The More We Learn About Hunter Biden The More We Learn He Is A Pathetic, Sick SOB W/No Socially Redeeming Value

If Biden smoked crack how is that your business, mouth breather?I

You made the accusations, you prove Biden committed crimes, Trump asseater.
The Faux President is Compromised, Incompetent, Incontinent and is influenced by Foreign Governments and has taken millions of dollars in bribes.

It is America's business.
The Faux President is Compromised, Incompetent, Incontinent and is influenced by Foreign Governments and has taken millions of dollars in bribes.

It is America's business.
No evidence, no proof. Only rants.

Thought so.
Tara Reade said no.

tara read was shown to be a nut by her own co workers.

Defamation lawsuit over Trump rape claim by writer E. Jean Carroll set to resume discovery, lawyers say


  • Lawyers for ex-President Donald Trump and the writer E. Jean Carroll have agreed to resume a process for exchanging evidence and taking witness testimony under oath for her defamation lawsuit.
  • Carroll says Trump made defamatory statements when he claimed she was lying, and motivated by money and politics, after she alleged he raped her in the 1990s in a New York department store.
  • The agreement sets the stage for the possible testing of a DNA sample from Trump, which Carroll’s lawyers want to compare to a stain containing male DNA that is on a dress that she has said she saved from the day of the alleged attack.
Defamation lawsuit over Trump rape claim by writer E. Jean Carroll set to resume discovery, lawyers say
tara read was shown to be a nut by her own co workers.

Defamation lawsuit over Trump rape claim by writer E. Jean Carroll set to resume discovery, lawyers say


  • Lawyers for ex-President Donald Trump and the writer E. Jean Carroll have agreed to resume a process for exchanging evidence and taking witness testimony under oath for her defamation lawsuit.
  • Carroll says Trump made defamatory statements when he claimed she was lying, and motivated by money and politics, after she alleged he raped her in the 1990s in a New York department store.
  • The agreement sets the stage for the possible testing of a DNA sample from Trump, which Carroll’s lawyers want to compare to a stain containing male DNA that is on a dress that she has said she saved from the day of the alleged attack.
Defamation lawsuit over Trump rape claim by writer E. Jean Carroll set to resume discovery, lawyers say
haha Carrol was shown to be a nut on CNN when she said rape was sexy

Tara however has shown to be creditable and even filed a criminal complaint against Xiden
you have nothing to debate on, jr. seems you're quite impotent.

House Jan. 6 committee announces first hearing will be held in primetime

Byron York:


Just a few days ago, we were told that June would be Economy Month, when the Biden White House wanted to "pivot" from whatever it has been doing to spend June communicating its "accomplishments on the economy." But now, on June 6, less than a full week into Economy Month, we find out that this is Jan. 6 Week. The House Democrats' committee to investigate the Capitol riot will have a prime-time hearing on Thursday night, and it's spending the first days of this week trying to build excitement about the findings.

Viewed together, the interruption of Economy Month by Jan. 6 Week is a picture of the Democrats' dilemma. Voters care a lot about the economy, and they don't think either President Joe Biden or his party is doing a good job handling economic matters. Democrats desperately need to turn that around if they are to have any chance, however small, of holding on to power in November's midterm elections.

On the other hand, voters don't care much about Jan. 6, but some Democrats believe the party can use the committee investigation to make them interested, all with the goal of damaging Republicans in the midterm elections. It will be an uphill climb. It's not that voters approve of the events of Jan. 6. They don't. It's just that many of them have moved on.

Just look at this analysis of polls, from FiveThirtyEight, headlined, "Americans Are Moving On From Jan. 6 — Even If Congress Hasn't." A more accurate headline would read, "Even if congressional Democrats, plus Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, haven't." But the big point is correct. Many voters are past Jan. 6.

"Many Americans want to move on from investigating the events of January 6," FiveThirtyEight reported. The article cited a Navigator poll from early April, which asked the following question:

Forty-nine percent of those polled agreed that the committee is doing important work, while 39% wanted to move on and 13% weren't sure. Put the last two together, and that is 52% who are ready to move on or not sure the committee is doing important work, versus 49% who support the effort. That's a pretty divided group.

Among Republicans, 77% either say the committee is too focused on the past or are not sure whether it is doing important work, while 59% of independents report the same opinion — which indicates House Democrats have a lot of work to do convincing non-Democrats that the committee is on the right track. Anecdotally, in private conversations, Republican strategists working on midterm election campaigns around the country report that in focus groups there is little or no interest in Jan. 6, nor in the work the committee is doing.

Which is why House Democrats are going to try to make Thursday night a big show. They hired James Goldston, a former president of ABC News, to try to turn the hearing into compelling television.

When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) created the Jan. 6 committee, some Republicans predicted that Democrats would want to take the committee far beyond the confines of Jan. 6. It's about beating the GOP in the midterm elections, they said. It's about pushing the long-term Democratic agenda, they added. And now that the committee is about to start revealing its work, after many leaks to keep it in the news, it turns out those Republicans were right.
tara read was shown to be a nut by her own co workers.

Defamation lawsuit over Trump rape claim by writer E. Jean Carroll set to resume discovery, lawyers say


  • Lawyers for ex-President Donald Trump and the writer E. Jean Carroll have agreed to resume a process for exchanging evidence and taking witness testimony under oath for her defamation lawsuit.
  • Carroll says Trump made defamatory statements when he claimed she was lying, and motivated by money and politics, after she alleged he raped her in the 1990s in a New York department store.
  • The agreement sets the stage for the possible testing of a DNA sample from Trump, which Carroll’s lawyers want to compare to a stain containing male DNA that is on a dress that she has said she saved from the day of the alleged attack.
Defamation lawsuit over Trump rape claim by writer E. Jean Carroll set to resume discovery, lawyers say
& yet the case is going fwd.

& it went nowhere, whilst carroll's case is on track to get donny's DNA.
1) so? Let me know when she gets a judgment
2) no it's open criminal investigation...they can't indict a sitting President
We have already pretty much knew the entire family is a bunch of morally bankrupt, lying, self-serving, criminally self-enriching, corrupt, seditious, treasonous, extorting, black-mailing, drug-addicted, pedo, incestuous, sick SOBs...

...and the more that comes out publicly the more we know just how much so.

Not only has Biden set the record for being the record-setting worst President in US history, but his fa.ily has proven to be the sickest, perverted, criminal family in US history.

What a f*ing embarrassment to this nation. This is why you don't let mangy dogs in your own house or Democrats in the WH.


I esp like the part about them being an embarrassment to the nation... had the same thought long ago

the rest of the world is no doubt thinking:

OMG... what's happening across the old pond there?

Someone else answers the not-rhetorical Q:

Beats me... looks bad... looks bad.. Let's all pray!!!!

Other person says sadly

You mean you still believe there's a God?
Way to try to discredit Hunter Biden's wife, who had to put up with this drug/porn-addicted, aldultering, incestuous, Russian money-laundering, criminal deadbeat dad.

While you're at it, you want to kick any puppies, throw his beloved pole dancer under the bus - or the kid he sired and abandone that both he and Joe have rejected, along with his wife under that bus to protect / defend this POS?

sorry, but even though topic is not exactly comedy material... you make it funny...

or am I just odd?

oh well... at least not as odd as... subject in topic

sorry, but even though topic is not exactly comedy material... you make it funny...

or am I just odd?

oh well... at least not as odd as... subject in topic

I try to add a little humor in my posts to cut through the anger and hate. Also, humor confuses Democrats / snowflakes, since they have no sense of humor.


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