The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

My area of New York is Republican leaning.
Your governor is Cuomo genius. You live in a very Dumbocrat state. That’s your own fault. You won’t leave New York and you won’t leave the U.S. but you bitch about both like a whiny progressive.
Yes, my Brewster schools I went to were very racist.

Southern States are less White than Northern ones, actually.

Only some parts of Appalachia are very White in the South... The job market, and opportunities there are very limited.

Most a lot of the South is either loaded with Blacks, or with Mexicans.
New York once had a lot of manufacturing, now no.
That’s because the U.S. has shifted from a manufacturing economy to an information economy. Part of that is simply the natural progression of things, and part of that is because ignorant left-wing policy forced manufacturing jobs overseas. And part of that is too many dumb polacks in NY.
85 IQ for African Americans, and a 0109 IQ for Polish Americans You're too dumb to be reasoned with.
You're a White Negro.
Oh look...the dumb polack is making up “statistics”. Shocking. Not a single link backing up anything he has posted.

You're a big ANTIFA, just you're an ANTIFA for free markets, unlike most ANTIFA which are Communists.

You also have a big mouth, and simple intellect like many ANTIFA's.

You're basically just another Unkotare.
New York once had a lot of manufacturing, now no.
That’s because the U.S. has shifted from a manufacturing economy to an information economy. Part of that is simply the natural progression of things, and part of that is because ignorant left-wing policy forced manufacturing jobs overseas. And part of that is too many dumb polacks in NY.

The loss of manufacturing is not being picked up.

The proof is in Real Hourly Wages flopping.

Fascists would counter-act these problems.

1.) Jail those who outsource.
2.) Jail those who hire Illegals.
3.) Micromanage the work-place to have only limited Automation robotics, to increase jobs in Manufacturing for the benefit of the Nation.

That would cause a massive increase wealth for the masses.

Fascism > Capitalism.
New York once had a lot of manufacturing, now no.
part of that is because ignorant left-wing policy forced manufacturing jobs overseas. And part of that is too many dumb polacks in NY.

Corporate taxes being too high is a problem.... Republicans for about 30 years got it wrong, over, and over again.... They foolishly cut Civilian taxes, instead of Corporate taxes.

But, that's besides the point.

The point is that Southerners wouldn't compete with China, Vietnam, or Mexico for these Manufacturing jobs, anyways.

So, it's simply NOT ENOUGH.

We need real Leaders, not do nothing, think little Yokels for Liberty in time of crisis.
My area of New York is Republican leaning.
Your governor is Cuomo genius. You live in a very Dumbocrat state. That’s your own fault. You won’t leave New York and you won’t leave the U.S. but you bitch about both like a whiny progressive.
Yes, my Brewster schools I went to were very racist.

New York's got better food, more park-land, more entertainment, and Natural beauty than most of the South, or Mid-West.

New York's also more familiar, if anything I'd actually move to Poland, before the South.

Besides, I have friends, and family in New York.
New York once had a lot of manufacturing, now no.
And part of that is too many dumb polacks in NY.

More like the Jews, Blacks, and Hispanics make New York City, uber-Liberal.
Irish Catholics are also somewhat Liberal.

Poles, and Italians went big for Trump.
Poles, and Italians swing a lot in American elections, because they are Socially Conservative, but Economically Left.
I never said eliminate them, I want them out of my country (America)
They are exponentially more American than you. You’re the dumb polish immigrant. They are 100% American and thus nobody has any authority to kick them out of the U.S. you dumb, racist polack.

Tell that to Polish Americans like Kosciuszko, or Pulaski, Matt Urban, or Gabby Gabreski. (Military heroes of the U.S.A) As opposed to Black who make up which Military heroes?
For starters - General Collin Powell is one of the brightest minds the U.S. has ever produced. Thanks for playing.
I never said eliminate them, I want them out of my country (America)
They are exponentially more American than you. You’re the dumb polish immigrant. They are 100% American and thus nobody has any authority to kick them out of the U.S. you dumb, racist polack.

Tell that to Polish Americans like Kosciuszko, or Pulaski, Matt Urban, or Gabby Gabreski. (Military heroes of the U.S.A) As opposed to Black who make up which Military heroes?
For starters - General Collin Powell is one of the brightest minds the U.S. has ever produced. Thanks for playing.

Brzezinski propped up Afghans against Soviets, the beginning of the end of the Communist Cold-War.
I never said eliminate them, I want them out of my country (America)
They are exponentially more American than you. You’re the dumb polish immigrant. They are 100% American and thus nobody has any authority to kick them out of the U.S. you dumb, racist polack.

Tell that to Polish Americans like Kosciuszko, or Pulaski, Matt Urban, or Gabby Gabreski. (Military heroes of the U.S.A) As opposed to Black who make up which Military heroes?
For starters - General Collin Powell is one of the brightest minds the U.S. has ever produced. Thanks for playing.

In WW2, 1 million Polish Americans fought for the U.S.A, or 20% of all Polish Americans... 8% of the U.S.A armed forces, despite 4% of the U.S.A being Polish.

This includes Gabby Gabreski the Polish American top fighter Ace in the European campaign.
I never said eliminate them, I want them out of my country (America)
They are exponentially more American than you. You’re the dumb polish immigrant. They are 100% American and thus nobody has any authority to kick them out of the U.S. you dumb, racist polack.

Tell that to Polish Americans like Kosciuszko, or Pulaski, Matt Urban, or Gabby Gabreski. (Military heroes of the U.S.A) As opposed to Black who make up which Military heroes?
For starters - General Collin Powell is one of the brightest minds the U.S. has ever produced. Thanks for playing.

Polish American Frank Piasecki invented dual rooter Helicopters, used for Military transports.
I never said eliminate them, I want them out of my country (America)
They are exponentially more American than you. You’re the dumb polish immigrant. They are 100% American and thus nobody has any authority to kick them out of the U.S. you dumb, racist polack.

Tell that to Polish Americans like Kosciuszko, or Pulaski, Matt Urban, or Gabby Gabreski. (Military heroes of the U.S.A) As opposed to Black who make up which Military heroes?
For starters - General Collin Powell is one of the brightest minds the U.S. has ever produced. Thanks for playing.

Collin Powell looks quite more White, than Obama the Mulatto...... Anyways.
See Patriot is a Liberal, like this Liberal they make up retardation ignoring facts, in favor of Black equality, and of Poles being dumb just because the dumb Jewish media makes up such crap.
So to’re not only fiercely racist but also antisemitic. Well aren’t you just a special gem?

The Republican pandering for Jews is one of the unsolved Mysteries.

Jews undermine Republicans left, and right.

Their solution is not only to do nothing about it, but worship Jews, and Israel.

Jewish groups against Trump.

Jewish groups, politicians furious over Trump's far-right pandering

Many American Rabbis put Refugees above Trump, or America.

1,500+ Rabbis Sign National Letter Calling for Welcoming Refugees

Half of Democrat funding comes from Jews.

US Jews contribute half of all donations to the Democratic party

This Jew opened up immigration, and gun control in America in the 1960's.

Emanuel Celler - Wikipedia

This Jew runs the Liberal ACLU.

Susan N. Herman - Wikipedia

Hollywood is totally run by Jews says Jew Joel Stein, but Conservatives hate Hollywood for Liberalism.

Who runs Hollywood? C'mon

This Jew founded NBC Liberal media.

David Sarnoff - Wikipedia

Jews at Comcast like Roberts own MSNC.

Ralph J. Roberts - Wikipedia

This Jew put on the map the CBS Liberal media.

William S. Paley - Wikipedia

This Jew runs CBS.

Leslie Moonves - Wikipedia

This Jew an Israeli owns CNN Liberal media through Time Warner.

Aviv Nevo - Wikipedia

This Jew runs CNN.

Jeff Zucker - Wikipedia

This Jew owns / founded Liberal Viacom / MTV / ABC media.

Sumner Redstone - Wikipedia

Jews are a Liberal voting block, who have probably been responsible for swinging Florida in favor of Democrats in a bunch of elections.

Jewish Voting Record in U.S. Presidential Elections
My area of New York is Republican leaning.
Your governor is Cuomo genius. You live in a very Dumbocrat state. That’s your own fault. You won’t leave New York and you won’t leave the U.S. but you bitch about both like a whiny progressive.
Yes, my Brewster schools I went to were very racist.

New York's got better food, more park-land, more entertainment, and Natural beauty than most of the South, or Mid-West.

New York's also more familiar, if anything I'd actually move to Poland, before the South.

Besides, I have friends, and family in New York.
The old South could be revived.

The old North has been dead for quite some time.

New York is nothing but ghettos and Democrat anti-intellectualism now.
I shouldn't have to leave the country I was born in
Guess what you exceptionally dumb polack? All of those black people that you desperately want exterminated and/or deported are saying the exact same thing. They shouldn’t have to leave the country they were born in just because you’re an ignorant polack.

You continue to defeat your own position... :laugh:
No, I didn't say that I want to exterminate Blacks. No, I'd strip them of their citizenship, no more benefits, or jobs... A lot cheaper than deportations.
Why not strip dumb polacks of their citizenship? Why blacks?

Blacks are dumb, not Poles.

You sound so uneducated, and brainwashed.
I remember all the Pollock jokes when I was growing up.
Anti-white racism is acceptable.
If during the Cold War the Soviets had been able to sell this “deep state” baloney to Americans, to sow distrust of our own FBI and CIA, we would all be speaking Russian by now. The collaborators in Congress must be voted out now!
My area of New York is Republican leaning.
Your governor is Cuomo genius. You live in a very Dumbocrat state. That’s your own fault. You won’t leave New York and you won’t leave the U.S. but you bitch about both like a whiny progressive.
Yes, my Brewster schools I went to were very racist.

New York's got better food, more park-land, more entertainment, and Natural beauty than most of the South, or Mid-West.

New York's also more familiar, if anything I'd actually move to Poland, before the South.

Besides, I have friends, and family in New York.
The old South could be revived.

The old North has been dead for quite some time.

New York is nothing but ghettos and Democrat anti-intellectualism now.
Moron has never been to a broadway play, or museum or the Lincoln Center for jazz or etc.
it’s amazing how little you know.
My area of New York is Republican leaning.
Your governor is Cuomo genius. You live in a very Dumbocrat state. That’s your own fault. You won’t leave New York and you won’t leave the U.S. but you bitch about both like a whiny progressive.
Yes, my Brewster schools I went to were very racist.

New York's got better food, more park-land, more entertainment, and Natural beauty than most of the South, or Mid-West.

New York's also more familiar, if anything I'd actually move to Poland, before the South.

Besides, I have friends, and family in New York.
The old South could be revived.

The old North has been dead for quite some time.

New York is nothing but ghettos and Democrat anti-intellectualism now.

New York has the greatest potential in the U.S.A.... It has West Point, Wall Street, lots of Museums, Plays, lots of great Restaurants, The Hudson Valley, Catskills etc..... Unfortunately a lot of it has been desecrated by Liberalism.

In the 1940's NYC was like 95% White.... Now it's barely above 1/3rd White.

They have destroyed us well.

But, the hope is that NYC gentrification will kick out a lot of the Ghetto people over time.
My area of New York is Republican leaning.
Your governor is Cuomo genius. You live in a very Dumbocrat state. That’s your own fault. You won’t leave New York and you won’t leave the U.S. but you bitch about both like a whiny progressive.
Yes, my Brewster schools I went to were very racist.

New York's got better food, more park-land, more entertainment, and Natural beauty than most of the South, or Mid-West.

New York's also more familiar, if anything I'd actually move to Poland, before the South.

Besides, I have friends, and family in New York.
The old South could be revived.

The old North has been dead for quite some time.

New York is nothing but ghettos and Democrat anti-intellectualism now.
Moron has never been to a broadway play, or museum or the Lincoln Center for jazz or etc.
it’s amazing how little you know.

I love New York, I hate the Liberals, and non-White Diversity. (I like the White diversity though) Nice to have an expert Italian, Polish, or German chef prepare authentic food. (Not much in other regions of the U.S.A)

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