The Media Is Going To Have A Field Day With This

And just for the record I'm pretty sure he meant that his true supporters were peaceful. Not his so called supporters.

I must have missed it ... can you kindly show me where in the Constitution it states a private business has to provide a platform for conservatives to speak?

Thanks in advance.
They was colluding with the government. That voids that 302 law that gives them protection.
They overstepped their boundaries.
Dump was the prez and running the government. I think you're confusing yourself now.
In all seriousness a man who cares more about the size of his dick (a pedophile nonetheless) then the status of our country and our constitutional rights should not be in the white house and should have never been in the first place. The only place he should be is behind bars.
In all seriousness a man who cares more about the size of his dick (a pedophile nonetheless) then the status of our country and our constitutional rights should not be in the white house and should have never been in the first place. The only place he should be is behind bars.
They will never get Drumpf unless its on something other than his most apparent criminal endeavors.
In all fairness, this has been ongoing through Capital Hill for a few years now.
I have watched many hearings on C-Span regarding their censorship and overreach.
This lawsuit isn't a "new thing" .
It's been in the works for awhile now.

And they don't just target conservatives. They target anyone that they don't agree with.
I have seen many Democrats get taken down from twitter and FB for simply questioning the C19.

This isn't along party lines. It's for the 1st Amendment for ALL Americans.
This isn't China, and we won't allow it to become China.
And anybody who hates America can move to China instead. How about that?
trump LIES.
It that a lie?

No, because the media lies that Trump lies.
So, media aside, IYO, trump doesn't lie?

Got it.
Lie or exaggerate like every other person in politics?
Name a law that Trump enacted that adversely affected your life.
The trump tax code forced me to take the standard deduction, and it had zero affect on my overall 'effective tax rate'

Sounds good because the SD was double, but overall, it had no affect on MY 'ETR'

Did the ACA affect your life?
Or are you just bitchin on behalf of a small population?
You lie. No one forced you to take the standard deduction.
trump LIES.
It that a lie?

No, because the media lies that Trump lies.
So, media aside, IYO, trump doesn't lie?

Got it.
Lie or exaggerate like every other person in politics?
Name a law that Trump enacted that adversely affected your life.
The trump tax code forced me to take the standard deduction, and it had zero affect on my overall 'effective tax rate'

Sounds good because the SD was double, but overall, it had no affect on MY 'ETR'

Did the ACA affect your life?
Or are you just bitchin on behalf of a small population?
You lie. No one forced you to take the standard deduction.
Sure, I took the better choice for me that year, the SD.
The ETR was unchanged from previous years.

Quit pretending that trump doubling the SD, which he did do, was the 'saving grace' for all tax payers.
And just for the record I'm pretty sure he meant that his true supporters were peaceful. Not his so called supporters.

74 million votes and how many people showed up for the "insurrection"?
Oh that's easy.... Soros henchmen, undercover fbi, cia, and nsa and a few dummies who got duped into taking the fall....oh yes and Ashley Babbit.

And just for the record I'm pretty sure he meant that his true supporters were peaceful. Not his so called supporters.

I must have missed it ... can you kindly show me where in the Constitution it states a private business has to provide a platform for conservatives to speak?

Thanks in advance.
They was colluding with the government. That voids that 302 law that gives them protection.
They overstepped their boundaries.
False. There was no colluding with the government. There was Zuckerberg discussing covid-19 with Fauci.

First of all, it was only Zuckerberg communicating with Fauci. There's no evidence others did. So even if this was a legit claim, and it's not, it couldn't extend to Twitter or YouTube.

Secondly, the emails between Zuckerberg and Fauci took place about 10 months before Trump was banned, so there's no connection between Zuckerberg/Fauci and banning Trump.

Thirdly, Zuckerberg discussed covid-19 with Fauci but Trump was banned for inciting violence at the Capitol. So there's also no connection between what they discussed and banning Trump.

This is nothing but a frivolous suit designed to make money for Trump via donations from his rubes.
And just for the record I'm pretty sure he meant that his true supporters were peaceful. Not his so called supporters.

Antifa and BLM were his so-called 'supporters'.
Trump voters are peaceful people who never want any troubles.
We shall be more watchful to avoid stealing of the next elections by demonrats
trump LIES.
It that a lie?

No, because the media lies that Trump lies.
So, media aside, IYO, trump doesn't lie?

Got it.
Lie or exaggerate like every other person in politics?
Name a law that Trump enacted that adversely affected your life.
The trump tax code forced me to take the standard deduction, and it had zero affect on my overall 'effective tax rate'

Sounds good because the SD was double, but overall, it had no affect on MY 'ETR'

Did the ACA affect your life?
Or are you just bitchin on behalf of a small population?
I lost my doctor and dentist because of the ACA. They opted out of my insurance plan.
trump LIES.
It that a lie?

No, because the media lies that Trump lies.
So, media aside, IYO, trump doesn't lie?

Got it.
Lie or exaggerate like every other person in politics?
Name a law that Trump enacted that adversely affected your life.
The trump tax code forced me to take the standard deduction, and it had zero affect on my overall 'effective tax rate'

Sounds good because the SD was double, but overall, it had no affect on MY 'ETR'

Did the ACA affect your life?
Or are you just bitchin on behalf of a small population?
I lost my doctor and dentist because of the ACA. They opted out of my insurance plan.
Many doctors opted out and later joined.
The process for applying to any medical insurance is absurdly difficult.
trump LIES.
It that a lie?

No, because the media lies that Trump lies.
So, media aside, IYO, trump doesn't lie?

Got it.
Lie or exaggerate like every other person in politics?
Name a law that Trump enacted that adversely affected your life.
The trump tax code forced me to take the standard deduction, and it had zero affect on my overall 'effective tax rate'

Sounds good because the SD was double, but overall, it had no affect on MY 'ETR'

Did the ACA affect your life?
Or are you just bitchin on behalf of a small population?
I lost my doctor and dentist because of the ACA. They opted out of my insurance plan.
Many doctors opted out and later joined.
The process for applying to any medical insurance is absurdly difficult.
Tort reform would be the better alternative.
Subsidies and welfare just means more taxes and more gov control.
trump LIES.
It that a lie?

No, because the media lies that Trump lies.
So, media aside, IYO, trump doesn't lie?

Got it.
Lie or exaggerate like every other person in politics?
Name a law that Trump enacted that adversely affected your life.
The trump tax code forced me to take the standard deduction, and it had zero affect on my overall 'effective tax rate'

Sounds good because the SD was double, but overall, it had no affect on MY 'ETR'

Did the ACA affect your life?
Or are you just bitchin on behalf of a small population?
I lost my doctor and dentist because of the ACA. They opted out of my insurance plan.
Many doctors opted out and later joined.
The process for applying to any medical insurance is absurdly difficult.
Tort reform would be the better alternative.
Subsidies and welfare just means more taxes and more gov control.
Every time someone sues, the city, county, state and federal authorities come up with their own rules and regulations.
trump LIES.
It that a lie?

No, because the media lies that Trump lies.
So, media aside, IYO, trump doesn't lie?

Got it.
Lie or exaggerate like every other person in politics?
Name a law that Trump enacted that adversely affected your life.
The trump tax code forced me to take the standard deduction, and it had zero affect on my overall 'effective tax rate'

Sounds good because the SD was double, but overall, it had no affect on MY 'ETR'

Did the ACA affect your life?
Or are you just bitchin on behalf of a small population?
I lost my doctor and dentist because of the ACA. They opted out of my insurance plan.
Many doctors opted out and later joined.
The process for applying to any medical insurance is absurdly difficult.
Tort reform would be the better alternative.
Subsidies and welfare just means more taxes and more gov control.
Every time someone sues, the city, county, state and federal authorities come up with their own rules and regulations.
Every time someone sues, doctors need another layer of malpractice insurance and I have to fill out more pages of disclaimers at each visit.
trump LIES.
It that a lie?

No, because the media lies that Trump lies.
So, media aside, IYO, trump doesn't lie?

Got it.
Lie or exaggerate like every other person in politics?
Name a law that Trump enacted that adversely affected your life.
The trump tax code forced me to take the standard deduction, and it had zero affect on my overall 'effective tax rate'

Sounds good because the SD was double, but overall, it had no affect on MY 'ETR'

Did the ACA affect your life?
Or are you just bitchin on behalf of a small population?
You lie. No one forced you to take the standard deduction.
Sure, I took the better choice for me that year, the SD.
The ETR was unchanged from previous years.

Quit pretending that trump doubling the SD, which he did do, was the 'saving grace' for all tax payers.
Thank you for admitting you lied. Nobody claimed it was the saving grace for all taxpayers. Why are you so defensive because you were one of the exceptions?
what’s to distort? the people at the rally where peaceful. What a few other people did later was not, but the rally was fine

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