The low IQ voter

When those resources stay within the State, County or Municipal borders, the Feds have no say.
Well they shouldn’t have a say, per the U.S. Constitution. But that doesn’t stop them. That’s why we have national parks. The federal government literally just stole land from states, thanks to that PoS Teddy Roosevelt. Only his cousin FDR was a bigger piece of shit.

I don't know about SD, but here in Colorado we have been offered ALL National Parks to become State Parks. It was considered until they saw the cost of upkeep and said, thanks but no thanks. If the State wants the Parks to become State Parks they just have to file on it. Are you aware that the laws state that X amount of land has to be set aside for Federal Use and it's actually a very small amount? Anything above that is at the graciousness of the State.
When those resources stay within the State, County or Municipal borders, the Feds have no say.
Well they shouldn’t have a say, per the U.S. Constitution. But that doesn’t stop them. That’s why we have national parks. The federal government literally just stole land from states, thanks to that PoS Teddy Roosevelt. Only his cousin FDR was a bigger piece of shit.

I don't know about SD, but here in Colorado we have been offered ALL National Parks to become State Parks. It was considered until they saw the cost of upkeep and said, thanks but no thanks. If the State wants the Parks to become State Parks they just have to file on it. Are you aware that the laws state that X amount of land has to be set aside for Federal Use and it's actually a very small amount? Anything above that is at the graciousness of the State.
You’re missing the point. It should have never happened in the first place. And, if the federal government wasn’t gouging everyone to cover these national parks across the nation, the states could set their tax rates to cover those costs.

The federal government grew into an unconstitutional monstrosity. And that has a ripple effect throughout state and local governments.
When those resources stay within the State, County or Municipal borders, the Feds have no say.
Well they shouldn’t have a say, per the U.S. Constitution. But that doesn’t stop them. That’s why we have national parks. The federal government literally just stole land from states, thanks to that PoS Teddy Roosevelt. Only his cousin FDR was a bigger piece of shit.

I don't know about SD, but here in Colorado we have been offered ALL National Parks to become State Parks. It was considered until they saw the cost of upkeep and said, thanks but no thanks. If the State wants the Parks to become State Parks they just have to file on it. Are you aware that the laws state that X amount of land has to be set aside for Federal Use and it's actually a very small amount? Anything above that is at the graciousness of the State.
You’re missing the point. It should have never happened in the first place. And, if the federal government wasn’t gouging everyone to cover these national parks across the nation, the states could set their tax rates to cover those costs.

The federal government grew into an unconstitutional monstrosity. And that has a ripple effect throughout state and local governments.

The States weren't doing the job. Capitalism was running unchecked. Entire mountains were being washed away using hydralic mining. Entire forrest were being stripped bare. I remember an old John Pine song of the time.

The problem was, the States were bought and paid for. Teddy R stepped in at this point and created the National Parks to preserve some off the pristine natural resources. Again, you need both Capitalism and Socialism to offset one another in a Federal Republic.
You know the sad part? That’s actually a vastly improved message for the Dumbocrats. Their normal message is “we will tax you to death, force our government programs down your throat, control your businesses, control your personal life, disarm you, and oppress you”.
You know the sad part? That’s actually a vastly improved message for the Dumbocrats. Their normal message is “we will tax you to death, force our government programs down your throat, control your businesses, control your personal life, disarm you, and oppress you”.

Or the RWers about Obama where when asked that same question they answer, I know but I can't say, it will make me look like a racist. I was around when Obama was first running. The Racist comments by people that I never knew were racists. As time went on, they slowly stopped saying it and claimed it was because of his policies. No, the words may have changed but it was racist all the same.
You know the sad part? That’s actually a vastly improved message for the Dumbocrats. Their normal message is “we will tax you to death, force our government programs down your throat, control your businesses, control your personal life, disarm you, and oppress you”.

Or the RWers about Obama where when asked that same question they answer, I know but I can't say, it will make me look like a racist. I was around when Obama was first running. The Racist comments by people that I never knew were racists. As time went on, they slowly stopped saying it and claimed it was because of his policies. No, the words may have changed but it was racist all the same.
Yup. And here is one of the biggest racist spouting about Obama!

The States weren't doing the job.
According to who???
Capitalism was running unchecked.
The federal government was never granted the authority to “check” capitalism. That is what you fail to understand. You think if you like it, that makes it “ok”.
Entire mountains were being washed away using hydralic mining. Entire forrest were being stripped bare.
And? :dunno:
The problem was, the States were bought and paid for. Teddy R stepped in at this point and created the National Parks to preserve some off the pristine natural resources.
If the American people had a problem with it, they would have “stepped in”. Theodore Roosevelt had no right to decide for the American people. It’s appalling arrogance and disgusting abuse of power.
Again, you need both Capitalism and Socialism to offset one another in a Federal Republic.
Again...that’s not for you to decide. That’s for the American people to decide. And they haven’t made that choice yet. You need to accept the will of the American people.
The States weren't doing the job.
According to who???
Capitalism was running unchecked.
The federal government was never granted the authority to “check” capitalism. That is what you fail to understand. You think if you like it, that makes it “ok”.
Entire mountains were being washed away using hydralic mining. Entire forrest were being stripped bare.
And? :dunno:
The problem was, the States were bought and paid for. Teddy R stepped in at this point and created the National Parks to preserve some off the pristine natural resources.
If the American people had a problem with it, they would have “stepped in”. Theodore Roosevelt had no right to decide for the American people. It’s appalling arrogance and disgusting abuse of power.
Again, you need both Capitalism and Socialism to offset one another in a Federal Republic.
Again...that’s not for you to decide. That’s for the American people to decide. And they haven’t made that choice yet. You need to accept the will of the American people.

The American People HAVE decided. Around here, we WANT the National Forests and Parks. The Offer to give them back to the state was already made and refused. The outcry when Trump tried to reduce the size of Munument Valley National Park was resounding as well. YOU are NOT the American People. The American People are the American People. And we like our National Parks and don't need the Capitalist trashing them willy nilly for profit like they have done in the past. In my lifetime, I have seen entire mountainsides left with nothing but mud slides where they have taken the entire forest. The State and the Feds won't allow this to happen anymore. That is, unless Trump gets his way. Capitalism left unchecked leaves entire wastelands as history can attest. One state over from you, Wyoming, they strip mine. But when they finish, they have to leave the area as if it has never been touched. Otherwise, entire mountains would be stripped and gone completely for cheap coal. I think Lady Bird went a bit far with her flowers but her idea was on the right track.

Please stop drinking the Orange Koolade.
You dodged. For one week, you cannot use any Socialist thing that is currently in your life today. Try it. It could be fun. And using the SpeelChkingNazi only shows you have run out of anything. Get back to me after you experience 1 week of no socialist type anything in your life. (I'll give you a hint, just posting in here is using some socialist type programs).

Sad to see that you do not know the definition of Socialism. Not surprising.
The Gas probably came from a Publically (Government owned) land. The Private Lands have mostly long since been depleted. The Government makes big bucks from those wells and controls them. Yah, Yah, I know, you think the government should stay out of it. But I suggest you listen to a song called Mullenburg County. It's about a time before the Government started getting involved in our natural resources.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama prohibited the use of fracking of fracking on federal government land. Our surplus of oil and gas came about because it remained legal on private and state-owned land.
You dodged. For one week, you cannot use any Socialist thing that is currently in your life today. Try it. It could be fun. And using the SpeelChkingNazi only shows you have run out of anything. Get back to me after you experience 1 week of no socialist type anything in your life. (I'll give you a hint, just posting in here is using some socialist type programs).

Sad to see that you do not know the definition of Socialism. Not surprising.

Any government controlled program. And if you check, all Public Utilities are Government Controlled through Regulations. That means, using your own definition of Socialism, they are all Socialist programs mixed with Capitalism. But don't let a few little facts get in the way of a good rant.
Well they shouldn’t have a say, per the U.S. Constitution. But that doesn’t stop them. That’s why we have national parks. The federal government literally just stole land from states, thanks to that PoS Teddy Roosevelt. Only his cousin FDR was a bigger piece of shit.

President Bill Clinton stole a huge part of Utah as payment to the Chinese when he created the Grand Staircase-Escalante National park. The land can best be described as Badlands. President Clinton even signed the legislation in ANOTHER STATE so it LOOKED like he was preserving a part of the Grand Canyon. By making the area a "Monument" he closed off our largest supply of ultra-clean, very low sulfur coal in our country. The only other place this quality of coal is available is in Asia under the control of China. To whom, Clinton owed a great debt.
The Gas probably came from a Publically (Government owned) land. The Private Lands have mostly long since been depleted. The Government makes big bucks from those wells and controls them. Yah, Yah, I know, you think the government should stay out of it. But I suggest you listen to a song called Mullenburg County. It's about a time before the Government started getting involved in our natural resources.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama prohibited the use of fracking of fracking on federal government land. Our surplus of oil and gas came about because it remained legal on private and state-owned land.

Lie more. They never stopped Fracking on Government land around here. Who writes your materiel anyway. You need better writers.
The Gas probably came from a Publically (Government owned) land. The Private Lands have mostly long since been depleted. The Government makes big bucks from those wells and controls them. Yah, Yah, I know, you think the government should stay out of it. But I suggest you listen to a song called Mullenburg County. It's about a time before the Government started getting involved in our natural resources.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama prohibited the use of fracking of fracking on federal government land. Our surplus of oil and gas came about because it remained legal on private and state-owned land.

Lie more. They never stopped Fracking on Government land around here. Who writes your materiel anyway. You need better writers.
Frack baby frack...
Any government controlled program. And if you check, all Public Utilities are Government Controlled through Regulations. That means, using your own definition of Socialism, they are all Socialist programs mixed with Capitalism. But don't let a few little facts get in the way of a good rant.

FALSE. Socialism is NOT ANY government controlled program. I'll bet you point to our military as a prime example of Socialism. It is not.

See Venezuela.

  1. a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
    leftism · Fabianism · syndicalism · consumer socialism · utopian socialism· welfarism · communism · Bolshevism · radicalism · militancy · progressivism · social democracy · laborism · Marxism · Leninism · Marxism–Leninism · neo-Marxism · Trotskyism · Maoism
The Gas probably came from a Publically (Government owned) land. The Private Lands have mostly long since been depleted. The Government makes big bucks from those wells and controls them. Yah, Yah, I know, you think the government should stay out of it. But I suggest you listen to a song called Mullenburg County. It's about a time before the Government started getting involved in our natural resources.

As you know, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama prohibited the use of fracking of fracking on federal government land. Our surplus of oil and gas came about because it remained legal on private and state-owned land.

Lie more. They never stopped Fracking on Government land around here. Who writes your materiel anyway. You need better writers.
Frack baby frack...
^^^^^^^^^^^^ Speaking of low-IQ voters... :biggrin:
The American People HAVE decided. Around here, we WANT the National Forests and Parks. The Offer to give them back to the state was already made and refused. The outcry when Trump tried to reduce the size of Munument Valley National Park was resounding as well.


The Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument (GSENM) is a United States national monument that originally designated 1,880,461 acres (7,610 km2)[1] of protected land in southern Utah in 1996. The monument's size was later reduced by a succeeding presidential proclamation in 2017. The land is among the most remote in the country; it was the last to be mapped in the contiguous United States.[3]

There are three main regions: the Grand Staircase, the Kaiparowits Plateau, and the Canyons of the Escalante (Escalante River). All regions are administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) as part of the National Conservation Lands system. President Bill Clinton designated the area as a national monument in 1996 using his authority under the Antiquities Act. Grand Staircase-Escalante is the largest national monument managed by the BLM.

On December 4, 2017, President Donald Trump ordered that the monument's size be reduced by nearly 47 percent to 1,003,863 acres (4,062 km2),[3] with the remainder broken up into three separate areas, two of which border one another along the Paria River.[4][5],Conservation, angling, hunting, and outdoor recreation groups have filed suit to block any reduction in the national monument, arguing that the president has no legal authority to materially shrink a national monument.[6]

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