The Left Don't Think Trump Should Attack Judges

Here we go again. You just keep trying. I don't know what you want.

I've offered to go over my ACTUAL POSITIONS on the ACTUAL ISSUES -- which would clearly demonstrate that I'm an independent -- but you won't do that. I'd even be happy to cut and paste posts I've made in the past on those issues. Why not.

So clearly, you people base your accusations on one (1) thing: My opinion of Trumpism, which is sociological and cultural, not political. That's all it can be.

Okay, I've tried. I've made the offer in good faith. Believe what you will, and you don't need to tag me when you're bitching about me.

Note I asked AGAIN for YOU to name issues you aren't Democrat on. All you had to do was name two or three big ones. Should be easy since you're not a Democrat (sic). But you still can't do it, you couldn't answer the question, you just spewed more nonsense.

You know what your positions are, you know what Democrat positions are, name a few you disagree with Democrats on. Jesus H Christ, no one but you would find this so hard
Have you ever watched a Biden speech you lying piece of shit? I've NEVER seen you have anyi issue with someone who attacks most people when it was a Democrat, a party you lie you don't endorce
All Trump does is take what the Dims have been dishing out for decades and throw it right back at them.
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Note I asked AGAIN for YOU to name issues you aren't Democrat on. All you had to do was name two or three big ones. Should be easy since you're not a Democrat (sic). But you still can't do it, you couldn't answer the question, you just spewed more nonsense.

You know what your positions are, you know what Democrat positions are, name a few. Jesus H Christ, no one but you would find this so hard
Immigration/The Border
Corporate Taxation
Health Care
Identity Politics
Political Correctness
Energy Policy
... off the top of my head.

You're welcome. Examples available upon request.
Immigration/The Border
Corporate Taxation
Health Care
Identity Politics
Political Correctness
Energy Policy
... off the top of my head.

You're welcome. Examples available upon request.

Fun fact, Democrats have positions on all those issues, so you telling me you have positions on all those issues means nothing.

Only you are so stupid you don't graps you're supposed to specify your position. All I have so far is you could be more communist than them, which means nothing since Biden was endorsed by the American Communist party.

What a dolt
Fun fact, Democrats have positions on all those issues, so you telling me you have positions on all those issues means nothing.

Only you are so stupid you don't graps you're supposed to specify your position. All I have so far is you could be more communist than them, which means nothing since Biden was endorsed by the American Communist party.

What a dolt
And there ya go. I directly answered your question and offered to provide examples. But nothing I say matters, simply because I don't love Trump like you do. That's it.

You've proven my point beautfully. Thanks. This is why I usually don't bother with you Neanderthals. I'm done here.

And there ya go. I directly answered your question and offered to provide examples. But nothing I say matters, simply because I don't love Trump like you do. That's it.

You've proven my point beautfully. Thanks. This is why I usually don't bother with you Neanderthals. I'm done here.


So when I asked you to name 2 or 3 big things you disagree with Democrats on, you actually believed I was asking you only the name of the issue and not your position. You actually believed that was what I was asking you. You thought saying "immigration, race, ..." answered the question asked. You are seriously saying that?

WTF, Democrats are pounding the alcohol celebrating the 9/11 attacks, it's only just after 1. You're going to all be asleep by dinner at this rate
Immigration/The Border
Corporate Taxation
Health Care
Identity Politics
Political Correctness
Energy Policy
... off the top of my head.

You're welcome. Examples available upon request.
Why did you deliberately vote for a party with opposite views on every issue? Republicans are no prize and corrupt as anybody, but they don't go as far with any of those issues. The both parties stink line doesn't really work. You cover for and support any democrat political attack on the GOP. They don't represent you in nearly any way, and you go out of your way to cheer when they go after a party that does better on all of those issues. The whole Trump is awful so I'll vote for disasters in nearly every category makes no sense. Is it because Trump wanted to secure the border? What is the deal?
Dear leader is going to be president from a jail cell and then pardon himself, all because that's better than Biden being president, with 70% of Americans saying the country is headed in the wrong direction. That's going to be the biggest damned hemorrhoid you've ever had, far worse than Hillary losing.
No, trump won't be president. And the reality here is that Biden has done a good job.
Why did you deliberately vote for a party with opposite views on every issue? Republicans are no prize and corrupt as anybody, but they don't go as far with any of those issues. The both parties stink line doesn't really work. You cover for and support any democrat political attack on the GOP. They don't represent you in nearly any way, and you go out of your way to cheer when they go after a party that does better on all of those issues. The whole Trump is awful so I'll vote for disasters in nearly every category makes no sense. Is it because Trump wanted to secure the border? What is the deal?

Mac1958 isn't to the right of the DNC on those issues, he's to the left. That was what I was talking about that being Marxist isn't separate from the Democrat party since both the Communist party and Democrat party endorsed the same candidate, Biden.

That's why he's playing games and not stating his positions. Do you think he'd be so evasive about his actual positions if he could name them and they actually disagreed with the Democrat party? Do you EVER see him do that? I've known him for more than a decade and I haven't seen it ever
Why did you deliberately vote for a party with opposite views on every issue? Republicans are no prize and corrupt as anybody, but they don't go as far with any of those issues. The both parties stink line doesn't really work. You cover for and support any democrat political attack on the GOP. They don't represent you in nearly any way, and you go out of your way to cheer when they go after a party that does better on all of those issues. The whole Trump is awful so I'll vote for disasters in nearly every category makes no sense. Is it because Trump wanted to secure the border? What is the deal?
The GOP is not better on those issues.
Mac1958 isn't to the right of the DNC on those issues, he's to the left. That was what I was talking about that being Marxist isn't separate from the Democrat party since both the Communist party and Democrat party endorsed the same candidate, Biden.

That's why he's playing games and not stating his positions. Do you think he's be so evasive about his positions if he could name them and they actually disagreed with the Democrat party? Do you EVER see him do that? I've known him for more than a decade and I haven't seen it ever
The Republican party as it's constituted is the problem.
Because my opposition to Trumpism is sociological and cultural, not political. I'm not politically ideological. I'm looking at a bigger picture. For me, this is about who we are as a country.

In all seriousness, thanks for actually asking.

If hating Trump isn't political than why is it his direct political enemies who are trying to take him out?

That's not how democracies work, but then Marxists don't believe in democracy, do you? Be honest for once
Because my opposition to Trumpism is sociological and cultural, not political. I'm not politically ideological. I'm looking at a bigger picture. For me, this is about who we are as a country.

In all seriousness, thanks for actually asking.
May I ask what the sociological problem with people voting for issues closer to those you actually support? What is the cultural problem? My position is that we don't really have representation anymore. Washington grows, has no accountability, and doesn't seem particularly interested in its citizens. This is both parties. Trumpism, or populism, is just people wanting to finally have a say in their own lives. Trump is slimy, but in other threads, I have pointed out that he does have concrete examples of doing positive things policy wise. It is telling that Washington wants to destroy him so badly. People are just standing up to abusers. Why is it a sociological problem for people to want to resist the people who have ignored or abused them for so long?
If hating Trump isn't political than why is it his direct political enemies who are trying to take him out?

That's not how democracies work, but then Marxists don't believe in democracy, do you? Be honest for once

Because my opposition to Trumpism is sociological and cultural, not political. I'm not politically ideological. I'm looking at a bigger picture. For me, this is about who we are as a country.

In all seriousness, thanks for actually asking.
Would it be wrong to assume that our government has no interest in solving any real issue? There is nothing in it for them to actually make things better. I'd say that is a massive cultural problem.
No, trump won't be president. And the reality here is that Biden has done a good job.
Biden has had high disapproval numbers for most of his presidency while throughout that same time 70% of Americans say the country is going in the wrong direction. I just don't see how that adds up to Biden has done a good job.
May I ask what the sociological problem with people voting for issues closer to those you actually support? What is the cultural problem? My position is that we don't really have representation anymore. Washington grows, has no accountability, and doesn't seem particularly interested in its citizens. This is both parties. Trumpism, or populism, is just people wanting to finally have a say in their own lives. Trump is slimy, but in other threads, I have pointed out that he does have concrete examples of doing positive things policy wise. It is telling that Washington wants to destroy him so badly. People are just standing up to abusers. Why is it a sociological problem for people to want to resist the people who have ignored or abused them for so long?
My point on this is pretty specfic, and has nothing to do with that. And I know you won't agree with this.

A large portion of this country has fallen for the most obvious con man America has ever seen. He is spectacularly dishonest, he is indecent, he brings out and enables the very worst and ugliest instincts of others, he is absolutely juvenile, he is boorish, and he is mentally ill (all my opinion, of course). None of that has to do with politics.

So the sociological issue is this:

What does it say about a society, or even 40% of a society, that would lower its standards so far that they would grant such a person power? What does it say about the religious portion of a society that ignores their own religious teachings and hand such a person power? What does it say about the "leaders" of a society who would be so goddamn craven as to enable him? How far has this society fallen that it would simply remove all standards and expectations of the most fundamental adult behavior and intellect of its President for purely political gain?

I've said it a thousand times: This is not about him. It has never been about him. And look to history: It never IS about people like him. It's about those who enable them.

Again, I know you don't agree. That's okay. But that's your answer.
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Would it be wrong to assume that our government has no interest in solving any real issue? There is nothing in it for them to actually make things better. I'd say that is a massive cultural problem.

Who was it who said the US Senate is the most prestigious retirement home in America. Yes, both parties suck. No one more than Biden, Feinstein, Fetterman and McConnell. I truly hate the four of them for being so self centered they refuse to leave even though their brains are just mush at this point. Listen to them talk. Well, except the douche McConnell who freezes up completely.

That while I was watching the patriots who risked their lives and many of them died on September 11 for their fellow countrymen.

Yes, politicians in this country are a total "cultural" problem. And by "cultural" I mean they are moral garbage
I've offered to go over my ACTUAL POSITIONS on the ACTUAL ISSUES

Hey douche remember when you said this? Then you lied and said you didn't have to provide any positions, just name the issue. LOL. Democrats, you're just fundamentally liars in every conceivable way
But the left are just fine attacking Aileen Cannon. If the left weren't hypocrites, they wouldn't be anything. Why is it the left believe we should have a two tiered justice system? They are taking our democracy away.

Aileen Cannon isn't a qualified judge, and should be never have been appointed to the bench in the first place. All of her rulings in this case have been overturned by the Appeals Court, and she has been admonished more than once in their Orders over the rulings she has made.

Aileen Cannon is being criticized for her work on the case, not for the fact that she's a judge in a Trump case. And we haven't even discussed the obvious bias in her rulings - all of which have been overturned, not because of her bias, but because of her incompetence.

Members of the Trump Cult are always trying to make false equivalencies between what Trump does, and what Democrats are doing. Trump is trying to trample law and order and get away with no consequences for his crimes, which in fairness, is something he's done successfully, all of his adult life, until now.

But Trump is doing things that no criminal in the history of the world has ever attempted. He's still attempting to a coup to overthrow the US government, and he's asking voters to vote for a dictatorship. Elect Trump and end the Constitution.

Americans don't want to do that. They really don't. Not enough of them to re-elect Trump.

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