The Madness Of Democrats

You're sort of an idiot. Just saying. Now go mod something and leave me alone.

Sort of an idiot? More like the illustration of an idiot.

He's still smarting from when he claimed the knockout game doesn't exist...then I posted a link to where the DoJ (Holder's DoJ) addressed it. Poor Doc scampered off like a puppy smacked on the nose


It's cute how you keep trying to change the subject, and it's even cuter when you blatantly lie about it. You never posted any links, you claimed you "knew an attorney" who had said so.

You know the thread is still here, right?
You're going to have to make up your mind.

You've said that "DNA" is what determines gender - and Buck Angel is a biologically female.

Therefore, you believe he should use the same restroom as any hypothetical daughters you might have.

This isn't complicated.

Well it's like this, Doc. I don;t have to do shit and you're not apt to me make me. How's that?


Was that post supposed to mean something?

Take it for what you want...they really need a way for us to ignore bring nothing to the table. Have a good day and good luck picking up dates...I suspect you've ended up with something other than you sought given your confusion on what is male and what is female LMAO


It really pisses you off that you can't ignore me, doesn't it?

I think that's my favorite part of being a mod.

You're sort of an idiot. Just saying. Now go mod something and leave me alone.


He's still smarting from when he claimed the knockout game doesn't exist...then I posted a link to where the DoJ (Holder's DoJ) addressed it. Poor Doc scampered off like a puppy smacked on the nose

It's really best to just ignore bed wetters unless one of their posts are even dumber than usual. Then just ridicule them and move on.

I'm not sure who allowed moonbats to be mods, but you can just scroll over the stupid shit they say.
So why are we yielding to a child's decisions in this case? We shouldn't be.
Because they are the only ones who can tell us what gender they are. It's a brain thing...
That's right. It's a brain thing, and a child's brain is not fully developed. The judgement center is the last part to fully develop.
What gender you believe yourself to be doesn't require judgement. You and I knew it just as they do.
We knew our sexual orientation, yes. But just because one is gay does not mean one is "a girl trapped in a boy's body". Puberty is an extremely confusing time.

He needs to wait until he is an adult before making such adult decisions about his gender. Society should not be trying to conform to every child's errant desires.
Kids know gender long before sexual orientation. No one has to wait until 18 to declare themselves a girl. Never met a one who did.
Take it for what you want...they really need a way for us to ignore bring nothing to the table. Have a good day and good luck picking up dates...I suspect you've ended up with something other than you sought given your confusion on what is male and what is female LMAO


It really pisses you off that you can't ignore me, doesn't it?

I think that's my favorite part of being a mod.

You're sort of an idiot. Just saying. Now go mod something and leave me alone.


Nope, I think I'll stay right here and keep playing with you, clown.

I see you still haven't answered about whether you want your daughters sharing a shower and bathroom with Buck Angel...

Why would I want my daughter sharing a bathroom with a porn producer and performer? I'm sure you'd be a lousy parent and allow it. Right? That's how you leftist twits roll. No morals, too stupid to live and can't figure out the difference between a male and a female. No wonder your lives are fucked up. Now get over yourself and stop bothering me.
You've been presented with XY females and XX males. It would seem that you are one having a problem figuring out who is a tab and who is a slot...
We have been presented with XY males and XX females who have used modern surgical, medical, pharmacological and wardrobe techniques to superficially look like the opposite sex.

Buck Angel still has to pee sitting down.

It really pisses you off that you can't ignore me, doesn't it?

I think that's my favorite part of being a mod.

You're sort of an idiot. Just saying. Now go mod something and leave me alone.


Nope, I think I'll stay right here and keep playing with you, clown.

I see you still haven't answered about whether you want your daughters sharing a shower and bathroom with Buck Angel...

Why would I want my daughter sharing a bathroom with a porn producer and performer? I'm sure you'd be a lousy parent and allow it. Right? That's how you leftist twits roll. No morals, too stupid to live and can't figure out the difference between a male and a female. No wonder your lives are fucked up. Now get over yourself and stop bothering me.


Nice try.

Porn producers and actors have to pee, too. How exactly do you plan on stopping them from using the restroom that you've declared they must use?

Go away, troll


No, I think I'll stay, clown. Watching you melt down is way too much fun.
Well it's like this, Doc. I don;t have to do shit and you're not apt to me make me. How's that?


Was that post supposed to mean something?

Take it for what you want...they really need a way for us to ignore bring nothing to the table. Have a good day and good luck picking up dates...I suspect you've ended up with something other than you sought given your confusion on what is male and what is female LMAO


It really pisses you off that you can't ignore me, doesn't it?

I think that's my favorite part of being a mod.

You're sort of an idiot. Just saying. Now go mod something and leave me alone.


Nope, I think I'll stay right here and keep playing with you, clown.

I see you still haven't answered about whether you want your daughters sharing a shower and bathroom with Buck Angel...

I think my daughter, (if I had one) wouldn't want to be forced to see a penis swinging around the girls lockerroom.

Then again I think a privacy stall should be mandatory along with swimsuits if they insist on being in the women's locker room.
We have been presented with XY males and XX females who have used modern surgical, medical, pharmacological and wardrobe techniques to look like the opposite sex.
Nope. They were born looking male or female, only they are genetically the opposite. It's science, not ideology.

"XX male syndrome (also called de la Chapelle syndrome, for Albert de la Chapelle, who characterized it in 1972[1][2]) is a rare sex chromosomal disorder. Usually, it is caused by unequal crossing over between X and Y chromosomes during meiosis in the father, which results in the X chromosome containing the normally-male SRY gene. When this X combines with a normal X from the mother during fertilization, the result is an XX male.

This syndrome occurs in approximately four or five in 100,000 individuals, making it less common than Klinefelter syndrome.[3][4]"
XX male syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"

And: Androgen insensitivity syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Individuals with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (grades 6 and 7 on the Quigley scale) are born phenotypically female, without any signs of genital masculinization, despite having a 46,XY karyotype.[17] Symptoms of CAIS do not appear until puberty,[2] which may be slightly delayed,[18] but is otherwise normal except for absent menses and diminished or absent secondary terminal hair.[1] Axillary hair (i.e. armpit hair) fails to develop in one third of all cases.[19] External genitalia is normal, although the labia and clitoris are sometimes underdeveloped.[20][21] The vaginal depth is widely variable, but is typically shorter than unaffected women;[1] one study of eight women with CAIS measured the average vaginal depth to be 5.9 cm [22] (vs. 11.1 ± 1.0 cm for unaffected women [23]). In some extreme cases, the vagina has been reported to be aplastic (resembling a "dimple"), though the exact incidence of this is unknown.[24]"
Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
They were born looking male or female


Buck Angel looked all female. Head to toe.

If Buck Angel was born looking female, then why did Buck Angel have to have surgery to remove her breasts? Why does Buck Angel have to pee sitting down?

Bruce Jenner sure as shit didn't look female.

It's in your head an XY was born looking female and vice versa.
There is no XX female who is born looking male. Sorry.

There is no XY male who is born looking female. Sorry.

Actually, there is, but that's a whole different matter, not related to transgenderism. There are a number of very rare genetic and hormonal defects that result in people who are not truly male nor female. The broad term to cover all these defects is “intersex”.

One of these Intersex conditions is known as Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS). The person who has this condition has XY chromosomes, and develops testicles and not ovaries; which produce the usual cocktail of male hormones. But for some reason, the AIS person's body responds to these hormones as if they were female hormones, and in a complete form of this defect, the person externally looks indistinguishable from an actual female. People with this condition don't usually know that there's anything amiss until puberty, when they fail to start menstruating. Externally, they have genitalia and body morphism that looks female, but internally, they don't have a uterus, or fallopian tubes or ovaries.

But that has nothing to do with this. This is about someone who is biologically male, who does not have any biological defects that cause him to be anything other than completely male, and who has decided to “identify” as female. Whatever is wrong with him, it's in his head, not his genitals.

It really pisses you off that you can't ignore me, doesn't it?

I think that's my favorite part of being a mod.

You're sort of an idiot. Just saying. Now go mod something and leave me alone.


Nope, I think I'll stay right here and keep playing with you, clown.

I see you still haven't answered about whether you want your daughters sharing a shower and bathroom with Buck Angel...

Why would I want my daughter sharing a bathroom with a porn producer and performer? I'm sure you'd be a lousy parent and allow it. Right? That's how you leftist twits roll. No morals, too stupid to live and can't figure out the difference between a male and a female. No wonder your lives are fucked up. Now get over yourself and stop bothering me.
You've been presented with XY females and XX males. It would seem that you are one having a problem figuring out who is a tab and who is a slot...
We have been presented with XY males and XX females who have used modern surgical, medical, pharmacological and wardrobe techniques to superficially look like the opposite sex.

Buck Angel still has to pee sitting down.

I know that Buck Angel has to pee sitting down. The pertinent question is whether he should be peeing in a stall next to a hypothetical son, or daughter.
You're sort of an idiot. Just saying. Now go mod something and leave me alone.

Sort of an idiot? More like the illustration of an idiot.

He's still smarting from when he claimed the knockout game doesn't exist...then I posted a link to where the DoJ (Holder's DoJ) addressed it. Poor Doc scampered off like a puppy smacked on the nose


It's cute how you keep trying to change the subject, and it's even cuter when you blatantly lie about it. You never posted any links, you claimed you "knew an attorney" who had said so.

You know the thread is still here, right?

You're sort of an idiot. Just saying. Now go mod something and leave me alone.

Sort of an idiot? More like the illustration of an idiot.

He's still smarting from when he claimed the knockout game doesn't exist...then I posted a link to where the DoJ (Holder's DoJ) addressed it. Poor Doc scampered off like a puppy smacked on the nose


It's cute how you keep trying to change the subject, and it's even cuter when you blatantly lie about it. You never posted any links, you claimed you "knew an attorney" who had said so.

You know the thread is still here, right?

Yeah I know it is, Doc. You lose you little lying troll AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

72-year-old Woman Attacked by 2 Black Teens in Latest 'Knockout Game' in Church | Page 8 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
You might know you know you are gay when just a kid, that doesn't mean society has to allow you to start smoking poles at the local rest area while you are still a kid.

You might want to be a girl when you are just a kid, that doesn't mean society has to cater to your kink in the locker room while you are still a kid,.
You're sort of an idiot. Just saying. Now go mod something and leave me alone.


Nope, I think I'll stay right here and keep playing with you, clown.

I see you still haven't answered about whether you want your daughters sharing a shower and bathroom with Buck Angel...

Why would I want my daughter sharing a bathroom with a porn producer and performer? I'm sure you'd be a lousy parent and allow it. Right? That's how you leftist twits roll. No morals, too stupid to live and can't figure out the difference between a male and a female. No wonder your lives are fucked up. Now get over yourself and stop bothering me.
You've been presented with XY females and XX males. It would seem that you are one having a problem figuring out who is a tab and who is a slot...
We have been presented with XY males and XX females who have used modern surgical, medical, pharmacological and wardrobe techniques to superficially look like the opposite sex.

Buck Angel still has to pee sitting down.

I know that Buck Angel has to pee sitting down. The pertinent question is whether he should be peeing in a stall next to a hypothetical son, or daughter.
As a child, she should be in the girls room.
They were born looking male or female


Buck Angel looked all female. Head to toe.

If Buck Angel was born looking female, then why did Buck Angel have to have surgery to remove her breasts? Why does Buck Angel have to pee sitting down?

Bruce Jenner sure as shit didn't look female.

It's in your head an XY was born looking female and vice versa.
I'm not interested in either of those, only these:

They were born looking male or female, only they are genetically the opposite. It's science, not ideology.

"XX male syndrome (also called de la Chapelle syndrome, for Albert de la Chapelle, who characterized it in 1972[1][2]) is a rare sex chromosomal disorder. Usually, it is caused by unequal crossing over between X and Y chromosomes during meiosis in the father, which results in the X chromosome containing the normally-male SRY gene. When this X combines with a normal X from the mother during fertilization, the result is an XX male.

This syndrome occurs in approximately four or five in 100,000 individuals, making it less common than Klinefelter syndrome.[3][4]"
XX male syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia"

And: Androgen insensitivity syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Individuals with complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (grades 6 and 7 on the Quigley scale) are born phenotypically female, without any signs of genital masculinization, despite having a 46,XY karyotype.[17] Symptoms of CAIS do not appear until puberty,[2] which may be slightly delayed,[18] but is otherwise normal except for absent menses and diminished or absent secondary terminal hair.[1] Axillary hair (i.e. armpit hair) fails to develop in one third of all cases.[19] External genitalia is normal, although the labia and clitoris are sometimes underdeveloped.[20][21] The vaginal depth is widely variable, but is typically shorter than unaffected women;[1] one study of eight women with CAIS measured the average vaginal depth to be 5.9 cm [22] (vs. 11.1 ± 1.0 cm for unaffected women [23]). In some extreme cases, the vagina has been reported to be aplastic (resembling a "dimple"), though the exact incidence of this is unknown.[24]"
Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is one. Pretty enough eh?

Sure looks like a girl to me which is because, even as XY, she is...
“I’m not going to hurt their daughters,” said Perry, addressing concerned parents. “I’m not going to expose myself. I’m not a pervert. I’m a transgender woman. I’m a girl. I’m just in there to change, do my business, and that if they have any questions about being transgender, they are more than welcome to talk to me, and I’ll be happy to explain it.”

Sorry, the DNA says you are a boy...and will always say that

Leftists hate science.
They were born looking male or female


Buck Angel looked all female. Head to toe.

If Buck Angel was born looking female, then why did Buck Angel have to have surgery to remove her breasts? Why does Buck Angel have to pee sitting down?

Bruce Jenner sure as shit didn't look female.

It's in your head an XY was born looking female and vice versa.
I'm not interested in either of those, only these:

Of course you aren't interested in the vast majority of transgenders. Only the extremely rare ones which fit your made up world.

Was the kid in the OP born XY or XX? He looks like a boy, and was born looking that way. So your red herring is just that. A pointless diversion.
Go anywhere there is a transgender in the real world, and you will quickly disavow yourself of the idea that the XYers were were born looking like females. They look exactly like what they are; a man dressed as a woman.

It ain't pretty.
They were born looking male or female


Buck Angel looked all female. Head to toe.

If Buck Angel was born looking female, then why did Buck Angel have to have surgery to remove her breasts? Why does Buck Angel have to pee sitting down?

Bruce Jenner sure as shit didn't look female.

It's in your head an XY was born looking female and vice versa.
I'm not interested in either of those, only these:

Of course you aren't interested in the vast majority of transgenders. Only the extremely rare ones which fit your made up world.

Was the kid in the OP born XY or XX? He looks like a boy, and was born looking that way. So your red herring is just that. A pointless diversion.
How do you tell the gender of a person if you can't use, and I've proven that you can't, genetics?

In a world where XX can be male, and XY can be female, from birth, how do you tell one from the other?
You're sort of an idiot. Just saying. Now go mod something and leave me alone.

Sort of an idiot? More like the illustration of an idiot.

He's still smarting from when he claimed the knockout game doesn't exist...then I posted a link to where the DoJ (Holder's DoJ) addressed it. Poor Doc scampered off like a puppy smacked on the nose


It's cute how you keep trying to change the subject, and it's even cuter when you blatantly lie about it. You never posted any links, you claimed you "knew an attorney" who had said so.

You know the thread is still here, right?

You're sort of an idiot. Just saying. Now go mod something and leave me alone.

Sort of an idiot? More like the illustration of an idiot.

He's still smarting from when he claimed the knockout game doesn't exist...then I posted a link to where the DoJ (Holder's DoJ) addressed it. Poor Doc scampered off like a puppy smacked on the nose


It's cute how you keep trying to change the subject, and it's even cuter when you blatantly lie about it. You never posted any links, you claimed you "knew an attorney" who had said so.

You know the thread is still here, right?

Yeah I know it is, Doc. You lose you little lying troll AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

72-year-old Woman Attacked by 2 Black Teens in Latest 'Knockout Game' in Church | Page 8 | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

It took me a while to find the post, since you don't seem to understand how to link directly to posts - but I found it.

Oops, Doc. How can be one charged with hate crimes while playing the knockout game if it doesn't exist? Loser

Second Brooklyn man charged with hate crime over ‘knockout’ game

A Brooklyn, New York man accused of executing seven different “knockout game” attacks has been arrested and charged with hate crimes.
TagsConflict, Crime, Hate crimes, USA, Security,Court, Clashes
According to a report by CNN, 35-year-old Barry Baldwin was arrested in connection to assaults that occurred in Brooklyn in early November throughout December. All seven suspected incidents targeted women, including two 78-year-old women – one of which was pushing a stroller – and a mother walking outside with her daughter.

Baldwin’s arrest marks the second time in two months that New York police have charged someone with hate crimes related to the knockout game, which involves attempts to knock a person unconscious using a single blow, often to the head.

Second Brooklyn man charged with hate crime over ‘knockout’ game

Are you now saying that a Russian state-owned propaganda generator is "the DoJ"?
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