The Left is more dangerous than ISIS

We MUST take back our country and this starts with recognizing the truth with regard to the threat they pose.

Interesting hypothesis, begs the question, what do YOU plan to DO about this "threat"?

Well, first thing is, I don't put it in quote marks like it's something figurative and not literal. I take the Left as a serious threat and do my best to educate people everyday. I believe ISIS can be dealt with. They have no stronghold in this country and likely never will have unless the Left succeeds in bringing down America.

I said a LONG time ago, and people can be triggered all they like by this, but I believe it will ultimately take bloodshed to end the threat of the Left. Political measures alone are never going to defeat them. It is sad, but I'm afraid we have another Civil War on our horizon.

At this point, I am not calling for that but we're not too far away from that being inevitable and any other option existing. I don't think many people realize just how close we came in 2016 to losing our nation forever.
We MUST take back our country and this starts with recognizing the truth with regard to the threat they pose.

Interesting hypothesis, begs the question, what do YOU plan to DO about this "threat"?

Well, first thing is, I don't put it in quote marks like it's something figurative and not literal. I take the Left as a serious threat and do my best to educate people everyday. I believe ISIS can be dealt with. They have no stronghold in this country and likely never will have unless the Left succeeds in bringing down America.

I said a LONG time ago, and people can be triggered all they like by this, but I believe it will ultimately take bloodshed to end the threat of the Left. Political measures alone are never going to defeat them. It is sad, but I'm afraid we have another Civil War on our horizon.

At this point, I am not calling for that but we're not too far away from that being inevitable and any other option existing. I don't think many people realize just how close we came in 2016 to losing our nation forever.
I agree. Bloodshed is inevitable. I sure as hell don't plan on marching peacefully into socialist slavery.
If it takes bloodshed, then the Alt Right and the Far Right, being the snowflakes as they are, are going to suffer horribly unto extinction. Common sense Right to common sense are not going to permit the crazies out on the Right from doing much of anything violently.
The crazy guy on the far right, your buddy, said it would take blood. He brought it up, and you endorsed it, bripat. Don't be stupid and get along with your life.
Really serious? Another civil war?
That's pretty chilling.
I can't quite wrap my mind around that... I mean... what won,d be the ultimate goal of each side? Where would battle lines be drawn?
I hope we learned a lesson from the Civil War.
The crazy guy on the far right, your buddy, said it would take blood. He brought it up, and you endorsed it, bripat. Don't be stupid and get along with your life.
A rebellion is not genocide. You advocated extermination of those you disagree with.
The crazy guy on the far right, your buddy, said it would take blood. He brought it up, and you endorsed it, bripat. Don't be stupid and get along with your life.
A rebellion is not genocide. You advocated extermination of those you disagree with.
Of course you endorse genocide. You love the idea of slaughtering your enemies unto the last breath. Won't happen. Evah, little buddy. Now run along.
We MUST take back our country and this starts with recognizing the truth with regard to the threat they pose.

Interesting hypothesis, begs the question, what do YOU plan to DO about this "threat"?

Well, first thing is, I don't put it in quote marks like it's something figurative and not literal.
Given what you wrote I assumed you didn't take it as something "figurative and not literal", however I was quoting you since I wouldn't characterize it the same way you do.

I take the Left as a serious threat and do my best to educate people everyday.
How exactly are you doing your "best to educate people everyday"? what people are you educating ? and what are you telling them they should do about this "threat" (if anything)?

, but I'm afraid we have another Civil War on our horizon.
Probably, although "horizon" is rather vague, dissolution of the Republic as we have known it in one form or another (violent or otherwise) is fairly certain since that which cannot go on forever must end and the U.S. as it exists today cannot go on forever, it was a good run while it lasted but the fate of preeminent nation-state powers has been remarkably uniform throughout history and the U.S. isn't likely to be an exception.
The US will not last forever, but it will not disappear in this or near succeeding generations, unless a global apocalypse brings down civilization as we understand it.
The crazy guy on the far right, your buddy, said it would take blood. He brought it up, and you endorsed it, bripat. Don't be stupid and get along with your life.
A rebellion is not genocide. You advocated extermination of those you disagree with.
Of course you endorse genocide. You love the idea of slaughtering your enemies unto the last breath. Won't happen. Evah, little buddy. Now run along.

You're the one who said the following:

"The Alt Right and the Far Right, being the snowflakes as they are, are going to suffer horribly unto extinction."
That's genocide, you fucking Nazi.
The US will not last forever, but it will not disappear in this or near succeeding generations, unless a global apocalypse brings down civilization as we understand it.

That's what the rulers of the Soviet Union thought about their empire.
What ever happened to live and let live? That's how I was raised, I don't like organized religions - doesn't mean I want them "gone" I think that's the main difference in this outbreak of liberal violence, it's not just that they "disagree" with the political/social outlook of their fellow American's, but that they want them gone - and they're willing to call in terrorists to do it. That's a major, and disturbing, shift from the typical political climate...

If the civil war comes it'll be put down fast up here in Alaska, we're still patriots who believe in America of the old days, 50's and 60's military vets who fought /against/ this kind of shit - no way they're going to stand up for the opposition that wants their similar beliefs of what America stands for to be steam rolled...
bripat wants to bring the Soviet Union gulags to American to incarcerate his enemies unto extinction.

He loves genocide.

But . . . since the far right and ALL of their enemies are snowflakes, bripat's silliness will not come to pass.
bripat wants to bring the Soviet Union gulags to American to incarcerate his enemies unto extinction.

He loves genocide.

But . . . since the far right and ALL of their enemies are snowflakes, bripat's silliness will not come to pass.

You're the one who endorse killing people you disagree with until they are "extinct." The evidence is right there on the board.

No one is fooled by your weaseling.
You are the one who said put them in gulags in the far north and kill them. You sound like Hitler. The evidence is right there on the Board.

But we know you are all bluff and only cowardly, in fact.

So, no, the common sense of America is not going to have to worry about you and boss and the other freeks. You won't do anything but talk.
You are the one who said put them in gulags in the far north and kill them. You sound like Hitler. The evidence is right there on the Board.

But we know you are all bluff and only cowardly, in fact.

So, no, the common sense of America is not going to have to worry about you and boss and the other freeks. You won't do anything but talk.

Get the fuck off your virtue-signalling high horse and understand this... Whenever you can no longer resolve problems through peaceful civil discourse, war becomes the only option. What we continue to see from the Left is a total unwillingness to engage in civil discourse. We continue to see more and more violence and fascist totalitarianism from the Left as they march toward what they call "social justice" and destroy the fabric of our nation.

Now let's take YOU for an example here... At what point are you willing to actually sit down and have a reasoned conversation about your political viewpoints, where you are open to realizing your own faults and flaws and make genuine attempts to compromise in your beliefs? You pride yourself in being one of the more reasonable Lefties here, in fact, you don't even claim to be a Lefty. But fucking wild horses couldn't drag you toward any kind of compromise because you view that as weakness. The actual leaders on the Left are damn sure not interested in civil discourse and reasoned compromise.... so what does that mean? It means, eventually, they are either going to prevail in destroying America or they are going to have to be physically confronted... there is no other option.

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