The Liberal Way: Opposing Assimilation

7. As a group, Liberals are largely in favor of the balkanization that follows multiculturalism.


Balkanization is in the conservative agenda, since conservatives want 50 individual states making different policies on such things as civil rights, as opposed to leaving them up to the federal Constitution.
Duh, people -- why can't you all get on board with PavlovPete and support those practicing gender slavery, anyway? Didn't you know that female genital mutilation, honor killings and arranged marriages between horny uncle Akhbar and little Fatima are now considered LIBERAL. It has to be liberal, right? I mean, all of Pete's little peeps say the exact same thing, and all of them will call you a fascist if you don't march in complete lockstep with them so it must be so.

Are you insane, or just putting on a show?

I have seen you on two different boards, and so understand that you struggle terribly when it comes to basic comprehension of the world around you.

Due to your severe limitations, I will therefore give you a pass.

Name the American liberals of note who support female genital mutilation.

No American Liberals do.

American leftists will routinely attack those who point out how it is so endemic to Islam, however. Neither you nor PavlovPetre are liberals. You are leftists.

So now you deny posting this, even though it's right there in this string.

"Didn't you know that female genital mutilation, honor killings and arranged marriages between horny uncle Akhbar and little Fatima are now considered LIBERAL. It has to be liberal, right?"

So again, name the liberals who support female genital mutilation, or, as an alternative,
shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

Do I need to say it again? Liberals do not, but there are countless leftists here who will call people names if they oppose such.
Are you insane, or just putting on a show?

I have seen you on two different boards, and so understand that you struggle terribly when it comes to basic comprehension of the world around you.

Due to your severe limitations, I will therefore give you a pass.

Name the American liberals of note who support female genital mutilation.

No American Liberals do.

American leftists will routinely attack those who point out how it is so endemic to Islam, however. Neither you nor PavlovPetre are liberals. You are leftists.

So now you deny posting this, even though it's right there in this string.

"Didn't you know that female genital mutilation, honor killings and arranged marriages between horny uncle Akhbar and little Fatima are now considered LIBERAL. It has to be liberal, right?"

So again, name the liberals who support female genital mutilation, or, as an alternative,
shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

Do I need to say it again? Liberals do not, but there are countless leftists here who will call people names if they oppose such.

Then why use the words 'liberal' around heinous practices like genital mutilation and honor killings?
I have seen you on two different boards, and so understand that you struggle terribly when it comes to basic comprehension of the world around you.

Due to your severe limitations, I will therefore give you a pass.

Name the American liberals of note who support female genital mutilation.

No American Liberals do.

American leftists will routinely attack those who point out how it is so endemic to Islam, however. Neither you nor PavlovPetre are liberals. You are leftists.

So now you deny posting this, even though it's right there in this string.

"Didn't you know that female genital mutilation, honor killings and arranged marriages between horny uncle Akhbar and little Fatima are now considered LIBERAL. It has to be liberal, right?"

So again, name the liberals who support female genital mutilation, or, as an alternative,
shut up and quit making a fool of yourself.

Do I need to say it again? Liberals do not, but there are countless leftists here who will call people names if they oppose such.

Then why use the words 'liberal' around heinous practices like genital mutilation and honor killings?

You are really dense.

I used it facetiously to show how leftists ARTEN'T liberal. Perhaps you can have one of the older kids explain it to you some time.
They want people to assimilate by becoming more like white people...except dont take pride in your heritage (Irish, German, etc) like they do. Dont hold onto your culture like they have done.

If you arent white you should strive to be ultra white. English only! (Yiddish, German, etc are ok) Give up your silly Holidays or traditions! (Kiss me I'm Irish) and listen to white approved music.

If you follow their ways you are not being a good assimilater
Name the American liberals of note who support female genital mutilation.

No American Liberals do.

American leftists will routinely attack those who point out how it is so endemic to Islam, however. Neither you nor PavlovPetre are liberals. You are leftists.
You don't know what either one is. Just another right-wing drone.

Here's liberalism, what don't you like about it? Definition of LIBERALISM

Got it, that liberty part where people don't have to believe the same Jesus-saves bullshit that you do.

I realize you are utterly stupid, child, and assume that anybody who is not filled with your hatred and vitriol for this country must be equally off their rocker in the other direction, but I am not as you describe.

Of the two of us, I am absolutely certain that I am the only one who has studied political science at the University level. I was reading John Rawls and John Stuart Mill nearly a half century ago. I'm sure you are too ignorant to recognize either name, but if you wish to desist with all your extremely childish acting out here, and actually learn a little something about a subject of which you are so abjectly ignorant, I'd suggest you give them a go.
Hey, dummy, in all your PoliSci did you happen to discover how it is that men who promoted liberty owned human beings like livestock? Show us all your wisdom and explain how liberalism and slavery are compatible?

You need to grow up and get an education.

Anybody reading this thread who isn't a complete, mindless hack can recognize who is the dummy and who isn't.
And you have no answer, as expected, dummy.
I'm probably old enough to be your grandfather, you mindlessly hateful little twit.

Uh oh!

Now you're gonna get nasty hate mail from mindless hateful little twits who don't wish to be associated with that vile moron.
Still waiting for you to defend women having the right to vote and two men the right to kiss in public, Gook bitch?

Could your goddess Ann be wrong, even once?

I must tell you how much I appreciated you being the malleable tool that you proved to be.

I utterly destroyed every one of your arguments, and you proved how Liberals simply become vulgar when that occurs.

In short, I look forward to you continuing as the (semi-)human piñata that you seem accustomed to having become.
Hey, Gook bitch, stop patting yourself on the back, your copy and paste wasn't even worthy of that much effort, and answer the questions? You can even do it your native Gook Sesame Street scribble.

Defend liberalism when women vote and two men kiss in public? If you need that in Gook-speak just let me know, okay, bitch?

All have already seen your sputter-and-spittle routine.

Now you're simply gilding the lily.

Have no doubt that I'll make you jump through the same hoops in the future.
Count on it.
What, no defense of liberty, Gook bitch? Typical.
No American Liberals do.

American leftists will routinely attack those who point out how it is so endemic to Islam, however. Neither you nor PavlovPetre are liberals. You are leftists.
You don't know what either one is. Just another right-wing drone.

Here's liberalism, what don't you like about it? Definition of LIBERALISM

Got it, that liberty part where people don't have to believe the same Jesus-saves bullshit that you do.

I realize you are utterly stupid, child, and assume that anybody who is not filled with your hatred and vitriol for this country must be equally off their rocker in the other direction, but I am not as you describe.

Of the two of us, I am absolutely certain that I am the only one who has studied political science at the University level. I was reading John Rawls and John Stuart Mill nearly a half century ago. I'm sure you are too ignorant to recognize either name, but if you wish to desist with all your extremely childish acting out here, and actually learn a little something about a subject of which you are so abjectly ignorant, I'd suggest you give them a go.
Hey, dummy, in all your PoliSci did you happen to discover how it is that men who promoted liberty owned human beings like livestock? Show us all your wisdom and explain how liberalism and slavery are compatible?

You need to grow up and get an education.

Anybody reading this thread who isn't a complete, mindless hack can recognize who is the dummy and who isn't.
And you have no answer, as expected, dummy.

Ii don't think there IS an answer to all your childish acting out, here, other than waiting for you to grow up if you are even inclined towards doing so.
Assimilation is a right-wing fascist kind of thing that goes directly against Individualism, Freedom, and Liberty to be who you are. Mutual respect for those three concepts is what you need and not what you want, a mass of unthinking, xenophobic, nationalistic, flag-wavers afraid of free-thinking people with respect for their cultural heritage within the larger society.

It's no shock that free-thinkers scare the hell out of you, anyone who thinks at all scares the hell out of you since you are unable to.

What a bunch of shit.
Americans are too fucking lazy to even be bilingual like much of the world. You want seven billion people to speak your native language so you don't have to learn theirs. Fucking slobs.

You can? Well aren't you a smart little boy. You may have an extra cookie.

I'm probably old enough to be your grandfather, you mindlessly hateful little twit.

Uh oh!

Now you're gonna get nasty hate mail from mindless hateful little twits who don't wish to be associated with that vile moron.
Still waiting for you to defend women having the right to vote and two men the right to kiss in public, Gook bitch?

Could your goddess Ann be wrong, even once?
Still waiting for you to defend women having the right to vote and two men the right to kiss in public, Gook bitch?
Just curious - do you speak this way to people in public?
If I did, that would be my Liberty, right bitches?

Or are so offended you want to limit free speech?
One of the more ironic posts of the month, coming from the Regressive Left.

Need a safe space? Was that a trigger alert? Shouldn't you be shutting down some conservative who was schedule to speak on a campus somewhere?

And you never did answer my question.
Assimilation is a right-wing fascist kind of thing that goes directly against Individualism, Freedom, and Liberty to be who you are. Mutual respect for those three concepts is what you need and not what you want, a mass of unthinking, xenophobic, nationalistic, flag-wavers afraid of free-thinking people with respect for their cultural heritage within the larger society.

It's no shock that free-thinkers scare the hell out of you, anyone who thinks at all scares the hell out of you since you are unable to.

What a bunch of shit.
I wish it was, but it ain't. Go ahead, defend the burka and two gay men kissing in public?
1. Often, there are supporting assumptions for one's beliefs that are required but, often, not consciously considered,....yet they are essential to the view in question.

Assimilation is the tradition of America; the very opposite is the case for Liberals/Democrats.

It is the Democrat way of dividing the population, encouraging a multifaceted grievance industry, and destroying the American tradition “E Pluribus Unum” which refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

a. "assimilation definition. The process by which a person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group: “Waves of immigrants have been assimilated into the American culture.”
Assimilation | Define Assimilation at

2. I have boiled down a workable definition of 'conservative to a belief in individualism, limited constitutional government, and free markets.
In his latest book, "Scorched Earth,"
radio host, author, activist, and conservative political commentator Michael Savage uses this: borders, language and culture.

Either of these....or both of them.....are the views Americans have traditionally been assimilated to.

America was founded as a unique, singular experiment with the two definitions of conservatism as its parameters, and from much of American history, it was expected that immigrants came here respecting those views, and/or were ready to assume them.

In fact, due to the huge wave of immigration in earlier times, the nation took a breather, as it were, from immigration....and, from 1924 to 1965, immigration was almost completely discontinued.
That was the time allowed for new Americans to incorporate the views and values that would make them Americans....real Americans.
Not Liberals, or Progressives.

3. "Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization."

4. The great changes to this view took place under the control of the education industry by Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Before the Left took over the Democrat Party, even liberals understood and objected. Arthur Schlesinger, jr.:
"The attack on the common American identity
is the culmination of the cult of ethnicity. That attack was mounted in the first instance by European Americans of non-British origin (“unmeltable ethnics”) against the British foundations of American culture; then, latterly and massively, by Americans of non-European origin against the European foundations of that culture.”

From the earlier Liberal, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr...... The attack on the common American identity...
....his words for my title of this thread:

Liberals Oppose Assimilation

Real Americans subscribe to it.
This fails as a straw man fallacy, nothing but a ridiculous lie.
You don't know what either one is. Just another right-wing drone.

Here's liberalism, what don't you like about it? Definition of LIBERALISM

Got it, that liberty part where people don't have to believe the same Jesus-saves bullshit that you do.

I realize you are utterly stupid, child, and assume that anybody who is not filled with your hatred and vitriol for this country must be equally off their rocker in the other direction, but I am not as you describe.

Of the two of us, I am absolutely certain that I am the only one who has studied political science at the University level. I was reading John Rawls and John Stuart Mill nearly a half century ago. I'm sure you are too ignorant to recognize either name, but if you wish to desist with all your extremely childish acting out here, and actually learn a little something about a subject of which you are so abjectly ignorant, I'd suggest you give them a go.
Hey, dummy, in all your PoliSci did you happen to discover how it is that men who promoted liberty owned human beings like livestock? Show us all your wisdom and explain how liberalism and slavery are compatible?

You need to grow up and get an education.

Anybody reading this thread who isn't a complete, mindless hack can recognize who is the dummy and who isn't.
And you have no answer, as expected, dummy.

Ii don't think there IS an answer to all your childish acting out, here, other than waiting for you to grow up if you are even inclined towards doing so.
There's an easy answer you dumbass, how are liberalism and slavery compatible?
Assimilation is a right-wing fascist kind of thing that goes directly against Individualism, Freedom, and Liberty to be who you are. Mutual respect for those three concepts is what you need and not what you want, a mass of unthinking, xenophobic, nationalistic, flag-wavers afraid of free-thinking people with respect for their cultural heritage within the larger society.

It's no shock that free-thinkers scare the hell out of you, anyone who thinks at all scares the hell out of you since you are unable to.

What a bunch of shit.

Especially considering that the assimilation into western societies involves the process of liberalization by very design.

These new authoritarian leftists who play their little game of identity politics are little different than the most mindless religious whack job insisting the world is only 6000 years old.
You can? Well aren't you a smart little boy. You may have an extra cookie.

I'm probably old enough to be your grandfather, you mindlessly hateful little twit.

Uh oh!

Now you're gonna get nasty hate mail from mindless hateful little twits who don't wish to be associated with that vile moron.
Still waiting for you to defend women having the right to vote and two men the right to kiss in public, Gook bitch?

Could your goddess Ann be wrong, even once?
Still waiting for you to defend women having the right to vote and two men the right to kiss in public, Gook bitch?
Just curious - do you speak this way to people in public?
If I did, that would be my Liberty, right bitches?

Or are so offended you want to limit free speech?
One of the more ironic posts of the month, coming from the Regressive Left.

Need a safe space? Was that a trigger alert? Shouldn't you be shutting down some conservative who was schedule to speak on a campus somewhere?

And you never did answer my question.
I speak exactly as I goddamn want to. That's Liberty, bitches.
I realize you are utterly stupid, child, and assume that anybody who is not filled with your hatred and vitriol for this country must be equally off their rocker in the other direction, but I am not as you describe.

Of the two of us, I am absolutely certain that I am the only one who has studied political science at the University level. I was reading John Rawls and John Stuart Mill nearly a half century ago. I'm sure you are too ignorant to recognize either name, but if you wish to desist with all your extremely childish acting out here, and actually learn a little something about a subject of which you are so abjectly ignorant, I'd suggest you give them a go.
Hey, dummy, in all your PoliSci did you happen to discover how it is that men who promoted liberty owned human beings like livestock? Show us all your wisdom and explain how liberalism and slavery are compatible?

You need to grow up and get an education.

Anybody reading this thread who isn't a complete, mindless hack can recognize who is the dummy and who isn't.
And you have no answer, as expected, dummy.

Ii don't think there IS an answer to all your childish acting out, here, other than waiting for you to grow up if you are even inclined towards doing so.
There's an easy answer you dumbass, how are liberalism and slavery compatible?

Grow up.

Nobody said it was.
Uh oh!

Now you're gonna get nasty hate mail from mindless hateful little twits who don't wish to be associated with that vile moron.
Still waiting for you to defend women having the right to vote and two men the right to kiss in public, Gook bitch?

Could your goddess Ann be wrong, even once?

I must tell you how much I appreciated you being the malleable tool that you proved to be.

I utterly destroyed every one of your arguments, and you proved how Liberals simply become vulgar when that occurs.

In short, I look forward to you continuing as the (semi-)human piñata that you seem accustomed to having become.
Hey, Gook bitch, stop patting yourself on the back, your copy and paste wasn't even worthy of that much effort, and answer the questions? You can even do it your native Gook Sesame Street scribble.

Defend liberalism when women vote and two men kiss in public? If you need that in Gook-speak just let me know, okay, bitch?

All have already seen your sputter-and-spittle routine.

Now you're simply gilding the lily.

Have no doubt that I'll make you jump through the same hoops in the future.
Count on it.
What, no defense of liberty, Gook bitch? Typical.

LIberals/Democrats don't promote liberty!!!!

Quite the contrary.

Let's take this example....and I demand you insert profanity when you can't answer:

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

Now, this:
" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."
Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

I caught you lying again, huh?

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