The Lies, and spin about what happened in NY 26 Dist Election.

So, the left and dems and Liberal Media are in full spin mode. Trying to say the Result of the Election in NY means Americans have turned away from Republicans already.

Lets examine the Facts. The Democrat did win, by a margin on 5%, She got less than 50% of the Vote. She had help in the form of a former Democratic Candidate who ran under the Tea Party, despite not having any Tea Party support, or Endorsement. This split the Conservative vote, and the Dem won an Election she could not have won in a 2 Candidate race.

Only the Delusional Democrats could think having to pull a fast one, and slip a Democrat Plant in as a tea Party Candidate to win an Election, Means the American Voters are back on their side.

Only the Delusional Democrats would characterize winning an Election with less than 50% of the vote as some kind of overwhelming statement in their favor.

The Simple truth is that with out the Former Democratic Candidate pretending to be a tea Party candidate. The Republican would have won by 4%.

You guys are just completely off your rockers.

Few problems here..

If the third party candidate was a Democrat with no Tea Party or Conservative support...wouldn't that split the Democratic vote?

But heck..I do hope this same sort of sloppy analysis is going on at the RNC.:lol:

Jack Davis got 48% of the vote in 2006 as a Democratic. He lost to a Republican. The idea that his constituency is conservative/Republican is simply mental.
Threaten medicare and you lose.

Yep, only the problem is Medicare is threatened by inaction as well as the wrong action.

Something has to be done. It is just as irresponsible to sit around saying nothing is wrong with Medicare, as it is to try and get rid of it.

Something had to be done with Social Security in 1983, and it was done. Killing SS was not done.

The same goes for Medicare. You fix/adjust the program for the realities of higher healthcare costs, longer lives, and whatever else needs to be dealt with.

You don't destroy a successful program simply because it needs repair.

Problem for Republicans is, they are caught philosophically and idealogically, because they are loathe to admit that a socialist program like Medicare actually works well and is very popular because it works well.
Threaten medicare and you lose.

Yep, only the problem is Medicare is threatened by inaction as well as the wrong action.

Something has to be done. It is just as irresponsible to sit around saying nothing is wrong with Medicare, as it is to try and get rid of it.

Something had to be done with Social Security in 1983, and it was done. Killing SS was not done.

The same goes for Medicare. You fix/adjust the program for the realities of higher healthcare costs, longer lives, and whatever else needs to be dealt with.

You don't destroy a successful program simply because it needs repair.

Problem for Republicans is, they are caught philosophically and idealogically, because they are loathe to admit that a socialist program like Medicare actually works well and is very popular because it works well.
Successful? It medicare were successful it would not be going broke.
Please, we on either side of the medicare issue must stipulate that the current medicare system is broken and MUST be changed.
All of the possible politically safe adjustments have been made.
It's time for some tough solutions. Unfortunately many seniors view medicare in the same light they view most other social entitlements. Getting rid of or even tweaking them to make them work better is met with a level of anger that is comparable to the anger that starts riots.
Heck many older people still refer to Social Security as "old age pension".
SS was never intended to be source of income to lived on. It is a supplement.
Right now there are too few workers paying to support SS, too many politicians willing to steal the money and too many retirees drawing SS. SS must be means tested.
Medicare has too few workers paying taxes to support the system and too many retirees using the system. It has to be means tested. Period.
This is going to come to a head. It's going to get to the point where the road down which the can is being kicked will come to a dead end. That means those in Washington will have to bite the bullet and change the system at the risk of sacrificing their political careers. Oh, that is what a statesman does.
Statesmen. A type of elected official which is all but extinct on Capitol Hill.
So, the left and dems and Liberal Media are in full spin mode. Trying to say the Result of the Election in NY means Americans have turned away from Republicans already.

Lets examine the Facts. The Democrat did win, by a margin on 5%, She got less than 50% of the Vote. She had help in the form of a former Democratic Candidate who ran under the Tea Party, despite not having any Tea Party support, or Endorsement. This split the Conservative vote, and the Dem won an Election she could not have won in a 2 Candidate race.

Only the Delusional Democrats could think having to pull a fast one, and slip a Democrat Plant in as a tea Party Candidate to win an Election, Means the American Voters are back on their side.

Only the Delusional Democrats would characterize winning an Election with less than 50% of the vote as some kind of overwhelming statement in their favor.

The Simple truth is that with out the Former Democratic Candidate pretending to be a tea Party candidate. The Republican would have won by 4%.

You guys are just completely off your rockers.
Typical dimwit tactics. They know they can't win so they play games and use deception. If the lefty dimwits here dfend this they are idiots, but they will because they can't help but be idiots.
So, the left and dems and Liberal Media are in full spin mode. Trying to say the Result of the Election in NY means Americans have turned away from Republicans already.

Lets examine the Facts. The Democrat did win, by a margin on 5%, She got less than 50% of the Vote. She had help in the form of a former Democratic Candidate who ran under the Tea Party, despite not having any Tea Party support, or Endorsement. This split the Conservative vote, and the Dem won an Election she could not have won in a 2 Candidate race.

Only the Delusional Democrats could think having to pull a fast one, and slip a Democrat Plant in as a tea Party Candidate to win an Election, Means the American Voters are back on their side.

Only the Delusional Democrats would characterize winning an Election with less than 50% of the vote as some kind of overwhelming statement in their favor.

The Simple truth is that with out the Former Democratic Candidate pretending to be a tea Party candidate. The Republican would have won by 4%.

You guys are just completely off your rockers.

First, you assume that all the Tea Party vote would have gone to the Republicans. That may or may not be true.

But even if it were true and the Republican won, that's so totally not the point. The Republicans won that district with 74% of the vote in 2010. The Democrat candidate won the same percentage of votes as they won in 2006 when the Dems swept the country.

I do think one should not read too much into a special election, but if the Republicans stick their head in the sand and ignore this, they risk getting hammered next year.

The Tea Party is NOT popular right now. Here in Florida, Tea Party governor Rick Scott has an approval rating of 29%, the lowest in recorded history, whereas his negatives are 57%. Poll after poll has shown that even though people like the idea of reducing the deficit, they are decidedly against cutting specific programs that affect them.

Glad I read a little further down the thread, because I was going to say the same thing. Even if the Republican had won with less than 50% of the vote, the extreme shift in votes to the Democrat since 2010 says a lot and should be of great concern to the Republicans. If districts across the US see anything close to this shift in numbers, the Dems will not only take back control of the House, they will do it in sweeping fashion.
I think you guys are reading this wrong, he typed the thread title then cut and pasted the body of the post to give an example of lies and spin are.
From what I hear, the GOP candidate was kinda wishywashy about Ryan's budget, didn't really fight back against the democrat. I've been giving the Dems holy hell for not having the guts to pass budgets or offer any real plan to balance the budget and deal with the debt/deficits. Well it's time for the GOP to stand up for their principles and defend their ideas for the role of gov't. It's on them to tell the country the truth and what they want to accomplish, no weaseling or backtracking. Even though the Dems are going to demagogue it to death, the Republicans just have to show that changes must be made. If they don't we're fucked, cuz the Dems will never cut spending and we'll end up with one big honking depression. And not very far down the road either,.
Successful? It medicare were successful it would not be going broke.

Medicare is not going broke. It has simply reached the point where it needs to begin spending out of its previous surpluses. It's not Medicare's fault that its surpluses were spent by other areas of government.

Medicare is where Social Security was in 1982. A similar solution would make it solvent for another 40 years.
So, the left and dems and Liberal Media are in full spin mode. Trying to say the Result of the Election in NY means Americans have turned away from Republicans already.

Lets examine the Facts. The Democrat did win, by a margin on 5%, She got less than 50% of the Vote. She had help in the form of a former Democratic Candidate who ran under the Tea Party, despite not having any Tea Party support, or Endorsement. This split the Conservative vote, and the Dem won an Election she could not have won in a 2 Candidate race.

Only the Delusional Democrats could think having to pull a fast one, and slip a Democrat Plant in as a tea Party Candidate to win an Election, Means the American Voters are back on their side.

Only the Delusional Democrats would characterize winning an Election with less than 50% of the vote as some kind of overwhelming statement in their favor.

The Simple truth is that with out the Former Democratic Candidate pretending to be a tea Party candidate. The Republican would have won by 4%.

You guys are just completely off your rockers.

So, those of us who believe that medicare lost 26 for the GOP are the ones off our rocker. We only base it on what the people who voted said. And the people who voted for the democratic candidate said their vote was all about medicare. Now who is doing the are.
The New Conservative Movement is a shooting star. They had momentum, couldn't control themselves and over reached terribly. Look at Wisconsin, Ohio, and now Ryan trying to put the hammer down on the whole country with the Medicare thing.

The bad thing now is, If they officially back off... they look like idiots. If they don't, they look like bastards.

Rock? meet Hard Place.

Idiot, meet forum.

Actually, you've been one of the biggest idiots here for a very long time. Your calling some that is like the pot calling the kettle black.
So, the left and dems and Liberal Media are in full spin mode. Trying to say the Result of the Election in NY means Americans have turned away from Republicans already.

Lets examine the Facts. The Democrat did win, by a margin on 5%, She got less than 50% of the Vote. She had help in the form of a former Democratic Candidate who ran under the Tea Party, despite not having any Tea Party support, or Endorsement. This split the Conservative vote, and the Dem won an Election she could not have won in a 2 Candidate race.

Only the Delusional Democrats could think having to pull a fast one, and slip a Democrat Plant in as a tea Party Candidate to win an Election, Means the American Voters are back on their side.

Only the Delusional Democrats would characterize winning an Election with less than 50% of the vote as some kind of overwhelming statement in their favor.

The Simple truth is that with out the Former Democratic Candidate pretending to be a tea Party candidate. The Republican would have won by 4%.

You guys are just completely off your rockers.

So, those of us who believe that medicare lost 26 for the GOP are the ones off our rocker. We only base it on what the people who voted said. And the people who voted for the democratic candidate said their vote was all about medicare. Now who is doing the are.

So what did the people say who voted for the 3rd party candidate who claimed he was a TP candidate but wasn't? I'm thinking most 'em thought they were voting for a conservative TP person who would be AGAINST ObamaCare. However, I will also say that the GOP candidate should have done a better job fighting the demagoguery thrown at her by the dem candidate. It was lies and a 3rd party lying candidate that got the Dems a win.
Only a scared Conservative would worry about it what the Delusional Democrats think.

Just sayin'

Actually it's not what the Democrats think that I am worried about. What worries me is that they will succeed in misleading the people. Like they usually do.
^ This guy is smart

Dems need to run on a platform of $1Trillion plus deficits. Learn the lesson of NY-26.

Deficits, high taxes, high gas prices, high unemployment, really sell!

"Ryan will save Medicare."

Just run on that, Frank. Y'all will do fine.

Dems 2008: "These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis"

Dems 2012: "These two entities—Medicare and Social Security—are not facing any kind of financial crisis,"

High unemployment, high gas prices and trillion dollar deficits v. Medicare.

And your share of the vote declined by 32%. :thup:

"Ryan will save Medicare."

Just run on that, Frank. Y'all will do fine.

Dems 2008: "These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis"

Dems 2012: "These two entities—Medicare and Social Security—are not facing any kind of financial crisis,"

High unemployment, high gas prices and trillion dollar deficits v. Medicare.

And your share of the vote declined by 32%. :thup:


You get NY 23 and 26

We get everything else.

I'll take that deal all day and all night
Dems 2008: "These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis"

Dems 2012: "These two entities—Medicare and Social Security—are not facing any kind of financial crisis,"

High unemployment, high gas prices and trillion dollar deficits v. Medicare.

And your share of the vote declined by 32%. :thup:


You get NY 23 and 26

We get everything else.

I'll take that deal all day and all night

And with that line of thinking, you get the unicorns and leprechauns too.

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