The low IQ voter

He's a conman and he learned from the best.
He's a conman and he learned from the best, his Father.
He is one hell of a conman! He even “conned” unemployment into dropping to record lows! :lmao:

September Posts New Gains for Job Growth and Business Confidence

The number of full time jobs has gone down. What has gone up is part time low wage jobs. The reporting of unemployment has changed so that the numbers look better. Yes, you been conned and are too stupid to see it.



Links are for those that don't get out of their basements. Get out of the house. Ask the various local employees. Talk to people on the street. You won't because it might not agree with your "God" and Paxsnews. But links are not necessary for those that actually get out into the public.

But since you seem to be afraid to get out from under that mattress, here is a few.

Businesses eliminated hundreds of thousands of full-time jobs to avoid Obamacare mandate
This is misleading. I was involved in large corporate retail sales before Obama Care. They had already planned to go from 60/40 full/part-time to 40/60 and started using attrition to get it that way starting in 2002. It isn't just Obamacare, it's ALL full time benefits that are lost when you move from full to part time. This made the Corporate Retail hundreds of millions and they didn't pass it on to the consumer. It went to the stock holders. I know since at the time, I was a stock holder and saw the dividends go up but the prices didn't go down. Plus, they ended up with fewer people on any given time working the stores. Meaning, they traded not only employee benefits but customer service as well. Who ever wrote this is just telling part of the story or outright lying.

America's part-time workforce may be permanent
Again, they want to blame it on Obamacare. But they were moving towards this as early as 2002 long before Obama took office. And the reason was the reduction of full time benefits and they could pay the part timers less per hour for the same job.

Many Working People Could Lose Health Coverage Due to Medicaid Work Requirements
Working Retail for a corporation, your hours are going to fluctuate. And they are going to be so spread out that it's almost impossible to take a second job unless the other employer is very accommodating. Most workers are hard pressed to get offered 80 hours a month. That means, in some states, you cannot apply for Medicaid even though your income qualifies. It's worse than that, miss one month of more than 80 hours and you get disqualified and can't qualify until the next fiscal year. And in some states, if you get laid off or your schedule drops too low for you to even maintain a poverty life then you can't qualify for Unemployment insurance since that requires at least 28 to 32 hours to qualify for full time work.

Unemployment drops to 5.4pc despite 21,000 full-time jobs being lost
Unemployment dropped to 5.4% in June of 2018 yet there was a loss of 20,600 full time jobs but an increase of 32,600 part time jobs.

I keep seeing the RW go on and on about the loss of jobs to Obamacare. Actually, it's had little affect on the job losses. From what I have experienced the real culprit has been greed more than anything else. Or the increase in operational costs not counting wages and having to make it up for that. The increase in operational cost is usual attributed to the cost outside the company or just some very bad decisions by the company's management. So they find other ways to make up the difference. Notice, I didn't say losses, I said differences. In reality, companies like Walmart made money when Obamacare was first introduced. They no longer had to carry their own Health Care insurance that was costing them a bundle. Obamacare was cheaper because their workers made low wages. Using Obamacare as an excuse means that the Business is poorly run and, maybe, should not be in business in the first place or needs to have a corporate takeover by someone that knows how to do business in a profitable way.

You can see that the full time jobs are being lost and more than being replaced by part time jobs making the unemployment figure appear to go down. Again, if the same yardstick was used that was used in 1931, the unemployment rate would be almost identical to the Depression Era where they didn't count part time work of less than 28 hours. And the full time jobs actually paid enough for a Man to work, a Woman to run the home and have a roof over their heads, a Model T with a full tank of gas out front, a working Ice Box and a RCA Victor Radio. Their kids went to school, had books and more. For the time. things were quite well. The Families did have the latest technology. But during the Depression, their homes were being lost, food was expensive, clothing was sparse, and even if you had a Model T, you were hard pressed to afford the gas to run it. But you did enjoy the icebox, RCA Phone and Radio and most other modern conveniences. This sounds very much like what the people with less than a 25K a year income have today for a family of 4 even if the Man works 2 20 hour a week jobs.

We are in a very long ranged Recession. Do you know the only difference between a Recession and a Depression? One has panic. A Depression is nothing more than a Recession where the majority of the people are in panic. As time goes on, more and more are going to go into panic. Then what? Our Governments lied out it's ass and the recession was full blown as of 1931 when people noticed that they could no longer make a decent living as a whole. As the Middle Class dips lower and lower we are headed to a full blown depression.

Now, do you know why the New Deal HAD to happen? There were over 3 1/2 million armed Veterans that were either almost or were living in the streets and country sides and getting mighty pissed. The US was about 6 months away from an armed Revolution and the end of the Nation and Constitution as we know it. FDR and the Congress at the time did what they had to do at the time to prevent the dissolving of the Nation. While you are spreading your BS, that is where it's heading. And it's not a Democratic or a Republican thing. It's an American thing.

Now, get to the polls ahd vote and let's have an American style Revolution. And I mean everyone.

So you admit the Lost of full-time jobs came from Obama care and nothing to do with Trump

An uninformed electorate poses the biggest threat to the U.S. and - unfortunately - the left actively seeks to create low IQ voters because that is what they need to win. The U.S. will never last with an electorate such as this.

Are they as dumb as the right wanting to trade their entitlements so big business and the wealthy can keep those deficit ballooning tax cuts they lied about?
How dumb do you have to be to be a stupid Democrat and vote for Liberal candidates hell bent on making the US another Venezuela?

Have you ever been to a back water South American Country? I have. Even skid row fares better than those countries. Using your Ultra Rightwing Nutjobs definition of Socialism, one would think that those countries are taking from the rich and giving it to the poor. Not hardly. They are taking it from everyone and giving it to the Rich especially the Ruling Class. The Poor probably won't have the money to afford what little there is to buy at the exorbitant prices anyway. It's not socialism, it's barbarism. But you keep screaming at the top of your lungs and getting all your cronies to agree with you. Meanwhile, when someone points out the facts, you slam your hands over your ears and scream, "LA LA LA LA". You must be a riot when going outside of your castle.

Yes I have spent to South America.

Venezuela had a democratic socialist revolution. The idiots used democracy to elect a socialistic government to rob the economy so they could get free shit and it has destroyed the country.

Socialism always destroys when the money that was made under capitalism runs out.

The filthy dumbass Liberals in the US want to do the same thing here in the US.

For instance, Florida's economy is booming now. However the asshole Democrats are running a stupid corrupt candidate for Governor that has a platform to increase taxes a billion dollars to provide free shit mostly for the Negroes and Illegals.

What do you think that is going to do to the economy of Florida? The cost of socialism is always a destructive burden in addition to being morally wrong.

I can tell you are just making shit up again. Or still. Valenzuela has only two classes, the ultra rich and the ultra poor. If what you say is true, the poor would not be dying of starvation and disease in the streets as they are today. And the surrounding Countries would not be planning an invasion on it. No wonder you worship Trump.

I am not making up the concept of greed, because that is the root of this filthy oppressive socialism.

It is people thinking they have the right to use the government to steal from other people so that they can get their free shit. It is despicable.

It destroys economies and it is morally wrong. All thievery is wrong no matter if Tony Soprano does it or Barack Obama.

Just because you vote in thievery doesn't make it right. Only an idiot would not understand that socialism is legalized thievery.

Actually, you are mostly wrong. The ultra rich in Venzuela are capitalist. When Socialism no longer reigns in Capitalism then you have what you see there. Greed is Capitalism out of control not Socialism. You use one to counteract the other. When one is too strong you have to use the other to balance it out. The US does that from time to time. Right now, we have an imbalance of both in different areas and our Nation suffers greatly from it. What you see in Venzuela is where both are completely out of control. You can put any name on it you want but it's when the Government no longer serves the people and only serves the Oligarchy. We aren't far behind.
He's a conman and he learned from the best.
He's a conman and he learned from the best, his Father.
He is one hell of a conman! He even “conned” unemployment into dropping to record lows! :lmao:

September Posts New Gains for Job Growth and Business Confidence

The number of full time jobs has gone down. What has gone up is part time low wage jobs. The reporting of unemployment has changed so that the numbers look better. Yes, you been conned and are too stupid to see it.



Links are for those that don't get out of their basements. Get out of the house. Ask the various local employees. Talk to people on the street. You won't because it might not agree with your "God" and Paxsnews. But links are not necessary for those that actually get out into the public.

But since you seem to be afraid to get out from under that mattress, here is a few.

Businesses eliminated hundreds of thousands of full-time jobs to avoid Obamacare mandate
This is misleading. I was involved in large corporate retail sales before Obama Care. They had already planned to go from 60/40 full/part-time to 40/60 and started using attrition to get it that way starting in 2002. It isn't just Obamacare, it's ALL full time benefits that are lost when you move from full to part time. This made the Corporate Retail hundreds of millions and they didn't pass it on to the consumer. It went to the stock holders. I know since at the time, I was a stock holder and saw the dividends go up but the prices didn't go down. Plus, they ended up with fewer people on any given time working the stores. Meaning, they traded not only employee benefits but customer service as well. Who ever wrote this is just telling part of the story or outright lying.

America's part-time workforce may be permanent
Again, they want to blame it on Obamacare. But they were moving towards this as early as 2002 long before Obama took office. And the reason was the reduction of full time benefits and they could pay the part timers less per hour for the same job.

Many Working People Could Lose Health Coverage Due to Medicaid Work Requirements
Working Retail for a corporation, your hours are going to fluctuate. And they are going to be so spread out that it's almost impossible to take a second job unless the other employer is very accommodating. Most workers are hard pressed to get offered 80 hours a month. That means, in some states, you cannot apply for Medicaid even though your income qualifies. It's worse than that, miss one month of more than 80 hours and you get disqualified and can't qualify until the next fiscal year. And in some states, if you get laid off or your schedule drops too low for you to even maintain a poverty life then you can't qualify for Unemployment insurance since that requires at least 28 to 32 hours to qualify for full time work.

Unemployment drops to 5.4pc despite 21,000 full-time jobs being lost
Unemployment dropped to 5.4% in June of 2018 yet there was a loss of 20,600 full time jobs but an increase of 32,600 part time jobs.

I keep seeing the RW go on and on about the loss of jobs to Obamacare. Actually, it's had little affect on the job losses. From what I have experienced the real culprit has been greed more than anything else. Or the increase in operational costs not counting wages and having to make it up for that. The increase in operational cost is usual attributed to the cost outside the company or just some very bad decisions by the company's management. So they find other ways to make up the difference. Notice, I didn't say losses, I said differences. In reality, companies like Walmart made money when Obamacare was first introduced. They no longer had to carry their own Health Care insurance that was costing them a bundle. Obamacare was cheaper because their workers made low wages. Using Obamacare as an excuse means that the Business is poorly run and, maybe, should not be in business in the first place or needs to have a corporate takeover by someone that knows how to do business in a profitable way.

You can see that the full time jobs are being lost and more than being replaced by part time jobs making the unemployment figure appear to go down. Again, if the same yardstick was used that was used in 1931, the unemployment rate would be almost identical to the Depression Era where they didn't count part time work of less than 28 hours. And the full time jobs actually paid enough for a Man to work, a Woman to run the home and have a roof over their heads, a Model T with a full tank of gas out front, a working Ice Box and a RCA Victor Radio. Their kids went to school, had books and more. For the time. things were quite well. The Families did have the latest technology. But during the Depression, their homes were being lost, food was expensive, clothing was sparse, and even if you had a Model T, you were hard pressed to afford the gas to run it. But you did enjoy the icebox, RCA Phone and Radio and most other modern conveniences. This sounds very much like what the people with less than a 25K a year income have today for a family of 4 even if the Man works 2 20 hour a week jobs.

We are in a very long ranged Recession. Do you know the only difference between a Recession and a Depression? One has panic. A Depression is nothing more than a Recession where the majority of the people are in panic. As time goes on, more and more are going to go into panic. Then what? Our Governments lied out it's ass and the recession was full blown as of 1931 when people noticed that they could no longer make a decent living as a whole. As the Middle Class dips lower and lower we are headed to a full blown depression.

Now, do you know why the New Deal HAD to happen? There were over 3 1/2 million armed Veterans that were either almost or were living in the streets and country sides and getting mighty pissed. The US was about 6 months away from an armed Revolution and the end of the Nation and Constitution as we know it. FDR and the Congress at the time did what they had to do at the time to prevent the dissolving of the Nation. While you are spreading your BS, that is where it's heading. And it's not a Democratic or a Republican thing. It's an American thing.

Now, get to the polls ahd vote and let's have an American style Revolution. And I mean everyone.

So you admit the Lost of full-time jobs came from Obama care and nothing to do with Trump


LOL, you sure do selective read when you want to. Nope, not one bit. Obamacare had little to do with it. It was happening as early as 2002 and has just kept spiraling. Since it was also happening in Jun and July of this year, I suppose that was also Obama as well. (checking to see who is President real fast). Nope. It's the fault of the way it's reported. If it were reported as it was in the 60s and back, the unemployment figure would be over 25% which, btw, is the same as the current Poverty rate . And the same rate as in the deepest part of the Great Depression. What they are doing by jockeying the figures is preventing Panic which moves us from a recession into a Depression. This change in reporting was started in the 80s so that tells me that it's been going on far longer than even I have noticed.

Now, tell me what I am thinking again. You seem so good at it, cupcake.
How dumb do you have to be to be a stupid Democrat and vote for Liberal candidates hell bent on making the US another Venezuela?

Have you ever been to a back water South American Country? I have. Even skid row fares better than those countries. Using your Ultra Rightwing Nutjobs definition of Socialism, one would think that those countries are taking from the rich and giving it to the poor. Not hardly. They are taking it from everyone and giving it to the Rich especially the Ruling Class. The Poor probably won't have the money to afford what little there is to buy at the exorbitant prices anyway. It's not socialism, it's barbarism. But you keep screaming at the top of your lungs and getting all your cronies to agree with you. Meanwhile, when someone points out the facts, you slam your hands over your ears and scream, "LA LA LA LA". You must be a riot when going outside of your castle.

Yes I have spent to South America.

Venezuela had a democratic socialist revolution. The idiots used democracy to elect a socialistic government to rob the economy so they could get free shit and it has destroyed the country.

Socialism always destroys when the money that was made under capitalism runs out.

The filthy dumbass Liberals in the US want to do the same thing here in the US.

For instance, Florida's economy is booming now. However the asshole Democrats are running a stupid corrupt candidate for Governor that has a platform to increase taxes a billion dollars to provide free shit mostly for the Negroes and Illegals.

What do you think that is going to do to the economy of Florida? The cost of socialism is always a destructive burden in addition to being morally wrong.

I can tell you are just making shit up again. Or still. Valenzuela has only two classes, the ultra rich and the ultra poor. If what you say is true, the poor would not be dying of starvation and disease in the streets as they are today. And the surrounding Countries would not be planning an invasion on it. No wonder you worship Trump.

I am not making up the concept of greed, because that is the root of this filthy oppressive socialism.

It is people thinking they have the right to use the government to steal from other people so that they can get their free shit. It is despicable.

It destroys economies and it is morally wrong. All thievery is wrong no matter if Tony Soprano does it or Barack Obama.

Just because you vote in thievery doesn't make it right. Only an idiot would not understand that socialism is legalized thievery.

Actually, you are mostly wrong. The ultra rich in Venzuela are capitalist. When Socialism no longer reigns in Capitalism then you have what you see there. Greed is Capitalism out of control not Socialism. You use one to counteract the other. When one is too strong you have to use the other to balance it out. The US does that from time to time. Right now, we have an imbalance of both in different areas and our Nation suffers greatly from it. What you see in Venzuela is where both are completely out of control. You can put any name on it you want but it's when the Government no longer serves the people and only serves the Oligarchy. We aren't far behind.

You are really confused Moon Bat, aren't you? So the dumbshits in Venezuela traded a corrupt government for a more corrupt and disastrous Leftest government.

How dumb was that? The Socialists didn't exactly deliver on what they promised, did they? In fact they did like all Left governments and made things worse.

At least before the Venezuelans had groceries in the store, electricity and running water. Now they have jackshit. In fact less than jackshit.

Just like what will happen in the US if the Liberals get enough power to raid the wealth created by capitalism.

I have a great idea Moon Bat. How does this sound? You pay your bills and I will pay mine and we can leave the government out of the business of sealing my money and giving it to you. Doesn't that sound fair?

You may not get your fucking free healthcare or your groceries bills paid by me but then I will have the liberty to keep the money I earned rather than being your slave. You don't support slavery, do you?
Have you ever been to a back water South American Country? I have. Even skid row fares better than those countries. Using your Ultra Rightwing Nutjobs definition of Socialism, one would think that those countries are taking from the rich and giving it to the poor. Not hardly. They are taking it from everyone and giving it to the Rich especially the Ruling Class. The Poor probably won't have the money to afford what little there is to buy at the exorbitant prices anyway. It's not socialism, it's barbarism. But you keep screaming at the top of your lungs and getting all your cronies to agree with you. Meanwhile, when someone points out the facts, you slam your hands over your ears and scream, "LA LA LA LA". You must be a riot when going outside of your castle.

Yes I have spent to South America.

Venezuela had a democratic socialist revolution. The idiots used democracy to elect a socialistic government to rob the economy so they could get free shit and it has destroyed the country.

Socialism always destroys when the money that was made under capitalism runs out.

The filthy dumbass Liberals in the US want to do the same thing here in the US.

For instance, Florida's economy is booming now. However the asshole Democrats are running a stupid corrupt candidate for Governor that has a platform to increase taxes a billion dollars to provide free shit mostly for the Negroes and Illegals.

What do you think that is going to do to the economy of Florida? The cost of socialism is always a destructive burden in addition to being morally wrong.

I can tell you are just making shit up again. Or still. Valenzuela has only two classes, the ultra rich and the ultra poor. If what you say is true, the poor would not be dying of starvation and disease in the streets as they are today. And the surrounding Countries would not be planning an invasion on it. No wonder you worship Trump.

I am not making up the concept of greed, because that is the root of this filthy oppressive socialism.

It is people thinking they have the right to use the government to steal from other people so that they can get their free shit. It is despicable.

It destroys economies and it is morally wrong. All thievery is wrong no matter if Tony Soprano does it or Barack Obama.

Just because you vote in thievery doesn't make it right. Only an idiot would not understand that socialism is legalized thievery.

Actually, you are mostly wrong. The ultra rich in Venzuela are capitalist. When Socialism no longer reigns in Capitalism then you have what you see there. Greed is Capitalism out of control not Socialism. You use one to counteract the other. When one is too strong you have to use the other to balance it out. The US does that from time to time. Right now, we have an imbalance of both in different areas and our Nation suffers greatly from it. What you see in Venzuela is where both are completely out of control. You can put any name on it you want but it's when the Government no longer serves the people and only serves the Oligarchy. We aren't far behind.

You are really confused Moon Bat, aren't you? So the dumbshits in Venezuela traded a corrupt government for a more corrupt and disastrous Leftest government.

How dumb was that? The Socialists didn't exactly deliver on what they promised, did they? In fact they did like all Left governments and made things worse.

At least before the Venezuelans had groceries in the store, electricity and running water. Now they have jackshit. In fact less than jackshit.

Just like what will happen in the US if the Liberals get enough power to raid the wealth created by capitalism.

I have a great idea Moon Bat. How does this sound? You pay your bills and I will pay mine and we can leave the government out of the business of sealing my money and giving it to you. Doesn't that sound fair?

You may not get your fucking free healthcare or your groceries bills paid by me but then I will have the liberty to keep the money I earned rather than being your slave. You don't support slavery, do you?

When I read your response I expect to hear the theme song from Twilight Zone the Original Series. Didn't they have an episode like that at one time? Eeeewwwwooooohhhheeeee and the picture fades.

No, I don't support slavery unless it's just you that gets sold on the auction block. You would have to pay someone to take you.
An uninformed electorate poses the biggest threat to the U.S. and - unfortunately - the left actively seeks to create low IQ voters because that is what they need to win. The U.S. will never last with an electorate such as this.

Never fear the Progressive will come to the house and help you fill out the form. Its done all the time.
The low IQ voter which are legion on this board are those Conservatives that seriously argued the bomber was an insider from the DNC. Now that is low IQ by any standard.
Have you ever been to a back water South American Country? I have. Even skid row fares better than those countries. Using your Ultra Rightwing Nutjobs definition of Socialism, one would think that those countries are taking from the rich and giving it to the poor. Not hardly. They are taking it from everyone and giving it to the Rich especially the Ruling Class. The Poor probably won't have the money to afford what little there is to buy at the exorbitant prices anyway. It's not socialism, it's barbarism. But you keep screaming at the top of your lungs and getting all your cronies to agree with you. Meanwhile, when someone points out the facts, you slam your hands over your ears and scream, "LA LA LA LA". You must be a riot when going outside of your castle.

Yes I have spent to South America.

Venezuela had a democratic socialist revolution. The idiots used democracy to elect a socialistic government to rob the economy so they could get free shit and it has destroyed the country.

Socialism always destroys when the money that was made under capitalism runs out.

The filthy dumbass Liberals in the US want to do the same thing here in the US.

For instance, Florida's economy is booming now. However the asshole Democrats are running a stupid corrupt candidate for Governor that has a platform to increase taxes a billion dollars to provide free shit mostly for the Negroes and Illegals.

What do you think that is going to do to the economy of Florida? The cost of socialism is always a destructive burden in addition to being morally wrong.

I can tell you are just making shit up again. Or still. Valenzuela has only two classes, the ultra rich and the ultra poor. If what you say is true, the poor would not be dying of starvation and disease in the streets as they are today. And the surrounding Countries would not be planning an invasion on it. No wonder you worship Trump.

I am not making up the concept of greed, because that is the root of this filthy oppressive socialism.

It is people thinking they have the right to use the government to steal from other people so that they can get their free shit. It is despicable.

It destroys economies and it is morally wrong. All thievery is wrong no matter if Tony Soprano does it or Barack Obama.

Just because you vote in thievery doesn't make it right. Only an idiot would not understand that socialism is legalized thievery.

Actually, you are mostly wrong. The ultra rich in Venzuela are capitalist. When Socialism no longer reigns in Capitalism then you have what you see there. Greed is Capitalism out of control not Socialism. You use one to counteract the other. When one is too strong you have to use the other to balance it out. The US does that from time to time. Right now, we have an imbalance of both in different areas and our Nation suffers greatly from it. What you see in Venzuela is where both are completely out of control. You can put any name on it you want but it's when the Government no longer serves the people and only serves the Oligarchy. We aren't far behind.

You are really confused Moon Bat, aren't you? So the dumbshits in Venezuela traded a corrupt government for a more corrupt and disastrous Leftest government.

How dumb was that? The Socialists didn't exactly deliver on what they promised, did they? In fact they did like all Left governments and made things worse.

At least before the Venezuelans had groceries in the store, electricity and running water. Now they have jackshit. In fact less than jackshit.

Just like what will happen in the US if the Liberals get enough power to raid the wealth created by capitalism.

I have a great idea Moon Bat. How does this sound? You pay your bills and I will pay mine and we can leave the government out of the business of sealing my money and giving it to you. Doesn't that sound fair?

You may not get your fucking free healthcare or your groceries bills paid by me but then I will have the liberty to keep the money I earned rather than being your slave. You don't support slavery, do you?
Well said, I could not of added anything to your post.
Yes I have spent to South America.

Venezuela had a democratic socialist revolution. The idiots used democracy to elect a socialistic government to rob the economy so they could get free shit and it has destroyed the country.

Socialism always destroys when the money that was made under capitalism runs out.

The filthy dumbass Liberals in the US want to do the same thing here in the US.

For instance, Florida's economy is booming now. However the asshole Democrats are running a stupid corrupt candidate for Governor that has a platform to increase taxes a billion dollars to provide free shit mostly for the Negroes and Illegals.

What do you think that is going to do to the economy of Florida? The cost of socialism is always a destructive burden in addition to being morally wrong.

I can tell you are just making shit up again. Or still. Valenzuela has only two classes, the ultra rich and the ultra poor. If what you say is true, the poor would not be dying of starvation and disease in the streets as they are today. And the surrounding Countries would not be planning an invasion on it. No wonder you worship Trump.

I am not making up the concept of greed, because that is the root of this filthy oppressive socialism.

It is people thinking they have the right to use the government to steal from other people so that they can get their free shit. It is despicable.

It destroys economies and it is morally wrong. All thievery is wrong no matter if Tony Soprano does it or Barack Obama.

Just because you vote in thievery doesn't make it right. Only an idiot would not understand that socialism is legalized thievery.

Actually, you are mostly wrong. The ultra rich in Venzuela are capitalist. When Socialism no longer reigns in Capitalism then you have what you see there. Greed is Capitalism out of control not Socialism. You use one to counteract the other. When one is too strong you have to use the other to balance it out. The US does that from time to time. Right now, we have an imbalance of both in different areas and our Nation suffers greatly from it. What you see in Venzuela is where both are completely out of control. You can put any name on it you want but it's when the Government no longer serves the people and only serves the Oligarchy. We aren't far behind.

You are really confused Moon Bat, aren't you? So the dumbshits in Venezuela traded a corrupt government for a more corrupt and disastrous Leftest government.

How dumb was that? The Socialists didn't exactly deliver on what they promised, did they? In fact they did like all Left governments and made things worse.

At least before the Venezuelans had groceries in the store, electricity and running water. Now they have jackshit. In fact less than jackshit.

Just like what will happen in the US if the Liberals get enough power to raid the wealth created by capitalism.

I have a great idea Moon Bat. How does this sound? You pay your bills and I will pay mine and we can leave the government out of the business of sealing my money and giving it to you. Doesn't that sound fair?

You may not get your fucking free healthcare or your groceries bills paid by me but then I will have the liberty to keep the money I earned rather than being your slave. You don't support slavery, do you?

When I read your response I expect to hear the theme song from Twilight Zone the Original Series. Didn't they have an episode like that at one time? Eeeewwwwooooohhhheeeee and the picture fades.

No, I don't support slavery unless it's just you that gets sold on the auction block. You would have to pay someone to take you.

You didn't answer my questions did you Moon Bat?

How does this sound? You pay your bills and I will pay mine and we can leave the government out of the business of stealing my money and giving it to you. Doesn't that sound fair?

You may not get your fucking free healthcare or your groceries bills paid by me but then I will have the liberty to keep the money I earned rather than being your slave. You don't support slavery, do you?

Well said, I could not of added anything to your post.

These stupid Moon Bats have to be the dumbest mutherfuckers on the face of the earth to think that socialism will ever solve any problem given the historical world wide record of failure.

However, the jerks think that if we give it a go here in the US then it just may work this time.

It will work until the money made under capitalism runs out then everybody will be fucked.

They seem to forget that the last Leftest President (that affirmative action dumbass Obama) increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendously raised debt and had dismal economic growth. All the trademarks of failed Leftest economics.
You don't support slavery, do you?
Of course Duh-ryl does! Every left-wing parasite supports slavery. They attacked the U.S. over it in the 1860's and 150 years later, they still can't let it go. They will not rest until they have slavery. They've found a way through government socialism and political correctness, but they want more.
We the people legally voted in our President using the same system that has been used many times to vote in a President= the electoral college, and in addition the majority of citizens approve of our Presidents job at this time.

Lies are so easy for trumpflakes.
We the people legally voted in our President using the same system that has been used many times to vote in a President= the electoral college, and in addition the majority of citizens approve of our Presidents job at this time.
Lies are so easy for trumpflakes.
Lies make up the very fabric of the left. You’re inability to accept that President Trump was legally and properly elected is just another example.
I can tell you are just making shit up again. Or still. Valenzuela has only two classes, the ultra rich and the ultra poor. If what you say is true, the poor would not be dying of starvation and disease in the streets as they are today. And the surrounding Countries would not be planning an invasion on it. No wonder you worship Trump.

I am not making up the concept of greed, because that is the root of this filthy oppressive socialism.

It is people thinking they have the right to use the government to steal from other people so that they can get their free shit. It is despicable.

It destroys economies and it is morally wrong. All thievery is wrong no matter if Tony Soprano does it or Barack Obama.

Just because you vote in thievery doesn't make it right. Only an idiot would not understand that socialism is legalized thievery.

Actually, you are mostly wrong. The ultra rich in Venzuela are capitalist. When Socialism no longer reigns in Capitalism then you have what you see there. Greed is Capitalism out of control not Socialism. You use one to counteract the other. When one is too strong you have to use the other to balance it out. The US does that from time to time. Right now, we have an imbalance of both in different areas and our Nation suffers greatly from it. What you see in Venzuela is where both are completely out of control. You can put any name on it you want but it's when the Government no longer serves the people and only serves the Oligarchy. We aren't far behind.

You are really confused Moon Bat, aren't you? So the dumbshits in Venezuela traded a corrupt government for a more corrupt and disastrous Leftest government.

How dumb was that? The Socialists didn't exactly deliver on what they promised, did they? In fact they did like all Left governments and made things worse.

At least before the Venezuelans had groceries in the store, electricity and running water. Now they have jackshit. In fact less than jackshit.

Just like what will happen in the US if the Liberals get enough power to raid the wealth created by capitalism.

I have a great idea Moon Bat. How does this sound? You pay your bills and I will pay mine and we can leave the government out of the business of sealing my money and giving it to you. Doesn't that sound fair?

You may not get your fucking free healthcare or your groceries bills paid by me but then I will have the liberty to keep the money I earned rather than being your slave. You don't support slavery, do you?

When I read your response I expect to hear the theme song from Twilight Zone the Original Series. Didn't they have an episode like that at one time? Eeeewwwwooooohhhheeeee and the picture fades.

No, I don't support slavery unless it's just you that gets sold on the auction block. You would have to pay someone to take you.

You didn't answer my questions did you Moon Bat?

How does this sound? You pay your bills and I will pay mine and we can leave the government out of the business of stealing my money and giving it to you. Doesn't that sound fair?

You may not get your fucking free healthcare or your groceries bills paid by me but then I will have the liberty to keep the money I earned rather than being your slave. You don't support slavery, do you?

Tell you what. I get to use all the socialist features in the US but you can't. Care to visit just how miserable your life will become fast? Let's look into that. The US is made up of a mix of Socialist Programs and Capitalistic Programs. Now, let's discuss the socialist programs. Your turn.

And I only believe in slavery if you are the only one in bondage. That will slow your down on your stupidity cupcake.
We the people legally voted in our President using the same system that has been used many times to vote in a President= the electoral college, and in addition the majority of citizens approve of our Presidents job at this time.
Lies are so easy for trumpflakes.
Lies make up the very fabric of the left. You’re inability to accept that President Trump was legally and properly elected is just another example.

If you remove all the other variables, you are right. But there are many other variables involving foreign money and influence that begs to differ. The harm is done and we now must live with it for now. We can't turn the clock back. But we can work to not allow it to happen again. I still see you RW Nutjobs using some of the Russian BS as if it were truth. The American Public is just about fed up with that routine and will be working to get rid of those that still play those games. It's up to the Republicans to learn how to identify with the general public now. It's not nearly as easy this year and will be even harder in 2020. No free rides anymore.
ANY successful businessman has failures. Not because they're a bad person. If you don't take chances, like you, you'll forever be stuck where you are today. What's the sport's analogy, you can't get to second base without taking your foot off first base.

How many successful businesses are in the Trump empire? No one wants to declare bankruptcy for one of their businesses. Stuff happens. Our founding fathers knew that it was so important to have that as an option that they included the option of bankruptcy in the constitution. Did you even know it is in our constitution?

President Donald Trump did not become a multi-billionaire because he is LUCKY. He did it because he is willing to take big risks and because he doesn't need months to make a decision. That's why he can accomplish more in a day than every other president could do in a month.

Trump was born a multi billionaire. It just didn't show up on paper and was largely hidden from the IRS. He was a multi millionaire by the age of 8. I suggest you give a read on his Father. You will see the shady side of Real Estate Development that Donald Trump was very involved with and still is.

Fred Trump - Wikipedia

Donald Trump learned from his Father on how to defraud everyone that came into contact with him. BTW, Trump Towers was built by his Father, not Donald and was part of a loan to Donald that Donald never paid back. There was not a 1 million loan. It was a 413 million dollar loan and was never paid back. Too much time has passed so there can be no criminal charges filed by the IRS. There are some very good reasons that the Donald doesn't want his tax returns viewed. He's a conman and he learned from the best.
Do yourself a favor and stop reading wikipedia. You'll be smarter for it.

Do yourself a favor and stop spending all your time in front of the boob tube listening and watching Pauxsnews.
You must be one of those low IQ people. I don't'watch but an hour or two a month of Fox News. Just as I don't watch but an hour or two of CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC or any other biased and bullshit news organization.

I'm not a mind-numbed drooler like you leftists are.

Maybe you should stop and reconsider how fucked up you are in the head. Just a suggestion.

Maybe you should stop defending the ultra right wingnutz and reconsider how fucked your own head is. Just a suggestion.

BTW, I am a moderate. I am just fed up with the antics of the ultra right wingnutz. I thought they were bad losers. They are even worse winners.
there is no ultra-rightwing. what you consider ultra-rightwing today was a moderate just 20 years ago. This so-called ultra right wing hasn't moved from its values in those 20 years, so the question is, just how far left have you run to consider moderates ultra conservative.

Somehow, I doubt that you are a moderate. unless someone has changed the definition.

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