The Morning Briefing: Please Democrats, Keep Up Your Lunatic Jan. 6 Obsession

Please! Because more and more people are laughing at you leftoids and the House Democrats witch hunt.

Nancy Pelosi’s pathetic revenge-porn January 6 show trial has been chugging along with its alt-reality addiction to all things Donald Trump. Bless their hearts, they think it’s going well.
Anyone with an IQ over 14 knows that there was no insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021. Fortunately for Pelosi, the sub-14 IQ demographic is heavily populated with Democrats in Congress, as well as CNN and MSNBC viewers.
So they’re still talking about an insurrection that never happened.
The best part is that they think it’s going well for them.
The drama during this week has centered on some texts that were read by soon-to-be unemployed Republican turncoat Liz Cheney, which Robert wrote about:

Who would those people be?

The Benghazi crowd....
These people are enemies of the state. Never forget that.

I don't know if that scenario would have played out or not. It fits into the known facts of the day. the "Hang Mike Pence" chants and the zip tie handcuffs.

I am rather tickled that the right wing insurrection happy loons just overlook a guy running around with zip tie handcuffs like it was something they wear every day.

Everyone knew the cause last January 6! It was the crooked rigged election, stoopid.

When has a House Committee EVER gotten close to the truth? Not in my lifetime. The House is a legislative body (barely) and not a judicial one.

That was just some of your relatives scurrying back under the fridge with that old piece of cheese.

America doesn't want your kind of success. Absolutely ZILCH will come out of this crap. We all know it, you'd be much happier (or even just a little) if you just admit that to yourself.

Trump is gone, Slaw Baby, and it is time you got over that and that TDS eating at your spleen and start facing facts now that Uncle Joe is in the WH, and that has already taken hundreds if not thousands of dollars out of your pocket just this year alone. :auiqs.jpg:

Cabbage on, chump.
You are a liar. There exists no crooked rigged election.
Because there wasn't one.

It was a legal and legitimate protest that was incited into a riot by embedded FBI provocateurs.
If it were legal and legitimate, 70% wouldn't be waiting trial.

If it were legal and legitimate, 600 wouldn't have been arrested.
You're a liar and a coward who knows the cultists got caught attacking our country and our election.
You're an easily triggered half-wit who thinks people don't laugh at your intellectual impotence both here and in real life.
I don't know if that scenario would have played out or not. It fits into the known facts of the day. the "Hang Mike Pence" chants and the zip tie handcuffs.

I am rather tickled that the right wing insurrection happy loons just overlook a guy running around with zip tie handcuffs like it was something they wear every day.

At the end of the day, these cultists were trying to regain power and control for a would be Authoritarian, who they believe would take this country down a road giving them total and complete control over the opposition, "indefinitely." They see the model of Putin, and they want Trump in the same controlling position. These people are not part of the UNITES STATES OF AMERICA. And the sooner we understand that, the sooner we can act aggressively against it.
You're an easily triggered half-wit who thinks people don't laugh at your intellectual impotence both here and in real life.
Here's the thing, it takes intelligence to prove I'm wrong about your lies. You missed that boat. :auiqs.jpg:Now who's the dumb ass?
Here's the thing, it takes intelligence to prove I'm wrong about your lies. You missed that boat. :auiqs.jpg:
You've never had even the slightest association with intelligence, which renders your opinion that of an ignorant imbecile.
Now who's the dumb ass?
Still you.
It does prevent them from counting the votes that remove your guy from office though....
Only until the authorities come and break it up. At best Trump stays in office for an extra day maybe. I'm sorry it's just not a reasonable plan that anyone who thought for 30 seconds would believe would work. I certainly won't sign on to this being a well-coordinated attack with all these plans in place. You might get me to believe that a hand full of idiots thought that might be a plausible COA in the moment thought up while they were standing outside the capital building but that's about as far as Im willing to go, sorry.
Only until the authorities come and break it up. At best Trump stays in office for an extra day maybe. I'm sorry it's just not a reasonable plan that anyone who thought for 30 seconds would believe would work. I certainly won't sign on to this being a well-coordinated attack with all these plans in place. You might get me to believe that a hand full of idiots thought that might be a plausible COA in the moment thought up while they were standing outside the capital building but that's about as far as Im willing to go, sorry.
You're right. It wasn't coordinated and was a harebrained insurrection attempt.

What if they kill Mike Pence? Then what? Do you know for sure what happens next?
You're right. It wasn't coordinated and was a harebrained insurrection attempt.

What if they kill Mike Pence? Then what? Do you know for sure what happens next?
Well, for starters the Senate has to confirm a VP pick a President makes if the VP resigns or dies or otherwise can't perform the duties of the office. What would happen in this very specific instance I'm not sure but I have a lot of doubt that the Senate which would have been split 50/50 Republican/Dem at that point was going to confirm anyone who even might think about vacating the electoral college votes. I'd have an easier time believing that aliens were going to descend and take over the world than believe that. My guess (and this is just a guess) is that the Speaker of the House would take over as the VP in the interim. I'm guessing that only because the SotH is the 3rd in line of succession. I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Nancy wasn't going to invalidate the EC votes if she became VP. What Im 100% sure of is the American people were never going to allow it to happen. Im a conservative. Voted for Trump and think Joe Biden is a disaster, but you can bet your last dollar that Im picking up my guns and marching to DC with what Im sure are a lot of other people to right that wrong if necessary.
Well, what I think is that they kill Mike Pence (hence the "hang Mike Pence" chants). Trump appoints a VP who will not certify the election and he possibly stays in power relying on the 1/3 of the Supreme Court he appointed.

It was and is a far fetched plan that you guys had. I'm glad it didn't work.
You're nuts..

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