

Perhaps Fake Fox News could start a new pageant with all Ann Coulter look-alikes and the judges would have to decide which was a man or woman by their Adam's Apple. Or it could be the ugliest woman on tv contest with Sarah Hockabee the role model and host, and whoever won she would lie and say it was someone else, someone off stage with 'beautiful orange hair that lays to one side and looks like a toddler's preschool picture'.
The only ones having a cow about this new rule are...the guys.

I have a feeling to women who were interested in competing, and for the past few years have worked to fit into the general requirements of the competition are none to thrilled.

In gaming we call this "changing the meta", and for people good at the old meta, it is a definite cause of butthurt.
Perhaps, but I doubt it.
Trump did that to the NFL.

Sack up pussy, start a competing contest. Just put Playboy models on stage and parade them around. Plenty of people will love it and Trump will put you on his cabinet.

No, the NFL did it to itself.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nope. You mutated little sheep didn’t even know about it until Trump ordered his propagandists to manipulate the hell out of you.

The NFL players were pissing people off with the anthem protests before Trump threw his hat into the fight.
Marty is once asga8in making excuses for hie orange buddy. It was not a big thing and you Trumpettes were still watching, then Trump stuck ion his nose & you assfucks were lining up to boycott it.

A guess you think it is OK for the President to lie to attack private business enterprises.

Where have I said I want to boycott the NFL?

The method of protest was stupid and isn't getting their original message across.

And Trump sticking his nose it in fixates idiots like you while he does actual real work, so it's win-win.


What fixates me is how you Trumpetrtes make excuses for Trump being a total asshole. Have you no shame?
There are no more evening gowns either. The women can wear whatever they like. It's now more like a job interview than a contest.

Miss America, according to the song was an ideal. Not anymore.
Let's have Mr. America and Mr. Universe and 3 and 4 year old boys competing in the Young Mr. New York beauty pageants, all wearing a tailored suit and then in a tiny little bathing suit. Get that hair styled just right. Muscles, great ass, I'm picturing some pleasant evenings watching these competitions.

Why is it only women? We know why. That's why I don't like them.
I'm not going to start slamming the Right for this--in general, we don't think about the message it sends.

What's so terrible about whatever message is being sent with this picture?

Some girls like being girly. Stop trying to make your vision of womanhood the only vision of womanhood.
It's my opinion. Sure I played dress up and loved wearing a plastic tiara and pretending to be a princess when I was 5, walking around in my mother's silver dancin shoes.
I don't know what boys like to dress up as.
It is a whole different thing to turn female attractiveness into a spectacle. It is everywhere. Make men wear tight slinky evening clothes that show every bump and curve and 5 inch heels. No? Why not? Women are expected to.
That’s what the left wants. No difference between men and women. Even though they are two completely different beings. You can watch the Mr Universe thing. Have at it.
The only ones having a cow about this new rule are...the guys.
This is going to shock you. Guys like hot chicks. Nobody wants to see a fat unshaven SJW girl, anywhere. It’s a fact of life.
Miss America goes woke: No more swimsuit competition at pageant

What’s next for the SJW crowd? Make pretty girls wear burkas? How late my before a tranny gets in there?

To SJWs the below is beautiful:



^^^^ To Non-SJWs the above is not beautiful it is disgusting, Fat Shaming should be actively encouraged it should be a Civil Duty to Fat Shame, people should say to fat people that they are fat and disgusting and that nobody wants to see them in public.
Liberals dont know what competition is
They think it’s yet another form of unfairness with mostly victims as a result
They don’t keep score, they give participation trophies
I do agree that one needs to participate in life but that is not about protesting about life, it’s about equipping yourself with skills so you can compete and libbies life Is a competition and not always a nill nill tie

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