The media picking candidates

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
There is one thing every major network in America agrees on, there is no one named Ron Paul running for the nomination anywhere. Jon Stewart gathered a few clips to show just how well organized this bias is.

The best part is the last one from CNN.

Indecision 2012 - Corn Polled Edition - Ron Paul & the Top Tier - The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - 08/15/11 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

Even Politico has noticed the disconnect.

I admit I do not fully understand Ron Paul and his beliefs. But I do understand when a guy gets shafted, and Ron Paul just got shafted. On Saturday, the Ames Straw Poll was conducted in Iowa amid huge media interest and scrutiny. The results were enough to force one Republican candidate, Tim Pawlenty, out of the race, and catapult another, Michele Bachmann, into the “top tier.”
There are so many “top tier” stories in the media today that I can barely count them, let alone read them all, and Bachmann is in all of them by virtue of her victory at Ames. The rest of the tier is made up of two candidates who skipped Ames, Rick Perry and Mitt Romney.
As The Daily Beast put it: “The new top tier of Bachmann, Perry, and Romney — created by Bachmann’s Iowa straw poll win, Perry’s entry into the race and Romney’s lead so far in many national and state polls — has unleashed torrents of talk about the reshaped race.”
Paul’s name was not mentioned in this piece nor in many others. A Wall Street Journal editorial Monday magnanimously granted Paul’s showing in the straw poll a parenthetical dismissal: “(Libertarian Ron Paul, who has no chance to win the nomination, finished a close second.)”

Ron Paul remains media poison - Roger Simon -

Isn't it wonderful to see an unbiased media at work?
so true dude

ron paul is the frontrunner in 2012

1st second or 3rd in all polls, won cpac 2 yrs in a row yet fox cnn and msnbc wont even mention his name and if they do its to say he is unelectable or that he cant win... BS

ron paul 2012!!
I think Rand has better chance at getting to the top job.

Something about Pa says he;ll never make it.

I think its his voice, like nails on a electronic chalkboard.
yea well, it is what it is, if the msm were populated by 80-90% right and fox was left, not a thing would change except the quotient of stories would flip flop from right to left as to per candidate= negative, positive or indifferent but good luck getting anyone to admit it.
yea well, it is what it is, if the msm were populated by 80-90% right and fox was left, not a thing would change except the quotient of stories would flip flop from right to left as to per candidate= negative, positive or indifferent but good luck getting anyone to admit it.

There are a few of us that see it. Bias exists, and always will. What makes it hard for some people to see it is they want to see evidence of a conspiracy. I doubt there is a conspiracy among all the major networks to not mention Ron Paul, yet no one mentions him.
I am different than most folks when it come to the media. When I see the media suddenly begin to hype Rick Perry all the time it sounds an alarm in my head. What has Rick Perry done other than declare that he will run that puts him up in the top tier? NOTHING. He isn't even popular in his own state. His approval rating is at it's lowest in his career.

To me this is reason enough by it's self not to vote for Rick Perry. The mainstream media is controlled by the establishment and it's strong endorsement of Perry proves to me that Perry is pro-establishment.

It's a true tribute to Ron Paul to be where he is today and yet be constantly ignored by the media.
"Ron Paul can't win despite polling better than my favored candidate..." in 3...

The sad thing is, this often comes in the form "Ron Paul can't win despite being better than my favored candidate - so get over it."
So the corporations that own the media outlets on boths sides are skewing the news to favor or disfavor the candidates they approve of?:eusa_shhh:

Corprations, a.k.a. Big business, is running this upcomming election, bought and sold.
So the corporations that own the media outlets on boths sides are skewing the news to favor or disfavor the candidates they approve of?:eusa_shhh:

Corprations, a.k.a. Big business, is running this upcomming election, bought and sold.

I dunno. There's probably some of that going on, but I think there's something more subtle is at work.
I truly like the man.

But there is no way on the planet with Axelrod in full propaganda mode can even one Paul get out of the box.

Rand is awesome. I can't do jack shit for him though because all the alphabet stations are locked in with the libs.

I'll try.

I'm thinking if I attack every news person personally out of a think tank, we could maybe pull this off.

But it's the only way we could do it.
Unfortunately I think the people that should be President have no chance in the political climate nor would most subject themselves to the media scrutiny that has become part of the election process.
It's not about your ideas it is about discrediting the opponent.
If anyone is dedicated, you'd be amazed at what I can do with promo.

I think I am truly beginning to beleive in this man. I like him. I certainly love Rand to death. And so if he is a chip off the old block, well sign me up.

I was so angry with Ron Paul earlier, because I really did buy into "support the troops" at all costs.

Now I'm thrilled to death that he held his own, he explained why, and I'm sitting here like a dufous going quizillions in debt?

Ron Paul, I'm just a nobody. I hope you can accept my apology for not getting the message you were sending.


The problem is not totally with the media. The problem is the voter lets the media guide the debate. The voter is supposed to be informed whom they are voting for and in today's information age there is no excuse for not being informed. It is pure laziness on the voter's part. But heck, half of the American voters do not even vote!
The problem is not totally with the media. The problem is the voter lets the media guide the debate. The voter is supposed to be informed whom they are voting for and in today's information age there is no excuse for not being informed. It is pure laziness on the voter's part. But heck, half of the American voters do not even vote!

That probably says more about the political process and politicians than it does American voters.
Unfortunately I think the people that should be President have no chance in the political climate nor would most subject themselves to the media scrutiny that has become part of the election process.
It's not about your ideas it is about discrediting the opponent.

Maybe, maybe not.

Yikes Mr Goldwater bastard lost us a big one and still keep going with a "gang" McCain. Hows that working out for you Barry/oh John/oh now I have a job in Washington for forever for Megan.
I've been a Paul supporter for years. I just don't get why so many people don't like him. Well, I do, but I don't. Paul is the logical, well reasoned thought out 10 minute answer. Everyone else is the 10 second bumper sticker talking point that the media wants and the common person's attention span allows for. It's why we have the gubmint we do. What dismays me is that the only talk show host I can stomach is libertarian Neal Boortz and even he as part of the media has something against libertarian Ron Paul. Now, Boortz is a crotchity old geezer who rants on occasion, but his excuse for not giving Paul the time of day is his supporters. His supporters have been bombing him with requests to give Paul an would think he would since their views closely align, but pisses him off that his supporters are "rabid". Paul can't even get a break from libertarians in the media.
So the corporations that own the media outlets on boths sides are skewing the news to favor or disfavor the candidates they approve of?:eusa_shhh:

Corprations, a.k.a. Big business, is running this upcomming election, bought and sold.

I dunno. There's probably some of that going on, but I think there's something more subtle is at work.


Fwiw, I wasn't implying conspiracy, at least not anything deliberate. If anything, I think we get these kind of passive unspoken conspiracies going on, where we sort of all agree not to acknowledge 'inconvenient' truths. None of us wants to believe that our leaders are foolish, or our convictions dangerous - especially when to admit as much would demand radical changes. And the media isn't immune to the "emperor's new clothes" syndrome; in many ways they're worse than the rest of us.

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