The Madness Of Democrats

People like Buck Angel used modern surgical, medical, pharmacological and wardrobe techniques to superficially look like the opposite sex.

Most of them can't afford all that work and so they look like men dressed as women and women dressed as men. No one would ever mistake them as being born into the opposite sex of what they really are without a lot of smoke and mirrors.
Go anywhere there is a transgender in the real world, and you will quickly disavow yourself of the idea that the XYers were were born looking like females. They look exactly like what they are; a man dressed as a woman.

It ain't pretty.
We have many XY females, like this one...

You don't want to deny genetics and your own eyes now do you?
“I’m not going to hurt their daughters,” said Perry, addressing concerned parents. “I’m not going to expose myself. I’m not a pervert. I’m a transgender woman. I’m a girl. I’m just in there to change, do my business, and that if they have any questions about being transgender, they are more than welcome to talk to me, and I’ll be happy to explain it.”

Sorry, the DNA says you are a boy...and will always say that

Leftists hate science.
It's the right that is getting fucked by the science in this case. That's because science doesn't have only male and female, or even genetically only male and female. Nature isn't black and white, you are.
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How do you tell the gender of a person if you can't use, and I've proven that you can't, genetics?

Where are you getting the idea from that you can't tell by genetics? Where is this stupid idea coming from?

The Chapelle Syndrome does not prove you can't. In fact, it proves you can.
Buck Angel will always be a genetic female, no matter what he does to the female body he lives in.

Buck wants us all to use the male pronoun when talking about him? Fine. No problem. I will do that. But that does not mean we chuck reality out the window and retroactively invent nonsense that he was born looking male.

Now will I let anyone get away with inventing what the boy in the OP looked like at birth.

This is perhaps one of the weirdest cases of revisionism yet.
Tell us, how does one tell a boy from a girl, if they say, don't look exactly one or the other?

You missed that class, didja?

Boys have penises. Girls have vaginas.

Boys who cut off their penises are still boys. Girls who get a clip-on are still girls. They cannot escape their destinies by use of off-market parts.
So the girl above, even though she's XY, shouldn't be using the boys' locker room? What a bummer, for the boys...
You missed that class, didja?

Boys have penises. Girls have vaginas.

Boys who cut off their penises are still boys. Girls who get a clip-on are still girls. They cannot escape their destinies by use of off-market parts.

Only a liberal can not wrap their "minds" around these simple concepts. Since they're so self conscious about their utter stupidity they're even trying to alter the language to make everything "gender neutral". Complete fucking retards, every single one of them.

BTW, after they get their junk chopped off, they're an IT. That's as close to "gender neutral" as I'll get.

How do you tell the gender of a person if you can't use, and I've proven that you can't, genetics?

Where are you getting the idea from that you can't tell by genetics? Where is this stupid idea coming from?

The Chapelle Syndrome does not prove you can't. In fact, it proves you can.
No, because if we only used genetics, the pretty girl above, who has always looked female even from birth, would be in the boys locker room. Is that your plan? The boys' would love that one, the girls maybe not so much when they get the XX male...
You missed that class, didja?

Boys have penises. Girls have vaginas.

Boys who cut off their penises are still boys. Girls who get a clip-on are still girls. They cannot escape their destinies by use of off-market parts.

Only a liberal can not wrap their "minds" around these simple concepts. Since they're so self conscious about their utter stupidity they're even trying to alter the language to make everything "gender neutral". Complete fucking retards, every single one of them.

BTW, after they get their junk chopped off, they're an IT. That's as close to "gender neutral" as I'll get.

There are many genders, and many sexual orientations. Unlike you, nature isn't a simpleton...
I think my daughter, (if I had one) wouldn't want to be forced to see a penis swinging around the girls lockerroom.

Then again I think a privacy stall should be mandatory along with swimsuits if they insist on being in the women's locker room.

No, fuck that.

Don't give them shit. If they insist on being deviant freaks, they can stay the fuck home. Thye have no right to upset and disgust everyone else in the building because they have some sick perversion.
I think my daughter, (if I had one) wouldn't want to be forced to see a penis swinging around the girls lockerroom.

Then again I think a privacy stall should be mandatory along with swimsuits if they insist on being in the women's locker room.

No, fuck that.

Don't give them shit. If they insist on being deviant freaks, they can stay the fuck home. Thye have no right to upset and disgust everyone else in the building because they have some sick perversion.
Gender is in the brain, not the underpants or even, the genetics.
I "identify" as the emperor of the galaxy.

All must kneel before me and bring me tithings of beer and pizza.

Don't be a bigot and reject my life choice.

Leftists hate science.
It's the right that is getting fucked by the science in this case. That's because science doesn't have only male and female, or even genetically only male and female. Nature isn't black and white, you are.

For approximately 99.8% of all human beings, science and nature are exactly black and white on the subject of sex. The remaining 0.2% are defects, aberrations, that prove nothing about the 99.8%.

The 0.2% don't have anything to do with “transgenderism” either. These are people who, unlike “transgenders”, truly are not fully biologically male or female.

“Transgenderism” is about people who are unambiguously, biologically, fully male, or fully female, who claim to be the opposite of what they are.
Leftists hate science.
It's the right that is getting fucked by the science in this case. That's because science doesn't have only male and female, or even genetically only male and female. Nature isn't black and white, you are.

For approximately 99.8% of all human beings, science and nature are exactly black and white on the subject of sex. The remaining 0.2% are defects, aberrations, that prove nothing about the 99.8%.

The 0.2% don't have anything to do with “transgenderism” either. These are people who, unlike “transgenders”, truly are not fully biologically male or female.

“Transgenderism” is about people who are unambiguously, biologically, fully male, or fully female, who claim to be the opposite of what they are.
It hardly matters if it was one in a million, or even ten million. It means that if you use XX or XY as your guide, that very pretty girl is going to be seeing, showering, and peeing with a whole lot of naked little boys, not exactly what you want now is it?
For approximately 99.8% of all human beings, science and nature are exactly black and white on the subject of sex. The remaining 0.2% are defects, aberrations, that prove nothing about the 99.8%.

The 0.2% don't have anything to do with “transgenderism” either. These are people who, unlike “transgenders”, truly are not fully biologically male or female.

“Transgenderism” is about people who are unambiguously, biologically, fully male, or fully female, who claim to be the opposite of what they are.

I can have sympathy for someone who through no fault of their own have condidtions like that, but people who have "gender identity issues" are just perverts, or they've been brainwashed into it.

I've read a few stories about kids as young as 5 "thinking" they identified as something they're not. You have to be truly sick to warp the minds of little kids like that. Just like you have to be recruiting when you're teaching little kids that being a rump ranger is a "normal life choice".

I think my daughter, (if I had one) wouldn't want to be forced to see a penis swinging around the girls lockerroom.

Then again I think a privacy stall should be mandatory along with swimsuits if they insist on being in the women's locker room.

No, fuck that.

Don't give them shit. If they insist on being deviant freaks, they can stay the fuck home. Thye have no right to upset and disgust everyone else in the building because they have some sick perversion.

Well, we have a problem. The government says their perversion has to be accepted. So they dress up and expect to be treated like girls. So you say they have to go to the boys locker room and put up with stares and harassment. So either the government gets its shit together and stops their gender manipulation, or force them to use a shower of their own, or institute a dress code. (No pun intended)
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