The Madwoman Of San Francisco

Well, you do need to know that in Nancy's wealthy neighborhood the only people who do any grass mowing are Mexican.
The perfect representative of our modern-day Democratic Party. Demented, with a faint odor of feces.

Pelosi Suggests 'Mowing Grass' in Some Border Areas Rather Than Building a Wall
OK, was in San Fran in the not too distant past on business. Noticed that about 90% of the blue collar workforce is Hispanic. And not just Americanized Hispanic. I'm talking "can barely speak english" Hispanic. The hotel where I stayed was 100% Hispanic workforce. Except of course the top tier of management which was white.

So what San Francisco really wants is the ability to have plentiful slaves. Because with plentiful slaves, the competition for jobs goes up. With the competition for low-wage jobs at an all time high, the rich white liberal aristocracy there can get away literally with slavery. Just under the radar slavery. And they don't want that taken away.

I think the INS needs to do a sweep on that town to check how many immigrant workers are legit. I was dumbfounded at the near complete lack of whites doing working-man's jobs in that town. It was stark, impossible to dismiss. I've noticed this also in Los Angeles, Sacramento and San Diego as well. Rich whites at the top. The main workforce almost entirely broken-english Hispanics. Sanctuary cities means that business owners there are heavily armored against prosecution for hiring illegals....hmmm.. I think I just figured out what this "sanctuary city" thing is REALLY all about...

California just wants slaves basically. Bleeding hearts are harnessed to get the votes in but the agenda is slavery. It's nothing new since this was always the case in agriculture. But the rich whites in CA have figured out that it's very lucrative to be able to also pay substandard wages for road repairs, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, loggers, food service, retail, etc. etc. etc.
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