the left politicized Benghazi first !!


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
all I hear from the left is whining about how the right has politicized the tragedy in Benghazi I have one question for the left . why did the White House and state dept politicize this tragedy by lying to the American people before the election ?? if that's not politicizing something then nothing is !! so stop bitching and whining !! your side made this political first !!
[ame=]FLASHBACK] Hillary Clinton blames youtube video for Benghazi - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Father Of Slain Benghazi Victim To Hannity; Hillary Clinton Downplaying A Serious Issue - YouTube[/ame]
Both side are guilty,but it still doesn't change reality for 4 people now does it?,nor does change the fact the Rice Clinton and Obama lied like hell about it.

But the people that have zip for integrity are willing to ignore that fact.
all I hear from the left is whining about how the right has politicized the tragedy in Benghazi I have one question for the left . why did the White House and state dept politicize this tragedy by lying to the American people before the election ?? if that's not politicizing something then nothing is !! so stop bitching and whining !! your side made this political first !!

Mitt was first, jumping the gun again.
hey pal when the secretary of state and the president lie about the cause of an attack to save an election ,and then lie to the faces of grieving parents that is mass political deception !!

Hey, can you give us a quick explanation of the lie and the deception? And how they were supposed to know the difference from the hundreds of other demonstrations going on all over the world that were started by a right wing video?

muslims riot over allah video

Tell us which pics are from Benghazi.

Can't do it huh? Thought so.
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hey pal when the secretary of state and the president lie about the cause of an attack to save an election ,and then lie to the faces of grieving parents that is mass political deception !!

The topic of your thread is who politicized Benghazi first.

Mitt Romney did. Mitt Romney is not 'the left', as your dishonest thread title says.

Mitt Romney made politicized remarks the next morning.

You lose.
hey pal when the secretary of state and the president lie about the cause of an attack to save an election ,and then lie to the faces of grieving parents that is mass political deception !!

That's what has your panties in a bunch , Mittens was a bad candidate & was not winning shit.
all I hear from the left is whining about how the right has politicized the tragedy in Benghazi I have one question for the left . why did the White House and state dept politicize this tragedy by lying to the American people before the election ?? if that's not politicizing something then nothing is !! so stop bitching and whining !! your side made this political first !!

Mitt was first, jumping the gun again.

And the irony is, Romney was using the presumption of the video causing the attack to try to use that to his advantage,

when all along we're being told by the inmates that blaming it on the video was to Obama's advantage.

a ha!!!!!!!!!!

A) YOUR link describes the NEXT DAY Press conference and that was AFTER the WH declared the attack was by demonstrators, even though the WH knew full well the planned, coordinated attack was NOT due to demonstrators!

B) This is exactly what Romney said immediately after the attack and after Obama SIGNED OFF and went somewhere... who knows for the evening!!!

"I'm outraged by the attacks on American diplomatic missions in Libya and Egypt and by the death of an American consulate worker in Benghazi," Mr. Romney said in a statement that went out just before 10:30 p.m.
"It's disgraceful that the Obama administration's first response was not to condemn attacks on our diplomatic missions,
but to sympathize with those who waged the attacks." [The New York Times, 9/12/12]

Now explain to me how telling Americans their President sympathized with the attackers is politicizing? It was the truth. Are you saying we shouldn't
say things about Obama just because he is the President?
DIDN"T stop these idiots from helping prolong the Iraq ware as studies have shown!
STATEMENTS like these were NOTHING but political statements that further inflamed murdering US TROOPS and Iraqis!
Or let's ask those of you who have served, when you hear people call you baby killers, or all of you every one of you cut off ears, or you raped or you on purposed methodically and systematically air raided villages killing civilians, how do you feel about the people that call you these names?

I would think almost all of us would wonder what team are these fans for or why are these people calling our troops baby killers, cold blooded killers.. TERRORISTS?
Why are these people calling ALL our troops these names?

Maybe you should ask these people then:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "The war is lost, the surge is not accomplishing anything "

U.S. Rep. John Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”

Senator Kerry (D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."

Durbin (D) "must have been done by Nazis, Soviets"--action of Americans in the treatment of their prisoners.
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"

hey pal when the secretary of state and the president lie about the cause of an attack to save an election ,and then lie to the faces of grieving parents that is mass political deception !!

That's what has your panties in a bunch , Mittens was a bad candidate & was not winning shit.
who won the election is irrelevant at this time !! the point is when Obamas cronies changed the talking points 12 times and lied for political expediency that is politicizing on a grand scale !! your people started this shit now suck it up !!
Yep but let's not let facts get in the way .

what like all the bull shit from Rice, Clinton and Obama??

Says you . What we have is Faux so called news leading you & others by the nose . Remember Mittens won :cuckoo:

Says everyone that isn't a complete dick head,its been proven they knew what the attack was within hours,yet days later still with the video

Are you a complete moron,or just practicing for full blown ass wipe?
hey pal when the secretary of state and the president lie about the cause of an attack to save an election ,and then lie to the faces of grieving parents that is mass political deception !!

I am trying as I usually do to figure out how the left thinks.

Romney calls it correctly.

The WH alters facts for political purposes and they weren't political about the attack????
Looked more like confusion in a very bad situation than lying. However, four people did die in a nation that is still a very violent place.

Of course, we have the matter of the lies prior to the Iraq invasion that were stated under crystal clear conditions. No WMD, no nuke program in Iraq. And over 4500 dead Americans and hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqies for those lies.

The Benghazi situation was poorly handled. Not a good reflection on the administration. But it does not even begin to compare to the incompetance that has cost thousands of American lives that the prior administration practiced.

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