The Left Don't Think Trump Should Attack Judges

No I didn't. I gave you four principles magaturds compromise. Magaturds, not Democrats. You are the idiot prattling on about Democrats for, reasons (Whataboutism).

Maybe you just have a comprehension problem all around. :dunno:
Allow me to quote, idiot:

I'll give you four (principles), fuck nugget. Law. Order. Accountability. Fiscal responsibility.
Allow me to quote, idiot:

I'll give you four (principles), fuck nugget. Law. Order. Accountability. Fiscal responsibility.
Allow ME to quote, idiot:

You: Name one, douchebag

Me: I'll give you four, fuck nugget. Law. Order. Accountability. Fiscal responsibility.

You're just a big fucking lump of stupid. :rolleyes:
Allow ME to quote, idiot:

You: Name one, douchebag

Me: I'll give you four, fuck nugget. Law. Order. Accountability. Fiscal responsibility.

You're just a big fucking lump of stupid. :rolleyes:
So you claim you didn't say "fiscal responsibility" when you just quoted yourself saying that?

So you claim you didn't say "fiscal responsibility" when you just quoted yourself saying that?

I said magaturds don't have the principle of fiscal responsibility. You are lying by trying to state I was talking about democrats when I clearly wasn't. You are very stupid.
I said magaturds don't have the principle of fiscal responsibility. You are lying by trying to state I was talking about democrats when I clearly wasn't. You are very stupid.
Since I was talking about Democrats, your response was about Democrats.

You really don't understand English, do you?
Since I was talking about Democrats, your response was about Democrats.

You really don't understand English, do you?
You clearly don't. I was clearly referring to you useless magaturd fucks selling out your principles, like fiscal responsibility. You don't like that, and I give no fucks.

You don't dictate my topic of conversation, you waste of brain matter.
You clearly don't. I was clearly referring to you useless magaturd fucks selling out your principles, like fiscal responsibility. You don't like that, and I give no fucks.

You don't dictate my topic of conversation, you waste of brain matter.
I’ll get you your tissues, sniffles.
You clearly don't. I was clearly referring to you useless magaturd fucks selling out your principles, like fiscal responsibility. You don't like that, and I give no fucks.

You don't dictate my topic of conversation, you waste of brain matter.
We were discussing the principles of Democrats, moron
Hey douche remember when you said this? Then you lied and said you didn't have to provide any positions, just name the issue. LOL. Democrats, you're just fundamentally liars in every conceivable way
Yes, name the issue and I'll provide my position.

Here, let me help: Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?

That link is in my sig, because I get this silly crap all the time from you rubes. There's a bunch of my positions there. You're welcome.

You're trying too hard. You're desperate. You're boring.
Anyway, I explained it before, he doesn't want to specify his disagreement with Democrats because he's to the left of them, not the right. He's just lying, and lying, and lying ...
Look at that. All because of my opinion of Trumpism.

This is a cult.
Yes, name the issue and I'll provide my position.

Here, let me help: Where does Mac1958 actually stand on the issues?

That link is in my sig, because I get this silly crap all the time from you rubes. There's a bunch of my positions there. You're welcome.

You're trying too hard. You're desperate. You're boring.

You're on a weird power kick. I want what I wanted two years ago. Tell me the two or three issues you most clearly are not Democrat on and why you never bring them up like you continually bring up issues you agree with Democrats on. There is no reason I should have to go on a fishing expedition for something you can just tell me, Captain Stick Up Your Ass
You're on a weird power kick. I want what I wanted two years ago. Tell me the two or three issues you most clearly are not Democrat on and why you never bring them up. There is no reason I should have to go on a fishing expedition for something you can just tell me, Captain Stick Up Your Ass
Aw, poor thing. Clicking on a link is too hard for you. I'm so sorry!

Let me try to help. I've posted about all these before and will be happy to provide examples when you lie and pretend this is the first time I've said them. Got that?

I'm looking forward to seeing how you try to distort this!

PC/Identity Politics
Before the GQP sold its soul to a dangerous buffoon, I talked about his topic more than any other, squabbling HUNDREDS of times with lefties here on the damaged the Left has caused by weaponizing PC and Identity Politics. Dividing Americans into competing grievance groups, lowering standards and expectations for certain Americans based on immutable characteristics like skin color, and avoiding honest conversations on race by screaming RACIST at everything that moves.

Health Care
The Democrats lie when they say they want "Medicare for All". The overall Medicare coverage system includes free market competition in the form of Medicare Supplements and Medicare Advantage plans, but the Dems want Single Payer, which would be a terrible idea. So they're both lying and wrong.

The Border
Any increase in activity at the border is on the Dems for their rhetoric over the last few decades. Period.

Corporate Taxation
The Dems don't/won't understand that, in an increasingly competitive global economy, increasing taxation on corporations is counter-productive and invites even more competition. Their long-standing "corporations are always wrong" positions are naive at best, ignorant at worst.

I'm good with Republican Lindsey Graham's 16-week idea.

The Dems have done an atrocious job of understanding that we can't just slap laws and limits on energy-related ideas without providing a clear roadmap on how we're going to get from point A to point B. This is just another example of how refusing to communicate is killing us.

I've never been able to beat the simple "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" idea. That's true, and the Dems need to at least admit it. Is there room for some compromises on the fringes? Of course, but evidently compromise is now equated with weakness and capitulation.

You asked for two or three. I gave you SEVEN. Okay, start spinning!


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