The liberal march towards EXTREME fascism

In this country it doesn't matter, they could be practicing Zoroastrianism and the constitution protects them.
Says the side that works to obliterate the U.S. Constitution around the clock. Oh the irony of such an idiotic statement.... :lmao:

Then you best learn the constitution because when you make rants about something you have little knowledge you just make yourself look stupid.
Yes, right or left could be authoritarian. Fascism is (and should be) reserved for extreme right movements that specifically place the state above all else.

No genius....right cannot be "authoritarian". The right's ideology is all about the individual. Small government. So the further right you go, government get smaller and smaller until you reach no government at all. Right-wing extremism is anarchy genius. Left-wing extremism is communism/fascism/socialism/etc.
The right can be progressive statist with emphasis on nationalism, ethnocentrism, nativism, racism, all enforced by Big Government.
The right can be "progressive?" You just proved you're an idiot who isn't afraid to contradict himself.
The left wants people to have more freedoms and more wealth to be in the hands of the middle class. The right wants a religious dictatorship that protects only the super rich. Now tell me about fascism!
The left creates economic policy which keeps everyone in poverty except for those in power (just like Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Fidel Castro, etc.). In addition, they implement policy to ensure they retain power instead of the people (like Obamacare, Obergfell, etc.).

The right reduces taxes for ALL so that EVERYONE has more money in their pocket, rolls back regulations so that ALL have more freedom, and limits government.

Sorry Matty boy - you're ignorance is on full display here today. You need to educate yourself and stop swallowing the propaganda.
In this country it doesn't matter, they could be practicing Zoroastrianism and the constitution protects them.
Says the side that works to obliterate the U.S. Constitution around the clock. Oh the irony of such an idiotic statement.... :lmao:

Then you best learn the constitution because when you make rants about something you have little knowledge you just make yourself look stupid.
Dude....I've forgotten more about the Constitution than you will ever know. I've already proven that you've never read it. Not even once. That's how lazy and uneducated you are.
The confusion about fascism is that most people think of Nazi Germany as the ultimate fascism. The Nazi's weren't really fascists. They were extreme nationalists and racists. But more than that they were led by a generation of WWI vets that suffered extreme PTSS. They were out for revenge.

True fascism is Mussolini fascism. Mussolini is the guy that coined the term fascism. He was for extreme suppression of the workers - an absolute dictatorship of the wealthy. He used nationalism as a tool to win the loyalty of the Italian WWI vets and turn them against the workers.

What a load of horseshit. Mussolini claimed he was a big supporter of the workers.

And you think workers shouldn't have regulations and rights? You live in the wrong century.

What does that idiocy have to do with Mussolini?
In this country it doesn't matter, they could be practicing Zoroastrianism and the constitution protects them.
Says the side that works to obliterate the U.S. Constitution around the clock. Oh the irony of such an idiotic statement.... :lmao:
The drugs are not helping you. Your limited thinking is very muddled. You and bripat both suffer the same problems.
The way it is becoming in America today?
Right ---> I hate government and lets rule over the people with Christianity.
Left-----> Lets help people, lets invest in our country and let people be people.
That's a cute false narrative. Now for the truth...

Right ----> The U.S. Constitution ensures freedom (and that includes the freedom to hate homosexual, be racist, bigoted, etc.).

Left ----> We are obsessed with power and control. We will force our fascist views down the throats of everyone and the entire nation will Nazi goose-step in the exact same direction. We will consolidate power for ourselves and ensure that the people live in poverty so that they are dependent on government for even their most basic needs so that they continue to vote Dumbocrat on the empty promise that we will "provide" for them.
The left wants people to have more freedoms and more wealth to be in the hands of the middle class. The right wants a religious dictatorship that protects only the super rich.

Now tell me about fascism!
IF the left wants the middle class to have more wealth, then why are they always the importation of millions of illegal aliens from third world countries who will drive their wages down?
During the french revolution the right also supported the upper class and the king. This is what the right has always been about. The few at the top = good! Everyone else = bad!

The left were the poor and the little guy telling them to fuck off and give me more rights.

The terms "right" and "left" as they applied then have nothing to do with their modern definitions.
Here are 14 defining characteristics of fascism by Dr. Lawerence Britt ( Source: Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism):

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause

4. Supremacy of the Military

5. Rampant Sexism

6. Controlled Mass Media

7. Obsession with National Security

8. Religion and Government are Intertwined

9. Corporate Power is Protected

10. Labor Power is Suppressed

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

14. Fraudulent Elections

Now go compare this to the respective party platforms of each party and see which one resembles Fascism more.

Obviously you aren't aware of the fact that Mr Britt was exposed as a fraud long ago. He's not a doctor of anything. He's a marketing executive. His opinions on fascism are no more authoritative than mine.
Yes Britt is a retired executive of Xerox but also has spent a lifetime researching the subject. He has written two books and has contributed to numerous magazine article, The only reason the right tries to defame him is because they don't enjoy his conclusions.
Yes, right or left could be authoritarian. Fascism is (and should be) reserved for extreme right movements that specifically place the state above all else.

No genius....right cannot be "authoritarian". The right's ideology is all about the individual. Small government. So the further right you go, government get smaller and smaller until you reach no government at all. Right-wing extremism is anarchy genius. Left-wing extremism is communism/fascism/socialism/etc.
The right can be progressive statist with emphasis on nationalism, ethnocentrism, nativism, racism, all enforced by Big Government.
The right can be "progressive?" You just proved you're an idiot who isn't afraid to contradict himself.
Of course it can. Progressivism is a philosophy and process using big government to enforce changes: so since uber nationalism, nativism, jingoism, ethnocentrism, sexism, etc., are increasingly disturbing forms of far right wingery, yes, you are a progressive statist who pretends he is an anarchist. You goof, you have no idea what is an anarchist.
Here are 14 defining characteristics of fascism by Dr. Lawerence Britt ( Source: Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism):

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause

4. Supremacy of the Military

5. Rampant Sexism

6. Controlled Mass Media

7. Obsession with National Security

8. Religion and Government are Intertwined

9. Corporate Power is Protected

10. Labor Power is Suppressed

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

14. Fraudulent Elections

Now go compare this to the respective party platforms of each party and see which one resembles Fascism more.

Obviously you aren't aware of the fact that Mr Britt was exposed as a fraud long ago. He's not a doctor of anything. He's a marketing executive. His opinions on fascism are no more authoritative than mine.
Yes Britt is a retired executive of Xerox but also has spent a lifetime researching the subject. He has written two books and has contributed to numerous magazine article, The only reason the right tries to defame him is because they don't enjoy his conclusions.

Why should anyone believe a thing he says?
And you think workers shouldn't have regulations and rights? You live in the wrong century.
In the workplace? No, stupid! Employment is a voluntary agreement between you and the employer. The problem with you ignorant libtards is that you believe corporations are an extension of government - and that as such they owe you something. Corporations are not an extension of government. They are (or were anyway - before the fascism of liberals) private organizations in the free market. They have the right to operate any way they choose, and if you don't like it, you are completely free to leave and find a new job.
"Right ----> The U.S. Constitution ensures freedom (and that includes the freedom to hate homosexual, be racist, bigoted, etc.)." And the statist progressive right wants to use Big Government to enforce its hatred on the rest of America. Nuh uh, little fuckers, never will happen.

Yep, releasing prisoners that are serving time for smoking pot = fascism
Allowing gays to marry is fascism
Allowing transgender people to come out and feel safe = fascism
Helping the poor is fascism.
The far right is mentally insane.
Forcing people to call a man a woman = fascism

Forcing a bakery to be a part of a homosexual wedding = fascism

Forcing a farm to host a homosexual wedding = fascism

Forcing a 6-year old girl to shower or pee with a mentally disturbed, sexually deviant man = fascism

See a pattern, stupid? Any other questions, stupid?

Dum Dum, all of those conditions are set by the constitution and is why the courts reinforce them. Maybe you should go back to school and learn at bit.
Link to marriage in the constitution? Thanks.....
He's never read the U.S. Constitution. How in the hell can he provide you with a link to any part of it?
Here are 14 defining characteristics of fascism by Dr. Lawerence Britt ( Source: Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism):

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause

4. Supremacy of the Military

5. Rampant Sexism

6. Controlled Mass Media

7. Obsession with National Security

8. Religion and Government are Intertwined

9. Corporate Power is Protected

10. Labor Power is Suppressed

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

14. Fraudulent Elections

Now go compare this to the respective party platforms of each party and see which one resembles Fascism more.

Obviously you aren't aware of the fact that Mr Britt was exposed as a fraud long ago. He's not a doctor of anything. He's a marketing executive. His opinions on fascism are no more authoritative than mine.
Yes Britt is a retired executive of Xerox but also has spent a lifetime researching the subject. He has written two books and has contributed to numerous magazine article, The only reason the right tries to defame him is because they don't enjoy his conclusions.

Why should anyone believe a thing he says?

Because he has written enough to be considered a scholar on the subject.
Yes, right or left could be authoritarian. Fascism is (and should be) reserved for extreme right movements that specifically place the state above all else.

No genius....right cannot be "authoritarian". The right's ideology is all about the individual. Small government. So the further right you go, government get smaller and smaller until you reach no government at all. Right-wing extremism is anarchy genius. Left-wing extremism is communism/fascism/socialism/etc.
The right can be progressive statist with emphasis on nationalism, ethnocentrism, nativism, racism, all enforced by Big Government.
The right can be "progressive?" You just proved you're an idiot who isn't afraid to contradict himself.
Of course it can. Progressivism is a philosophy and process using big government to enforce changes: so since uber nationalism, nativism, jingoism, ethnocentrism, sexism, etc., are increasingly disturbing forms of far right wingery, yes, you are a progressive statist who pretends he is an anarchist. You goof, you have no idea what is an anarchist.

I want to abolish the government. So how am I a "progressive statist?"

Do words mean anything at all to you, Fakey?
Here are 14 defining characteristics of fascism by Dr. Lawerence Britt ( Source: Fourteen Defining Characteristics Of Fascism):

1. Powerful and Continuing Nationalism

2. Disdain for the Recognition of Human Rights

3. Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats as a Unifying Cause

4. Supremacy of the Military

5. Rampant Sexism

6. Controlled Mass Media

7. Obsession with National Security

8. Religion and Government are Intertwined

9. Corporate Power is Protected

10. Labor Power is Suppressed

11. Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

12. Obsession with Crime and Punishment

13. Rampant Cronyism and Corruption

14. Fraudulent Elections

Now go compare this to the respective party platforms of each party and see which one resembles Fascism more.

Obviously you aren't aware of the fact that Mr Britt was exposed as a fraud long ago. He's not a doctor of anything. He's a marketing executive. His opinions on fascism are no more authoritative than mine.
Yes Britt is a retired executive of Xerox but also has spent a lifetime researching the subject. He has written two books and has contributed to numerous magazine article, The only reason the right tries to defame him is because they don't enjoy his conclusions.

Why should anyone believe a thing he says?

Because he has written enough to be considered a scholar on the subject.

He's mostly considered a con artists on the subject.
I have kicked ass sufficiently on the right wing Big Government statists Patriot and bripat. bripat does not want to abolish government, he wants to increase. He is a fascist in anarchist clothing.

Time for dinner.
During the french revolution the right also supported the upper class and the king. This is what the right has always been about. The few at the top = good! Everyone else = bad!

The left were the poor and the little guy telling them to fuck off and give me more rights.
It's not free market capitalism which created Fidel Castro at the top in Cuba and everyone else in poverty! It's not free market capitalism which created Joseph Stalin at the top in the U.S.S.R and everyone else in poverty!

( was liberalism)

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