The Misrepresented Political History of the Confederate Battle Flag

flying one at a state capital probably not

So, nobody had a problem with it... until Dylann Roof shot up a black church? I'm quite perplexed by all of this to be honest.

That's purposeful ignorance. People have had a problem with it for decades.
S. Carolina has been under a boycott sponsored by the NAACP and the NCAA has adhered and respected it along with many others for over 10 years.
if you want to have one in a window or your yard

that is one

flying one at a state capital probably not

Exactly. Display it on any private property you want, but displaying the flag of an army whose goal was to overthrow the American government above a government building is absurd.

Overthrow? Are you kidding me? The Confederate States of America had no such goal.

That's a flat out lie.
What was their goal?

To secede from the Union.
Tune in next week when the left attacks Texas use of the Lone Star flag and Texas tells them to piss off.
The OP is out and out BS, because SC enacted its law for flying the flag in 1962 or 3 directly in opposition to civil rights. You might be able to claim some heritage not hate is some instances but NOT in this one.
Racist white inbred redneck loons need to learn history. Wait, what? What i am i saying? Not sure an inbred redneck loon is capable of learning. Anyway, the Confederacy was never part of America. It was eliminated a 150 years ago. There is no valid justification for flying its flag on Government grounds. The Confederacy wasn't and isn't America. So just take the damn thing down.

The State in question was part of the Confederacy, so you big goobernment bullys just butt out and let the State decide what flag they want to fly.
The OP is out and out BS, because SC enacted its law for flying the flag in 1962 or 3 directly in opposition to civil rights. You might be able to claim some heritage not hate is some instances but NOT in this one.

52 year old heritage of flag flying in the face of civil liberty. Long heritage of denying civil liberties.
Displaying the flag of a treasonous (now non-existent) army above a government building is retarded. I don't care what their motives are.

The Confederate government was not treasonous. The U.S. Constitution did not prohibit secession and the founding fathers made it clear that the Union was never intended to be held together by force. In fact, the federal government was not supposed to send troops into a state without the permission of the state legislature or the governor.

Personally, I think Southern secession was unjustified and unwise, but the Southern states did have the right to leave and form their own government. And, once formed, that government made every effort to establish peaceful relations with the federal government. The Confederacy offered to pay the South's share of the national debt, offered to pay compensation for federal facilities in the South, and offered to establish a most-favored-nation-status trade agreement with the U.S.
Do you believe the Confederates committed treason against our government?

I do.

Do you believe a traitor's flag should be hoisted above a government building?

No, it is a misrepresentation of the history of that flag. Now, states started flying any of the national flags, then once again, no.

it is a misrepresentation of the history of that flag

it was a battle flag

a battle flag used against the United States

It was the battle flag of a peoples who wished to secede from the United States and who by force were not allowed to.

And it was added to state buildings and flags to protest desegregation.

You can't throw rocks and hide your hands.
flying one at a state capital probably not

So, nobody had a problem with it... until Dylann Roof shot up a black church? I'm quite perplexed by all of this to be honest.

That's purposeful ignorance. People have had a problem with it for decades.
S. Carolina has been under a boycott sponsored by the NAACP and the NCAA has adhered and respected it along with many others for over 10 years.

I wonder how it impacted the economy? To my knowledge, it hasn't.
flying one at a state capital probably not

So, nobody had a problem with it... until Dylann Roof shot up a black church? I'm quite perplexed by all of this to be honest.

That's purposeful ignorance. People have had a problem with it for decades.
S. Carolina has been under a boycott sponsored by the NAACP and the NCAA has adhered and respected it along with many others for over 10 years.

I wonder how it impacted the economy? To my knowledge, it hasn't.
No championship games or series for any college sport. What do you suppose Bowl Games are worth?
flying one at a state capital probably not

So, nobody had a problem with it... until Dylann Roof shot up a black church? I'm quite perplexed by all of this to be honest.

That's purposeful ignorance. People have had a problem with it for decades.
S. Carolina has been under a boycott sponsored by the NAACP and the NCAA has adhered and respected it along with many others for over 10 years.

I wonder how it impacted the economy? To my knowledge, it hasn't.
No championship games or series for any college sport. What do you suppose Bowl Games are worth?

I think the Gamecocks have been to plenty of bowls, and have competed for the SEC crown on many occasions. The Tigers likewise for the ACC.
So, nobody had a problem with it... until Dylann Roof shot up a black church? I'm quite perplexed by all of this to be honest.

That's purposeful ignorance. People have had a problem with it for decades.
S. Carolina has been under a boycott sponsored by the NAACP and the NCAA has adhered and respected it along with many others for over 10 years.

I wonder how it impacted the economy? To my knowledge, it hasn't.
No championship games or series for any college sport. What do you suppose Bowl Games are worth?

I think the Gamecocks have been to plenty of bowls, and have competed for the SEC crown on many occasions. The Tigers likewise for the ACC.

Been to where?
This is nothing more than Capitalizing on a Tragedy, to create a hysteria in the heat of the moment to start a movement to eliminate a symbol, which happens to be part of the history of the United States.................

All across the country the movement is spreading..............which is an over reaction to the acts of a lunatic..................

It flew over a Civil War Memorial.............what is next...................tear down that memorial...........keep the hysterics at a maximum.............tear down every War memorial for the confederacy and ERASE it from our history books.................all thanks to a lunatic and those that continue to Fan the Flames............

Mean while.........The Senate passed the TPP to outsource our jobs overseas.............and Republican Congressmen who voted against it are being demoted via BONEHEAD for failing to toe the line..................

KEEP YOUR FOCUS ON THE STARS AND BARS............see nothing else....................and be their pawns................good job..........

HOLY SHIT................

DID YOU SEE THAT...............That youtube song just jumped off the screen and killed somebody.........



BAN IT TOO............HELP........................

I don't think they've been banned from anything, Camp. Are you sure?

It's not that South Carolina teams are "banned" from NCAA sports, it's that South Carolina cities are not chosen to host championship games or bowl games.
I don't think they've been banned from anything, Camp. Are you sure?

It's not that South Carolina teams are "banned" from NCAA sports, it's that South Carolina cities are not chosen to host championship games or bowl games.

Oh. Even still, I think both Clemson and USC generate enough revenue to counteract that. It sure helps here in Athens with UGA and the last time we hosted a major sporting event was the 1996 Olympics (the women's soccer part.)

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