The left: “we MUST protect children”. The left: “we have a right to kill children”

But what about the born? Look at these children slaughtered at school shootings. So who do Republicans defend? The rights of crazies to have guns.
Republicans have outlawed murder. We uphold it too. Every school shooter who wasn’t killed in the act was arrested, prosecuted, and imprisoned.

So unlike Dumbocrats, the Republicans are consistent in their views. They are against killing babies. They are against killing toddlers. They are against killing children. They are against killing teenagers. They are against killing adults.

Meanwhile, you celebrate the horrific slaughter of babies and tweet about it on Twitter. Then you feign “outrage” during a shooting because it fits your agenda of disarming and controlling the population.
Why did so many of you rush to give Zimmerman hundreds of thousands of dollars for chasing down and murdering an unarmed child who turned 17 two weeks earlier.

The kid had Skittles and Soda.
The police told Zimmerman to leave him alone and then Zimmerman said they always get away which was recorded by the police.
How many Republicans on the USMB insisted that kid deserved to die? They maligned him. Called him names after never having met him. And at least one person here on the USMB used that child's dead body as his avatar.
Republicans on the USMB point to a bloody nose as evidence the kid was violent. As if he couldn't be scared after being chased by a madman.
Since the murder, we know what kind of a person Zimmerman is.

What kind of people go after an unarmed kid who was chased down and shot in the chest?

The same kind who use sick and disabled children to bargain with.

The same kind who use unemployed Americans to bargain with.

The same kind who cut jobs programs for veterans.

The same kind who give tax cuts to billionaires and corporations when they are already sitting on trillions.

Republicans must have been raised by wolves. What else could explain the lack of morals or humanity.
Why did so many of you rush to give Zimmerman hundreds of thousands of dollars for chasing down and murdering an unarmed child who turned 17 two weeks earlier.
Why do you feel the need to lie in every post? That wasn’t “murder”. It was self-defense. It was proven in a court of law to be self-defense.
The left is never consistent in their views. Never.
“When you see the effect of this extreme violence on a human body and especially the body of a child, maybe it will shock some people into understanding,” Harris told MSNBC while calling for gun control. “We cannot tolerate a society and live in a country with any level of pride when our babies are being slaughtered.”
Uh....Kamala? You people have been barbarically slaughtering hundreds of millions of babies for decades. Even selling their dismembered body parts. And you celebrate it. Literally celebrate it. The left proudly started a #ShoutYourAbortion twitter campaign and celebrated each and every one.

Pro-Abortion, Pro-Gun Control Senator Has Double Standard on ‘Slaughtered’ Babies
Think about this

View attachment 177323

There's nothing to think about.

Look, do you have a plan to feed, clothe, and house homeless people? No? Then I guess you think it's o.k. to kill them?

I'm fine with taking care of children with tax payer money whose parents can't or won't care for them. As foster kids until they get a permanent home.

The dumbest thing we do in society is subsidize behavior and think it won't cause an increase in that behavior. If you subsidize parents having children they can't or won't take care of, guess what's going to happen?
Are they alive?

Are they human?

What about the born? Are they human?

They are, and the responsibility of their parents. Both of them.
So is the fetus. You can't care about only one. I mean YOU can. But you might be an idiot. Are you?
Or a hypocrite.

You either care about both or you are just a disgusting troll who uses a tragedy for what you imagine is a political win.

Please make sense so that I can respond.
I'll try, but sense may be beyond your understanding. Here is the sentence again:

You either care about both or you are just a disgusting troll who uses a tragedy for what you imagine is a political win.

Both means caring about the fetus, that's a word for the unborn and born, which is a word that can be used to describe babies that are no longer in a woman's body.

Got that so far?

An abortion is a tragedy, but sometimes, carrying to term can also be a tragedy. I've heard of Republicans who say there should be no abortion in any circumstance. Sometimes a baby could be so malformed, if it makes it to term, it could live a terribly painful and short life. Republicans think that's fine. They have no problem with suffering. We all can agree with that. That's just who they are.

Did that help?

So your solution to a child who will likely have a painful and short life is to give them an even shorter life (guaranteed) and make their death just as painful?

That makes a lot of sense.
Why did so many of you rush to give Zimmerman hundreds of thousands of dollars for chasing down and murdering an unarmed child who turned 17 two weeks earlier.
Why do you feel the need to lie in every post? That wasn’t “murder”. It was self-defense. It was proven in a court of law to be self-defense.
I don't want to go through those hoops again. Martin was chased. Zimmerman admitted it. Martin was found unarmed with a hole blown in his chest. That black child was guilty only because he was black. Period.
Funny, the law used was "stand your ground". Well, Martin did, and see how well that worked out for him. Too bad he didn't just keep running. It's harder to hit a moving child from behind.
What about the born? Are they human?

They are, and the responsibility of their parents. Both of them.
So is the fetus. You can't care about only one. I mean YOU can. But you might be an idiot. Are you?
Or a hypocrite.

You either care about both or you are just a disgusting troll who uses a tragedy for what you imagine is a political win.

Please make sense so that I can respond.
I'll try, but sense may be beyond your understanding. Here is the sentence again:

You either care about both or you are just a disgusting troll who uses a tragedy for what you imagine is a political win.

Both means caring about the fetus, that's a word for the unborn and born, which is a word that can be used to describe babies that are no longer in a woman's body.

Got that so far?

An abortion is a tragedy, but sometimes, carrying to term can also be a tragedy. I've heard of Republicans who say there should be no abortion in any circumstance. Sometimes a baby could be so malformed, if it makes it to term, it could live a terribly painful and short life. Republicans think that's fine. They have no problem with suffering. We all can agree with that. That's just who they are.

Did that help?

So your solution to a child who will likely have a painful and short life is to give them an even shorter life (guaranteed) and make their death just as painful?

That makes a lot of sense.
Painful and short life? That's what Republicans offer. At least we can both agree on that.
The left is never consistent in their views. Never.
“When you see the effect of this extreme violence on a human body and especially the body of a child, maybe it will shock some people into understanding,” Harris told MSNBC while calling for gun control. “We cannot tolerate a society and live in a country with any level of pride when our babies are being slaughtered.”
Uh....Kamala? You people have been barbarically slaughtering hundreds of millions of babies for decades. Even selling their dismembered body parts. And you celebrate it. Literally celebrate it. The left proudly started a #ShoutYourAbortion twitter campaign and celebrated each and every one.

Pro-Abortion, Pro-Gun Control Senator Has Double Standard on ‘Slaughtered’ Babies
Think about this

View attachment 177323
That's what I've been saying for the last two decades. I was slow to learn what Republicans really think of children.


The fact that Mitch M., GOP Senate Majority Leader could use 9 million sick and disabled American children as a bargaining chip only underlines the moral deficit of the GOP. Normal people would want to protect and take care of these children. Republicans would see them die if they don't get what they want.

Look at it right there. Republicans used sick and disabled children as a bargaining CHIP.

And why would anyone politicize this by promoting Trump? That's just sick.
I rest my case. This poor man lost his little girl and here is Deanrd attacking him and simultaneously lying about him. Everyone knows damn well the man didn't go home and throw on a Trump t-shirt before going out to look for his little girl upon news of the tragedy. It's what he happened to be wearing at the time.

And like the sub-human animal that he is, deanrd knows it too but attempts to twist it and attack this poor man. And why? Because this poor guy had the "audacity" to exercise his constitutional rights and think for himself, vote for himself, etc. Deanrd hates this man and mocks his tragedy all because this man vote for someone other than who denard wanted. Just think about that for a moment. Can you say FASCIST?

If you don't align with deanrd view on everything - he will attack you. Including when you lose a child.
You either care about both or you are just a disgusting troll who uses a tragedy for what you imagine is a political win.
Exactly! That was the entire point of this thread. The left doesn't care about children - quite the contrary - they celebrate killing them. But when there is something they can leverage for their political agenda, they attempt to exploit it by pretending they "care" about children.
And why would anyone politicize this by promoting Trump? That's just sick.
I rest my case. This poor man lost his little girl and here is Deanrd attacking him and simultaneously lying about him. Everyone knows damn well the man didn't go home and throw on a Trump t-shirt before going out to look for his little girl upon news of the tragedy. It's what he happened to be wearing at the time.

And like the sub-human animal that he is, deanrd knows it too but attempts to twist it and attack this poor man. And why? Because this poor guy had the "audacity" to exercise his constitutional rights and think for himself, vote for himself, etc. Deanrd hates this man and mocks his tragedy all because this man vote for someone other than who denard wanted. Just think about that for a moment. Can you say FASCIST?

If you don't align with deanrd view on everything - he will attack you. Including when you lose a child.
Republican’s policies are designed to attack children.
Even most of them no longer bother to keep up the pretense.
Republicans care more about Russia than American children.

How do we know? Their policies tell us.
Spoken like a true intolerant progressive who can’t accept biology, science, facts, reason, or logic.
You mean like evolution and climate change?
Yes...that is exactly what I mean! Science, data, facts, and reason have all proven that "Global Warming" is a hoax. And you people still cannot believe the science.
Even most of the seven percent of scientists who call themselves Republican understand climate change.
I pity your determined ignorance.
Oh wait. Did I say seven?

I meant six. Only six percent or less of scientists admit to be Republican.
Gun rights and abortion rights are both constitutionally protected.
There is no “right” to commit murder. This is why I keep telling you to read the U.S. Constitution just once.

There is no definition of abortion as murder in the Constitution.

Indeed. Abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution. The Court applied a bizarre interpretation of the 4th and 14th Amendments to push Roe v. Wade through.

Sort of the same switcheroo done with the obscure and intentionally misinterpreted "separation of church and state" phrase Jefferson coined to the nervous Danbury Baptists to assure them of no government interference. The Court flipped it to mean the opposite.
Forget GOP rhetoric.

Focus on their policies. They tell the real story.

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