The Liberal Way: Opposing Assimilation

Still waiting for you to defend women having the right to vote and two men the right to kiss in public, Gook bitch?

Could your goddess Ann be wrong, even once?
If I did, that would be my Liberty, right bitches?

Or are so offended you want to limit free speech?
One of the more ironic posts of the month, coming from the Regressive Left.

Need a safe space? Was that a trigger alert? Shouldn't you be shutting down some conservative who was schedule to speak on a campus somewhere?

And you never did answer my question.
I speak exactly as I goddamn want to. That's Liberty, bitches.
So you do speak this way in public.

Or, you're just another internet tough guy. One of the two.

Very impressive, indeed.
Worry about your own shit Mr. PC.
Hey, I'm just fascinated by the behavior of zealots, that's all.

Stop being such a drama queen.
Liberty ain't for pussies and most Americans are just that.
Still waiting for you to defend women having the right to vote and two men the right to kiss in public, Gook bitch?

Could your goddess Ann be wrong, even once?
If I did, that would be my Liberty, right bitches?

Or are so offended you want to limit free speech?
One of the more ironic posts of the month, coming from the Regressive Left.

Need a safe space? Was that a trigger alert? Shouldn't you be shutting down some conservative who was schedule to speak on a campus somewhere?

And you never did answer my question.
I speak exactly as I goddamn want to. That's Liberty, bitches.

Who was it that claimed that Liberals are vulgar, low-class bottom-feeders?
Oh....It was I.

Who proved it???

Defend faggots and burkas, Gook bitch?

Could we attribute your voluntary Tourette's as a sign of Liberal upbringing?

Clearly it replaces any actual knowledge.
Knowledge, Gook bitch? All you can manage is a copy and paste of what you don't even understand.
I speak exactly as I goddamn want to. That's Liberty, bitches.

I feel I owe you at least some sort of apology.

It appears that when I guessed your age at 15, I grossly overestimated.

That would be mental age.....
This thread is further proof that most on the right have an unwarranted fear of, and contempt for, change, diversity, and inclusion, a reprehensible manifestation of conservative nativism and hate.

Begging for an education?


A conservative is never so tall as when she stoops to educate a Liberal

Take notes:

1) Conservatives believe that custom and tradition result in individuals living in peace. Law is custom and precedent. Liberals are destroyers of custom and convention. To a conservative, change should be gradual, as the new society is often inferior to the old. We build on the ideas and experience of our ancestors. The species is wiser than the individual (Burke).

2) Liberals are impulsive, and imprudent. They believe in quick changes, and risk new abuses worse than the ‘evils’ that they would sweep away, since remedies are usually not simple. Plato said that prudence is the mark of the statesman. There should be a balance between permanence and change, while liberals see ‘progress’ as some mythical direction for society.

And, this, for you vulgar compatriot

3. Since Liberals see their view as a higher calling that that of Conservatives, they mistakenly believe that it is entirely appropriate for then to use, not logic, facts, nor accepted debating techniques, but ad hominem attacks on the physical appearance, personal history, or imaginary mental defects. Notice how the Liberal replaces intellect with emotion. This is, no doubt, based on a medieval concept of recognizing witches and demons. In fact, Liberals attempt to deal with opponents in similar fashion: recall Clarence Thomas’ “High Tech Lynching.”
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Fear mongered talking points^^. Um, no.
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Constitution, Gook? Defend the burka and male on male ass sex?
I want to assimilate, where be me a minority that is a majority to kill to take what they got?

And so the usual suspect tosses tiles out of the velvet Scrabble bag, and offers them as a post.

You may return to your blanket fort and plastic soldiers now.

See ya.'
I speak exactly as I goddamn want to. That's Liberty, bitches.

I feel I owe you at least some sort of apology.

It appears that when I guessed your age at 15, I grossly overestimated.

That would be mental age.....
I'm starting to thing we are dealing with a 13 year old angry black kid. The earmarks are all certainly there.
Hey, Mr. PoliSci, how are liberalism and slavery compatible?
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Fear mongered talking points^^. Um, no.

You've just been hoist by your own petard.

Know where that comes from?
I want to assimilate, where be me a minority that is a majority to kill to take what they got?

And so the usual suspect tosses tiles out of the velvet Scrabble bag, and offers them as a post.

You may return to your blanket fort and plastic soldiers now.

See ya.'
But there must be someone to abuse, cause assimilation is the best game in town....
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Constitution, Gook? Defend the burka and male on male ass sex?

Please, don't feel it necessary to describe your proclivities.
I speak exactly as I goddamn want to. That's Liberty, bitches.

I feel I owe you at least some sort of apology.

It appears that when I guessed your age at 15, I grossly overestimated.

That would be mental age.....
I'm starting to thing we are dealing with a 13 year old angry black kid. The earmarks are all certainly there.

No....more like a Liberal who has seen the other side run rings around him, and has begun to regret dropping out at the third grade.
Americans are too fucking lazy to even be bilingual like much of the world. You want seven billion people to speak your native language so you don't have to learn theirs. Fucking slobs.

You can? Well aren't you a smart little boy. You may have an extra cookie.

I'm probably old enough to be your grandfather, you mindlessly hateful little twit.

Uh oh!

Now you're gonna get nasty hate mail from mindless hateful little twits who don't wish to be associated with that vile moron.
Still waiting for you to defend women having the right to vote and two men the right to kiss in public, Gook bitch?

Could your goddess Ann be wrong, even once?
Welcome back, Jack2Jill - missed all your 'you bitch' this, and 'you bitch' that :)
I want to assimilate, where be me a minority that is a majority to kill to take what they got?

And so the usual suspect tosses tiles out of the velvet Scrabble bag, and offers them as a post.

You may return to your blanket fort and plastic soldiers now.

See ya.'
But there must be someone to abuse, cause assimilation is the best game in town....

OK....time for you to go back to your Helen Hunt blow-up doll.
I want to assimilate, where be me a minority that is a majority to kill to take what they got?

And so the usual suspect tosses tiles out of the velvet Scrabble bag, and offers them as a post.

You may return to your blanket fort and plastic soldiers now.

See ya.'
But there must be someone to abuse, cause assimilation is the best game in town....

OK....time for you to go back to your Helen Hunt blow-up doll.
So what did you assimilate into after living in your new home?
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Fear mongered talking points^^. Um, no.

You've just been hoist by your own petard.

Know where that comes from?
They can do Sharia in their mosques as long as they follow US law, just like Catholics and everyone else. God knows what scary stuff you've been indoctrinated with...
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Fear mongered talking points^^. Um, no.

You've just been hoist by your own petard.

Know where that comes from?

Marking the query 'funny' as a way of admitting that you don't know the source?


I love proving how uneducated Liberals are in every sphere.

Drop by any time you feel the need for education.

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