The Left Don't Want To Offend Anyone

gee whiz - i recall the word ' snowflake ' became quite popular when it came to ' conservatives ' hurling it as an insult to anyone that seemed to take issue with MAGAts & their nasty character.

now that isn't really a thing anymore, & there's pushback - you wanna whine & complain?

tutt tutt.
I just want to know if it is now alright to offend people.
I just want to know if it is now alright to offend people.



'out' there?

depends on the situation; at least to me. i tend to react, rather than act out - - - but i sure won't let it slide if someone thinks they can just say what they want, when they want, & how they want with total disregard for those around them because they think they have been given a green light to do so.


'out' there?

depends on the situation; at least to me. i tend to react, rather than act out - - - but i sure won't let it slide if someone thinks they can just say what they want, when they want, & how they want with total disregard for those around them because they think they have been given a green light to do so.
Depends on the situation? I'll take that as a yes, it is ok to offend those you wish to offend. Will you also let the other side do the same?
Go away, flaming dip shit
??????????????? That doesn't even make sense. First you say I'm not a Christian or a conservative and then you say you are fine with pissing me off for being a Christian and a conservative. Is that the way your mind really works?

I typed "You are NOT a Christian nor a Conservative. And if we piss you off or offend you in any way then that's a good thing." You added "for being a Christian and a conservative." That's called message editing. And it's dishonest. And it's not the conservative nor Christian thing to do. So now we know you are Dishonest, not a Christian nor a Conservative. I just love pissing you off.
Of course they do. Then I tell them to fuck off. Boy does that set them off!

Let's try an experiment. Hey westwall, fuck off? Did that trigger twice the dumb from you are are you just naturally that dumb.

Did it work?
Let's try an experiment. Hey westwall, fuck off? Did that trigger twice the dumb from you are are you just naturally that dumb.

Did it work?

He undoubtedly rolled his eyes and muttered "dumbass left loon"

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