The low IQ voter

Well they shouldn’t have a say, per the U.S. Constitution. But that doesn’t stop them. That’s why we have national parks. The federal government literally just stole land from states, thanks to that PoS Teddy Roosevelt. Only his cousin FDR was a bigger piece of shit.

President Bill Clinton stole a huge part of Utah as payment to the Chinese when he created the Grand Staircase-Escalante National park. The land can best be described as Badlands. President Clinton even signed the legislation in ANOTHER STATE so it LOOKED like he was preserving a part of the Grand Canyon. By making the area a "Monument" he closed off our largest supply of ultra-clean, very low sulfur coal in our country. The only other place this quality of coal is available is in Asia under the control of China. To whom, Clinton owed a great debt.

Try lying less. First of all, the areas that they want to strip mine are in the Plat areas in otherwords, mountains. That is where the Coal deposits worth mining are. And they want to strip mine them. What it leaves is a scar on the land that may never heal. It's one thing to strip mine on the plains but another to do it in the Mountains.

Second, In the U.S., bituminous coal is mined primarily in Appalachia and in the mid-western states of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Anthracite coal: Anthracite (also called hard coal) was formed when bituminous coal underwent even more heat over a longer time and is usually associated with mountain building forces.Guess what kind of coal has the highest sulphur content and less carbon content. It burns dirtier. We have million of tons of Anthracite coal around here and we are in the process of shutting down ALL coal fired Production of Power. It's dirty, real dirty. We also have shut down a few of the Mines as well. The West does not need to open any new coal fields that we don't already have until we reopen the ones that we have closed.
Any government controlled program.
Seriously, you really don’t have the faintest clue what socialism is.
And if you check, all Public Utilities are Government Controlled through Regulations.rant.
Regulation is not socialism. Firearms are regulated in the United States. Are firearms “socialism”? :eusa_doh:
But don't let a few little facts get in the way of a good rant.
I would kill for you to get your facts straight. Unfortunately, you are terribly confused right now.
Any government controlled program.
Seriously, you really don’t have the faintest clue what socialism is.
And if you check, all Public Utilities are Government Controlled through Regulations.rant.
Regulation is not socialism. Firearms are regulated in the United States. Are firearms “socialism”? :eusa_doh:
But don't let a few little facts get in the way of a good rant.
I would kill for you to get your facts straight. Unfortunately, you are terribly confused right now.

Again, oh stupid one, We use both Socialism and Capitalism in this country. Otherwise, we would have one or the other and trust me, you don't want to live in either type of country.

I know you would like to kill me. There are only two things that stop you. Distance and cowardice.
Again, oh stupid one, We use both Socialism and Capitalism in this country.
Now that is true - oh really stupid one. The problem in this thread is that you have yet to name a single example of the socialism that does exist in this country. You actually stated “regulation” (which is fucking hilarious in a tragic sort of way).
Isn't this just grand

So tell me, what's the dif betwixt Hope & Change and MAGA?????

Day and night. Liberty vs slavery.
Again, oh stupid one, We use both Socialism and Capitalism in this country.
Now that is true - oh really stupid one. The problem in this thread is that you have yet to name a single example of the socialism that does exist in this country. You actually stated “regulation” (which is fucking hilarious in a tragic sort of way).

I named more than a few. You woon't accept them because they don't fit your diatribe. Sort of like the Alabama Trump Voter in line for his Welfare Benefits. And then you expect the rest o fus to believe anything that you say. You are alt-right and we all see how that is working out right now.
Try lying less. First of all, the areas that they want to strip mine are in the Plat areas in otherwords, mountains. That is where the Coal deposits worth mining are. And they want to strip mine them. What it leaves is a scar on the land that may never heal. It's one thing to strip mine on the plains but another to do it in the Mountains.

Second, In the U.S., bituminous coal is mined primarily in Appalachia and in the mid-western states of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Anthracite coal: Anthracite (also called hard coal) was formed when bituminous coal underwent even more heat over a longer time and is usually associated with mountain building forces.Guess what kind of coal has the highest sulphur content and less carbon content. It burns dirtier. We have million of tons of Anthracite coal around here and we are in the process of shutting down ALL coal fired Production of Power. It's dirty, real dirty. We also have shut down a few of the Mines as well. The West does not need to open any new coal fields that we don't already have until we reopen the ones that we have closed.

Speaking of lying....

The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff?
By: Sarah Foster

When the President signed the Executive Order designating 1.7 million acres of land in southwest Utah as the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, his action placed the area off limits to mineral extraction and development.

The New York Times reported that the monument encloses the largest coal field in the nation, the Kaiparowitz Plateau, which contains at least 7 billion tons of coal worth over $1 TRILLION.

Kentucky-based company Andalux Resources, which holds leases on 3,400 acres in the area, was planning to open a huge operation (underground, not strip mining) that would have generated 1,000 jobs, $1 million in annual revenue for Kane County, and at least $10 million a year in state and federal taxes, according to the New York Times. Folks living in the area wore black arm bands the day o the signing - but Clinton didn't see them. He chose to make his announcement in a neighboring state. WHY?

Why did he do it? Why lock up $1 trillion worth of coal?


Moreover, the coal at Kaiporowitz Plateau is a kind of coal that is not found "everywhere." It is very low sulfur, low ash - hence, low polluting - coal, the kind in high demand for power plants, such as one being designed for Ensenada, Mexico. That megawatt giant, presently on the drawing boards, will supply electricity across northern Baja, an area plagued by brownouts.

I know you would like to kill me. There are only two things that stop you. Distance and cowardice.
:uhh: :uhh: :uhh:

(Psst...weirdo...I have about as much desire to “kill you” as I have to have sex with Hitlery Clinton. None. Zip. Zero. Zilch. 0)

You are an altt-right and we all know how that's working out right now.
:uhh: :uhh: :uhh:

Aaaaaand that too is 100% wrong. Like all fascists, you think anyone who doesn’t agree with you is “evil” and “alt-right”. I’m not even libertarian. You will find me all over USMB going to war with those buffoons. And the libertarians aren’t even “alt-right”.
Again, oh stupid one, We use both Socialism and Capitalism in this country.
Now that is true - oh really stupid one. The problem in this thread is that you have yet to name a single example of the socialism that does exist in this country. You actually stated “regulation” (which is fucking hilarious in a tragic sort of way).

I named more than a few.
Yes you did. And all of them were 100% dead wrong. :laugh:

You still haven’t answered the question. Guns are regulated in the U.S. Are guns “socialism”?
The Gas probably came from a Publically (Government owned) land. The Private Lands have mostly long since been depleted. The Government makes big bucks from those wells and controls them. Yah, Yah, I know, you think the government should stay out of it. But I suggest you listen to a song called Mullenburg County. It's about a time before the Government started getting involved in our natural resources.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama prohibited the use of fracking of fracking on federal government land. Our surplus of oil and gas came about because it remained legal on private and state-owned land.

Lie more. They never stopped Fracking on Government land around here. Who writes your materiel anyway. You need better writers.
Frack baby frack...
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Speaking of low-IQ voters... :biggrin:
Well they shouldn’t have a say, per the U.S. Constitution. But that doesn’t stop them. That’s why we have national parks. The federal government literally just stole land from states, thanks to that PoS Teddy Roosevelt. Only his cousin FDR was a bigger piece of shit.

President Bill Clinton stole a huge part of Utah as payment to the Chinese when he created the Grand Staircase-Escalante National park. The land can best be described as Badlands. President Clinton even signed the legislation in ANOTHER STATE so it LOOKED like he was preserving a part of the Grand Canyon. By making the area a "Monument" he closed off our largest supply of ultra-clean, very low sulfur coal in our country. The only other place this quality of coal is available is in Asia under the control of China. To whom, Clinton owed a great debt.

Try lying less. First of all, the areas that they want to strip mine are in the Plat areas in otherwords, mountains. That is where the Coal deposits worth mining are. And they want to strip mine them. What it leaves is a scar on the land that may never heal. It's one thing to strip mine on the plains but another to do it in the Mountains.

Second, In the U.S., bituminous coal is mined primarily in Appalachia and in the mid-western states of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Anthracite coal: Anthracite (also called hard coal) was formed when bituminous coal underwent even more heat over a longer time and is usually associated with mountain building forces.Guess what kind of coal has the highest sulphur content and less carbon content. It burns dirtier. We have million of tons of Anthracite coal around here and we are in the process of shutting down ALL coal fired Production of Power. It's dirty, real dirty. We also have shut down a few of the Mines as well. The West does not need to open any new coal fields that we don't already have until we reopen the ones that we have closed.
Wyoming is starting to open up coal mines again, They are advertising for workers again around here...
Try lying less. First of all, the areas that they want to strip mine are in the Plat areas in otherwords, mountains. That is where the Coal deposits worth mining are. And they want to strip mine them. What it leaves is a scar on the land that may never heal. It's one thing to strip mine on the plains but another to do it in the Mountains.

Second, In the U.S., bituminous coal is mined primarily in Appalachia and in the mid-western states of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Anthracite coal: Anthracite (also called hard coal) was formed when bituminous coal underwent even more heat over a longer time and is usually associated with mountain building forces.Guess what kind of coal has the highest sulphur content and less carbon content. It burns dirtier. We have million of tons of Anthracite coal around here and we are in the process of shutting down ALL coal fired Production of Power. It's dirty, real dirty. We also have shut down a few of the Mines as well. The West does not need to open any new coal fields that we don't already have until we reopen the ones that we have closed.

Speaking of lying....

The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff?
By: Sarah Foster

When the President signed the Executive Order designating 1.7 million acres of land in southwest Utah as the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, his action placed the area off limits to mineral extraction and development.

The New York Times reported that the monument encloses the largest coal field in the nation, the Kaiparowitz Plateau, which contains at least 7 billion tons of coal worth over $1 TRILLION.

Kentucky-based company Andalux Resources, which holds leases on 3,400 acres in the area, was planning to open a huge operation (underground, not strip mining) that would have generated 1,000 jobs, $1 million in annual revenue for Kane County, and at least $10 million a year in state and federal taxes, according to the New York Times. Folks living in the area wore black arm bands the day o the signing - but Clinton didn't see them. He chose to make his announcement in a neighboring state. WHY?

Why did he do it? Why lock up $1 trillion worth of coal?


Moreover, the coal at Kaiporowitz Plateau is a kind of coal that is not found "everywhere." It is very low sulfur, low ash - hence, low polluting - coal, the kind in high demand for power plants, such as one being designed for Ensenada, Mexico. That megawatt giant, presently on the drawing boards, will supply electricity across northern Baja, an area plagued by brownouts.


The Utah Coal Lockup: A trillion dollar Lippo payoff?

Your Cite is listed as one giant Conspiracy alt-rightwing site. It's so bad that it doesn't even make the fact check sites.

Now, back to reality. We have many, many close mines already throughout this area and we have a few thousand out of work miners already sitting in place to work them in Western Colorado and Central Utah. The Railroad is already there with empty cars ready to start hauling if these are started again. The equipment is already in place. And it's the same kind of coal as where you are harping about. It would make more sense to reopen those mines since it would be a matter of a few days to get them back into full production instead of months and possibly years and millions of dollars to start from scratch. This is why WE don't want it. If that Eastern Company wants to open a mine, I know of quite few that are tailor made and ready to go with all the resources and can be done in a matter of days with a fraction of the investment. These workers own houses, send their kids to schools and more already in a community. Now, why would you want to put them out of work or have them wreck their lives any more than it's already wrecked when you could help them and make money at the same time? Could it be the graft of the East and crooked and corrupt politicians that are involved? Of course it is. And why would you support it in the first place when there is already a better way that is actually good for communities, cheaper, faster and produces the same product. Are they paying you as well?
Well they shouldn’t have a say, per the U.S. Constitution. But that doesn’t stop them. That’s why we have national parks. The federal government literally just stole land from states, thanks to that PoS Teddy Roosevelt. Only his cousin FDR was a bigger piece of shit.

President Bill Clinton stole a huge part of Utah as payment to the Chinese when he created the Grand Staircase-Escalante National park. The land can best be described as Badlands. President Clinton even signed the legislation in ANOTHER STATE so it LOOKED like he was preserving a part of the Grand Canyon. By making the area a "Monument" he closed off our largest supply of ultra-clean, very low sulfur coal in our country. The only other place this quality of coal is available is in Asia under the control of China. To whom, Clinton owed a great debt.

Try lying less. First of all, the areas that they want to strip mine are in the Plat areas in otherwords, mountains. That is where the Coal deposits worth mining are. And they want to strip mine them. What it leaves is a scar on the land that may never heal. It's one thing to strip mine on the plains but another to do it in the Mountains.

Second, In the U.S., bituminous coal is mined primarily in Appalachia and in the mid-western states of Iowa, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Anthracite coal: Anthracite (also called hard coal) was formed when bituminous coal underwent even more heat over a longer time and is usually associated with mountain building forces.Guess what kind of coal has the highest sulphur content and less carbon content. It burns dirtier. We have million of tons of Anthracite coal around here and we are in the process of shutting down ALL coal fired Production of Power. It's dirty, real dirty. We also have shut down a few of the Mines as well. The West does not need to open any new coal fields that we don't already have until we reopen the ones that we have closed.
Wyoming is starting to open up coal mines again, They are advertising for workers again around here...

Wyoming uses a different method of extraction. I spent time in those communities. We can't use strip mining here since our coal is inside of a mountain. We would have to completely strip the first 3rd off the top to strip mine it and that just ain't going to happen. I have seen where the strip mining has finished in an area and by law, they do a nice job of replacing the dirt and replanting. In a few years, you can't even tell that it was strip mined.
The Gas probably came from a Publically (Government owned) land. The Private Lands have mostly long since been depleted. The Government makes big bucks from those wells and controls them. Yah, Yah, I know, you think the government should stay out of it. But I suggest you listen to a song called Mullenburg County. It's about a time before the Government started getting involved in our natural resources.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama prohibited the use of fracking of fracking on federal government land. Our surplus of oil and gas came about because it remained legal on private and state-owned land.

Lie more. They never stopped Fracking on Government land around here. Who writes your materiel anyway. You need better writers.
Frack baby frack...
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Speaking of low-IQ voters... :biggrin:

Hey, He's one of Yours.
ANY successful businessman has failures. Not because they're a bad person. If you don't take chances, like you, you'll forever be stuck where you are today. What's the sport's analogy, you can't get to second base without taking your foot off first base.

How many successful businesses are in the Trump empire? No one wants to declare bankruptcy for one of their businesses. Stuff happens. Our founding fathers knew that it was so important to have that as an option that they included the option of bankruptcy in the constitution. Did you even know it is in our constitution?

President Donald Trump did not become a multi-billionaire because he is LUCKY. He did it because he is willing to take big risks and because he doesn't need months to make a decision. That's why he can accomplish more in a day than every other president could do in a month.

Trump was born a multi billionaire. It just didn't show up on paper and was largely hidden from the IRS. He was a multi millionaire by the age of 8. I suggest you give a read on his Father. You will see the shady side of Real Estate Development that Donald Trump was very involved with and still is.

Fred Trump - Wikipedia

Donald Trump learned from his Father on how to defraud everyone that came into contact with him. BTW, Trump Towers was built by his Father, not Donald and was part of a loan to Donald that Donald never paid back. There was not a 1 million loan. It was a 413 million dollar loan and was never paid back. Too much time has passed so there can be no criminal charges filed by the IRS. There are some very good reasons that the Donald doesn't want his tax returns viewed. He's a conman and he learned from the best.
Do yourself a favor and stop reading wikipedia. You'll be smarter for it.

Do yourself a favor and stop spending all your time in front of the boob tube listening and watching Pauxsnews.
You must be one of those low IQ people. I don't'watch but an hour or two a month of Fox News. Just as I don't watch but an hour or two of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC or any other biased and bullshit news organization.

I'm not a mind-numbed drooler like you leftists are.

Maybe you should stop and reconsider how fucked up you are in the head. Just a suggestion.

Maybe you should stop defending the ultra right wingnutz and reconsider how fucked your own head is. Just a suggestion.

BTW, I am a moderate. I am just fed up with the antics of the ultra right wingnutz. I thought they were bad losers. They are even worse winners.
Did the right riot and post all over the internet about killing Obama in 2008 or 2012?


You are full of shit then. Sit down.
Your Cite is listed as one giant Conspiracy alt-rightwing site. It's so bad that it doesn't even make the fact check sites.

Now, back to reality. We have many, many close mines already throughout this area and we have a few thousand out of work miners already sitting in place to work them in Western Colorado and Central Utah. The Railroad is already there with empty cars ready to start hauling if these are started again. The equipment is already in place. And it's the same kind of coal as where you are harping about. It would make more sense to reopen those mines since it would be a matter of a few days to get them back into full production instead of months and possibly years and millions of dollars to start from scratch. This is why WE don't want it. If that Eastern Company wants to open a mine, I know of quite few that are tailor made and ready to go with all the resources and can be done in a matter of days with a fraction of the investment. These workers own houses, send their kids to schools and more already in a community. Now, why would you want to put them out of work or have them wreck their lives any more than it's already wrecked when you could help them and make money at the same time? Could it be the graft of the East and crooked and corrupt politicians that are involved? Of course it is. And why would you support it in the first place when there is already a better way that is actually good for communities, cheaper, faster and produces the same product. Are they paying you as well?

Cute childish rant.

Instead, why don't you post what I posted which is not true? Oh, right, everything I posted is true.

You were even wrong about the quality of coal in Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument, plus the type of mining which would be used.
We the people legally voted in our President using the same system that has been used many times to vote in a President= the electoral college, and in addition the majority of citizens approve of our Presidents job at this time.
Lies are so easy for trumpflakes.
Lies make up the very fabric of the left. You’re inability to accept that President Trump was legally and properly elected is just another example.

If you remove all the other variables, you are right. But there are many other variables involving foreign money and influence that begs to differ. The harm is done and we now must live with it for now. We can't turn the clock back. But we can work to not allow it to happen again. I still see you RW Nutjobs using some of the Russian BS as if it were truth. The American Public is just about fed up with that routine and will be working to get rid of those that still play those games. It's up to the Republicans to learn how to identify with the general public now. It's not nearly as easy this year and will be even harder in 2020. No free rides anymore.
You act like the Democrats haven’t already lost the American public....

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