The More We Learn About Hunter Biden The More We Learn He Is A Pathetic, Sick SOB W/No Socially Redeeming Value

Way to try to discredit Hunter Biden's wife, who had to put up with this drug/porn-addicted, aldultering, incestuous, Russian money-laundering, criminal deadbeat dad.

While you're at it, you want to kick any puppies, throw his beloved pole dancer under the bus - or the kid he sired and abandone that both he and Joe have rejected, along with his wife under that bus to protect / defend this POS?
At least she was wise enough to get shut of the dude. I don't know much about her, and don't really care about her. Find it hard to believe, could be married to someone long enough to have kids old enough for therapy, without knowing what you were married to and what message it was sending to your kids, staying there and possibly what values you had and what you primarily valued, by staying. I feel sorry for the kids, suspecting the situation warped them for a long time to come. I don't care the mother though. Ignorance and bad values have their own reward. Too bad it affects others.
If Hunter Biden ever runs for any office in my district, I will consider all your accusations before I vote for him. So far, he hasn't, so I don't see the purpose of all your whining.
Gee,that's mighty special of you, snowflake, while you ignore all the evidence incriminating 'the Big Guy' who sits in the Oval Office of crimes.

ebony and ivory
If Hunter Biden ever runs for any office in my district, I will consider all your accusations before I vote for him. So far, he hasn't, so I don't see the purpose of all your whining.
Biden didn't even give his kid a security clearance. Clearly he has no faith in his surviving son, as President Trump has in his genius and honest boys.
What a nasty play book but SOP, eh Comrade?

What makes you think these wild sex accusations are going to stick this time? They really make the Neo-GOP look kind of sic and perverted, which they are of course........projectionists.
What's this all about White? So many threads now that are displaying extremist views and absolutely no attempts being made to keep it civil and address any of the important issues.

Is this a sign that the war that's going on has no endgame and the consequences of that are secretly being realized? Something is driving that sort of behaviour and it's not just him.

Regardless of the OP's claims being right or wrong, that's not the message that comes across.
It's extremism that's indicating that something very bad is about to happen in America, and the feeling is being expressed in the only way he/they know of expressing themselves.

I think that you as a moderator shouldn't have become involved in that the way you did. If his trash talk can't be seen as trolling, then nothing else can ever qualify.
given that your county is being run by a would be dictator whats happening in Canada should be of greater concern to you .

Gee,that's mighty special of you, snowflake, while you ignore all the evidence incriminating 'the Big Guy' who sits in the Oval Office of crimes.

You're trying WAAAAY too hard. I know you wanted Hunter Buiden to be an issue. You tried really hard, but it just didn't happen. So sad for you.
ebony and ivory

Biden didn't even give his kid a security clearance. Clearly he has no faith in his surviving son, as President Trump has in his genius and honest boys.
Hunter Biden dosn't need me to defend him from childish GOP taunts.
ebony and ivory

Biden didn't even give his kid a security clearance. Clearly he has no faith in his surviving son, as President Trump has in his genius and honest boys.
You're trying WAAAAY too hard.
Using the reported evidence from Hunter's own laptop that corroborates what his own wife is saying is not hard at all snowflake.

On the contrary, you are demonstrating how hard you are willing to try to defend this proven criminal SOB.


Try again...
Sorry bout that,

1. If your not embarrassed now, then maybe, just maybe what will happen soon will embarrass you.
2. Todays shits Bad enough, but wait for tomorrow, it gets worse.
3. You with your limited IQ might feel a touch of embarrassment then, maybe not. lol!
4. You have to have a high IQ to feel embarrassment.

Using the reported evidence from Hunter's own laptop that corroborates what his own wife is saying is not hard at all snowflake.

On the contrary, you are demonstrating how hard you are willing to try to defend this proven criminal SOB.


Try again...
why would I bother defending Hunter Biden? He's a non issue.
'Part of the political conversation'?!!

Way to attempt to minimize the proven fact that he is a criminal POS who has provided the direct link proving Joe knew about everything Hunter was doing, was facilitating it, engaging in it, profited from it, and lied / perjury himself in denying it.

Twice Democrats attempted to criminally Impeach the former President with no crime, no evidence, and no witnesses, even got caught criminally attempting to manufacture and submit false evidence against the President of the United States - also known as Sedition / Treason, TWO failed coup attempts, etc...

...and then there's this drug-addicted brain dead moron who leaves his personal laptop loaded with all the evidence needed to send him and papa Joe to prison, not just Impeach Joe, at a computer repair shop past the time he was supposed to pick it up, making the laptop - as the shop sign warned - made the laptop the property of the repair shop owner. (Of course he returned the laptop, which the FBI tried to hide / make disappear...but not before the fit hit the shan.)

It's hard to tell, based on their unbelievable actions and lies, which Biden is more brain damaged / incompetent.

Thank God for the same radical left wing media that pushed Hillary's Russian scandal BS also working so hard and so long to claim Hunter's laptop info was 'Russian Disinformation, which almost all of them have been forced to correct, right Joe?

Thank God for 50+ top US Intel and other Agency Directors and experts perjuring themselves IOT cover the Biden syndicates crimes by signing a document declaring Hunter Biden's laptop criminal evidence to be 'Russian Propaganda', right Joe?

'Part of the political discussion'?

Humter's laptop and data it contains should be the lead evidence in Hunter Biden's prosecution and the lead evidence in Joe Biden's Impeachment and prosecution.
Simply countering or giving opinion to Moonglows post, but minimizing nothing, pretty well ignoring the majority of the hit piece. I actually have very little problem with hit pieces, as part of politics. Prefer they weren't couched in something else, but seen the tactic, know it works to get people to read what they might not. Got used to it back in the old days of the news aggregator Drudge Report, over all it's early years, as misleading headlines to thrust of content within were par for the course.
Though, it looks like just another political hit piece on Joe, due to the OP personal content, and the thrust of the title mostly just to grab attention, with the link almost like an afterthought, I personally, got to say, he is part of the political conversation, these days, as used for hit material to attack Joe, politically.
Also, Hunter is a real piece of work, and a shitty piece of work, at that.
Thank you for standing up and declaring that yes, you DO support influence peddling.

That was very courageous of you.
What's this all about White? So many threads now that are displaying extremist views and absolutely no attempts being made to keep it civil and address any of the important issues.

Is this a sign that the war that's going on has no endgame and the consequences of that are secretly being realized? Something is driving that sort of behaviour and it's not just him.

Regardless of the OP's claims being right or wrong, that's not the message that comes across.
It's extremism that's indicating that something very bad is about to happen in America, and the feeling is being expressed in the only way he/they know of expressing themselves.

I think that you as a moderator shouldn't have become involved in that the way you did. If his trash talk can't be seen as trolling, then nothing else can ever qualify.
Possibly. Don't think it doesn't pray on my mind when posting. Knew it would. I'll take it under advisement.
why would I bother defending Hunter Biden? He's a non issue.

I don't know - why are you defending him?

A 'non-issue'?!


Yeah, he's only what this entire thread is about, dumbass. It's even in the title of the thread.

When you figure that out, come back and try again.

Simply countering or giving opinion to Moonglows post, but minimizing nothing, pretty well ignoring the majority of the hit piece. I actually have very little problem with hit pieces, as part of politics. Prefer they weren't couched in something else, but seen the tactic, know it works to get people to read what they might not. Got used to it back in the old days of the news aggregator Drudge Report, over all it's early years, as misleading headlines to thrust of content within were par for the course.

What 'Hit Piece'?

It's an article about what his wife has seen, experienced, and had to deal with being married to this proven drug-addicted, adultering, incestuous, criminal.

You are trying to minimize what his wife reveals by attempting to claim this is a 'hit' piece, despite everything having been posted also proven to have been true.


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