The Moral Imperative to Confirm Kavanaugh

This is an ugly time because people want to see evil in both sides when only one side is evil.

Kavanaughs name can be cleared if this is investigated and it's found to be untrue. Instead he doesn't want an investigation nor do the republicans. Yet you are silly enough not to question why, and will act as if democrats are just as bad for presenting this information like they did only to smear him, when all it takes to clear him is for the FBI to question people like Mark Judge. There is evidence and that's the problem here. People want to believe fake news instead of the facts. There was another man in the room, he is in hiding refusing to testify. He can clear Kavanaghs name.
I know. The "other side" is evil.

I know.


Yes, yes you are

I may be a fool, but I'm not as foolish as you or mac.
Well, you're certainly obedient, I'll give ya that.

Obedient to what? Your perception of something?
Even a Black guy is willing to go down in order to fight the dim scam. I am sure his next calling will be bigger and better!

Kevin Jackson‏ @KevinJacksonTBS

Just so we are clear #Leftists, I stand on my principles even if it costs me a gig

You remain lying scum, willing to CRUSH good people for your devilish ideology


3:31 AM - 28 Sep 2018

Kevin Jackson? :laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

I truly think you right wingers need to be quiet about matters like this.
This is an ugly time because people want to see evil in both sides when only one side is evil.

Kavanaughs name can be cleared if this is investigated and it's found to be untrue. Instead he doesn't want an investigation nor do the republicans. Yet you are silly enough not to question why, and will act as if democrats are just as bad for presenting this information like they did only to smear him, when all it takes to clear him is for the FBI to question people like Mark Judge. There is evidence and that's the problem here. People want to believe fake news instead of the facts. There was another man in the room, he is in hiding refusing to testify. He can clear Kavanaghs name.
I know. The "other side" is evil.

I know.


Yes, yes you are

I may be a fool, but I'm not as foolish as you or mac.

Actually, much more so. For you this is all about politics, you do not like Trump and you do not like Kavanagh so you are cool with this.

I am one of the most ardent anti-Trumpers on this forum, yet even I can smell a pile of shit when I am close to one, and this thing reeks.

What happened to Avenatti's "third accuser"?

I think you conservatives really need to really think before you speak. You can't smell a damn thing. What were you saying when Merrick Garland was being denied his seat so the court could be fucking reserved for a conservative to make the court a majority conservative one? And you sit on your ass talking about how this is about politics for someone else. You republicans are full of shit. You pull your crap, then act like everybody is supposed to forget what you did if you pretend to be victims and lie loud and long enough. This woman Ford was legit. But Kavanaugh disqualified himself before she was an issue by lying to the senate during his hearings. You see gator the fact you republicans here miss is that when she testified she was under penalty of perjury if she lied.

I've worked with rape/sexual assault victims as well as others who have suffered from things. This lady was real. I am a man and have been at parties where guys lured women or girls into bedrooms after getting them drunk and tried having sex. I've known people who used to consistently get blackout drunk, rude and obnoxious and the next day couldn't remember what they did. So it is entirely possible this happened and it is entirely possible that Kavanaugh was so blasted he could not remember doing what he did.
His accuser has admitted that her purpose in publicizing her allegations was to prevent Kavanaugh's confirmation as a Supreme Court Justice. This motive, along with the obviously orchestrated release of selected documents designed to delay and undermine the Senate confirmation process, creates the appearance and inescapable presumption that these allegations have not been made in good faith. As a result, they do not meet the most minimal standards of proof or credibility.

This alone should have required the Senate Judiciary Committee to ignore these historical allegations, which were purposefully not submitted to it until after it had completed its hearings. The current hearings allowing Dr. Ford to further publicize her claims does not change this conclusion.

The moral imperative which now presents itself is the concept of fairness, which is often exemplified by the presumption of innocence. It is incumbent on every Senator to vote according to an assessment of Judge Kavanaugh's qualifications and not on irrelevant and unproven allegations.

Sentence 1 - please proved exact quote.

"obviously orchestrate" -- welcome to the U.S. Senate. The entire thing is a show.

GOP new Flake was going to refuse to vote, so they can act all angry for their angry base and then get the FBI investigation anyway.

It was reported 2 weeks ago that they knew about his history (not specifics, just that he used to get drunk and whip out his dick) before Trump made the nomination.

MCConnell tried to talk Trump out of Kavanaugh.
His accuser has admitted that her purpose in publicizing her allegations was to prevent Kavanaugh's confirmation as a Supreme Court Justice. This motive, along with the obviously orchestrated release of selected documents designed to delay and undermine the Senate confirmation process, creates the appearance and inescapable presumption that these allegations have not been made in good faith. As a result, they do not meet the most minimal standards of proof or credibility.

This alone should have required the Senate Judiciary Committee to ignore these historical allegations, which were purposefully not submitted to it until after it had completed its hearings. The current hearings allowing Dr. Ford to further publicize her claims does not change this conclusion.

The moral imperative which now presents itself is the concept of fairness, which is often exemplified by the presumption of innocence. It is incumbent on every Senator to vote according to an assessment of Judge Kavanaugh's qualifications and not on irrelevant and unproven allegations.

Sentence 1 - please proved exact quote.

"obviously orchestrate" -- welcome to the U.S. Senate. The entire thing is a show.

GOP new Flake was going to refuse to vote, so they can act all angry for their angry base and then get the FBI investigation anyway.

It was reported 2 weeks ago that they knew about his history (not specifics, just that he used to get drunk and whip out his dick) before Trump made the nomination.

MCConnell tried to talk Trump out of Kavanaugh.

You are just making shit up now. Are you related to Ford?

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