The Liberal Way: Opposing Assimilation

OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Fear mongered talking points^^. Um, no.

You've just been hoist by your own petard.

Know where that comes from?
They can do Sharia in their mosques as long as they follow US law, just like Catholics and everyone else. God knows what scary stuff you've been indoctrinated with...

Ah, the Liberal plan:
Offer a scenario that will never, can never, exist.

Sharia is not meant to be kept at home or in a mosque.
That's why they go to shopping malls and nightclubs with rifles and machine guns.

Didn't anyone ever explain that to you?

Or....were you simply hiding behind a lie?
I want to assimilate, where be me a minority that is a majority to kill to take what they got?

And so the usual suspect tosses tiles out of the velvet Scrabble bag, and offers them as a post.

You may return to your blanket fort and plastic soldiers now.

See ya.'
But there must be someone to abuse, cause assimilation is the best game in town....

OK....time for you to go back to your Helen Hunt blow-up doll.
So what did you assimilate into after living in your new home?

So good of you to ask.... was answered in the OP.


... individualism, limited constitutional government, and free markets.
In his latest book, "Scorched Earth,"
radio host, author, activist, and conservative political commentator Michael Savage uses this: borders, language and culture.

Either of these....or both of them.....are the views Americans have traditionally been assimilated to.

Actually, it was hardly a stretch, as I don't ever recall believing otherwise.
1. Often, there are supporting assumptions for one's beliefs that are required but, often, not consciously considered,....yet they are essential to the view in question.

Assimilation is the tradition of America; the very opposite is the case for Liberals/Democrats.

It is the Democrat way of dividing the population, encouraging a multifaceted grievance industry, and destroying the American tradition “E Pluribus Unum” which refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

a. "assimilation definition. The process by which a person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group: “Waves of immigrants have been assimilated into the American culture.”
Assimilation | Define Assimilation at

2. I have boiled down a workable definition of 'conservative to a belief in individualism, limited constitutional government, and free markets.
In his latest book, "Scorched Earth,"
radio host, author, activist, and conservative political commentator Michael Savage uses this: borders, language and culture.

Either of these....or both of them.....are the views Americans have traditionally been assimilated to.

America was founded as a unique, singular experiment with the two definitions of conservatism as its parameters, and from much of American history, it was expected that immigrants came here respecting those views, and/or were ready to assume them.

In fact, due to the huge wave of immigration in earlier times, the nation took a breather, as it were, from immigration....and, from 1924 to 1965, immigration was almost completely discontinued.
That was the time allowed for new Americans to incorporate the views and values that would make them Americans....real Americans.
Not Liberals, or Progressives.

3. "Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization."

4. The great changes to this view took place under the control of the education industry by Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Before the Left took over the Democrat Party, even liberals understood and objected. Arthur Schlesinger, jr.:
"The attack on the common American identity
is the culmination of the cult of ethnicity. That attack was mounted in the first instance by European Americans of non-British origin (“unmeltable ethnics”) against the British foundations of American culture; then, latterly and massively, by Americans of non-European origin against the European foundations of that culture.”

From the earlier Liberal, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr...... The attack on the common American identity...
....his words for my title of this thread:

Liberals Oppose Assimilation

Real Americans subscribe to it.
You don't even make sense. Republicans are 90% white and 100% conservative. They are assimilated.

Democrats are some liberals, but also white, black, Hispanic, Muslim, Indian, Native American and many, if not most of those are conservative. Just not asshole crazy right wing weird as fuck conservative. And they aren't assimilated. They are unified.
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?

It's the peaceful Muslim-American in traditional garb that you hate the most.
I want to assimilate, where be me a minority that is a majority to kill to take what they got?

And so the usual suspect tosses tiles out of the velvet Scrabble bag, and offers them as a post.

You may return to your blanket fort and plastic soldiers now.

See ya.'
But there must be someone to abuse, cause assimilation is the best game in town....

OK....time for you to go back to your Helen Hunt blow-up doll.
So what did you assimilate into after living in your new home?

So good of you to ask.... was answered in the OP.


... individualism, limited constitutional government, and free markets.
In his latest book, "Scorched Earth,"
radio host, author, activist, and conservative political commentator Michael Savage uses this: borders, language and culture.

Either of these....or both of them.....are the views Americans have traditionally been assimilated to.

Actually, it was hardly a stretch, as I don't ever recall believing otherwise.

Since our Constitution protects cultural diversity, you couldn't be more wrong.
1. Often, there are supporting assumptions for one's beliefs that are required but, often, not consciously considered,....yet they are essential to the view in question.

Assimilation is the tradition of America; the very opposite is the case for Liberals/Democrats.

It is the Democrat way of dividing the population, encouraging a multifaceted grievance industry, and destroying the American tradition “E Pluribus Unum” which refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

a. "assimilation definition. The process by which a person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group: “Waves of immigrants have been assimilated into the American culture.”
Assimilation | Define Assimilation at

2. I have boiled down a workable definition of 'conservative to a belief in individualism, limited constitutional government, and free markets.
In his latest book, "Scorched Earth,"
radio host, author, activist, and conservative political commentator Michael Savage uses this: borders, language and culture.

Either of these....or both of them.....are the views Americans have traditionally been assimilated to.

America was founded as a unique, singular experiment with the two definitions of conservatism as its parameters, and from much of American history, it was expected that immigrants came here respecting those views, and/or were ready to assume them.

In fact, due to the huge wave of immigration in earlier times, the nation took a breather, as it were, from immigration....and, from 1924 to 1965, immigration was almost completely discontinued.
That was the time allowed for new Americans to incorporate the views and values that would make them Americans....real Americans.
Not Liberals, or Progressives.

3. "Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization."

4. The great changes to this view took place under the control of the education industry by Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Before the Left took over the Democrat Party, even liberals understood and objected. Arthur Schlesinger, jr.:
"The attack on the common American identity
is the culmination of the cult of ethnicity. That attack was mounted in the first instance by European Americans of non-British origin (“unmeltable ethnics”) against the British foundations of American culture; then, latterly and massively, by Americans of non-European origin against the European foundations of that culture.”

From the earlier Liberal, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr...... The attack on the common American identity...
....his words for my title of this thread:

Liberals Oppose Assimilation

Real Americans subscribe to it.
You don't even make sense. Republicans are 90% white and 100% conservative. They are assimilated.

Democrats are some liberals, but also white, black, Hispanic, Muslim, Indian, Native American and many, if not most of those are conservative. Just not asshole crazy right wing weird as fuck conservative. And they aren't assimilated. They are unified.

PC just wants the races in their places.

OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Constitution, Gook? Defend the burka and male on male ass sex?

Please, don't feel it necessary to describe your proclivities.
Doesn't matter who does it, defend it, defend Liberty?
1. Often, there are supporting assumptions for one's beliefs that are required but, often, not consciously considered,....yet they are essential to the view in question.

Assimilation is the tradition of America; the very opposite is the case for Liberals/Democrats.

It is the Democrat way of dividing the population, encouraging a multifaceted grievance industry, and destroying the American tradition “E Pluribus Unum” which refers to a society based on neither ethnicity nor race.

a. "assimilation definition. The process by which a person or persons acquire the social and psychological characteristics of a group: “Waves of immigrants have been assimilated into the American culture.”
Assimilation | Define Assimilation at

2. I have boiled down a workable definition of 'conservative to a belief in individualism, limited constitutional government, and free markets.
In his latest book, "Scorched Earth,"
radio host, author, activist, and conservative political commentator Michael Savage uses this: borders, language and culture.

Either of these....or both of them.....are the views Americans have traditionally been assimilated to.

America was founded as a unique, singular experiment with the two definitions of conservatism as its parameters, and from much of American history, it was expected that immigrants came here respecting those views, and/or were ready to assume them.

In fact, due to the huge wave of immigration in earlier times, the nation took a breather, as it were, from immigration....and, from 1924 to 1965, immigration was almost completely discontinued.
That was the time allowed for new Americans to incorporate the views and values that would make them Americans....real Americans.
Not Liberals, or Progressives.

3. "Earlier American presidents, Republicans and Democrats alike, agreed on two basic goals: teach the newcomers English and make them Americans. The clear aim was to strengthen our national identity--to reinforce the unum in e pluribus unum--by assimilating the new arrivals into American civilization."

4. The great changes to this view took place under the control of the education industry by Liberals, Progressives, Democrats.

Before the Left took over the Democrat Party, even liberals understood and objected. Arthur Schlesinger, jr.:
"The attack on the common American identity
is the culmination of the cult of ethnicity. That attack was mounted in the first instance by European Americans of non-British origin (“unmeltable ethnics”) against the British foundations of American culture; then, latterly and massively, by Americans of non-European origin against the European foundations of that culture.”

From the earlier Liberal, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr...... The attack on the common American identity...
....his words for my title of this thread:

Liberals Oppose Assimilation

Real Americans subscribe to it.
You don't even make sense. Republicans are 90% white and 100% conservative. They are assimilated.

Democrats are some liberals, but also white, black, Hispanic, Muslim, Indian, Native American and many, if not most of those are conservative. Just not asshole crazy right wing weird as fuck conservative. And they aren't assimilated. They are unified.


And there is the vulgarity that the Left is famous for.
One more Liberal's post filled with the language of despair.

I can always tell when I've hit a nerve.

"....Democrats are some liberals, but also white, black, Hispanic, Muslim, Indian, Native American missed this:
7. As a group, Liberals are largely in favor of the balkanization that follows multiculturalism.

a. "Liberals care less - Pew divided their sample into different categories across the left-right political spectrum. When asked if respondents “often feel proud to be American,” a majority of strong liberals, 60 percent, said no.
The only group that solidly agreed with the statement was conservatives, ranging from 72 percent to 81 percent."
Stunner: 44 percent not proud to be American |

b. And that's the way they vote"

Of course....sans identity politics and hyphenated Americans, with imaginary and ginned up grievances....

...Democrats would never win another election.
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Constitution, Gook? Defend the burka and male on male ass sex?

Please, don't feel it necessary to describe your proclivities.
Doesn't matter who does it, defend it, defend Liberty?

Speaking of liberty....

Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.

" Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates
Trump said near the end of his speech that he would
rescind the IRS rule preventing churches from endorsing candidates.

That takes you and it makes you less powerful than a man or woman walking up and down the street. You actually have less power.”

And yet if you look at it, I was talking to someone, we probably have 250 million, maybe even more, in terms of people, so we have more Christians… than we have men or women in our country and we don’t have a lobby because they’re afraid to have a lobby because they don’t want to lose their tax status.

So I am going to work like hell to get rid of that prohibition and we’re going to have the strongest Christian lobby and it’s going to happen. This took place during the presidency of Lyndon Johnson and it has had a terrible chilling effect."

Donald Trump: As President, I’ll Reverse the Law That Prevents Churches from Endorsing Candidates

If you support liberty, surely you must be a Trump supporter,eh?
Sometimes, you just have to scratch your head when it comes to the stupidity of the true believer

Yes, by all means let us all encourage people to divide themselves into tribes with different value systems for different tribes.

That way, we can all look surprised and clueless when they fight each other over these different values.
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Sometimes, you just have to scratch your head when it comes to the stupidity of true believer

Yes, by all means let us all encourage people to divide themselves into tribes with different value systems for different tribes.

That way, we can all look surprised and clueless when they fight each other over these different values.

David Mamet wrote about the mistake that treating different groups differently is.....

1. "Should we extend our discussion to Justice….with mitigating factors of one’s childhood, race, or environment?
What weight to extenuation…his supposed goodness to animals or to his mother...? Where is consideration for the needs of the citizenry for protection?
No where: if a jury is influenced by emotion, dramatics, flattery, ‘compassion,’ then laws, which have been decided based on behaviors and not individuals are cast aside by reference to merit, or fairness, or compassion….all of which are inchoate, subjective and nonquantifiable.

a. It is not the government’s job to determine merit, rather to provide a set of laws that one may expect to be applied without intervention. Laws, under our Constitution, apply not to classes of people, but to classes of actions.

2. If “fairness” is associated with group-identity, with all of the associated accommodations, law will be reduced to constant petition of government for special and specific exemptions from justice. Law, to be just, but be written and carried out in ignorance of the identity of its claimants.

Mamet, "The Secret Knowledge"

OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Fear mongered talking points^^. Um, no.

You've just been hoist by your own petard.

Know where that comes from?
I know that this wasn't directed at me, but now that I am in my 60s, I'm finding my petard doesn't hoist with nearly the frequency it did in my teens.
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Fear mongered talking points^^. Um, no.

You've just been hoist by your own petard.

Know where that comes from?
I know that this wasn't directed at me, but now that I am in my 60s, I'm finding my petard doesn't hoist with nearly the frequency it did in my teens.

You nasty devil, you.
Still waiting for the defenders of liberty to defend faggots and burkas? What's the matter, bitches?

I guess you are just what I said you were, fascist little bitches. You don't liberty you want conformity, with your values and your religion. Fuck everyone else, they suck.
OP- Sorry, people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures anymore to become fake WASPs. They'll assimilate enough, remain calm. Despite RW racism and ethnocentrism.

"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Fear mongered talking points^^. Um, no.

You've just been hoist by your own petard.

Know where that comes from?
I know that this wasn't directed at me, but now that I am in my 60s, I'm finding my petard doesn't hoist with nearly the frequency it did in my teens.

You nasty devil, you.
Swearing is bad but dick jokes are good? Is that what you mean, Gook?
Sometimes, you just have to scratch your head when it comes to the stupidity of true believer

Yes, by all means let us all encourage people to divide themselves into tribes with different value systems for different tribes.

That way, we can all look surprised and clueless when they fight each other over these different values.
You live in a secular liberal nation, and hate both secularism and liberty. FU.
"....people aren't being bullied into dropping their own cultures...."

To be clear, you find sharia as acceptable as the Constitution?

Nailed you again, huh?
Fear mongered talking points^^. Um, no.

You've just been hoist by your own petard.

Know where that comes from?
I know that this wasn't directed at me, but now that I am in my 60s, I'm finding my petard doesn't hoist with nearly the frequency it did in my teens.

You nasty devil, you.
Swearing is bad but dick jokes are good? Is that what you mean, Gook?

Is this your attempt to apologize for the vulgar language I caused you to post throughout?

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