The MAJOR difference between Medicare and Private Insurance...

The Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system is very popular and efficient, because it includes an excellent blend of public foundation and free market competition & innovation. It could be easily scaled up, with a few tweaks, for all.

The right wingers can't support it because they're told not to, and the left wingers are LYING to the voters, calling Single Payer "Medicare for All".

As usual, the wings are slowing down progress and causing harm.

Pretending that costs aren't costs by having unborn babies pay for them = hallmark of efficiency.

And this is a fundamental issue with Mac's ideology. He thinks that we can start these programs now that we are already neck deep in debt, and pretend the debt does not exist.
Wow, is that what I think? That the debt doesn't exist? Wow, cool, thanks for letting me know!

This place is so helpful, with so many wingers telling what what I actually think! How cool!

Especially as Trump and his Trumpsters are finding a fiscal place to the LEFT of Keynes!

So neat!
The Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system is very popular and efficient, because it includes an excellent blend of public foundation and free market competition & innovation. It could be easily scaled up, with a few tweaks, for all.

The right wingers can't support it because they're told not to, and the left wingers are LYING to the voters, calling Single Payer "Medicare for All".

As usual, the wings are slowing down progress and causing harm.

Pretending that costs aren't costs by having unborn babies pay for them = hallmark of efficiency.

And this is a fundamental issue with Mac's ideology. He thinks that we can start these programs now that we are already neck deep in debt, and pretend the debt does not exist.
Wow, is that what I think? That the debt doesn't exist? Wow, cool, thanks for letting me know!

This place is so helpful, with so many wingers telling what what I actually think! How cool!

Especially as Trump and his Trumpsters are finding a fiscal place to the LEFT of Keynes!

So neat!

You said yourself you believe in medicare for all. There are 210 trillion problems with that proposal. I know it, you apparently know it... but isn't is much easier to just pretend than to address it.

Ponzi schemes sure are popular for early adopters. For the rest of the people however...
2018 Medicare Trustee 7
The estimated depletion date for the HI trust fund is 2026, 3 years earlier than in last year’s report.
As in past years, the Trustees have determined that the fund is not adequately financed over the next 10 years.
So this means there are no reserves. It will be depleted in 6 years.

BUT private health insurance have to BY states' laws where they companies want to sell their health insurance MUST have RESERVES to pay future claims.

In the United States and most developed nations, regulators impose required statutory capital reserve ratios on insurance companies to conduct business. There may be large differences in the nature and definition of acceptable reserves, which can make it tricky for companies, and their shareholders, that operate in multiple jurisdictions.
Most reserve requirements are established at the state level. Standard levels include 8% to 12% of the insurer's total revenue, but the actual amount needed varies depending on the types of risk a company currently assumes.
What level of reserve ratios is typical for an insurance company to protect against large losses?

So those people mouthing "Medicare for All" means that 1,400 private health insurance companies that employ over 500,000 people and pay over $100 billion a year in taxes would be no longer in business.

Has that cost i.e. these insurance companies going out of business AND their reserves for future claims...are these claims going to be paid by Medicare for All?

As it is with most ideas spouted by people who are economically challenged they do not understand
the elementary aspects of arithmetic! If "Medicare for All" replaces private health insurance this would throw American industries including health insurance companies completely for a loss.

Finally... remember when Obama said.."46 million Americans are uninsured and over half of all Americans have pre-existing conditions"?

Both are lies.
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PSST: The reason why the trust fund for medicare will run out is because the feds have been pilfering from it for years to reduce the deficit. This isn't nearly as dire as a private insurance company running out of its trust, because the government can levy a tax to repay the Medicare Trust fund, or to top it up.

After for the number of "uninsured", well then take out the 9.1 million illegals and that still leaves 35 million AMERICANS with no access to quality health care at all. But bear in mind that under current US law, those 9.1 million illegals can show up at any emergency ward and ask for treatment. And you're still on the hook for their care, one way or another.

Then add in all of the poor rural areas where it's not profitable to locate your medical practice, or a hospital, and you have large areas of the US, where there's no health care at all.

Your citizens pay double the amount per capital for health care than any other country in the world, and yet your life expectancy is going down, you have the highest rates of obesity, diabetes, drug addiction, maternal death in childbirth and infant mortality rate in the first world. The health of your people is the greatest indictment of the "for profit system" there is.

When your entire health care system is run for profit, an unhealthy population is the most profitable thing of all. Our health care system is run to look after our people, and our age expectancy and quality of life is rising, not falling.

If what you claim was true, why are there not dead bodies lying in the streets all across this nation?
The Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system is very popular and efficient, because it includes an excellent blend of public foundation and free market competition & innovation. It could be easily scaled up, with a few tweaks, for all.

The right wingers can't support it because they're told not to, and the left wingers are LYING to the voters, calling Single Payer "Medicare for All".

As usual, the wings are slowing down progress and causing harm.

Pretending that costs aren't costs by having unborn babies pay for them = hallmark of efficiency.

And this is a fundamental issue with Mac's ideology. He thinks that we can start these programs now that we are already neck deep in debt, and pretend the debt does not exist.
Wow, is that what I think? That the debt doesn't exist? Wow, cool, thanks for letting me know!

This place is so helpful, with so many wingers telling what what I actually think! How cool!

Especially as Trump and his Trumpsters are finding a fiscal place to the LEFT of Keynes!

So neat!

You said yourself you believe in medicare for all. There are 210 trillion problems with that proposal. I know it, you apparently know it... but isn't is much easier to just pretend.

Ponzi schemes sure are popular for early adopters. For the rest of the people however...
How would I handle coverage, co-pays, co-insurance, contracting, networks, and age banding?

Since you guys know my thoughts, lay it out for me. Thanks in advance.
The Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system is very popular and efficient, because it includes an excellent blend of public foundation and free market competition & innovation. It could be easily scaled up, with a few tweaks, for all.

The right wingers can't support it because they're told not to, and the left wingers are LYING to the voters, calling Single Payer "Medicare for All".

As usual, the wings are slowing down progress and causing harm.

Pretending that costs aren't costs by having unborn babies pay for them = hallmark of efficiency.

And this is a fundamental issue with Mac's ideology. He thinks that we can start these programs now that we are already neck deep in debt, and pretend the debt does not exist.
Wow, is that what I think? That the debt doesn't exist? Wow, cool, thanks for letting me know!

This place is so helpful, with so many wingers telling what what I actually think! How cool!

Especially as Trump and his Trumpsters are finding a fiscal place to the LEFT of Keynes!

So neat!

You said yourself you believe in medicare for all. There are 210 trillion problems with that proposal. I know it, you apparently know it... but isn't is much easier to just pretend.

Ponzi schemes sure are popular for early adopters. For the rest of the people however...
How would I handle coverage, co-pays, co-insurance, contracting, networks, and age banding?

Since you guys know my thoughts, lay it out for me. Thanks in advance.

It does not matter how you would handle it. Once you explain how we handle the 210 trillion in EXISTING liabilities, then we can start talking about how to add new liabilities.

Government schemes are always dishonest Ponzi schemes. The "efficiency" of these programs is a mirage perpetuated by false accounting where costs are not calculated as costs. If these programs are so good, why do people always lie about them, and why are they always operated like a Ponzi scheme?
The Medicare / Medicare Supplement / Medicare Advantage system is very popular and efficient, because it includes an excellent blend of public foundation and free market competition & innovation. It could be easily scaled up, with a few tweaks, for all.

The right wingers can't support it because they're told not to, and the left wingers are LYING to the voters, calling Single Payer "Medicare for All".

As usual, the wings are slowing down progress and causing harm.

Pretending that costs aren't costs by having unborn babies pay for them = hallmark of efficiency.

And this is a fundamental issue with Mac's ideology. He thinks that we can start these programs now that we are already neck deep in debt, and pretend the debt does not exist.
Wow, is that what I think? That the debt doesn't exist? Wow, cool, thanks for letting me know!

This place is so helpful, with so many wingers telling what what I actually think! How cool!

Especially as Trump and his Trumpsters are finding a fiscal place to the LEFT of Keynes!

So neat!

You said yourself you believe in medicare for all. There are 210 trillion problems with that proposal. I know it, you apparently know it... but isn't is much easier to just pretend.

Ponzi schemes sure are popular for early adopters. For the rest of the people however...
How would I handle coverage, co-pays, co-insurance, contracting, networks, and age banding?

Since you guys know my thoughts, lay it out for me. Thanks in advance.

It does not matter how you would handle it. Once you explain how we handle the 210 trillion in EXISTING liabilities, then we can start talking about how to add new liabilities.

Government schemes are always dishonest Ponzi schemes. The "efficiency" of these programs is a mirage perpetuated by false accounting where costs are not calculated as costs. If these programs are so good, why do people always lie about them, and why are they always operated like a Ponzi scheme?
As expected. Shallow talking points based on ignorance.

This is why I no longer bother trying here.
Pretending that costs aren't costs by having unborn babies pay for them = hallmark of efficiency.

And this is a fundamental issue with Mac's ideology. He thinks that we can start these programs now that we are already neck deep in debt, and pretend the debt does not exist.
Wow, is that what I think? That the debt doesn't exist? Wow, cool, thanks for letting me know!

This place is so helpful, with so many wingers telling what what I actually think! How cool!

Especially as Trump and his Trumpsters are finding a fiscal place to the LEFT of Keynes!

So neat!

You said yourself you believe in medicare for all. There are 210 trillion problems with that proposal. I know it, you apparently know it... but isn't is much easier to just pretend.

Ponzi schemes sure are popular for early adopters. For the rest of the people however...
How would I handle coverage, co-pays, co-insurance, contracting, networks, and age banding?

Since you guys know my thoughts, lay it out for me. Thanks in advance.

It does not matter how you would handle it. Once you explain how we handle the 210 trillion in EXISTING liabilities, then we can start talking about how to add new liabilities.

Government schemes are always dishonest Ponzi schemes. The "efficiency" of these programs is a mirage perpetuated by false accounting where costs are not calculated as costs. If these programs are so good, why do people always lie about them, and why are they always operated like a Ponzi scheme?
As expected. Shallow talking points based on ignorance.

This is why I no longer bother trying here.

Mac deflects again... never seen this before.
You CLEARLY don't understand what "poor" means.

You are correct!!

Seawych will never understand blue collar issues because she is one who lives by Unions ---- via the state of California

So union jobs aren't blue collar jobs? You sure about that? This is my blue collar.

Thanks sweety!

Point -

Seawytch will NEVER understand blue collar jobs because she works for the State of California ... meaning UNION JOBS.

I don't work for the state. Again, here are my blue collar creds


Where are yours?

You were a shallow-water sailor? Puddle pilot?

Yup. Know why Coasties are tall? So they can walk to shore when their boats sink.

I've heard them all...mostly from Navy personnel jealous that we kept their women warm while they were at sea.
Wow, you really don't like poor people do you? There's no shame in being poor, especially if someone (not you of course) had just gotten out of prison.

So do you agree or disagree that government provided healthcare coverage should be expanded and strengthened or cut and starved as Republicans want to do?
You CLEARLY don't understand what "poor" means.

I said "not you". You didn't answer my question.

So do you agree or disagree that government provided healthcare coverage should be expanded and strengthened or cut and starved as Republicans want to do?
I believe we need government programs for those incapable of supporting themselves for true medical reasons as well as TEMPORARY emergency assistance.

So gutting it to the point where your grandmother would have had no in home care. Interesting...
My grandmother was legally blind her entire life. If we weren't supporting those of able body and mind with subsidized or free healthcare and welfare the ones that truly need it would have their needs fulfilled.

So yes, I would cut it way back and manage it PROPERLY

Exactly what I said. You would have ensured your grandmother had no in home care. Why bitch about the three days a week you did get when you would have someone just like her getting nothing?
You are correct!!

Seawych will never understand blue collar issues because she is one who lives by Unions ---- via the state of California

So union jobs aren't blue collar jobs? You sure about that? This is my blue collar.

Thanks sweety!

Point -

Seawytch will NEVER understand blue collar jobs because she works for the State of California ... meaning UNION JOBS.

I don't work for the state. Again, here are my blue collar creds


Where are yours?

You were a shallow-water sailor? Puddle pilot?

Yup. Know why Coasties are tall? So they can walk to shore when their boats sink.

I've heard them all...mostly from Navy personnel jealous that we kept their women warm while they were at sea.

We took Coast Guard detachments with us to the Caribbean and Red Sea to conduct boarding operations. They were all right in my book!
So union jobs aren't blue collar jobs? You sure about that? This is my blue collar.

Thanks sweety!

Point -

Seawytch will NEVER understand blue collar jobs because she works for the State of California ... meaning UNION JOBS.

I don't work for the state. Again, here are my blue collar creds


Where are yours?

You were a shallow-water sailor? Puddle pilot?

Yup. Know why Coasties are tall? So they can walk to shore when their boats sink.

I've heard them all...mostly from Navy personnel jealous that we kept their women warm while they were at sea.

We took Coast Guard detachments with us to the Caribbean and Red Sea to conduct boarding operations. They were all right in my book!

Were you on one of those cool hydroplane boats? We used to trade orange juice and ice cream with them and they always had a Coastie on board.
Thanks sweety!

Point -

Seawytch will NEVER understand blue collar jobs because she works for the State of California ... meaning UNION JOBS.

I don't work for the state. Again, here are my blue collar creds


Where are yours?

You were a shallow-water sailor? Puddle pilot?

Yup. Know why Coasties are tall? So they can walk to shore when their boats sink.

I've heard them all...mostly from Navy personnel jealous that we kept their women warm while they were at sea.

We took Coast Guard detachments with us to the Caribbean and Red Sea to conduct boarding operations. They were all right in my book!

Were you on one of those cool hydroplane boats? We used to trade orange juice and ice cream with them and they always had a Coastie on board.

You mean hydrofoils? No. But my old XO had been the CO of one before.

One of my engineer tech support civilians was on board one when they hit a whale. He was shaving and went face-first into the mirror. He was cut up pretty badly.
Maybe I should make the distinction simpler.
States' insurance regulations require Private for profit health care insurance HAVE to make a profit to create "reserves" to pay future claims.
Medicare has no reserves for future claims.

By law 80 cents of every dollar in premium collected must go toward claims. So by law Private Companies have to do it all on a 20 cent "profit".
You people do realize that you don't have to sigh up for Medicare when your time comes?

Hey, there ya go. Good cost saving measure! Republicans should absolutely NOT sign up for Medicare and should keep paying out of pocket for their healthcare. They can get one of those cheap, no coverage, low cap, high deductible plans that they favor so much.

Dumbass, when you become Medicare Eligible the ACA no longer accepts you
The right wingers can't support it because they're told not

I saw it's effects first hand when it was needed for SERIOUS medical problems. It failed miserably when my family needed it the most.

So, yeah.....fuck off with that nonsense.
I would need the details before I believed that.
I offered a brief explanation above.
The system only allowed an in home nurse visit 3 days a week when she was released after open heart surgery. We begged for more assistance but ultimately were forced to put her in a home with a TERRIBLE quality of life.

And that was just one asinine decision that expedited her death.

So why didn't you pay for a private plan that covered that...oh, right, because private insurance does the same thing.
Because I was fresh out of prison and struggling to take care of my kids and wife.
And yes she had a supplemental plan. Even with that her out of pocket just for scripts was over 600 a month for what she could afford to buy.

If government insurance was so good she wouldn't have needed a supplemental
How good is the health care in prison ? Manson lived a fair run
Ed Steele....not so much, due to offending The Chosen(self chosen)
I saw it's effects first hand when it was needed for SERIOUS medical problems. It failed miserably when my family needed it the most.

So, yeah.....fuck off with that nonsense.
I would need the details before I believed that.
I offered a brief explanation above.
The system only allowed an in home nurse visit 3 days a week when she was released after open heart surgery. We begged for more assistance but ultimately were forced to put her in a home with a TERRIBLE quality of life.

And that was just one asinine decision that expedited her death.

So why didn't you pay for a private plan that covered that...oh, right, because private insurance does the same thing.
Because I was fresh out of prison and struggling to take care of my kids and wife.
And yes she had a supplemental plan. Even with that her out of pocket just for scripts was over 600 a month for what she could afford to buy.

If government insurance was so good she wouldn't have needed a supplemental
How good is the health care in prison ? Manson lived a fair run
Ed Steele....not so much, due to offending The Chosen(self chosen)
Pretty much nonexistent unless you're practically dying
I don't work for the state. Again, here are my blue collar creds


Where are yours?

You were a shallow-water sailor? Puddle pilot?

Yup. Know why Coasties are tall? So they can walk to shore when their boats sink.

I've heard them all...mostly from Navy personnel jealous that we kept their women warm while they were at sea.

We took Coast Guard detachments with us to the Caribbean and Red Sea to conduct boarding operations. They were all right in my book!

Were you on one of those cool hydroplane boats? We used to trade orange juice and ice cream with them and they always had a Coastie on board.

You mean hydrofoils? No. But my old XO had been the CO of one before.

One of my engineer tech support civilians was on board one when they hit a whale. He was shaving and went face-first into the mirror. He was cut up pretty badly.

Those were cool. I have some old video of one circling our ship up on the foil. I heard they rode like shit though.
You people do realize that you don't have to sigh up for Medicare when your time comes?

Hey, there ya go. Good cost saving measure! Republicans should absolutely NOT sign up for Medicare and should keep paying out of pocket for their healthcare. They can get one of those cheap, no coverage, low cap, high deductible plans that they favor so much.

Dumbass, when you become Medicare Eligible the ACA no longer accepts you
Guess you can just get it on your own then...or change the rules for the exchange.

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