The United States Has Been Destroyed by Its Ruling Elites

'This plot' - LOL

We call that conspiracy and it is ignored because of how nonsensical it is.. It is not me that lives a good life here, it is the vast majority of Americans. All shown by how well the individual structures within the US are working. A point you cannot handle and one you have to make shit up to avoid.
What am I making up?
Yes the Republicans are for protecting the elites power over the less privalaged, that's why we need to keep Democrats in the office who are believe in socialisim and the Robin Hood Effect. Republicans are for Capitalism which promotes protecting those with a lot of wealth and who lust for power. The Republicans want to keep the rich who lust for power at the top of the food chain in America, I hope Democratic Socialism will completely destroy that one day. Even up the playing field. Take the money from the rich ruling elites and give it to the less fortunate. I see a lot of hope in AOC, I hope one day she can transform this nation to the great socialist state I hope it one day will become. Republicans love the class system, I hate it. I am a Socialist Democrat who hopes one day we we have no more social classes and all money and property are shared. Take all the money away from the rich who lust for power and give it to those who are struggling for money, completely wipe out the class system.
So you're a communist.
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Trump and his cult, the original 'Karen's" and drama queens.
The night they can't forget: Hillary Clinton supporters recall the election  | US politics | The Guardian
For Some of Clinton's Female Supporters, Mourning, Fear and Protests After  Trump's Win
Shocked Clinton Supporters Shed Tears - YouTube
After Trump's victory, shock and despair for women who supported Clinton |  PBS NewsHour
Tears, anguish for many female Hillary Clinton voters - CBS News
Clinton Fails in Bid to Become First Woman Elected US President
I would not go that far. Lots of people on the left thought Trump was going to end the world.
For did.

These Are the People Who Died in Connection ...​

The New York Times › U.S. › Politics

Oct 13, 2022 — WASHINGTON — As a pro-Trump protest turned into a violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 last year, four people in the crowd died.
Partisan hacks are almost all Karens. At the end of the day we live in what I consider the best nation on the planet (or I would move to the best nation on the planet). Rome did not fall in a day and, even though things move MUCH faster in the modern world, neither will the US. Not to mention when we do fall, because that is inevitable, it will not be because a single person or party, it will be because our systems in general will fail.

Which is why I was pointing to things that are not based on Trump, Biden or political parties but the every day things that indicate we are really, really, really well off.

Most of the 'sky is falling' crowd have never been to another nation let alone a failing one. I have. I know first hand what it actually looks like.
As mentioned above, the closest we have ever came to falling.
Even the civil war didn't do what Trump and his cult did.
For did.

These Are the People Who Died in Connection ...

View attachment 810830
The New York Times › U.S. › Politics
Oct 13, 2022 — WASHINGTON — As a pro-Trump protest turned into a violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 last year, four people in the crowd died.

As mentioned above, the closest we have ever came to falling.
Even the civil war didn't do what Trump and his cult did.
You assholes created and unleashed a man-manipulated bio weapon on the world all to steal an election and get rid of Orange Man BAD!
Your pearl-clutching PROJECTION is PATHETIC!!!!!
For did.

These Are the People Who Died in Connection ...

View attachment 810830
The New York Times › U.S. › Politics
Oct 13, 2022 — WASHINGTON — As a pro-Trump protest turned into a violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 last year, four people in the crowd died.

As mentioned above, the closest we have ever came to falling.
Even the civil war didn't do what Trump and his cult did.
No, it wasn't hence why it is being a karen. Sorry but a buch of morons rioting at the capitol was never within a million miles of 'bringing us down.' There was exactly zero chance of that happening. One cop shot one woman and that was all it took to stop the crown in its tracks.

Not one single internal system ended up compromised. Not one check on power fell. Go to a nation that is actually in the process of falling, it will reveal a lot.
You assholes created and unleashed a man-manipulated bio weapon on the world
That was Trump.


all to steal an election and get rid of Orange Man BAD! › news › avDonald Trump: 'I just want to find 11,780 votes’ - BBC

Jan 3, 2021 · The Washington Post has released a recording of US President Donald Trump telling Georgia's top election official to "find" enough votes to overturn the election result. "I just want to
Your pearl-clutching PROJECTION is PATHETIC!!!!!
Aw, poor baby…you think a subcommittee “investigating is the same as the torrent of complete crap trump has put up with for 7 years now?
YES, it is.
Teabaggers won't admit it.
The torrent of crap is Trump.
For did.

These Are the People Who Died in Connection ...

View attachment 810830
The New York Times › U.S. › Politics
Oct 13, 2022 — WASHINGTON — As a pro-Trump protest turned into a violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 last year, four people in the crowd died.

As mentioned above, the closest we have ever came to falling.
Even the civil war didn't do what Trump and his cult did.

Oh shut up, you stupid fucking leftard.

You asswipes are so full of BULLSHIT it's oozing out onto the page.

The United States Has Been Destroyed by Its Ruling Elites

"...the ones running the show right now are destroying/imploding the country..."

That thread starter by the OP, MagaMachoMan, is a sad signifier that, perhaps, some should work harder to find a different life, a better life, maybe a different country.

It is regrettable that poster MagaMacho has been unable to craft a successful happy life for himself or for his family here in the land of opportunity -- America. Untold thousands of people are desperate to come to America and participate in its vibrant economy, multitudinous opportunities, its' diverse and rich culture.

Yet, sadly, we have too many ne'er-do-wells who seemingly can't get out of their own way. The economy is strong with jobs plentiful, record employment, unemployment low, 'We-Are-Hiring' signs everywhere, record profits in industry after industry, record home ownership, with housing values vibrant and strong, and now a declining inflation scenario.

Yet, there are those who fail to make it in this wealthy and welcoming country.

I cannot know why they have failed. Is it lack of education, poor childhood parenting, lack of ambition, lack of focus, lack of discipline, immaturity, not an adequate IQ, objectionable personalities?

I dunno.

But something is clearly holding back these unhappy dissatisfied ne'er-do-wells. Something that is not holding back so many other Americans who like America, even love it, and are proud of it. And are happy here with good and satisfying lives for themselves and their families.


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