The low IQ voter

Social Programs are part of the United States of America.
No snowflake, you still don’t get it. Rape is also a “part of the United States of America” (happens every single day). Murder is also a “part of the United States of America” (happens every single day).

So by your idiotic “logic”, we should embrace and support those things. :lmao:

The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers - delegates to it by the states - and any form of socialism is not one of those powers.
If you don't use Propane or Natural Gas or Electricity or any form of electronic form of communication, there is no taxes.
If you don’t mooch off of society, we don’t have to have taxes to fund Medicaid.

Ah, we would use the Tooth Fairy to pay for it, right? Medicaid is part State (taxes) and Federal (more taxes). And I worked my butt off for Social Security and Medicare. I paid into it for 60 years. Those are not entitlements, I paid for them. Yet I have a bunch of do nothings in Washington wanting to reach in once again and help themselves to MY money and YOUR money and call it an entitlement to avoid a deficit that THEY made. One that didn't have to be made. Promises were made to reduce the deficit and pay down the debt. Instead, they run up the bills and go after the money all of prepaid and then call it an entitlement trying to make us look the other way. Then McConnell blames the Democrats. If they were in power and did the same thing I would be just as pissed. But millions of us are pissed on this one. The biggest Welfare Queens today are sitting in their cushy jobs in Washington. Where is your wrath on that? Could it be it's being done by the Republicans and you can find no fault because of it? Newsflash: Someday, you are going to have to dip into those funds but they won't be there even after you did a lifetime of paying them.
You have to replace the Gas in your vehicle if you use it and that is taxed.
Very good, Duh-ryl. It is taxed. But what in the fuck of all things earthly does that have to do with the discussion? You’re getting really desperate now.

You challenged us not to use anything “socialist” for a week. I happily and readily agreed (as I do not use anything socialist any week). I merely stated for this exercise to be fair, you’re not allowed to take my money since I won’t be using those government services. Now you’re freaked out and panicking. :laugh:
Social Programs are part of the United States of America.
No snowflake, you still don’t get it. Rape is also a “part of the United States of America” (happens every single day). Murder is also a “part of the United States of America” (happens every single day).

So by your idiotic “logic”, we should embrace and support those things. :lmao:

The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers - delegates to it by the states - and any form of socialism is not one of those powers.

Railroads, Hiways, Fuels, etc. are all somewhat socialist controlled. You wouldn't really want them to be Capitalist controlled alone.
You have to replace the Gas in your vehicle if you use it and that is taxed.
Very good, Duh-ryl. It is taxed. But what in the fuck of all things earthly does that have to do with the discussion? You’re getting really desperate now.

You challenged us not to use anything “socialist” for a week. I happily and readily agreed (as I do not use anything socialist any week). I merely stated for this exercise to be fair, you’re not allowed to take my money since I won’t be using those government services. Now you’re freaked out and panicking. :laugh:

The Gas probably came from a Publically (Government owned) land. The Private Lands have mostly long since been depleted. The Government makes big bucks from those wells and controls them. Yah, Yah, I know, you think the government should stay out of it. But I suggest you listen to a song called Mullenburg County. It's about a time before the Government started getting involved in our natural resources.
Yet I have a bunch of do nothings in Washington wanting to reach in once again and help themselves to MY money and YOUR money and call it an entitlement to avoid a deficit that THEY made.
Ok...we agree 100% here. So why do you keep supporting left-wing insanity? The solution to this problem is constitutional government (small, limited government). If you really believe what you’re saying here, you would support the Tea Party and the Constitution Party.
Promises were made to reduce the deficit and pay down the debt. Instead, they run up the bills and go after the money all of prepaid and then call it an entitlement trying to make us look the other way.
Ok...we agree 100% here once again. So why do you keep supporting left-wing insanity? The solution to this problem is constitutional government (small, limited government). If you really believe what you’re saying here, you would support the Tea Party and the Constitution Party.
And I worked my butt off for Social Security and Medicare. I paid into it for 60 years. Those are not entitlements, I paid for them.

(Psst...the fact that you did pay for them is exactly what makes them entitlements)

I paid into a fund that was supposed to be mine. It wasn't ever part of the normal Government Funds. It was supposed to sit there, draw interest and be repaid to me. It's MY money. It's like taxing your nest egg that you saved 100% when you withdraw it out of your IRA instead of just the interest and then having the Government start syphoning off the account bit by bit because they say they need it and your IRA is just an Entitlement so it's okay. How is YOUR retirement funds doing? If you don't have any then you are damn sure going to need SS and Medicare just to exist. Not live, just to exist. What would you do if the Government stated taking money out of your retirement fund without your permission?

I can see that you are just going to pull the Red Lever no matter what they do to you and your children. Sad, very Sad.
The biggest Welfare Queens today are sitting in their cushy jobs in Washington.
Ok...we really agree here. You want some facts that will really make you sick?
  • 99.7% of congressional staff employees are rated "highly successful" for bonuses (a statistical impossibility)
  • After 3 years, federal employees get 43 days off per year (8.5 weeks) costing the American tax payer $22 billion per year
  • The federal government spent $1.4 million for sex ed for California prostitutes (that’s right - we’re funding education on illegal activity)
  • NASA spent $2.9 million for a cartoon called Space Racers
Where is your wrath on that?
I live my wrath on that every single day. And I vote Constitution Party and Tea Party. So I’m doing considerably more than you are to correct it.
Yet I have a bunch of do nothings in Washington wanting to reach in once again and help themselves to MY money and YOUR money and call it an entitlement to avoid a deficit that THEY made.
Ok...we agree 100% here. So why do you keep supporting left-wing insanity? The solution to this problem is constitutional government (small, limited government). If you really believe what you’re saying here, you would support the Tea Party and the Constitution Party.

Actually, I am against them all since it seems no matter who gets in office, the same crap happens. The Republicans do the same thing but they just make bigger whopping lies when they do it. At least the Dems quietly do it hoping you won't notice.

I once was a Tea Party member until it was taken over lock stock and barrel by the John Birch Society whom I find a danger to every living thing on earth.

You think because I have bad thoughts about the Republicans right now I am for the extreme left? That leaves you in a sorry state of affairs. I watched the Republican Party go from being the Grand Old Party to the John Birch Society and could no longer contribute to it. I never have just pulled just one lever at the Polls. For instance, I voted for Nixon twice. I voted for Ronny twice I vote for Bush Sr once. I voted for Bush Jr twice. With Nixon, Reagan and Bush Sr. I was voting FOR the person. For Bush Jr. I was voting against a person and it's been that way ever since for almost all of us. I voted more Republican than Democrat until now. Now, the Republicans are so far out there that we need a new batch of the old GOP. Or we need to send them back to foreclosing on Orpanages or pulling the wings off of flies.

Please, don't just pull the red lever all the time. The need you to do that so they don't EVER clean their corrupt asses up.
The biggest Welfare Queens today are sitting in their cushy jobs in Washington.
Ok...we really agree here. You want some facts that will really make you sick?
  • 99.7% of congressional staff employees are rated "highly successful" for bonuses (a statistical impossibility)
  • After 3 years, federal employees get 43 days off per year (8.5 weeks) costing the American tax payer $22 billion per year
  • The federal government spent $1.4 million for sex ed for California prostitutes (that’s right - we’re funding education on illegal activity)
  • NASA spent $2.9 million for a cartoon called Space Racers
Where is your wrath on that?
I live my wrath on that every single day. And I vote Constitution Party and Tea Party. So I’m doing considerably more than you are to correct it.

Are you sure? Sounds to me lie you are throwing your vote away. I may not exactly like the Democratic people running for mid term but a message has to be sent to the ones sitting on their behinds doing so much damage right now. A 2 or a 4 year time out may do them the world of good and maybe the Reps will start presenting us with good people like they use to.. But voting for obscure candidates doesn't do a thing except keep the status quo the same.
I paid into a fund that was supposed to be mine.
I agree 100%. But guess what? It was unconstitutional to begin with. The federal government had no such power. And the Republicans tried to prevent it in the 1930’s.
It wasn't ever part of the normal Government Funds. It was supposed to sit there, draw interest and be repaid to me. It's MY money.
Yep. Agree 100% again. You’re preaching to the choir. And you’re also making a great case for conservatism (small, constituitonal government). So it’s a special sort of insanity to understand all of this, and then still vote for the people who did it.
Are you sure? Sounds to me lie you are throwing your vote away.
It’s never “throwing your vote away” to vote for the candidate who will actually uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution.

You keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Maybe you should consider “throwing your vote away”? Just imagine what might happen if we all “threw our vote away”?
But I suggest you listen to a song called Mullenburg County. It's about a time before the Government started getting involved in our natural resources.
Here is what you (and sadly, most Americans now) don’t understand: there is a huge difference between the federal government, state government, and local government.

It is legal/constitutional for state and local governments to get involved with land and natural resources. It is not legal/constitutional for the federal government to do it.
But I suggest you listen to a song called Mullenburg County. It's about a time before the Government started getting involved in our natural resources.
Here is what you (and sadly, most Americans now) don’t understand: there is a huge difference between the federal government, state government, and local government.

It is legal/constitutional for state and local governments to get involved with land and natural resources. It is not legal/constitutional for the federal government to do it.
Are you sure? Sounds to me lie you are throwing your vote away.
It’s never “throwing your vote away” to vote for the candidate who will actually uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution.

You keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Maybe you should consider “throwing your vote away”? Just imagine what might happen if we all “threw our vote away”?

I don't know about other areas, but for the first time in about 50 years, our House Rep for Washington is sweating Bullets. His opponent isn't the best I could hope for but she certain isn't the worst. And she is running neck and neck right now. 2 weeks ago it was a shoe in for Tipton. Not so anymore. And there is still 11 days to go. If it keeps shifting like is right now, Tipton is back to selling his little doll heads in his little indian trading post where they found him in the first place.

WE need to give certain people or parties a time out. And then see if they are willing to run someone that we actually WANT to vote for next time instead of someone just less vile than the other side.
But I suggest you listen to a song called Mullenburg County. It's about a time before the Government started getting involved in our natural resources.
Here is what you (and sadly, most Americans now) don’t understand: there is a huge difference between the federal government, state government, and local government.

It is legal/constitutional for state and local governments to get involved with land and natural resources. It is not legal/constitutional for the federal government to do it.

When those resources stay within the State, County or Municipal borders, the Feds have no say. But when it goes Interstate then the Feds do have to get involved. It's the United States and that's the only way it can work. I don't know if I would want to be in a so called country that didn't operate somewhat that way. But it's the matter of the degrees, not the fact that it has to happen.'
When those resources stay within the State, County or Municipal borders, the Feds have no say.
Well they shouldn’t have a say, per the U.S. Constitution. But that doesn’t stop them. That’s why we have national parks. The federal government literally just stole land from states, thanks to that PoS Teddy Roosevelt. Only his cousin FDR was a bigger piece of shit.

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