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The Left vs. the Internet

Personal experience...

My roommate is a black Lib (and a military vet) that I'm trying to help start a business...


He will be a Republican yet!

Another small business owner, instead of a welfare receipient!!!

Did you tell him that?

Helping him start a business and get ahead.
No, your bigotry of blacks...
Not at all... Think Carson, or any other successful man, instead of a Democrat slave.
I know of white repubs that like welfare also..

Hi Moonglow this is not to be disrespectful but the opposite,
to understand that there is huge disparity in teaching Black ownership of property.
There is almost a PHOBIA against property ownership in some poor Black districts
because of the perception that the "white man makes laws to take property away"

And for the most part, that appears to be true.
The nonprofits I know in Houston have all been struggling with
more tightly enforced nonprofit, tax and property laws and threatened
with losing their tax exempt status and their property to back taxes being challenged.

so if you don't have legal resources and knowledge, you can lose your
property and rights

The Black communities have historically been most disenfranchised,
because even the Black people themselves were considered property of other people.

The learning curve and recovery from centuries of injustice and injury
is going to take more to work through when these family lines were
severed and not allowed to own property for hundreds of years.

That pain and suffering is part of the history and why there
is such phobic racial division and hostility over property laws and who is really in control.

It's a mess. We are supposed to be equal and don't have equal
access to knowledge and defense of basic rights. So many people
don't even grasp the difference it makes to own and manage
property much less whole companies, campuses or cities.

How can anyone be equal if we don't have accessible programs to
train people to move up the management scale and gain experience in all these areas?

Obiwan thanks for your part to reach out and mentor someone in business.
We need more efforts like that organized in each community so everyone has access.
Personal experience...

My roommate is a black Lib (and a military vet) that I'm trying to help start a business...


He will be a Republican yet!

Another small business owner, instead of a welfare receipient!!!
My best friend in college was a black guy. First time I met him, he came to our door in the dormitory and asked if I had any rolling papers. I took a step back and said "What makes you think we smoke"?

His reply... "Dude we can smell it". :lol:

My roommate in college introduced me to black rap or whatever music that was
when I heard squealing and squawking coming from her room.

I thought she was screaming over a mouse or something so I ran to her aid.

She was vocalizing to a tape and that noise was like adding her own percussion track,
not really singing but jamming along. I had no idea what that was. She laughed at me
and thought it was funny I was worried she was screaming for help.

When I go to the services at the historic Black churches in my district,
I am also the only Asian person there. I am used to not fitting in and always being
culturally different from anyone else around me.

I have grown to assume everyone is going to be different anyway, might as well jump in
and deal with those differences because I'm automatically different from anyone else. Get over it.
They told me I danced funny...
View attachment 45550

* OOoooh can you mentor me to dance like that ^
Maybe I can do better at that than trying to rap?
ha ha ppfftt!!!
Did you tell him that?

Helping him start a business and get ahead.
No, your bigotry of blacks...
Not at all... Think Carson, or any other successful man, instead of a Democrat slave.
I know of white repubs that like welfare also..

Hi Moonglow this is not to be disrespectful but the opposite,
to understand that there is huge disparity in teaching Black ownership of property.
There is almost a PHOBIA against property ownership in some poor Black districts
because of the perception that the "white man makes laws to take property away"

And for the most part, that appears to be true.
The nonprofits I know in Houston have all been struggling with
more tightly enforced nonprofit, tax and property laws and threatened
with losing their tax exempt status and their property to back taxes being challenged.

so if you don't have legal resources and knowledge, you can lose your
property and rights

The Black communities have historically been most disenfranchised,
because even the Black people themselves were considered property of other people.

The learning curve and recovery from centuries of injustice and injury
is going to take more to work through when these family lines were
severed and not allowed to own property for hundreds of years.

That pain and suffering is part of the history and why there
is such phobic racial division and hostility over property laws and who is really in control.

It's a mess. We are supposed to be equal and don't have equal
access to knowledge and defense of basic rights. So many people
don't even grasp the difference it makes to own and manage
property much less whole companies, campuses or cities.

How can anyone be equal if we don't have accessible programs to
train people to move up the management scale and gain experience in all these areas?

Obiwan thanks for your part to reach out and mentor someone in business.
We need more efforts like that organized in each community so everyone has access.
Teaching people is no problem if positive reinforcement is used, yet when you use derogatory indignation, it helps no one....

Thank you...

That's the entire point....

It's not about a system, it's about opportunities...

Why can' t the Libs see that????

Thank you...

That's the entire point....

It's not about a system, it's about opportunities...

Why can' t the Libs see that????

It just needs to be organized better.
Ownership means it has to be led by the person.
So when the Left gets their resources and people organized
and lead their own programs, of course they will get it. It has to come from
them or it isn't true ownership.

The learning curve is a killer.
We are talking about generations of people, many only voting
or getting involved in politics for the VERY FIRST TIME when Obama ran.
So all this is new and we are trying to fast forward that learning curve to get
where we needed to be X years ago. Not everyone moves learns or changes at the same rate.

So it takes time to pull it all together.
The Vets are going to be a key part of the govt and economic reforms.
Let's keep in touch because some of the contacts we make may help each other
piece this together. If we can help individuals, then this creates a model for mentoring
bigger groups in teams. Would love to work with you and share resources as we proceed.

What you are doing is what everyone in every community should be doing.
Just needs to happen, period. Especially with Black leaders and communities.
and Especially with Vets and Minority leaders. See also the Allen West Foundation
that is supposed to help provide assistance in training Vet and Minority leaders. I'm all for that!

I understand, but you have to reward progress, not stagnation.
When I taught men I never berated the race or the social system in place...or who used it, nor did I inflect political affiliations...I kept with the important issues of the subject being taught....And yes they did go and start their own business.....and even bid against me, but I accept that as part of the process..and wished them well.....
Personal experience...

My roommate is a black Lib (and a military vet) that I'm trying to help start a business...


He will be a Republican yet!

Another small business owner, instead of a welfare receipient!!!

Did you tell him that?

Helping him start a business and get ahead.
No, your bigotry of blacks...
I grew up down south (50% Black population)... Where do you think I learned to play B-ball???
Theres no NECESSITY for marriage to be avoided but to be a bigot appeaser because gays were allowed to marry.

Doing backflips to appease a bigotted view makes one a bigot, by proxy.

Marriage doesnt need to be eradicated at the state level nor changed.

No, appeasing people who want to RESTRICT others' marriage rights is not right, or fair.

Its being a bigot appeaser.

Okay G.T. I'll try another way to explain this

The same way Obama on his OWN changed his mind about gay marriage
and switched from opposing it to supporting it,

Obama was not forced by LAW by Courts to recognize it.
He had the freedom to decide and that is what makes all the difference with BELIEFS.

It is NOT for the GOVT to endorse beliefs and make people recognize this or that.

So I can support gay marriage, Christianity, spiritual healing, etc.
but I cannot support depriving anyone of the same freedom even Obama admits
he exercised to CHOOSE to change his perception or beliefs.

Everyone deserves that equal freedom.

That is up to INDIVIDUALS and NOT the jurisdiction of Govt to force anyone to change their
minds about their beliefs and whether to recognize God, Christ, gay marriage,
spiritual healing, heaven, right to life, right to marriage, and other BELIEFS that remain FREE WILL.

Does that help?

It's not about the gay marriage per se
but more about the Limits on what GOVT can determine or decide for people.
And beliefs about marriage are off limits, outside Constitutional Govt authority.

Govt cannot make laws establishing religion or BELIEFS.
This is left to the people, and I totally support people accepting
and recognizing gay couples and marriage etc. but by FREE CHOICE
not by Govt mandates, court rulings and state laws that can't dictate people's beliefs for them.

G.T. please tell me if that is more clear
Personal experience...

My roommate is a black Lib (and a military vet) that I'm trying to help start a business...


He will be a Republican yet!

Another small business owner, instead of a welfare receipient!!!

Did you tell him that?

Helping him start a business and get ahead.
No, your bigotry of blacks...
I grew up down south (50% Black population)... Where do you think I learned to play B-ball???
I hated basket ball, so I never learned ...In OKC they all had to live in one section of town.We would get together and donate football equipment so we could play games with them...
Helping him start a business and get ahead.
No, your bigotry of blacks...
Not at all... Think Carson, or any other successful man, instead of a Democrat slave.
I know of white repubs that like welfare also..

Hi Moonglow this is not to be disrespectful but the opposite,
to understand that there is huge disparity in teaching Black ownership of property.
There is almost a PHOBIA against property ownership in some poor Black districts
because of the perception that the "white man makes laws to take property away"

And for the most part, that appears to be true.
The nonprofits I know in Houston have all been struggling with
more tightly enforced nonprofit, tax and property laws and threatened
with losing their tax exempt status and their property to back taxes being challenged.

so if you don't have legal resources and knowledge, you can lose your
property and rights

The Black communities have historically been most disenfranchised,
because even the Black people themselves were considered property of other people.

The learning curve and recovery from centuries of injustice and injury
is going to take more to work through when these family lines were
severed and not allowed to own property for hundreds of years.

That pain and suffering is part of the history and why there
is such phobic racial division and hostility over property laws and who is really in control.

It's a mess. We are supposed to be equal and don't have equal
access to knowledge and defense of basic rights. So many people
don't even grasp the difference it makes to own and manage
property much less whole companies, campuses or cities.

How can anyone be equal if we don't have accessible programs to
train people to move up the management scale and gain experience in all these areas?

Obiwan thanks for your part to reach out and mentor someone in business.
We need more efforts like that organized in each community so everyone has access.
Teaching people is no problem if positive reinforcement is used, yet when you use derogatory indignation, it helps no one....

Sure Moonglow in general I also find that you get further with honey that you do with vinegar
(and BTW positive reinforcement technically means adding something as incentive
while negative reinforcement means subtracting something as a consequence, it doesn't
technically mean positive reward vs. negative punishment though everyone misuses it that way!)

However, with people you need both the carrot and the stick.

So if for example we want to encourage the Conservatives who want no govt welfare and all business and free market to participate we can offer the options THIS WAY
(1) if citizens LEND the money for education and business plans to get people trained and off welfare,
then they get a tax deduction or can get low interest on the loans, it isn't just forced tax, but investment
that is voluntary and rewarded
(2) if there isn't enough support to set up business mentorships and microlending to end welfare
and defaulted student loans, then the current system will continue of taxing citizens and making us pay for the welfare handouts. Or enforcing the mandates costing citizens our liberty and free choice. Conservatives don't want those mandates, so they would be motivated to replace them.
(3) if this system of credits for microlending and investing can work to change the prison system into schools and teaching hospitals, then THAT can replace the insurance and health care mandates that are so opposed

so that way there is incentive to invest in free market solutions to replace welfare and dependence on govt

The positive reinforcement is giving them tax breaks or interest on loans where they are *ADDING* a reward..
The negative reinforcement is losing their liberty by being forced to buy insurance or fund a federal program against their will and beliefs, so that is *TAKING AWAY* their freedom as a form of punishment.

That is the correct use of those terms.
"....today’s Left .... are now frantically trying to put the genie back in the bottle by trying to force the Internet to abide by the rules of a college campus. The threat to brand anyone who objects to leftist social control as a troll or unperson has always been the preferred strategy of the most disturbed radicals, but the fact that this line of attack can be parroted by the outgoing CEO of Reddit speaks volumes about how paranoid and embattled the current Left feels in the face of Internet culture.

"Not to brag, but I so called this. In early 2010, I wrote an article called “Internet Lays Foundation for GOP Rebirth,” arguing that while the GOP had fallen behind in the web arms race during the 2008 election, one day, the anarchic nature of the Internet would force it to turn on the very liberals who had once celebrated it. The reason?
"One element of internet subculture which is persistently invoked is the drive for free expression (often of the most politically incorrect variety possible), unhampered by restrictions of either an economic or governmental variety, and certainly without regard for offended parties.

"The Democratic party, dominated as it is by multiculturally-minded quasi-socialists, many of whom have arguably been long since emasculated by sensitivity training, speech codes and other cornerstones of ‘progressive’ victim-mongering, could not possibly provide a satisfactory home to such people."

The Left Versus The Internet
Great OP!
No, your bigotry of blacks...
Not at all... Think Carson, or any other successful man, instead of a Democrat slave.
I know of white repubs that like welfare also..

Hi Moonglow this is not to be disrespectful but the opposite,
to understand that there is huge disparity in teaching Black ownership of property.
There is almost a PHOBIA against property ownership in some poor Black districts
because of the perception that the "white man makes laws to take property away"

And for the most part, that appears to be true.
The nonprofits I know in Houston have all been struggling with
more tightly enforced nonprofit, tax and property laws and threatened
with losing their tax exempt status and their property to back taxes being challenged.

so if you don't have legal resources and knowledge, you can lose your
property and rights

The Black communities have historically been most disenfranchised,
because even the Black people themselves were considered property of other people.

The learning curve and recovery from centuries of injustice and injury
is going to take more to work through when these family lines were
severed and not allowed to own property for hundreds of years.

That pain and suffering is part of the history and why there
is such phobic racial division and hostility over property laws and who is really in control.

It's a mess. We are supposed to be equal and don't have equal
access to knowledge and defense of basic rights. So many people
don't even grasp the difference it makes to own and manage
property much less whole companies, campuses or cities.

How can anyone be equal if we don't have accessible programs to
train people to move up the management scale and gain experience in all these areas?

Obiwan thanks for your part to reach out and mentor someone in business.
We need more efforts like that organized in each community so everyone has access.
Teaching people is no problem if positive reinforcement is used, yet when you use derogatory indignation, it helps no one....

Sure Moonglow in general I also find that you get further with honey that you do with vinegar
(and BTW positive reinforcement technically means adding something as incentive
while negative reinforcement means subtracting something as a consequence, it doesn't
technically mean positive reward vs. negative punishment though everyone misuses it that way!)

However, with people you need both the carrot and the stick.

So if for example we want to encourage the Conservatives who want no govt welfare and all business and free market to participate we can offer the options THIS WAY
(1) if citizens LEND the money for education and business plans to get people trained and off welfare,
then they get a tax deduction or can get low interest on the loans, it isn't just forced tax, but investment
that is voluntary and rewarded
(2) if there isn't enough support to set up business mentorships and microlending to end welfare
and defaulted student loans, then the current system will continue of taxing citizens and making us
pay for the welfare handouts
(3) if this system of credits for microlending and investing can work to change the prison system into schools and teaching hospitals, then THAT can replace the insurance and health care mandates that are so opposed

so that way there is incentive to invest in free market solutions to replace welfare and dependence on govt

The positive reinforcement is giving them tax breaks or interest on loans where they are *ADDING* a reward..
The negative reinforcement is losing their liberty by being forced to buy insurance or fund a federal program against their will and beliefs, so that is *TAKING AWAY* their freedom as a form of punishment.

That is the correct use of those terms.
The positive reinforcement was the incentive that to get an education you normally had to pay for it, while I was paying them to get one, and the heavy hard work was like a free gym to workout....plus you gotta know how to trick a person into thinking...

Reward progress...

Are we in agreement???

Damn, I'll make a Republican out of you yet!!!
Theres no NECESSITY for marriage to be avoided but to be a bigot appeaser because gays were allowed to marry.

Doing backflips to appease a bigotted view makes one a bigot, by proxy.

Marriage doesnt need to be eradicated at the state level nor changed.

No, appeasing people who want to RESTRICT others' marriage rights is not right, or fair.

Its being a bigot appeaser.

Okay G.T. I'll try another way to explain this

The same way Obama on his OWN changed his mind about gay marriage
and switched from opposing it to supporting it,

Obama was not forced by LAW by Courts to recognize it.
He had the freedom to decide and that is what makes all the difference with BELIEFS.

It is NOT for the GOVT to endorse beliefs and make people recognize this or that.

So I can support gay marriage, Christianity, spiritual healing, etc.
but I cannot support depriving anyone of the same freedom even Obama admits
he exercised to CHOOSE to change his perception or beliefs.

Everyone deserves that equal freedom.

That is up to INDIVIDUALS and NOT the jurisdiction of Govt to force anyone to change their
minds about their beliefs and whether to recognize God, Christ, gay marriage,
spiritual healing, heaven, right to life, right to marriage, and other BELIEFS that remain FREE WILL.

Does that help?

It's not about the gay marriage per se
but more about the Limits on what GOVT can determine or decide for people.
And beliefs about marriage are off limits, outside Constitutional Govt authority.

Govt cannot make laws establishing religion or BELIEFS.
This is left to the people, and I totally support people accepting
and recognizing gay couples and marriage etc. but by FREE CHOICE
not by Govt mandates, court rulings and state laws that can't dictate people's beliefs for them.

G.T. please tell me if that is more clear

marriage law doesnt force anyone to "believe in it"

you're full of shit.
The Ideological Left is, what it is... an evil cult. They're going to abuse, misuse, and confuse whatever they come into contact with. With the Interwebz being no exception.

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