The left wanted Pruitt gone NOW they are whining about his replacement!

. LOL.
"Climate denying nut-jobs" is how environmental wackos refer to rational people.
No, it's how we refer to climate denying nut-jobs like you.

You mean rational people, in other words.
Lol, i suppose nut-jobs would like to consider themselves rational, even if they are wrong.
It's hilarious that you can't see that you're the nutjob. I suppose it takes a strong talent for denial to be a leftwinger.
Lol, 97% of climate scientists agree with me but I'm the nut-job?

Riiiiiiiiight! Let's go with that! Lol.
Show your list of all climate scientists. You know shit
Scott Pruitt’s Replacement Is Even Worse

LOL! Oh my god I can't stop laughing.....this shit is hilarious!

Trump has a habit of putting people into positions they can't hold.

Great leaders don't keep appointing bad people to positions.

I worked for a boss who had to justify her position, because she was useless. So she made sure everyone was worse than her, or she forced them out.

I told her she was fucking stupid, I literally mean it, and she still wouldn't fire me. In my last weeks she barged in on me when I was with a load of customers screaming and shouting at me. She undermined everything I did, just so that she could take credit for it all. Only there was nothing to take credit for as she destroyed everything.

Apparently now she got moved sideways, away from dealing with people. Her sister is one of the owners of the company.

Trump seems to be doing something along those lines. Make sure no one steals his thunder.
The swamp consists of any official who makes millions per year. So it is funny that the swamp didn't go down much. The coal corps will be excited now so maybe that industry gets a boost and coal miners wages rise huge huge huge so they are paid fairly.

The coal industry has received a huge boost. Unfortunately, only a handful of coal workers will share any of that. Automation has assured all those lost jobs will never return. The companies, and their multi-millionaire owners got a big gift though. Lets hear it for rich folks.
Who runs the machines

Mostly computers that are controlled by a hand full of people. All those jobs will never come back.
Scott Pruitt’s Replacement Is Even Worse

LOL! Oh my god I can't stop laughing.....this shit is hilarious!
Climate denying nut-jobs have no place in the EPA.
The EPA should be abolished


It already has been.

POS trump started on the very first day - lied to coal miners that he was getting their jobs back but he was actually signing to let poisoned water be routed into coal towns as well as poison water throughout the US.

He's also signed that its okay to poison our food and our and our air.
He did.
The swamp consists of any official who makes millions per year. So it is funny that the swamp didn't go down much. The coal corps will be excited now so maybe that industry gets a boost and coal miners wages rise huge huge huge so they are paid fairly.

The coal industry has received a huge boost. Unfortunately, only a handful of coal workers will share any of that. Automation has assured all those lost jobs will never return. The companies, and their multi-millionaire owners got a big gift though. Lets hear it for rich folks.
Who runs the machines

Mostly computers that are controlled by a hand full of people. All those jobs will never come back.
So? My industry lost jobs. It happens. Technology changes all jobs. So, one adapts.
The swamp consists of any official who makes millions per year. So it is funny that the swamp didn't go down much. The coal corps will be excited now so maybe that industry gets a boost and coal miners wages rise huge huge huge so they are paid fairly.

The coal industry has received a huge boost. Unfortunately, only a handful of coal workers will share any of that. Automation has assured all those lost jobs will never return. The companies, and their multi-millionaire owners got a big gift though. Lets hear it for rich folks.
Who runs the machines

Mostly computers that are controlled by a hand full of people. All those jobs will never come back.
So? My industry lost jobs. It happens. Technology changes all jobs. So, one adapts
Climate denying nut-jobs have no place in the EPA.
Absolutely true. Of course, he is a fake denier, and knows the science is good. He is simply a corporatist liar, as is his replacement. And the deniers cackle and prance and dance, all the while ignorant that these educated dpeople think the deniers are morons and enjoy getting them worked up.
How warm did 120 ppm of CO2 make the globe. And what is the correct temperature and why?
Why are you here, asking questions? Go educate yourself on the topic before opening your mouth about it.
that’s what science is. You don’t know that? You are stupid
The swamp consists of any official who makes millions per year. So it is funny that the swamp didn't go down much. The coal corps will be excited now so maybe that industry gets a boost and coal miners wages rise huge huge huge so they are paid fairly.

The coal industry has received a huge boost. Unfortunately, only a handful of coal workers will share any of that. Automation has assured all those lost jobs will never return. The companies, and their multi-millionaire owners got a big gift though. Lets hear it for rich folks.
Who runs the machines

Mostly computers that are controlled by a hand full of people. All those jobs will never come back.
So? My industry lost jobs. It happens. Technology changes all jobs. So, one adapts.

Of course it happens, and it will happen more in the future. More reason why Trump's claims that he would restore all those coal jobs were just more lies.
Way to go Trump....stick em...keep poking them.... :poke::muahaha:
Trump must lie awake at night thinking of what he can do the next day, just to piss them off.

I'm surprised some of our resident posters have not gone off the deep end.
Have you not read their posts? By my count we have about 150 million dead bodies in the streets by now.
From climate?
Climate, Trumps election, his policies etc. seems we’ve been on the we’re all gonna die watch for almost two years now.
Only the minority leftists think so. They hate life
The swamp consists of any official who makes millions per year. So it is funny that the swamp didn't go down much. The coal corps will be excited now so maybe that industry gets a boost and coal miners wages rise huge huge huge so they are paid fairly.

The coal industry has received a huge boost. Unfortunately, only a handful of coal workers will share any of that. Automation has assured all those lost jobs will never return. The companies, and their multi-millionaire owners got a big gift though. Lets hear it for rich folks.
Who runs the machines

Mostly computers that are controlled by a hand full of people. All those jobs will never come back.
So? My industry lost jobs. It happens. Technology changes all jobs. So, one adapts.

Of course it happens, and it will happen more in the future. More reason why Trump's claims that he would restore all those coal jobs were just more lies.
Yep. Still need people to run the machines.
The coal industry has received a huge boost. Unfortunately, only a handful of coal workers will share any of that. Automation has assured all those lost jobs will never return. The companies, and their multi-millionaire owners got a big gift though. Lets hear it for rich folks.
Who runs the machines

Mostly computers that are controlled by a hand full of people. All those jobs will never come back.
So? My industry lost jobs. It happens. Technology changes all jobs. So, one adapts.

Of course it happens, and it will happen more in the future. More reason why Trump's claims that he would restore all those coal jobs were just more lies.
Yep. Still need people to run the machines.

A few. No where near the amounts needed to restore all the lost jobs Trump said would return.
seems we’ve been on the we’re all gonna die watch for almost two years now.
Actually, I think people are more worried about the consequences years from now.
Like what. What’s been tested? You know, science?
Like the economy, the environment, the relative peace we have enjoyed, etcetera etcetera
Damn straight, some idiot says 120 ppm of CO2 will cost money, but can’t explain why. And then shuts down working coal industries. How fking stupid

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