The left wing is tired of pretending that they care about elections, want to impeach Pence too....

Actually, he was.

It was in all the papers, on every tv station.

Hillary got more votes... so, no, he wasn't.
/----/ That is meaningless and you've been taken to the woodshed over that stupidity more than once. I guess you're stuck on stupid. So what team wins the World Series, the team with the most games won or the team with the most hits? Go ahead we await your brilliance.
change the rules.jpg
And my football team ran more yards and caught more passes, and yet the other team won because they scored more actual touchdowns......

Not talking about sports, buddy.

We are talking about who has the moral authority to make decisions that will affect the lives of millions of Americans. some of them may even DIE because of his decisions.

The fact that a majority said "No" to trump means he doesn't have the moral authority to do so. The fact he lacks that moral authority is why very few Republicans are willing to walk the plank for him.

We are talking about how elections work, moron. Trump and hilary both ran under the same rules...she lost according to the actual can say "if only the rules were different she would have won..." but the rules were actually the rules, and she lost.....moron. He won, he has the moral authority on his side, just like her husband did when he got 43% of the vote.....
The presidency, under current law, is determined by the majority of states, not individual nation wide votes.

Learn about aw and don't be an ass.

Yes, a law that we had largely ignored for over 100 years because the guy who won the popular vote usually got the job.

It's pretty clear now that law is unworkable.

You see, I trust the people to get it right, unlike the Slave Rapists from 200 years ago who put this system into place.

No..the law worked exactly as planned so the nut job state of California wouldn't be the one state to keep electing left wing, fascists in every election.....
Democrats wins...the people have spoken, do not obstruct the will of the people.

Republican wins...the election was stolen, win is illegitimate, the people are stupid, IMPEACH!!
If such an ethically challenged man can reach the White House, impeachment is the cure for what ails democracy, not a subversion. Nowhere does it say that the American people have to suffer a crooked president for any longer than it takes for our elected representatives in congress to remove him from office.

Talk about ethically challenged: Trump talked about grabbing a pussy (he might or might not have actually done so) while Clinton was a serial rapist.

Clinton deserved to be impeached and he was, Sadly, he was never removed from office, which he deserved even more.

Trump will never be impeached because he never gave a reason to be impeached.
The day Putin decides to cut his loses with Trump and starts leaking the "kompromat" he has been blackmailing him with will be the day that we see that Trumpbots really don't care about morality or ethics.

Ever hear of Occam's razor? Awesome tool for figuring out why people do the things they do. It states that the simplest explanation is usually correct. When looking at Trump's inexplicable behavior you need a vast conspiracy formed by the entire media and most of the people in Washington, my explanation needs two men, Putin blackmailing Trump.
The presidency, under current law, is determined by the majority of states, not individual nation wide votes.

Learn about aw and don't be an ass.

Yes, a law that we had largely ignored for over 100 years because the guy who won the popular vote usually got the job.

It's pretty clear now that law is unworkable.

You see, I trust the people to get it right, unlike the Slave Rapists from 200 years ago who put this system into place.

OK, then, change the Constitution, but remember that karma is a bitch.

Until the Constitution is changed live with the law of the land even if you don't like it.
That is meaningless and you've been taken to the woodshed over that stupidity more than once. I guess you're stuck on stupid. So what team wins the World Series, the team with the most games won or the team with the most hits? Go ahead we await your brilliance.

Here's the thing. "Winning the World Series" is an end to and of itself. When the Cubs won the World Series, it didn't give them the right to change the rules to baseball or anything else like that.

What you don't seem to get is that getting elected to the presidency in a democratic republic means that you have to have the MORAL right to rule and not just the legal right to rule.

Trump doesn't have that. Unlike George W. Bush who gained legitimacy due to his leadership after 9/11, and then won a second term, Trump has no moral legitimacy.

He's the guy most people voted against, who won on a technicality after colluding with the Russians. It's like if they drop your meatball on the floor and then put it back on your plate covered in cat hair, and say, Bon Apetit!

Now, Trump COULD have played this smart. He could have done what every president has done, which is to take a concilatory stance, and see where the other side can be worked with.

Instead, he's not only managed to completely alienate the other side, he's actually cheesed off a lot of people on his side as well.
If such an ethically challenged man can reach the White House, impeachment is the cure for what ails democracy, not a subversion. Nowhere does it say that the American people have to suffer a crooked president for any longer than it takes for our elected representatives in congress to remove him from office.

Talk about ethically challenged: Trump talked about grabbing a pussy (he might or might not have actually done so) while Clinton was a serial rapist.

Clinton deserved to be impeached and he was, Sadly, he was never removed from office, which he deserved even more.

Trump will never be impeached because he never gave a reason to be impeached.
The day Putin decides to cut his loses with Trump and starts leaking the "kompromat" he has been blackmailing him with will be the day that we see that Trumpbots really don't care about morality or ethics.

Ever hear of Occam's razor? Awesome tool for figuring out why people do the things they do. It states that the simplest explanation is usually correct. When looking at Trump's inexplicable behavior you need a vast conspiracy formed by the entire media and most of the people in Washington, my explanation needs two men, Putin blackmailing Trump.

hilary took 145 million dollars from putin, her rapist husband took 500,000 dollars from him....who was on putin's payroll, moron?
OK, then, change the Constitution, but remember that karma is a bitch.

Until the Constitution is changed live with the law of the land even if you don't like it.

or not. The Constitution is not a suicide pact. Just because the Orange Shitgibbon won on a technicality doesn't mean we have to go along with it.

We will frustrate him at every opporunity and let him collapse on his own bloated weight.

Oh, wait. That's EXACTLY what is happening. His agenda is dead in Congress and a special prosecutor is taking him apart.
That is meaningless and you've been taken to the woodshed over that stupidity more than once. I guess you're stuck on stupid. So what team wins the World Series, the team with the most games won or the team with the most hits? Go ahead we await your brilliance.

Here's the thing. "Winning the World Series" is an end to and of itself. When the Cubs won the World Series, it didn't give them the right to change the rules to baseball or anything else like that.

What you don't seem to get is that getting elected to the presidency in a democratic republic means that you have to have the MORAL right to rule and not just the legal right to rule.

Trump doesn't have that. Unlike George W. Bush who gained legitimacy due to his leadership after 9/11, and then won a second term, Trump has no moral legitimacy.

He's the guy most people voted against, who won on a technicality after colluding with the Russians. It's like if they drop your meatball on the floor and then put it back on your plate covered in cat hair, and say, Bon Apetit!

Now, Trump COULD have played this smart. He could have done what every president has done, which is to take a concilatory stance, and see where the other side can be worked with.

Instead, he's not only managed to completely alienate the other side, he's actually cheesed off a lot of people on his side as well.


he took a conciliatory stance and they still attacked him without mercy. There is no dealing with people like you, you just have to be defeated. This is why Sessions recusing himself should be a fireable offense.....that act alone allowed the "lawfare" against Trump to start.......
No..the law worked exactly as planned so the nut job state of California wouldn't be the one state to keep electing left wing, fascists in every election.....

Okay, some problem with that.

There is no way that California, by itself, could determine the outcome of a presidential election. Especially since they don't vote in a monolithic block. (Trump got 36% of the vote in California.)

if the places where people actually live aren't voting for your candidates, that's kind of on you guy guys. Giving the places where people don't live extra weight really isn't a good system.
he took a conciliatory stance and they still attacked him without mercy. There is no dealing with people like you, you just have to be defeated. This is why Sessions recusing himself should be a fireable offense.....that act alone allowed the "lawfare" against Trump to start.......

I'm sorry, what did Trump do that was "Conciliatory"? Can you give us examples.

in fact, while most presidents have the CLASS to stop dumping on their opponents after the election (never heard Obama say anything but laudatory things about John McCain after 2009).

Sessions had to recuse himself when it was discovered that he had met with the Russian Ambassador himself.

Every president has had to deal with "lawfare". the thing is, most of them are smart enough to know how to deal with it. You get good lawyers, you don't lie to investigators, you get everything out in the open and you have underlings willing to take the fall.

You know, everything Trump isn't doing.
If such an ethically challenged man can reach the White House, impeachment is the cure for what ails democracy, not a subversion. Nowhere does it say that the American people have to suffer a crooked president for any longer than it takes for our elected representatives in congress to remove him from office.

Impeachment for heresy against the party? What exactly is it you Nazis seek as the basis of impeachment?

Once again I warn you Nazis, IF you indeed stage your coup, it will not end well for you, This ain't 1925 Berlin asshole, you will not just bully your way into power.
Give it a rest with the Nazi bullshit, all the actual real American Nazis unconditionally love Trump and talk like you do with these stupid domestic terrorist threats about what will happen if he is actually held to account for his actions under the rule of law.
Stop acting like a Nazi and you won't be called one.
If such an ethically challenged man can reach the White House, impeachment is the cure for what ails democracy, not a subversion. Nowhere does it say that the American people have to suffer a crooked president for any longer than it takes for our elected representatives in congress to remove him from office.

Talk about ethically challenged: Trump talked about grabbing a pussy (he might or might not have actually done so) while Clinton was a serial rapist.

Clinton deserved to be impeached and he was, Sadly, he was never removed from office, which he deserved even more.

Trump will never be impeached because he never gave a reason to be impeached.
The day Putin decides to cut his loses with Trump and starts leaking the "kompromat" he has been blackmailing him with will be the day that we see that Trumpbots really don't care about morality or ethics.

Ever hear of Occam's razor? Awesome tool for figuring out why people do the things they do. It states that the simplest explanation is usually correct. When looking at Trump's inexplicable behavior you need a vast conspiracy formed by the entire media and most of the people in Washington, my explanation needs two men, Putin blackmailing Trump.

hilary took 145 million dollars from putin, her rapist husband took 500,000 dollars from him....who was on putin's payroll, moron?
I just checked, Hillary is still not president. Why do you people think beating up on her is a valid defense for Trump's shady bullshit? Hillary's career is as dead as Elvis and I think that is a very good thing, now get to actually defending this turkey you inflicted on our nation.
OK, then, change the Constitution, but remember that karma is a bitch.

Until the Constitution is changed live with the law of the land even if you don't like it.

or not. The Constitution is not a suicide pact. Just because the Orange Shitgibbon won on a technicality doesn't mean we have to go along with it.

We will frustrate him at every opporunity and let him collapse on his own bloated weight.

Oh, wait. That's EXACTLY what is happening. His agenda is dead in Congress and a special prosecutor is taking him apart.

You are self declared treasonous quisling.
And a saboteour
If such an ethically challenged man can reach the White House, impeachment is the cure for what ails democracy, not a subversion. Nowhere does it say that the American people have to suffer a crooked president for any longer than it takes for our elected representatives in congress to remove him from office.

We put up with obama for 8 years........
You did not put up with Obama for eight years, you whined like a bitch the entire time while he served with grace and distinction and without the almost daily scandal of the Trump administration. I actually gave Trump a chance, seriously, I left this board for about 6 months and kept my criticism to myself IRL. Did you ever give Obama the benefit of the doubt? Your man had his chance with me to be the great president you seem to think he is and he blew it.

"he served with grace and distinction and without the almost daily scandal of the Trump administration."

Now thats some funny shit.
With Hussein's bottom up governing all he did was burn bridges and perpetuate divide. He sucked the dicks of our lowest grade bottom feeders and told our productive best to go fuck themselves over and over again...Like all lowlifes....I'm guessing you honestly believe you benefited from his spoon feeding?
Remember, you'll never find "scandal" where status quo is the norm. When a bunch of piece of shits sit around on their hands, talking in circles and doing nothing it's kinda tough for "scandal" to foster.
When people with nutsacks start forcing change and working outside the box "scandal" is alleged.
When will the Loony Left swallow the fact that DJT was only able to bitch-slap the DNC and bully the election because he promised to shake things up and cause "scandal"?
Come on man! What else can I teach you?

The left needs to shut maxine waters up....she is giving up their game......the left is tired of playing the election game, especially since they keep losing it. Now....if they will just declare any Repubican victory null and void.....they will use "lawfare" to destroy and remove any republican that gets in their way.....

This is the coup that people are starting to talk about.....

And the anti Trumpers...who believe that allowing the left to remove Trump would end this are morons, idiots really.......maxine waters gave up the game.....they will go after Pence too.....and you can bet any Supreme court justice Trump appoints will also be impeached....

Maxine Waters: Pence should be impeached after Trump

“Do you think Pence will be better than Trump if he were impeached? asked Behar.

"No," replied Waters. "And when we finish with Trump we have to go and get Putin. He’s next.”

“Putin or Pence?” Behar asked.

“Uh, Pence," Waters said.

Not just the democrat party either. Republicans are helping the democrats again just like with Obamacare. They need to be unelected in 18.
If such an ethically challenged man can reach the White House, impeachment is the cure for what ails democracy, not a subversion. Nowhere does it say that the American people have to suffer a crooked president for any longer than it takes for our elected representatives in congress to remove him from office.

We put up with obama for 8 years........
You did not put up with Obama for eight years, you whined like a bitch the entire time while he served with grace and distinction and without the almost daily scandal of the Trump administration. I actually gave Trump a chance, seriously, I left this board for about 6 months and kept my criticism to myself IRL. Did you ever give Obama the benefit of the doubt? Your man had his chance with me to be the great president you seem to think he is and he blew it.

"he served with grace and distinction and without the almost daily scandal of the Trump administration."

Now thats some funny shit.
With Hussein's bottom up governing all he did was burn bridges and perpetuate divide. He sucked the dicks of our lowest grade bottom feeders and told our productive best to go fuck themselves over and over again...Like all lowlifes....I'm guessing you honestly believe you benefited from his spoon feeding?
Remember, you'll never find "scandal" where status quo is the norm. When a bunch of piece of shits sit around on their hands, talking in circles and doing nothing it's kinda tough for "scandal" to foster.
When people with nutsacks start forcing change and working outside the box "scandal" is alleged.
When will the Loony Left swallow the fact that DJT was only able to bitch-slap the DNC and bully the election because he promised to shake things up and cause "scandal"?
Come on man! What else can I teach you?
Do you actually talk like this? What's with all the homosexual metaphor? It's much harder to see your point when your post is more like the script for a violent gay-porn movie.
If such an ethically challenged man can reach the White House, impeachment is the cure for what ails democracy, not a subversion. Nowhere does it say that the American people have to suffer a crooked president for any longer than it takes for our elected representatives in congress to remove him from office.

We put up with obama for 8 years........
You did not put up with Obama for eight years, you whined like a bitch the entire time while he served with grace and distinction and without the almost daily scandal of the Trump administration. I actually gave Trump a chance, seriously, I left this board for about 6 months and kept my criticism to myself IRL. Did you ever give Obama the benefit of the doubt? Your man had his chance with me to be the great president you seem to think he is and he blew it.

"he served with grace and distinction and without the almost daily scandal of the Trump administration."

Now thats some funny shit.
With Hussein's bottom up governing all he did was burn bridges and perpetuate divide. He sucked the dicks of our lowest grade bottom feeders and told our productive best to go fuck themselves over and over again...Like all lowlifes....I'm guessing you honestly believe you benefited from his spoon feeding?
Remember, you'll never find "scandal" where status quo is the norm. When a bunch of piece of shits sit around on their hands, talking in circles and doing nothing it's kinda tough for "scandal" to foster.
When people with nutsacks start forcing change and working outside the box "scandal" is alleged.
When will the Loony Left swallow the fact that DJT was only able to bitch-slap the DNC and bully the election because he promised to shake things up and cause "scandal"?
Come on man! What else can I teach you?
Do you actually talk like this? What's with all the homosexual metaphor? It's much harder to see your point when your post is more like the script for a violent gay-porn movie.

You see my point clearly and you're speechless.
(I'll often inject deflection when I'm stumped)

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