The Left Don't Want To Offend Anyone

Or, do they?

I've been thinking the last couple of days on how over the last few years we have to bend over backwards in order to not offend anyone anywhere. If we accidentally offend some group in some way we have to immediately apologize to them and submit our plan for corrective action so that we never offend that particular group ever again. It's very nauseating and tiring to keep up with it all and to be constantly vigilant of what we say or do in order to not offend anyone, anywhere.

Then it occurred to me, the left don't give a crap about offending those on the right or those with Christian beliefs or even just white people. In fact, they seem to go out of their way to offend those on the right and those with Christian beliefs and white privileged people (all whites are privileged). They have a stuff it in your face attitude toward these groups. No apologies, no plan of corrective action to not offend these groups, no being vigilant of what they say regarding these groups. Just flat out intolerance and not giving a crap if they offend those on the right or those with Christian values or white people. In their minds, anyone in the majority cannot be offended, only the minorities can be offended.
Just another example of the huge hypocrisy.
I typed "You are NOT a Christian nor a Conservative. And if we piss you off or offend you in any way then that's a good thing." You added "for being a Christian and a conservative." That's called message editing. And it's dishonest. And it's not the conservative nor Christian thing to do. So now we know you are Dishonest, not a Christian nor a Conservative. I just love pissing you off.
Snowflake doesn't know the difference between or and nor.
Or, do they?

I've been thinking the last couple of days on how over the last few years we have to bend over backwards in order to not offend anyone anywhere. If we accidentally offend some group in some way we have to immediately apologize to them and submit our plan for corrective action so that we never offend that particular group ever again. It's very nauseating and tiring to keep up with it all and to be constantly vigilant of what we say or do in order to not offend anyone, anywhere.

Then it occurred to me, the left don't give a crap about offending those on the right or those with Christian beliefs or even just white people. In fact, they seem to go out of their way to offend those on the right and those with Christian beliefs and white privileged people (all whites are privileged). They have a stuff it in your face attitude toward these groups. No apologies, no plan of corrective action to not offend these groups, no being vigilant of what they say regarding these groups. Just flat out intolerance and not giving a crap if they offend those on the right or those with Christian values or white people. In their minds, anyone in the majority cannot be offended, only the minorities can be offended.

Are we kidding here?

They exist for the purpose of offending! They are self-loathers whose lives only have meaning when they can make others as miserable as they are.

If someone tells me I have offended them I tell them to go piss up a rope.

They go away after that.

My mom would know how to handle these silly bleat-and-yammer monkeys.

She'd say, "Does being offended hurt?"

If they answered in the affirmative, she'd say "Stop being offended".

If they answered in the negative, she'd say,"Keep being offended".



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