The meaning of fascism has been changed to mean anything that opposes "liberalism" lol...

LEFTIES? what is a Lefty? Unionists used to be Lefties. Long ago I was taught
that landed "noblemen" sat on the Right of the assembly hall and clergy on the Left.
Somehow clergy managed to have a rep as being PRO--THE POOR----making them
LEFTIST. Thus unionists got to be called LEFTISTS. Later on unionists were called
COMMIES and left came to be "COMMUNIST" as in "better dead than red" Rightist
do not seem to be landed noblemen anymore-------or noble anything. Mussolini was a
FASCIST (???? <<< not sure)
It's true, You can find a dozen old druggie movies that show the stoned out pathetic hippies screaming the word "fascist" when they were arrested. The word morphed from the mostly left wing drug culture supported by dumb-assed democrat politicians to modern pop culture supported by mostly dumb-assed democrat politicians. The ironic thing is that left wingers almost always support true fascism (government control of the production and distribution of goods and services) whenever a fascist democrat gets elected. Thank you democrat controlled education system.
It's true, You can find a dozen old druggie movies that show the stoned out pathetic hippies screaming the word "fascist" when they were arrested. The word morphed from the mostly left wing drug culture supported by dumb-assed democrat politicians to modern pop culture supported by mostly dumb-assed democrat politicians. The ironic thing is that left wingers almost always support true fascism (government control of the production and distribution of goods and services) whenever a fascist democrat gets elected. Thank you democrat controlled education system.

me <<<< even more confused now.........
Hyperbole has polluted and distorted virtually all political discourse in this country.

That's what people do when they feel they have to beef up their argument a bit.

A real shame, from the White House down.


LEFTIES? what is a Lefty? Unionists used to be Lefties. Long ago I was taught
that landed "noblemen" sat on the Right of the assembly hall and clergy on the Left.
Somehow clergy managed to have a rep as being PRO--THE POOR----making them
LEFTIST. Thus unionists got to be called LEFTISTS. Later on unionists were called
COMMIES and left came to be "COMMUNIST" as in "better dead than red" Rightist
do not seem to be landed noblemen anymore-------or noble anything. Mussolini was a
FASCIST (???? <<< not sure)

Try to keep up, but meanwhile, thanks for proving the point of my OP, which is that you muddy the water in order to hide your true nature.
It's true, You can find a dozen old druggie movies that show the stoned out pathetic hippies screaming the word "fascist" when they were arrested. The word morphed from the mostly left wing drug culture supported by dumb-assed democrat politicians to modern pop culture supported by mostly dumb-assed democrat politicians. The ironic thing is that left wingers almost always support true fascism (government control of the production and distribution of goods and services) whenever a fascist democrat gets elected. Thank you democrat controlled education system.

"Hence the pomofascist, or postmodernist fascist: ...indifferent to individual rights, championing the collective good by authority of self-appointment, and disdainful of truth. The pomofascist seeks to turn history and reason upside-down so it flatters progressive causes, however many lies of omission or commission it takes."

"The main impulse at work here is not Marxism, but megalomania. The pomofascist sees himself as the embodiment of good and worthy causes. The less everyone else supports those causes, the less human they are, and therefore deserving fewer rights and less entitlement to their own views. Lying to them or about them is of no consequence. Beyond a not-so-far-off point of disagreement, it is acceptable to attack them, rhetorically or bodily."

Why What Some Call Cultural Marxists Are Actually Pomofascists
Fascism never had an agreed upon definition Jew

And even if it did the Israelis still fall under the definition either way

Europe is a shithole of multi culty bullshit because of Jews and their concerns. Europe could properly assimilate people if they didn't have all these funny laws on teh books to maintain a cult Hitler had the good sense to want to erase.

Speech laws, laws protecting silly sand religions, and just a general millieu of it being OK to be a Jew or Muslim before a German or Brit
Fascism never had an agreed upon definition Jew

And even if it did the Israelis still fall under the definition either way

Sure it did:

Definition of fascism
  1. 1often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

  2. 2: a tendency toward or actual exercise of strong autocratic or dictatorial controlearly instances of army fascism and brutality — J. W. Aldridge"
In our country, lefties exalt our government over the individual.
That makes them "fascists".

Definition of FASCISM
No it didn't lol

Not even oxford could define that word

Much less American Heritage, lol

There is no grand arbiter for language. Some words never have a set definition. Or at least odn't have one yet.

Fascism is one of those
Yea well when your opposition is promoting the patriot act

You can sort of move to teh center and still grab up liberals.
now you're just spewing random words.

no------the book "1984" was written in 1949. It was popular and well known when I was
an adolescent
More random nonsense that has nothing to do with what is going on right here, in this thread.

In other words, you are failing if you are attempting to communicate ideas. All you're doing is communicating your own disorganized thought patterns.
Yea well when your opposition is promoting the patriot act

You can sort of move to teh center and still grab up liberals.
Have no idea what you're talking about.

Like most lefties, you are a complete nutbar.

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