The Liberal Myth that the Rich Pay "Virtually No Taxes"

Only the Right say that by taking out of context anyone who points out the fact that the "truly wealthy," like the Rockefellers, Melons, DuPontes, etc., pay little or no taxes on their billions in capital assets, and spins "truly wealthy capital billionaires" into the "rich making $250k in wages."
Last time I checked it was Obama and his minions who said people making 250K a year were rich
Obama said that was a tax increase threshold point, the Right calls them "rich."

Obama lumped 250K earners into the category of "wealthy citizens"

Actually, the $250 plus tax bracket was established by Reagan

So what? You think I am a fan of that big government whore?

Obama categorized 250 K earners as some of the "wealthiest"

That was the highest tax bracket at the time

It was all part of Republicans "simplifying" our tax code and creating fewer brackets
By making the higher bracket $250 plus, it enabled them to whine about how unfair a tax increase would be to those only making $250K

I'm willing to go to 50% effective rate on those making over $1 million....are you?
If the wealthy are paying 17% effective tax rate compared to the 50% they should be paying, does that qualify as "virtually nothing"?

You make two dubious assumptions and then proceed from there.

Why should anyone have an effective tax rate of 50%?

Does your fuzzy-math claim about a 17% effective tax rate include all the taxes that the rich pay in state and county taxes? I am barely in the top 20% and my state takes about 5% of my gross income and refunds about $100 of that money to me each year. And, good grief, I pay many thousands of dollars in state sales tax and county property tax. Two of my relatives own businesses, and they pay a huge amount in state and county business and property taxes. Does your 17% figure include state and county taxes?


Because that is where our tax rate used to be before we were running up record debt. It is where our tax rate used to be when taxes actually paid more for infrastructure, education and healthcare. It is where our tax rate used to be when the Government actually accomplished things

We have seen what Supply Side tax rates have done for this country...time to fix the mistake

Accomplished things like what ?

This should be good.

Glad you asked....

What did we accomplish before we bought into supply side economics?
WWII, interstate highway system, put a man on the moon

What have we accomplished since supply side?
Our infrastructure has been allowed to crumble in the name of lower taxes, we have pulled support from colleges and universities in the name of lower taxes, we have allowed our cities to crumble

The city I live in isn't crumbling.

Just the opposite.

That is wonderful to hear...but what does it have to do with what I posted?
Last time I checked it was Obama and his minions who said people making 250K a year were rich
Obama said that was a tax increase threshold point, the Right calls them "rich."

Obama lumped 250K earners into the category of "wealthy citizens"

Actually, the $250 plus tax bracket was established by Reagan

So what? You think I am a fan of that big government whore?

Obama categorized 250 K earners as some of the "wealthiest"

That was the highest tax bracket at the time

It was all part of Republicans "simplifying" our tax code and creating fewer brackets
By making the higher bracket $250 plus, it enabled them to whine about how unfair a tax increase would be to those only making $250K

I'm willing to go to 50% effective rate on those making over $1 million....are you?

No the government nor anyone else has the right to take 50% of a persons income
You make two dubious assumptions and then proceed from there.

Why should anyone have an effective tax rate of 50%?

Does your fuzzy-math claim about a 17% effective tax rate include all the taxes that the rich pay in state and county taxes? I am barely in the top 20% and my state takes about 5% of my gross income and refunds about $100 of that money to me each year. And, good grief, I pay many thousands of dollars in state sales tax and county property tax. Two of my relatives own businesses, and they pay a huge amount in state and county business and property taxes. Does your 17% figure include state and county taxes?


Because that is where our tax rate used to be before we were running up record debt. It is where our tax rate used to be when taxes actually paid more for infrastructure, education and healthcare. It is where our tax rate used to be when the Government actually accomplished things

We have seen what Supply Side tax rates have done for this country...time to fix the mistake

Accomplished things like what ?

This should be good.

Glad you asked....

What did we accomplish before we bought into supply side economics?
WWII, interstate highway system, put a man on the moon

What have we accomplished since supply side?
Our infrastructure has been allowed to crumble in the name of lower taxes, we have pulled support from colleges and universities in the name of lower taxes, we have allowed our cities to crumble

The city I live in isn't crumbling.

Just the opposite.

That is wonderful to hear...but what does it have to do with what I posted?

What is the last line in your post........?

"we have allowed our cities to crumble"

Clearly, you were "educated" before supply side and that didn't work out so well for you.....
Yours isn't the one being promoted by the GOP front runners, those most likely to have a snowball's chance in hell of actually enacting it. They either carve out specific exemptions for capital gains or they get really, really vague about the topic. While being very specific about other forms of taxation.

Which tells you that capital gains isn't going to be treated the same. With the aforementioned exception of Rand Paul.

I think a fair scheme would be based on one's ability to pay. A method adopted by pretty much every 1st world nation on the planet.
why is captial gains on the table?
Why shouldn't capital gains be on the table?

The fact that we tax investment earnings at a lower rate than sweat earnings is criminal

Its not 'criminal'. Its a concrete demonstration of the wildly disproportionate power and influence of the wealthy on our law. As its one of the primary methods of earnings for the top 1%. But not for the public at large.

And given the wildly disproportionate influence of the wealthy, tax policy flagrantly favors of the methods of income that the wealthy use to generate their income: investments.

While far higher rates on methods that most everyone else uses: actual work.

I do not know why this has appeared and do not know how to remove it. I was wishing to point out that Labour is the source of all real value, other than scarcity.

Labor is a product sold by the laborers nothing more
Yours isn't the one being promoted by the GOP front runners, those most likely to have a snowball's chance in hell of actually enacting it. They either carve out specific exemptions for capital gains or they get really, really vague about the topic. While being very specific about other forms of taxation.

Which tells you that capital gains isn't going to be treated the same. With the aforementioned exception of Rand Paul.

I think a fair scheme would be based on one's ability to pay. A method adopted by pretty much every 1st world nation on the planet.
why is captial gains on the table?
Why shouldn't capital gains be on the table?

The fact that we tax investment earnings at a lower rate than sweat earnings is criminal

Its not 'criminal'. Its a concrete demonstration of the wildly disproportionate power and influence of the wealthy on our law. As its one of the primary methods of earnings for the top 1%. But not for the public at large.

And given the wildly disproportionate influence of the wealthy, tax policy flagrantly favors of the methods of income that the wealthy use to generate their income: investments.

While far higher rates on methods that most everyone else uses: actual work.


Labor is a product sold by the laborers nothing more
Obama said that was a tax increase threshold point, the Right calls them "rich."

Obama lumped 250K earners into the category of "wealthy citizens"

Actually, the $250 plus tax bracket was established by Reagan

So what? You think I am a fan of that big government whore?

Obama categorized 250 K earners as some of the "wealthiest"

That was the highest tax bracket at the time

It was all part of Republicans "simplifying" our tax code and creating fewer brackets
By making the higher bracket $250 plus, it enabled them to whine about how unfair a tax increase would be to those only making $250K

I'm willing to go to 50% effective rate on those making over $1 million....are you?

No the government nor anyone else has the right to take 50% of a persons income

What do you mean "right".

Government has no "rights".

But we give up rights to have government.

And apparently there are enough leeches in society who want some to pay 50%.
Last time I checked it was Obama and his minions who said people making 250K a year were rich
Obama said that was a tax increase threshold point, the Right calls them "rich."

Obama lumped 250K earners into the category of "wealthy citizens"

Actually, the $250 plus tax bracket was established by Reagan

So what? You think I am a fan of that big government whore?

Obama categorized 250 K earners as some of the "wealthiest"

That was the highest tax bracket at the time

It was all part of Republicans "simplifying" our tax code and creating fewer brackets
By making the higher bracket $250 plus, it enabled them to whine about how unfair a tax increase would be to those only making $250K

I'm willing to go to 50% effective rate on those making over $1 million....are you?

You bet.

As long as we cut federal government spending by 10%, eliminate certain federal functions, and truly balance the budget.

I'll also make the S.S. tax progressive (and eliminate the cap) long as we take all the freeloaders off that system.
Obama said that was a tax increase threshold point, the Right calls them "rich."

Obama lumped 250K earners into the category of "wealthy citizens"

Actually, the $250 plus tax bracket was established by Reagan

So what? You think I am a fan of that big government whore?

Obama categorized 250 K earners as some of the "wealthiest"

That was the highest tax bracket at the time

It was all part of Republicans "simplifying" our tax code and creating fewer brackets
By making the higher bracket $250 plus, it enabled them to whine about how unfair a tax increase would be to those only making $250K

I'm willing to go to 50% effective rate on those making over $1 million....are you?

No the government nor anyone else has the right to take 50% of a persons income

They always had that right before....the country was better off for it
Obama lumped 250K earners into the category of "wealthy citizens"

Actually, the $250 plus tax bracket was established by Reagan

So what? You think I am a fan of that big government whore?

Obama categorized 250 K earners as some of the "wealthiest"

That was the highest tax bracket at the time

It was all part of Republicans "simplifying" our tax code and creating fewer brackets
By making the higher bracket $250 plus, it enabled them to whine about how unfair a tax increase would be to those only making $250K

I'm willing to go to 50% effective rate on those making over $1 million....are you?

No the government nor anyone else has the right to take 50% of a persons income

They always had that right before....the country was better off for it

Put it this way it is immoral to steal 50% of anyone's property

Because that is where our tax rate used to be before we were running up record debt. It is where our tax rate used to be when taxes actually paid more for infrastructure, education and healthcare. It is where our tax rate used to be when the Government actually accomplished things

We have seen what Supply Side tax rates have done for this country...time to fix the mistake

Accomplished things like what ?

This should be good.

Glad you asked....

What did we accomplish before we bought into supply side economics?
WWII, interstate highway system, put a man on the moon

What have we accomplished since supply side?
Our infrastructure has been allowed to crumble in the name of lower taxes, we have pulled support from colleges and universities in the name of lower taxes, we have allowed our cities to crumble

The city I live in isn't crumbling.

Just the opposite.

That is wonderful to hear...but what does it have to do with what I posted?

What is the last line in your post........?

"we have allowed our cities to crumble"

Clearly, you were "educated" before supply side and that didn't work out so well for you.....

You asked me what we accomplished before supply side and I provided an answer. You are now ducking

What have we accomplished since buying into supply side?
In pursuit of lower taxes we have allowed our highways and bridges to crumble, have ignored major infrastructure improvements, abandoned mass transit, allowed our power and communication grids to become obsolete

But least our wealthy get to enjoy the lowest tax structure in 75 years
Remember MIT romneys taxes ? And this was a guy setting up for a prez run!

Why do the Romneys pay so little in taxes? -

By now, most of us have probably heard that Mitt and Ann Romney paid just under $2 million in taxes on income -- virtually all from investments -- of just under $14 million for 2011, an effective tax rate of 14.1%. This is a low tax rate, lower than the typical middle-class American worker pays, especially when one considers payroll taxes, the largest burden for most Americans. It should concern us that individuals of Romney's wealth -- analysis has put his personal fortune as high as $250 million, not counting some $100 million in trusts set up for his five children -- pay so little as a percent in taxes.

That taxable year my wife and I paid almost the same percentage on combined earnings of less than $100,000. I've been bitching about Romney ever since I read about it. I told about this close friend of mine who owns a metal building construction company which earns an average of just under a million dollars a year. He said that if he ever had to pay a combined 20% for all his taxes he would hire a new accountant.

It's like I posted earlier.....poor people pay a higher percentage of their income in other forms of taxation and fees than any rich person when totals are closely observed. Why not? Rich people came up with the system. Now it takes an act of god to change anything.

The one the well to do are really trying to push is a flat tax for everyone. Their tax rates would automatically be reduced with a deal like that.
Sure bubba sure. They probably pay more taxes on fuel and property taxes then th poor pay on every thing. Not to mention capital gains, but you're just a tree hugging libturd who knows nothing about it.
Actually, the $250 plus tax bracket was established by Reagan

So what? You think I am a fan of that big government whore?

Obama categorized 250 K earners as some of the "wealthiest"

That was the highest tax bracket at the time

It was all part of Republicans "simplifying" our tax code and creating fewer brackets
By making the higher bracket $250 plus, it enabled them to whine about how unfair a tax increase would be to those only making $250K

I'm willing to go to 50% effective rate on those making over $1 million....are you?

No the government nor anyone else has the right to take 50% of a persons income

They always had that right before....the country was better off for it

Put it this way it is immoral to steal 50% of anyone's property

So what? You think I am a fan of that big government whore?

Obama categorized 250 K earners as some of the "wealthiest"

That was the highest tax bracket at the time

It was all part of Republicans "simplifying" our tax code and creating fewer brackets
By making the higher bracket $250 plus, it enabled them to whine about how unfair a tax increase would be to those only making $250K

I'm willing to go to 50% effective rate on those making over $1 million....are you?

No the government nor anyone else has the right to take 50% of a persons income

They always had that right before....the country was better off for it

Put it this way it is immoral to steal 50% of anyone's property


Show me where I ever said we should have no taxes

I'll wait
Nobody in this country should be exempt from taxes. Including the poor.
If I pay no tax, then it means nothing to me to vote for more spending, it wont make a difference.
If on the other hand I do pay tax, and I see it taken from me each week, then I have a good idea of what it takes to create and fund a new program. I might not be so willing to agree that buying cell phones for people, or giving assistance to illegals etc.. is a good idea.
if Im already struggling, then the idea of losing another 5 bucks a week, (very little if you think about it ) to fund some new idea might not be as good an idea.
Taxing everyone would be a good start to fiscal responsibility in this country.
Why do some of you act like it was the poor that got the EITC passed through Congress?

Like the poor banded together and demanded that this legislation be passed.

Instead, it was a bene that made tax cuts for the rich more palatable.

The poor didnt ask for it but they would be even more poor if they didnt take advantage of it.

Call your Congresscritter and get them to recind the EITC.

Then the poor will really be poor but you all who object to them getting their taxes back will feel a lot better.

But what will that (elimanting the EITC) do for you?
Why do some of you act like it was the poor that got the EITC passed through Congress?

Like the poor banded together and demanded that this legislation be passed.

Instead, it was a bene that made tax cuts for the rich more palatable.

The poor didnt ask for it but they would be even more poor if they didnt take advantage of it.

Call your Congresscritter and get them to recind the EITC.

Then the poor will really be poor but you all who object to them getting their taxes back will feel a lot better.

But what will that (elimanting the EITC) do for you?
what will eliminating the EITC do for the tax payer? really?
who do you think is ultimately funding the EITC refunds?
Now, why is it that someone on welfare, that collects money from the taxpayer while providing no benefit to society, should also get 4k from the government while at the same time contributing nothing to the federal/state budgets?
Getting rid if the EITC would be a good start at reducing the taxes for those that work. Even if we didnt reduce tax and put that money toward reducing the debt, that would be a good start at fixing the country. Giving it to a non producer so they can buy the newest big screen tv to put in their government supplied home is not a value to anyone other than the non producer.
Why do some of you act like it was the poor that got the EITC passed through Congress?

Like the poor banded together and demanded that this legislation be passed.

Instead, it was a bene that made tax cuts for the rich more palatable.

The poor didnt ask for it but they would be even more poor if they didnt take advantage of it.

Call your Congresscritter and get them to recind the EITC.

Then the poor will really be poor but you all who object to them getting their taxes back will feel a lot better.

But what will that (elimanting the EITC) do for you?

ALL tax credits should be done away with

You do realize that if we get rid of all the shit in the tax code that we can actually reduce the tax rates don't you

Or do you see login in charging high rates then spending billions every year just to give some of it back
Why do some of you act like it was the poor that got the EITC passed through Congress?

Like the poor banded together and demanded that this legislation be passed.

Instead, it was a bene that made tax cuts for the rich more palatable.

The poor didnt ask for it but they would be even more poor if they didnt take advantage of it.

Call your Congresscritter and get them to recind the EITC.

Then the poor will really be poor but you all who object to them getting their taxes back will feel a lot better.

But what will that (elimanting the EITC) do for you?

ALL tax credits should be done away with

You do realize that if we get rid of all the shit in the tax code that we can actually reduce the tax rates don't you

Or do you see login in charging high rates then spending billions every year just to give some of it back
flat tax is the way to go. No deductions, no refunds, no income levels to be adjusted for. Make a dollar? pay .20 cent. its very simple. Want to vote for a new program or spending bill? everyone sees an increase in their taxes.
From the guy that makes 10 bucks a year to the guy that makes 10 million, same exact rate per dollar.
allow the government to spend only what it took in the previous year, that way the exact amount available is known.
Why do some of you act like it was the poor that got the EITC passed through Congress?

Like the poor banded together and demanded that this legislation be passed.

Instead, it was a bene that made tax cuts for the rich more palatable.

The poor didnt ask for it but they would be even more poor if they didnt take advantage of it.

Call your Congresscritter and get them to recind the EITC.

Then the poor will really be poor but you all who object to them getting their taxes back will feel a lot better.

But what will that (elimanting the EITC) do for you?

ALL tax credits should be done away with

You do realize that if we get rid of all the shit in the tax code that we can actually reduce the tax rates don't you

Or do you see login in charging high rates then spending billions every year just to give some of it back
flat tax is the way to go. No deductions, no refunds, no income levels to be adjusted for. Make a dollar? pay .20 cent. its very simple. Want to vote for a new program or spending bill? everyone sees an increase in their taxes.
From the guy that makes 10 bucks a year to the guy that makes 10 million, same exact rate per dollar.
allow the government to spend only what it took in the previous year, that way the exact amount available is known.

I don't think it will have to be that high if we include ALL forms of income
Why do some of you act like it was the poor that got the EITC passed through Congress?

Like the poor banded together and demanded that this legislation be passed.

Instead, it was a bene that made tax cuts for the rich more palatable.

The poor didnt ask for it but they would be even more poor if they didnt take advantage of it.

Call your Congresscritter and get them to recind the EITC.

Then the poor will really be poor but you all who object to them getting their taxes back will feel a lot better.

But what will that (elimanting the EITC) do for you?

ALL tax credits should be done away with

You do realize that if we get rid of all the shit in the tax code that we can actually reduce the tax rates don't you

Or do you see login in charging high rates then spending billions every year just to give some of it back
flat tax is the way to go. No deductions, no refunds, no income levels to be adjusted for. Make a dollar? pay .20 cent. its very simple. Want to vote for a new program or spending bill? everyone sees an increase in their taxes.
From the guy that makes 10 bucks a year to the guy that makes 10 million, same exact rate per dollar.
allow the government to spend only what it took in the previous year, that way the exact amount available is known.

I don't think it will have to be that high if we include ALL forms of income
actually, I dont think it could be that low if the country ever intends on paying of the debt.
can you imagine the social programs this country could have if the debt was gone?

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