The military always taught, that it is better to be prepared for war, just in case war was coming, and if there was no war, then you were ready anyway


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Is there still time to prepare?©Provided by The Daily Digest
In some circles people have been saying we ought to be preparing for a societal collapse for years now. However, others believe that the complex fall of human society has already begun.
The doomsday preppers arent conspiracists, they are very much realists in Joe Biden's America, where everywhere you turn, the rogue government of the US is bringing poverty and misery to the masses. It is a game to the leftists, because since they cannot be happy, then no one else can, that is called "equity through Socialism". But i keep asking, "What if, there is an event of epic proportions where the United States is Fundamentally Transformed into the 3rd world nation, the dollar collapses completely, there are no police, there is no military to protect anyone, because they just arent getting paid"? Do you have some extra food because the grocery stores shelves have been robbed empty, do to black, masses and soon white masses desperate to feed their families, but dont have anything to barter with? How can you protect your family, because if there is no money to buy stuff with, soon electricity will go, then the pumps that pump water and NG will go, the only thing you will have, is what you planned ahead for. The Moron leftist elites have their underground bunker to go to, that has months of food and water, emergency back up power, while you, peons of the left, will be "Dog eat Dog"...
It took an excavator on a job site to fall into the earth to discover an old bomb shelter on a jobsite here Mike

We found all manner of prepper supplies, including firearms, geiger counter & iodine tabs

It was 50's era, 2nd home owned by some pentagon general

home of the original doomsday preppers....

It took an excavator on a job site to fall into the earth to discover an old bomb shelter on a jobsite here Mike

We found all manner of prepper supplies, including firearms, geiger counter & iodine tabs

It was 50's era, 2nd home owned by some pentagon general

home of the original doomsday preppers....

And there was no nuclear war, but if there would of been......
Be prepared is the Boy Scout motto. It should be the motto for everyone's life, not just our military. And how is our military getting prepared? They're incorporating LGBTQ, DEI and lowering standards. WTF? No wonder the alarms are sounding. Back to MAGA
Back in '11, we had a major tree blowdown storm up here in flyover country....Power was out for -ironically- 11 days.....The few businesses that could open had backup power...A lot of the bars lost thousands in spoiled food.

At our compound, we had a small generator that kept the refrigerator and freezer running....Had internet up and running on day 2, when the land lines were back up and operating...Even had the satellite teevee running the 3rd day.

Though there was no running water and the electric stove couldn't be run, we have a hand pump, bathed in the lake, and grilled out the whole time.

Since then, we've added other backup systems for power, to the point that we can now have running water and cook indoors.

Be prepared is the Boy Scout motto. It should be the motto for everyone's life, not just our military. And how is our military getting prepared? They're incorporating LGBTQ, DEI and lowering standards. WTF? No wonder the alarms are sounding. Back to MAGA
Just today there was a study out, that it isnt just the Wokism, DEI, and Non-Inclusion, that is tearing the military apart, but the age of the equipment that is still used. More taxes have gone to the welfare state than all the military wars combined. When you pay people to do nothing, nothing will get done, when you pay people to defend the county, then the country survives...
MSN The doomsday preppers arent conspiracists, they are very much realists in Joe Biden's America, where everywhere you turn, the rogue government of the US is bringing poverty and misery to the masses. It is a game to the leftists, because since they cannot be happy, then no one else can, that is called "equity through Socialism". But i keep asking, "What if, there is an event of epic proportions where the United States is Fundamentally Transformed into the 3rd world nation, the dollar collapses completely, there are no police, there is no military to protect anyone, because they just arent getting paid"? Do you have some extra food because the grocery stores shelves have been robbed empty, do to black, masses and soon white masses desperate to feed their families, but dont have anything to barter with? How can you protect your family, because if there is no money to buy stuff with, soon electricity will go, then the pumps that pump water and NG will go, the only thing you will have, is what you planned ahead for. The Moron leftist elites have their underground bunker to go to, that has months of food and water, emergency back up power, while you, peons of the left, will be "Dog eat Dog"...
It's better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardner in a war...
It's better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardner in a war...

As war creeps closer to Armageddon, the end of days doesn’t seem so far away​

Just today it was said that three US servicemen were killed by Iranian backed rebels. Joe Bidumb has said he will retaliate. Is this the beginning of a new war, where the US cant win?

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