The low IQ voter

Trump was born a multi billionaire. It just didn't show up on paper and was largely hidden from the IRS. He was a multi millionaire by the age of 8. I suggest you give a read on his Father. You will see the shady side of Real Estate Development that Donald Trump was very involved with and still is.

Fred Trump - Wikipedia

Donald Trump learned from his Father on how to defraud everyone that came into contact with him. BTW, Trump Towers was built by his Father, not Donald and was part of a loan to Donald that Donald never paid back. There was not a 1 million loan. It was a 413 million dollar loan and was never paid back. Too much time has passed so there can be no criminal charges filed by the IRS. There are some very good reasons that the Donald doesn't want his tax returns viewed. He's a conman and he learned from the best.
Do yourself a favor and stop reading wikipedia. You'll be smarter for it.

Do yourself a favor and stop spending all your time in front of the boob tube listening and watching Pauxsnews.
You must be one of those low IQ people. I don't'watch but an hour or two a month of Fox News. Just as I don't watch but an hour or two of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC or any other biased and bullshit news organization.

I'm not a mind-numbed drooler like you leftists are.

Maybe you should stop and reconsider how fucked up you are in the head. Just a suggestion.

Maybe you should stop defending the ultra right wingnutz and reconsider how fucked your own head is. Just a suggestion.

BTW, I am a moderate. I am just fed up with the antics of the ultra right wingnutz. I thought they were bad losers. They are even worse winners.
there is no ultra-rightwing. what you consider ultra-rightwing today was a moderate just 20 years ago. This so-called ultra right wing hasn't moved from its values in those 20 years, so the question is, just how far left have you run to consider moderates ultra conservative.

Somehow, I doubt that you are a moderate. unless someone has changed the definition.

Actually, the ones in charge right now are old members of the old John Birch Society that the old GOP would not allow on their doorstep. To give you some idea, when the Tea Party was first formed, I was a member. It had some very lofty ideals that would have made a real difference for the good. But something happened. And the Old GOP saw it coming. Today, the Tea Party's creed is almost exactly what the John Birch Society is. And those are the ones that seized control of the Republican Party. Ted Cruz is a dues paying member of the John Birch Society as are many other "NEW" Republicans that literally came from nowhere. So, no, the GOP hasn't changed but the Republican Party has since it was hijacked. There has been enough time gone by that you think it's normal to operate this way. It's not and never will be. We need the old GOP back and need it badly.
there is no ultra-rightwing.
Well that’s not true. Some would consider libertarian “ultra right-wing”. All would consider Sovereign Citizens and Anarchists “ultra right-wing”.
what you consider ultra-rightwing today was a moderate just 20 years ago.
Now that is 100% true.
This so-called ultra right wing hasn't moved from its values in those 20 years, so the question is, just how far left have you run to consider moderates ultra conservative.
That is also 100% true.
An uninformed electorate poses the biggest threat to the U.S. and - unfortunately - the left actively seeks to create low IQ voters because that is what they need to win. The U.S. will never last with an electorate such as this.

Half the Lefties on here confuse rumor propaganda they read on MSNBC as if it really happened while the other half cannot even spell basic words or make congruent sentences as they tell you how stupid and ignorant you are! :auiqs.jpg:
Tell you what. I get to use all the socialist features in the US but you can't.
Ah yes, the fantasy of every left-wing lunatic. Spoken like a true parasite.
Care to visit just how miserable your life will become fast?
Uh...did you mean “care to visit just how fast your life will become miserable”? :uhh:

This is a favorite talking point of the left-wing lunatic parasites. They want us the government to place a gun to our head and take what we earn against our will, but then they want us to voluntarily surrender government “benefits” (and I use that term loosely).

Here’s the thing, sparky. Why don’t you socialist parasites allow citizens the freedom and liberty to opt out? Oh that’s right. You realize that without conservatives to mooch off of, you’re miserable little lives would fall apart like Venezuela.
Tell you what. I get to use all the socialist features in the US but you can't.
Ah yes, the fantasy of every left-wing lunatic. Spoken like a true parasite.
Care to visit just how miserable your life will become fast?
Uh...did you mean “care to visit just how fast your life will become miserable”? :uhh:

This is a favorite talking point of the left-wing lunatic parasites. They want us the government to place a gun to our head and take what we earn against our will, but then they want us to voluntarily surrender government “benefits” (and I use that term loosely).

Here’s the thing, sparky. Why don’t you socialist parasites allow citizens the freedom and liberty to opt out? Oh that’s right. You realize that without conservatives to mooch off of, you’re miserable little lives would fall apart like Venezuela.

You dodged. For one week, you cannot use any Socialist thing that is currently in your life today. Try it. It could be fun. And using the SpeelChkingNazi only shows you have run out of anything. Get back to me after you experience 1 week of no socialist type anything in your life. (I'll give you a hint, just posting in here is using some socialist type programs).
(I'll give you a hint, just posting in here is using some socialist type programs).
I’ll give you a are a scary kind of stupid. You don’t even understand what socialism is.

Hint: I paid for my devices myself and I pay for the internet to access this site myself. And the government does not run (or otherwise provide for) this site.

I’m literally startled by your stupidity. I’ve seen 1st graders more informed and more educated than you are.
For one week, you cannot use any Socialist thing that is currently in your life today.
A. I don’t anyway :lmao:

B. For this to truly be fair, you cannot tax me for one week. No income tax. No property tax. No sales tax. No gas tax. Nothing. Deal?

Yeah...didn’t think so. Typical parasite.
For one week, you cannot use any Socialist thing that is currently in your life today.
A. I don’t anyway :lmao:

B. For this to truly be fair, you cannot tax me for one week. No income tax. No property tax. No sales tax. No gas tax. Nothing. Deal?

Yeah...didn’t think so. Typical parasite.

If you don't use your vehicle, there is no gas tax. If you don't go to work, there is no income tax. If you don't buy anything, there is no sales tax. If you don't use Propane or Natural Gas or Electricity or any form of electronic form of communication, there is no taxes. You don't need to own property, that is your choice so I guess you need to get rid of your property and move into that cave I know you just love. But, hey, you could win this one.
If you don't use your vehicle, there is no gas tax. If you don't go to work, there is no income tax. If you don't buy anything, there is no sales tax. If you don't use Propane or Natural Gas or Electricity or any form of electronic form of communication, there is no taxes. You don't need to own property, that is your choice so I guess you need to get rid of your property and move into that cave I know you just love. But, hey, you could win this one.
Ohhhhh! Look who moves the goalposts after having his ass handed to him! You said don’t use anything “socialism”. My vehicle is not “socialism”. I paid for it myself (still struggling to grasp the concept/meaning of socialism I see, uh snowflake?).

And my job is not “socialism”. It is a private corporation in the private market (still struggling to grasp the concept/meaning of socialism I see, uh snowflake?).

And my purchases are not “socialism”. They are private transactions in the private market (still struggling to grasp the concept/meaning of socialism I see, uh snowflake?).

And my property not “socialism”. I paid for it myself (still struggling to grasp the concept/meaning of socialism I see, uh snowflake?).

But, hey, you could still “win” the one. Oh wait, no you can’t. You just got owned. Everyone is laughing at you because you can’t even grasp the basic concept of socialism.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
I don’t understand ‘lil Duh-ryl. You wanted me to agree not to use anything “socialist” for one week. I more than readily agreed. Why won’t you agree not to tax me for that week while I don’t use anything “socialist”? :dunno:

Smell that, Duh-ryl? Smells like defeat. That’s the smell of a loser. That’s the smell of you.
You don't need to own property, that is your choice so I guess you need to get rid of your property and move into that cave I know you just love. But, hey, you could win this one.
If you don’t mooch off of society, we don’t have to have taxes to fund welfare.

But hey, you could still win this one.

:dance: :dance: :dance:
If you don't use your vehicle, there is no gas tax. If you don't go to work, there is no income tax. If you don't buy anything, there is no sales tax. If you don't use Propane or Natural Gas or Electricity or any form of electronic form of communication, there is no taxes. You don't need to own property, that is your choice so I guess you need to get rid of your property and move into that cave I know you just love. But, hey, you could win this one.
Ohhhhh! Look who moves the goalposts after having his ass handed to him! You said don’t use anything “socialism”. My vehicle is not “socialism”. I paid for it myself (still struggling to grasp the concept/meaning of socialism I see, uh snowflake?).

And my job is not “socialism”. It is a private corporation in the private market (still struggling to grasp the concept/meaning of socialism I see, uh snowflake?).

And my purchases are not “socialism”. They are private transactions in the private market (still struggling to grasp the concept/meaning of socialism I see, uh snowflake?).

And my property not “socialism”. I paid for it myself (still struggling to grasp the concept/meaning of socialism I see, uh snowflake?).

But, hey, you could still “win” the one. Oh wait, no you can’t. You just got owned. Everyone is laughing at you because you can’t even grasp the basic concept of socialism.

:dance: :dance: :dance:

You have to replace the Gas in your vehicle if you use it and that is taxed. Food is not taxed so you are okay there but you are going to have to walk, ride a horse or a bicycle to get there. You charge taxes on your wares and have to pay that to the government therefore, you can't do your job during that time. Oh, and you can't read by a lamp since that takes electricity. You can't use the wood for heat if you didn't process it strictly by an axe. I don't know about you, but it's going to get chilly here tonight.

You still don't get it. Social Programs are part of the United States of America. Socialism and Capitalism are both used otherwise, one would fail without the other. It's the degree of each one that should be questioned. And just by screaming "SOCIALISM' at the top of your lungs doesn't do a thing. Be specific.

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