The left destroys everything, even pretty will not be tolerated.

WTF is a SJW?




The only ones having a cow about this new rule are...the guys.
This is going to shock you. Guys like hot chicks. Nobody wants to see a fat unshaven SJW girl, anywhere. It’s a fact of life.
This is going to shock you, too. Chicks like buffed men. Nobody wants to see a fat, unshaven slob, anywhere. Its a fact of life.
Not shocking at all. But I’m not the one thinking beauty pageants shouldn’t focus on beauty either. The only ones bitching about that are ugly women and pajama boys.
The only ones having a cow about this new rule are...the guys.
This is going to shock you. Guys like hot chicks. Nobody wants to see a fat unshaven SJW girl, anywhere. It’s a fact of life.
This is going to shock you, too. Chicks like buffed men. Nobody wants to see a fat, unshaven slob, anywhere. Its a fact of life.
Not shocking at all. But I’m not the one thinking beauty pageants shouldn’t focus on beauty either. The only ones bitching about that are ugly women and pajama boys.
Ugly women, eh? And you know this because..........
The only ones having a cow about this new rule are...the guys.
This is going to shock you. Guys like hot chicks. Nobody wants to see a fat unshaven SJW girl, anywhere. It’s a fact of life.
This is going to shock you, too. Chicks like buffed men. Nobody wants to see a fat, unshaven slob, anywhere. Its a fact of life.

Yes we like this:

I have no doubt they do. You could have also posted a picture of a dollar sign. Girls are willing to sacrifice looks for cash.
The only ones having a cow about this new rule are...the guys.
This is going to shock you. Guys like hot chicks. Nobody wants to see a fat unshaven SJW girl, anywhere. It’s a fact of life.
This is going to shock you, too. Chicks like buffed men. Nobody wants to see a fat, unshaven slob, anywhere. Its a fact of life.
Not shocking at all. But I’m not the one thinking beauty pageants shouldn’t focus on beauty either. The only ones bitching about that are ugly women and pajama boys.
Ugly women, eh? And you know this because..........
I’ve never seen a model complain about it.
Who in their decrepit mind watches a beauty pageant with zero nudity?
You know those toned legs and tight stomach you’ve been working on? Could you not show that off? Makes the chunksters feel bad.
Models are grossly thin.

Meanwhile.....they should keep the fancy dress part. Girls like shiney stuff...especially when they can wear it.
Why are you equating attractiveness with whorishness?

Talk about being judgemental....
I gave you an idea. Do it or stop your bitching and crying.

Why can't the SJW's start their own shit and leave existing institutions alone?

Oh wait, I forgot, it's part of their overall plan:

David Burge on Twitter

1. Identify a respected institution.
2. kill it.
3. gut it.
4. wear its carcass as a skin suit, while demanding respect.
Trump did that to the NFL.

Sack up pussy, start a competing contest. Just put Playboy models on stage and parade them around. Plenty of people will love it and Trump will put you on his cabinet.

No, the NFL did it to itself.

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Nope. You mutated little sheep didn’t even know about it until Trump ordered his propagandists to manipulate the hell out of you.

Oh blah blah blah so sleepy....zzzzzzzzzz

Could you possible BE any more boring than this?
In general liberals want to screw up everything that works(it’s a fairness issue) except that which gets them free stuff or cash with no effort

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