The Left has Destroyed Billy Bush's Career

He's "W"'s and Jeb's first cousin....fuck him!
I thought you'd get it.

It was a PRIVATE conversation.

In the process of trying to destroy Trump, the Left doesn't give a damn who else they sacrifice.

Watch the video that caused all this. Not NEARLY as bad as the libtards try to make it sound. I'm actually ashamed of the gutless Republicans rushing to disown him.

Trump Tape Fallout: Concern Over Billy Bush Grows at 'Today' Show

That's it???

I finally bothered to listen, not to your link, but to the actual uncensored recording.

Oh, whatever. I guess I am not keen on adulterers but let the first holy congressman throw the first stone. Especially since its what he said, not did, that has everyone so incensed. How come the press completely ignored how mean and nasty hillary is in all those recent books with quotes, etc, from past confidants? Hypocrisy.
Are you guys happy now? Did you ever stop to thinkvof the distraction you're causing trying to get the old hag in the White House?

It was a PRIVATE conversation for Allah's sake!

Trump Tape Fallout: Concern Over Billy Bush Grows at 'Today' Show
All Billy and Trump had to do was act respectfully. Why should anyone else take the blame for their behavior? IT'S THEIR OWN FAULT!

Stop scapegoating and accept the blame where it deserves to be! Man up, at long last.
Can we please extinguish JFK's eternal flame and tear down all memorials with his name on them please.......... its an outrage
Yes...I'm sure you Alt-Rights would do that.
Just getting in the lib spirit of tearing things down that are "offensive"......
Thanks for the reminder. JFK puts Trump and even Bill Clinton to shame. I blame him for Marilyn Monroe's death.

Tear it down! The moral left DEMANDS it!

Did you just compare the career of JFK to Trump? ROFL :lmao:
Are you guys happy now? Did you ever stop to thinkvof the distraction you're causing trying to get the old hag in the White House?

It was a PRIVATE conversation for Allah's sake!

Trump Tape Fallout: Concern Over Billy Bush Grows at 'Today' Show

Typical conservative. Blame everyone but the person who is actually responsible.

No one put a gun to Mr. Bush's head. He freely said those things. He knew he was being video taped. He knew NBC owned the show and the tape which means they own what he said.

They also have the right to fire him anytime they want.

When will you conservatives stop pointing fingers at everyone but the person actually responsible?
Can we please extinguish JFK's eternal flame and tear down all memorials with his name on them please.......... its an outrage
Yes...I'm sure you Alt-Rights would do that.
Just getting in the lib spirit of tearing things down that are "offensive"......
Thanks for the reminder. JFK puts Trump and even Bill Clinton to shame. I blame him for Marilyn Monroe's death.

Tear it down! The moral left DEMANDS it!

Did you just compare the career of JFK to Trump? ROFL :lmao:

Did you miss the point on purpose, or is that par for the course for you?
Can we please extinguish JFK's eternal flame and tear down all memorials with his name on them please.......... its an outrage
Yes...I'm sure you Alt-Rights would do that.
Just getting in the lib spirit of tearing things down that are "offensive"......
Thanks for the reminder. JFK puts Trump and even Bill Clinton to shame. I blame him for Marilyn Monroe's death.

Tear it down! The moral left DEMANDS it!

Did you just compare the career of JFK to Trump? ROFL :lmao:

Did you miss the point on purpose, or is that par for the course for you?

I dare you to explain why JFK should be taken down because ppl dislike Trump's comments or behavior. Go ahead and try.

You wont. You're focused on being an insult comic.
All that's missing from this thread is calling the Republicans who stopped supporting Trump libtards.
Are you guys happy now? Did you ever stop to thinkvof the distraction you're causing trying to get the old hag in the White House?

It was a PRIVATE conversation for Allah's sake!

Trump Tape Fallout: Concern Over Billy Bush Grows at 'Today' Show

So much for the conservative notion of ‘personal responsibility.’

And ‘the left’ had nothing to do with the release of the video.

Most Republicans and conservatives are indeed this stupid and childish.
Who are you kidding? Do you imagine a bunch of right-wingers work at Access Hollywood?
All that's missing from this thread is calling the Republicans who stopped supporting Trump libtards.
Just "politicians". He said nothing worse than they - or you have at some time in your life. Gutless hypcrites
Yes...I'm sure you Alt-Rights would do that.
Just getting in the lib spirit of tearing things down that are "offensive"......
Thanks for the reminder. JFK puts Trump and even Bill Clinton to shame. I blame him for Marilyn Monroe's death.

Tear it down! The moral left DEMANDS it!

Did you just compare the career of JFK to Trump? ROFL :lmao:

Did you miss the point on purpose, or is that par for the course for you?

I dare you to explain why JFK should be taken down because ppl dislike Trump's comments or behavior. Go ahead and try.

You wont. You're focused on being an insult comic.
You on the left who could not care less about right and wrong, just winning elections and pushing a godless social agenda --- you people have the audacity to make trump look like some filthy immoral creep by pointing, now the latest, to something he said on a bus to a couple of guys about women 11 years ago.

Meanwhile, you ignore completely --- along with your complicit sickening dishonest MSM ---- all the evil words, lies, nastiness and even sexual exploints of Hillary. Fine, we are not surprised.

But to JFK. The point he was making is that if the left looks on with horror and indignation at some of Trump's comments about women, then by using the same standards the left should be far more shamed and horrified by the way JFK was with women, all the while married and president and treating women as you know what. IOW, get off your high horses. Hillary and Obama are far worse when it comes to immorality and sex, too.
He's "W"'s and Jeb's first cousin....fuck him!
I thought you'd get it.

It was a PRIVATE conversation.

In the process of trying to destroy Trump, the Left doesn't give a damn who else they sacrifice.

Watch the video that caused all this. Not NEARLY as bad as the libtards try to make it sound. I'm actually ashamed of the gutless Republicans rushing to disown him.

Trump Tape Fallout: Concern Over Billy Bush Grows at 'Today' Show

How exactly is it a "PRIVATE" conversation when everybody is wearing wireless mics that are locked on and there's a freaking camera crew standing there shooting the whole thing?

I mean it's much like climbing to a rooftop with a megaphone --- you may not know WHO hears you but you have to know you can be HEARD.

You cannot possibly be fitted with a wireless mic and not know you're wearing it. Not possible to do. And since the little pilot light is on you know it's operating and your voice is being transmitted. Especially if you're used to wearing these things, as both these guys are.
Hillary's husband barely evaded an indictment for rape and the left giggled about the statute of limitations. Hillary used the power of the state and later the federal government to intimidate and threaten victims of her husband's sexual abuse with the hilarious (to the left) Bimbo Eruption Squad. FDR and LBJ and former KKK member democrat senator Robert Byrd freely used the "N" word to refer to Black people but the liberal media is outraged about a five year old sound byte by a republican. Which is worse, a real bite (you better put some ice on that lip Juanita) or a sound byte?
He's "W"'s and Jeb's first cousin....fuck him!
I thought you'd get it.

It was a PRIVATE conversation.

In the process of trying to destroy Trump, the Left doesn't give a damn who else they sacrifice.

Watch the video that caused all this. Not NEARLY as bad as the libtards try to make it sound. I'm actually ashamed of the gutless Republicans rushing to disown him.

Trump Tape Fallout: Concern Over Billy Bush Grows at 'Today' Show

How exactly is it a "PRIVATE" conversation when everybody is wearing wireless mics that are locked on and there's a freaking camera crew standing there shooting the whole thing?

I mean it's much like climbing to a rooftop with a megaphone --- you may not know WHO hears you but you have to know you can be HEARD.

You cannot possibly be fitted with a wireless mic and not know you're wearing it. Not possible to do. And since the little pilot light is on you know it's operating and your voice is being transmitted. Especially if you're used to wearing these things, as both these guys are. And then there's a CAMERA CREW. On the set of a TV studio.

More context from the time:

>> "He would talk about the female contestants’ bodies a lot from the control room,” recalls one midlevel producer. “We shot in Trump Tower, the control room was on the seventh floor, and he walked in one day and was talking about a contestant, saying, ‘Her breasts were so much bigger at the casting. Maybe she had her period then.’ He knows he’s mic’d and that 30 people are hearing this, but he didn’t care. That’s kind of him. During the campaign, when he was talking about Megyn Kelly, I thought: He’s obsessed with menstruation.”

.... "He was always very open about describing women by their breast size. Any time I see people in the Trump organization say how nice he is, I want to throw up. He’s been a nasty person to women for a long time,” says one crew member. “My girlfriend at the time was a production assistant on the show and he made a comment about her, knowing that he was mic’d and that we’d all hear it. He said, ‘Who’s that hot little girl running around?’ For a second I was like, Cool, Donald Trump thinks my girlfriend is hot. But then I was like, Wait, an old man said something about my 28-year-old girlfriend. Take it easy, homeboy." << ---- "He's Obsessed with Menstruation"

What kind of 12-year-old can't figure his way out of the fact that women have menstrual cycles and makes everybody that works for him sign a release saying they'll never say anything critical about him? What kind of eggshell-ego does that?

Most of us figure out how to mature into an adult beyond this point. Orange Crash apparently arrested his development around 1958. When he was twelve years old.

>> “I’ve been struggling with the whole experience of watching Trump go from punch line to GOP nominee,” Pruitt says, “because of how it reflects on reality TV, which is the work I’ve been dedicating my life to for the last 10 years. The associations are glaring. Those in our business who hadn’t already taken stock of what we wrought, we’re doing it now. I might have signed an NDA back in the day that would allow someone to come after me, but I feel almost a patriotic duty to talk about this.

“Those of us involved in the show are proud of our work. But we might have given the guy a platform and created this candidate. It’s guys like him, narcissists with dark Machiavellian traits, who dominate in our culture, on TV, and in the political realm. It can be dangerous when we confuse stories we’re told with reality. We need to wake up—and that’s from someone who helped tell these stories.” << (ibid)

This link is from four months ago btw -- not even related to last week's release.​
Last edited:
He's "W"'s and Jeb's first cousin....fuck him!
I thought you'd get it.

It was a PRIVATE conversation.

In the process of trying to destroy Trump, the Left doesn't give a damn who else they sacrifice.

Watch the video that caused all this. Not NEARLY as bad as the libtards try to make it sound. I'm actually ashamed of the gutless Republicans rushing to disown him.

Trump Tape Fallout: Concern Over Billy Bush Grows at 'Today' Show

How exactly is it a "PRIVATE" conversation when everybody is wearing wireless mics that are locked on and there's a freaking camera crew standing there shooting the whole thing?

I mean it's much like climbing to a rooftop with a megaphone --- you may not know WHO hears you but you have to know you can be HEARD.

You cannot possibly be fitted with a wireless mic and not know you're wearing it. Not possible to do. And since the little pilot light is on you know it's operating and your voice is being transmitted. Especially if you're used to wearing these things, as both these guys are. And then there's a CAMERA CREW. On the set of a TV studio.

More context from the time:

>> "He would talk about the female contestants’ bodies a lot from the control room,” recalls one midlevel producer. “We shot in Trump Tower, the control room was on the seventh floor, and he walked in one day and was talking about a contestant, saying, ‘Her breasts were so much bigger at the casting. Maybe she had her period then.’ He knows he’s mic’d and that 30 people are hearing this, but he didn’t care. That’s kind of him. During the campaign, when he was talking about Megyn Kelly, I thought: He’s obsessed with menstruation.”

.... "He was always very open about describing women by their breast size. Any time I see people in the Trump organization say how nice he is, I want to throw up. He’s been a nasty person to women for a long time,” says one crew member. “My girlfriend at the time was a production assistant on the show and he made a comment about her, knowing that he was mic’d and that we’d all hear it. He said, ‘Who’s that hot little girl running around?’ For a second I was like, Cool, Donald Trump thinks my girlfriend is hot. But then I was like, Wait, an old man said something about my 28-year-old girlfriend. Take it easy, homeboy." << ---- "He's Obsessed with Menstruation"

What kind of 12-year-old can't figure his way out of the fact that women have menstrual cycles and makes everybody that works for him sign a release saying they'll never say anything critical about him? What kind of eggshell-ego does that?

Most of us figure out how to mature into an adult beyond this point. Orange Crash apparently arrested his development around 1958. When he was twelve years old.

>> “I’ve been struggling with the whole experience of watching Trump go from punch line to GOP nominee,” Pruitt says, “because of how it reflects on reality TV, which is the work I’ve been dedicating my life to for the last 10 years. The associations are glaring. Those in our business who hadn’t already taken stock of what we wrought, we’re doing it now. I might have signed an NDA back in the day that would allow someone to come after me, but I feel almost a patriotic duty to talk about this.

“Those of us involved in the show are proud of our work. But we might have given the guy a platform and created this candidate. It’s guys like him, narcissists with dark Machiavellian traits, who dominate in our culture, on TV, and in the political realm. It can be dangerous when we confuse stories we’re told with reality. We need to wake up—and that’s from someone who helped tell these stories.” << (ibid)

This link is from four months ago btw -- not even related to last week's release.​

But did heverything kill 4 men?
He's "W"'s and Jeb's first cousin....fuck him!
I thought you'd get it.

It was a PRIVATE conversation.

In the process of trying to destroy Trump, the Left doesn't give a damn who else they sacrifice.

Watch the video that caused all this. Not NEARLY as bad as the libtards try to make it sound. I'm actually ashamed of the gutless Republicans rushing to disown him.

Trump Tape Fallout: Concern Over Billy Bush Grows at 'Today' Show

How exactly is it a "PRIVATE" conversation when everybody is wearing wireless mics that are locked on and there's a freaking camera crew standing there shooting the whole thing?

I mean it's much like climbing to a rooftop with a megaphone --- you may not know WHO hears you but you have to know you can be HEARD.

You cannot possibly be fitted with a wireless mic and not know you're wearing it. Not possible to do. And since the little pilot light is on you know it's operating and your voice is being transmitted. Especially if you're used to wearing these things, as both these guys are. And then there's a CAMERA CREW. On the set of a TV studio.

More context from the time:

>> "He would talk about the female contestants’ bodies a lot from the control room,” recalls one midlevel producer. “We shot in Trump Tower, the control room was on the seventh floor, and he walked in one day and was talking about a contestant, saying, ‘Her breasts were so much bigger at the casting. Maybe she had her period then.’ He knows he’s mic’d and that 30 people are hearing this, but he didn’t care. That’s kind of him. During the campaign, when he was talking about Megyn Kelly, I thought: He’s obsessed with menstruation.”

.... "He was always very open about describing women by their breast size. Any time I see people in the Trump organization say how nice he is, I want to throw up. He’s been a nasty person to women for a long time,” says one crew member. “My girlfriend at the time was a production assistant on the show and he made a comment about her, knowing that he was mic’d and that we’d all hear it. He said, ‘Who’s that hot little girl running around?’ For a second I was like, Cool, Donald Trump thinks my girlfriend is hot. But then I was like, Wait, an old man said something about my 28-year-old girlfriend. Take it easy, homeboy." << ---- "He's Obsessed with Menstruation"

What kind of 12-year-old can't figure his way out of the fact that women have menstrual cycles and makes everybody that works for him sign a release saying they'll never say anything critical about him? What kind of eggshell-ego does that?

Most of us figure out how to mature into an adult beyond this point. Orange Crash apparently arrested his development around 1958. When he was twelve years old.

>> “I’ve been struggling with the whole experience of watching Trump go from punch line to GOP nominee,” Pruitt says, “because of how it reflects on reality TV, which is the work I’ve been dedicating my life to for the last 10 years. The associations are glaring. Those in our business who hadn’t already taken stock of what we wrought, we’re doing it now. I might have signed an NDA back in the day that would allow someone to come after me, but I feel almost a patriotic duty to talk about this.

“Those of us involved in the show are proud of our work. But we might have given the guy a platform and created this candidate. It’s guys like him, narcissists with dark Machiavellian traits, who dominate in our culture, on TV, and in the political realm. It can be dangerous when we confuse stories we’re told with reality. We need to wake up—and that’s from someone who helped tell these stories.” << (ibid)

This link is from four months ago btw -- not even related to last week's release.​

But did heverything kill 4 men?


Ummm..... yyyyyyyeah, "Heverything killed 4 men", that's right. And the jester castrated the willow tree because it was Thursday. You just relax, Nurse Ratchet will be along any minute now.

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