The Logic of ConservaRepub on Economy, UnEmployment & A Helping Hand from Govt.


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!
If you're so concerned with the people that need a helping hand I would urge you to go out and give them one, and quit trying to force the taxpayers into footing the bill for you.
The Logic of ConservaRepub on Economy, UnEmployment & A Helping Hand from Govt.
You remind me of a blond, who, upon hearing a blond joke, gets all huffy and tells the exact same joke, only substituting "brunette" for "blond".

Not original, not funny, and terribly bitter. :lmao:
Besides, IL, you got it wrong.

But my thread is 100% accurate.

No wonder you're so bitter. :lol:
Besides, IL, you got it wrong.
But my thread is 100% accurate.

No wonder you're so bitter. :lol:

Bitter? You realize of course this is me laughing at the wacko logic of The Right and of course, you, right?

it's okay, I can undertand why you would get bent outta shape. Kinda described you so accurately that you couldn't resist a compulsion to um, well seriously a blond joke thing was the best you could come up with? Well considering what you have to work with, I get it.

Tell ya what. I'm really sorry you're mindless drone who can't think for yourself! Which of course, I can prove about you but you cannot prove about me.
So I completely understand why your panties got in a bunch on this one and I am happy to tolerate your existence in my country!
The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!

Wow, What a utterly Childish, and Simple View.

Can't believe I wasted time Reading it.
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The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!

Wow, What a utterly Childish, and Simple View.

Can't believe I wasted time Reading it.

Wow! It got to you SO much, you had to post about it! :lol:

Obviously this little piece of humor has hit a nerve!
If you're so concerned with the people that need a helping hand I would urge you to go out and give them one, and quit trying to force the taxpayers into footing the bill for you.

But I don't have time. Can't someone else do it for me?
The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!

Ah, hypocrisy and caught in the middle between reality and political spin.:clap2: otherwise known as a lie, but hen again were talking about politics, so much for hope and change.
Well all you little whackjobs just got your collective panties in a bunch on THIS post, didn't you? :)

Look, it's simple. You're all mindless sheeple. You couldn't find an original thought if you wanted. This is why you get all bent when anyone post something that goes against the mantra of your Thought Masters.
It's not that anything is inaccurate about my little piece of satire, it's that it pisses you off that it's true.
Of course, I can back this up and prove it about you little girls.
And of course, you cannot prove this about me. That would be the difference between us! :)
The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!

Wow, What a utterly Childish, and Simple View.

Can't believe I wasted time Reading it.

We agree your view is childish, and since you have it you probably did waste time in reading it. I think your time would be better spent asking to fox box what you think today.
If you're so concerned with the people that need a helping hand I would urge you to go out and give them one, and quit trying to force the taxpayers into footing the bill for you.

But I don't have time. Can't someone else do it for me?

And I thought you were smarter than resorting to the tired, yet meaningless conservative cliches. Guess not. Good for you.
The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!

Spot on.

They've even taken it to a whole new level of hypocrisy. There is a thread bashing Obama because he publicly took credit for "Obamacare". First they name it after him and then bash him when he takes credit for it. They are dishonest hypocrites to their core.
If you're so concerned with the people that need a helping hand I would urge you to go out and give them one, and quit trying to force the taxpayers into footing the bill for you.

But I don't have time. Can't someone else do it for me?

And I thought you were smarter than resorting to the tired, yet meaningless conservative cliches. Guess not. Good for you.

I'm not using it as a cliche, so how about addressing it for what it is - a critique on the hypocrisy of those who want to force someone else to do their charity work for them. The idea that you can express your concern for the poor by voting for a law that makes someone else give them money is a best a self-deception. Likewise, the idea that without such laws no one would care for the poor is deeply cynical. Are you saying that all the people who vote for welfare laws would turn their backs on the poor if helping them wasn't mandated by the state?
But I don't have time. Can't someone else do it for me?

And I thought you were smarter than resorting to the tired, yet meaningless conservative cliches. Guess not. Good for you.

I'm not using it as a cliche, so how about addressing it for what it is - a critique on the hypocrisy of those who want to force someone else to do their charity work for them. The idea that you can express your concern for the poor by voting for a law that makes someone else give them money is a best a self-deception. Likewise, the idea that without such laws no one would care for the poor is deeply cynical. Are you saying that all the people who vote for welfare laws would turn their backs on the poor if helping them wasn't mandated by the state?

DBlack, you won't get an answer, these idiots aren't programmed for higher level thought...
DBlack, you won't get an answer, these idiots aren't programmed for higher level thought...

LOL. But they make good parrots. Maybe smarter than the average parrot. But not my much.
But I don't have time. Can't someone else do it for me?

And I thought you were smarter than resorting to the tired, yet meaningless conservative cliches. Guess not. Good for you.

I'm not using it as a cliche, so how about addressing it for what it is - a critique on the hypocrisy of those who want to force someone else to do their charity work for them. The idea that you can express your concern for the poor by voting for a law that makes someone else give them money is a best a self-deception. Likewise, the idea that without such laws no one would care for the poor is deeply cynical. Are you saying that all the people who vote for welfare laws would turn their backs on the poor if helping them wasn't mandated by the state?

Are you suggesting that liberals who support assisting the poor don't in fact pay taxes of their own and should not have an opinion on where their tax money should be spent? The tired cliche is the reference to "liberals always want to spend other peoples money" or some variation of that, when in fact we all pay taxes too and have just as much say as to where it should be spent.

And thanks for bringing up the other tired cliche, that people will just step up and charities will be the solution for the poor if we "just got government out of our wallets". If that were the case, why isn't it happening now? Why hasn't it ever happened?

Like I said, tired cliches, not real world. I thought you were above that.
And I thought you were smarter than resorting to the tired, yet meaningless conservative cliches. Guess not. Good for you.

I'm not using it as a cliche, so how about addressing it for what it is - a critique on the hypocrisy of those who want to force someone else to do their charity work for them. The idea that you can express your concern for the poor by voting for a law that makes someone else give them money is a best a self-deception. Likewise, the idea that without such laws no one would care for the poor is deeply cynical. Are you saying that all the people who vote for welfare laws would turn their backs on the poor if helping them wasn't mandated by the state?

DBlack, you won't get an answer, these idiots aren't programmed for higher level thought...

Solid analysis. Thanks for the input.
And I thought you were smarter than resorting to the tired, yet meaningless conservative cliches. Guess not. Good for you.

I'm not using it as a cliche, so how about addressing it for what it is - a critique on the hypocrisy of those who want to force someone else to do their charity work for them. The idea that you can express your concern for the poor by voting for a law that makes someone else give them money is a best a self-deception. Likewise, the idea that without such laws no one would care for the poor is deeply cynical. Are you saying that all the people who vote for welfare laws would turn their backs on the poor if helping them wasn't mandated by the state?

Are you suggesting that liberals who support assisting the poor don't in fact pay taxes of their own and should not have an opinion on where their tax money should be spent? The tired cliche is the reference to "liberals always want to spend other peoples money" or some variation of that, when in fact we all pay taxes too and have just as much say as to where it should be spent.

And thanks for bringing up the other tired cliche, that people will just step up and charities will be the solution for the poor if we "just got government out of our wallets". If that were the case, why isn't it happening now? Why hasn't it ever happened?

Like I said, tired cliches, not real world. I thought you were above that.

Again, it's not a cliche. It's a valid criticism. The wealth re-distribution is the entire point of the welfare state. If were just a matter of a genuine desire to help the poor as a community, we'd simply do that. We wouldn't need laws requiring it.
The economy is really bad and it's all Obama's fault but no one should need a helping hand because there are plenty of jobs except that unemployment is really way higher than the govt says it is - except when it comes to the people who are out of work and need a helping hand, then there's plenty of jobs so they don't need help but that doesn't mean the economy is good.
Got it!

It's difficult to imagine IndepentOfLogic being more trite or any dumber unless he has some kind of mind meld with TdM.

The poor deluded sap cannot quite grasp that President Obama's answer to the complicated and inter-related economic problems is to borrow more money and spend yet more than that.

In the sycophantic tiny mind of nitwits like IndependentOfLogic, THAT'S the thing that will "work."
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