The left wing is tired of pretending that they care about elections, want to impeach Pence too....

Haha....there you go folks...more backward bullshit from Bizarro World.
"Guilty until proven innocent"
The Loons love and embrace the U.S. Constitution.....haha

Well, maybe if Trump didn't act so guilty, we wouldn't suspect him.

He got the majority of electoral votes, which is what decides the presidency.

He's legal.

Nawww.... probably not. more like a mistake the system hasn't fixed yet.

But they will. Only a matter of time. The anti-bodies of justice are already stirring.
Haha....there you go folks...more backward bullshit from Bizarro World.
"Guilty until proven innocent"
The Loons love and embrace the U.S. Constitution.....haha

Well, maybe if Trump didn't act so guilty, we wouldn't suspect him.

He got the majority of electoral votes, which is what decides the presidency.

He's legal.

Nawww.... probably not. more like a mistake the system hasn't fixed yet.

But they will. Only a matter of time. The anti-bodies of justice are already stirring.
Only a matter of time til they remove Bush for the same thing.

Wake up
Only a matter of time til they remove Bush for the same thing.

Except Bush didn't collude with the Russians, and he didn't get 'in your face' about it.

I do think the only reason he got a second term is because he fucked up 9/11, but that's another discussion.

Trump, on the other hand, is going down because Republicans hate him as much as Democrats do...

And frankly, y ou guys would probably get a lot more of your agenda through with Pence in there, until people wise up and throw you all out in 2018.
Only a matter of time til they remove Bush for the same thing.

Except Bush didn't collude with the Russians, and he didn't get 'in your face' about it.

I do think the only reason he got a second term is because he fucked up 9/11, but that's another discussion.

Trump, on the other hand, is going down because Republicans hate him as much as Democrats do...

And frankly, y ou guys would probably get a lot more of your agenda through with Pence in there, until people wise up and throw you all out in 2018.
The left wing is tired of pretending that they care about elections, want to impeach Pence too....





Partisan nutters are always going to be throwing around the I word, so quit pretending that's somehow a liberal thing, roll up your little bs thread and shove it.
Not talking about sports, buddy.

You're just not very bright, it's why you're a Nazi.

We are talking about who has the moral authority to make decisions that will affect the lives of millions of Americans. some of them may even DIE because of his decisions.

The fact that a majority said "No" to trump means he doesn't have the moral authority to do so. The fact he lacks that moral authority is why very few Republicans are willing to walk the plank for him.

Trump won the election, so fuck off.

That'll be you guys WHEN Trump gets impeached. By Republicans.

Impeached for what, Nazi boi? Denying you fascists your right to rule unopposed?

IF you Nazi scum attempt a coup, be prepared for the response.

Guy, I'll be happy to watch some of you nutters get taken out by law enforcement. We might even finally get common sense gun laws.

Picture it:

Your baseball team played against my baseball team.

Your team had 5 hits and 2 runs.
My team had 4 hits and 3 runs.

Who won?

Democracy isn't baseball.

Hillary got more votes. THE PEOPLE wanted her, not Trump.

That is why Trump is a fraud.

Trump has no legitimacy.

The presidency, under current law, is determined by the majority of states, not individual nation wide votes.

Learn about aw and don't be an ass.

He is a Nazi, and he is pouting that he didn't get his way.

End of story.
The presidency, under current law, is determined by the majority of states, not individual nation wide votes.

Learn about aw and don't be an ass.

Yes, a law that we had largely ignored for over 100 years because the guy who won the popular vote usually got the job.

It's pretty clear now that law is unworkable.

You see, I trust the people to get it right, unlike the Slave Rapists from 200 years ago who put this system into place.

It's law that has NEVER been ignored, retard.

That you are pouting does not alter reality.
The left wing is tired of pretending that they care about elections, want to impeach Pence too....





Partisan nutters are always going to be throwing around the I word, so quit pretending that's somehow a liberal thing, roll up your little bs thread and shove it.

Yeah, what the Republicans did with that special prosecutor running a witch hunt against Obama was really bad......
Trump won the election. Period.

Maybe the Atlanta Falcons should cry about the Super Bowl.

"We were winning for most of the game, so we should be champs."
The left wing is tired of pretending that they care about elections, want to impeach Pence too....





Partisan nutters are always going to be throwing around the I word, so quit pretending that's somehow a liberal thing, roll up your little bs thread and shove it.

Yeah, what the Republicans did with that special prosecutor running a witch hunt against Obama was really bad......

Isnt it interesting how the liberal establishment was not outraged when Obama buddied up with Putin, or when Obama told Romney that Putin was not a geopolitical threat.
If such an ethically challenged man can reach the White House, impeachment is the cure for what ails democracy, not a subversion. Nowhere does it say that the American people have to suffer a crooked president for any longer than it takes for our elected representatives in congress to remove him from office.

Talk about ethically challenged: Trump talked about grabbing a pussy (he might or might not have actually done so) while Clinton was a serial rapist.

Clinton deserved to be impeached and he was, Sadly, he was never removed from office, which he deserved even more.

Trump will never be impeached because he never gave a reason to be impeached.
The day Putin decides to cut his loses with Trump and starts leaking the "kompromat" he has been blackmailing him with will be the day that we see that Trumpbots really don't care about morality or ethics.

Ever hear of Occam's razor? Awesome tool for figuring out why people do the things they do. It states that the simplest explanation is usually correct. When looking at Trump's inexplicable behavior you need a vast conspiracy formed by the entire media and most of the people in Washington, my explanation needs two men, Putin blackmailing Trump.

So why do you Nazis act the way you do? Simplest answer is "you're butt hurt children throwing a fit because you didn't get your way."

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