The LIARS Keep on LYING - Kudlow Exposes Trump for the LIAR He Is

Ever notice -- Whenever things are gong badly for the USA, dimocrap scum come out in droves
When have they been going good for trump and you idiots? After he gave his pals a tax cut? Bet he and his pals are short the market He lets them know what's happening
he raised the tax on every rich fk in america in blue states? did you miss that somewhere? how fking stupid do you have to be to be that stupid?
Lie, lie, lie and lie some more. This is the Trump Doctrine. Dishonesty and lack of character describe Trump best.
According to the democrats here, china fucking America = GOOD THING. America fighting back = BAD THING.

What in the FUCK is wrong with democrats? Why do they WANT America to be FUCKED by china? Do they love china more than America? It surely would seem so.

If China is fucking so badly why do we have more jobs than people to fill them?

Why are we in the middle of the longest period of positive job growth in the history of the country?

Why are we 2 months shy of the longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country?

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There's no IF about it. China has been screwing America for decades.

You can thank President Trump for how good America is doing, but we could be doing BETTER, much better, and if we let our president do his job, we will.
According to the democrats here, china fucking America = GOOD THING. America fighting back = BAD THING.

What in the FUCK is wrong with democrats? Why do they WANT America to be FUCKED by china? Do they love china more than America? It surely would seem so.

If China is fucking so badly why do we have more jobs than people to fill them?

Why are we in the middle of the longest period of positive job growth in the history of the country?

Why are we 2 months shy of the longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country?

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There's no IF about it. China has been screwing America for decades.

You can thank President Trump for how good America is doing, but we could be doing BETTER, much better, and if we let our president do his job, we will.
dude they don't care about american jobs. all one has to do is know that they don't blame china for our manufacturing wows of the past. they just don't. they are all traitors.
According to the democrats here, china fucking America = GOOD THING. America fighting back = BAD THING.

What in the FUCK is wrong with democrats? Why do they WANT America to be FUCKED by china? Do they love china more than America? It surely would seem so.
We were doing pretty damn good before the AH trump squirmed into our WH Hows the morons stock market doing ? How many more billions are going towards our hurting agriculture farmers? You think that's funny too 007?
You been a commie supporter all your life, or just since President Trump won MORE OF AMERICA than your filthy old corrupt skank wicked witch of the east did?
Trump said he could get GDP up to 6%

Here's the thing; Trump convinced his base that 2% to 3% a year GDP was BAD & that he could do better.

What is happening under Trump 'rule' is merely a very temporary phenomena; the highest income earners & the wealthy are enjoying a short term PARTY at the expense of the working class.
This will last a very short time & then the bottom will fall out, soon.

Delusion feeds illusion which will lead to confusion & believe me, Trump's base are delusional, they are seeing illusions, and they are very confused.

I told everyone that if Trump becomes POTUS we would experience a MASSIVE 'downward' economic event on Trump's watch.
We are getting there.
where's the economic downflow?

Trump is still POTUS; right?

Why so impatient Grasshoppa?
well yes and you said an economic downward event. where is it? you said it, where is it?

I said, MASSIVE 'downward' economic event. Your reading skills really are not very good.

The markets went too high, too quickly on Trump's watch.

When they (eventually) unwind they will do the same.

You really are impatient. You should work on that.
explain massive then? what is it you have in your crystal ball? perhaps if the dems stopped fking with the russian hoax and did business for amercans, you'd actually have different talking points.
And maybe if your asses in congress stopped worrying about hillaries e mails they might have helped america instead of playing switch
where's the economic downflow?

Trump is still POTUS; right?

Why so impatient Grasshoppa?
well yes and you said an economic downward event. where is it? you said it, where is it?

I said, MASSIVE 'downward' economic event. Your reading skills really are not very good.

The markets went too high, too quickly on Trump's watch.

When they (eventually) unwind they will do the same.

You really are impatient. You should work on that.
explain massive then? what is it you have in your crystal ball? perhaps if the dems stopped fking with the russian hoax and did business for amercans, you'd actually have different talking points.
And maybe if your asses in congress stopped worrying about hillaries e mails they might have helped america instead of playing switch
where is that at? russian hoax and mueller's report. is more important than american jobs and security. amazing. And, they have the fking report and refuse to read it. Can't make it up.
According to the democrats here, china fucking America = GOOD THING. America fighting back = BAD THING.

What in the FUCK is wrong with democrats? Why do they WANT America to be FUCKED by china? Do they love china more than America? It surely would seem so.
We were doing pretty damn good before the AH trump squirmed into our WH Hows the morons stock market doing ? How many more billions are going towards our hurting agriculture farmers? You think that's funny too 007?
You been a commie supporter all your life, or just since President Trump won MORE OF AMERICA than your filthy old corrupt skank wicked witch of the east did?
I'm a vet too only not mentally disabled
According to the democrats here, china fucking America = GOOD THING. America fighting back = BAD THING.

What in the FUCK is wrong with democrats? Why do they WANT America to be FUCKED by china? Do they love china more than America? It surely would seem so.
We were doing pretty damn good before the AH trump squirmed into our WH Hows the morons stock market doing ? How many more billions are going towards our hurting agriculture farmers? You think that's funny too 007?
You been a commie supporter all your life, or just since President Trump won MORE OF AMERICA than your filthy old corrupt skank wicked witch of the east did?
I'm a vet too only not mentally disabled
I think you are.
According to the democrats here, china fucking America = GOOD THING. America fighting back = BAD THING.

What in the FUCK is wrong with democrats? Why do they WANT America to be FUCKED by china? Do they love china more than America? It surely would seem so.

If China is fucking so badly why do we have more jobs than people to fill them?

Why are we in the middle of the longest period of positive job growth in the history of the country?

Why are we 2 months shy of the longest period of economic expansion in the history of the country?

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There's no IF about it. China has been screwing America for decades.

You can thank President Trump for how good America is doing, but we could be doing BETTER, much better, and if we let our president do his job, we will.
dude they don't care about american jobs. all one has to do is know that they don't blame china for our manufacturing wows of the past. they just don't. they are all traitors.
It's easy to see... anything that our president does, even if it's GOOD for America, they're against, period, and they dream up whatever pathetic BS they can to try and sound like they're not unhinged dumbass TDS twats... but we see it. We know they're BUTT HURT and still haven't accepted that Trump kicked Hitlery's ass in 2016. I doubt they'll ever get over it. They're just nasty little vindictive children.
Trump is still POTUS; right?

Why so impatient Grasshoppa?
well yes and you said an economic downward event. where is it? you said it, where is it?

I said, MASSIVE 'downward' economic event. Your reading skills really are not very good.

The markets went too high, too quickly on Trump's watch.

When they (eventually) unwind they will do the same.

You really are impatient. You should work on that.
explain massive then? what is it you have in your crystal ball? perhaps if the dems stopped fking with the russian hoax and did business for amercans, you'd actually have different talking points.
And maybe if your asses in congress stopped worrying about hillaries e mails they might have helped america instead of playing switch
where is that at? russian hoax and mueller's report. is more important than american jobs and security. amazing. And, they have the fking report and refuse to read it. Can't make it up.
Allowed to read but not to copy OR talk about it WTF?
well yes and you said an economic downward event. where is it? you said it, where is it?

I said, MASSIVE 'downward' economic event. Your reading skills really are not very good.

The markets went too high, too quickly on Trump's watch.

When they (eventually) unwind they will do the same.

You really are impatient. You should work on that.
explain massive then? what is it you have in your crystal ball? perhaps if the dems stopped fking with the russian hoax and did business for amercans, you'd actually have different talking points.
And maybe if your asses in congress stopped worrying about hillaries e mails they might have helped america instead of playing switch
where is that at? russian hoax and mueller's report. is more important than american jobs and security. amazing. And, they have the fking report and refuse to read it. Can't make it up.
Allowed to read but not to copy OR talk about it WTF?
why do they need to copy? They can talk about the report, just not to mention the information that is unredacted for them. so, you are as usual in error and lying. fk dude, I can read and talk about the report. dude, how far up their asses is your snoot?
Trump DOW down another 500 AND no meetings set The art of the deal ??? Fight to the last drop of some one elses blood
According to the democrats here, china fucking America = GOOD THING. America fighting back = BAD THING.

What in the FUCK is wrong with democrats? Why do they WANT America to be FUCKED by china? Do they love china more than America? It surely would seem so.
We were doing pretty damn good before the AH trump squirmed into our WH Hows the morons stock market doing ? How many more billions are going towards our hurting agriculture farmers? You think that's funny too 007?
You been a commie supporter all your life, or just since President Trump won MORE OF AMERICA than your filthy old corrupt skank wicked witch of the east did?
I'm a vet too only not mentally disabled
I doubt you're a veteran, but yes, you ARE mentally unstable. You're about as TDS afflicted as they come. You can't hide it.
Trump DOW down another 500 AND no meetings set The art of the deal ??? Fight to the last drop of some one elses blood
so why aren't you pissed at China? hmmmmm

I'm like, fk the chinese and their decades of loose sales. now it's gonna be even, why are you against that?

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