The most fucked in the head opinion piece I have ever read to justify criminals.

Pay a wage that Americans will work for. People want jobs and will work for reasonable wages. Saying "Nobody will do that job." is horseshit. Nobody will do that job for 5 dollars an hour under the table. Americans work all kinds of backbreaking manual labor jobs.

I’ve been through with these topics several times here in this site and in real life.
I personally know 2 farmers here in Ca and one in Arizona. They will not vote for Trump again.

What I’m telling you are real life no bullshit or horseshit. These illegals are are getting rare that they are demanding their rates nobody is getting paid $5. These farmers are willing to take any workers that apply.

You are absolutely correct. Pay wages that Americans will work. You probably talking about old timers. I still have several of them. Tough hard workers dedicated but they are getting old and retiring soon.

Let say you are willing to work at the farm picking strawberries or avocados. How much do you think are you willing to accept $16 $20?
1. How much do you think those strawberries or avocados will cost at the groceries?
2. With the heat, heavy lifting. How long are you going to last?
3. How far is your house to these farms? Are you willing to travel?
4. You probably wants break time, shoes or uniform.
5. And if you have a kid. Is your babysitting cost more?

For lousy $16 with all those factors. Will it be easier or cheaper if you just stay home or at works McDonald’s?

Here’s How Immigration Policy Impacts Your Avocados and Other Produce – Fortune

To attract workers, farmers are raising wages to well above the minimum wage, which in California is $11 per hour, especially in higher cost places like Napa, Calif. Farmers are also increasingly paying for H-2A visas for guest workers.

Tell the class why all the restaurants were crying about avocado prices when Trump threatened to put tariffs on Mexico?


You probably don’t even understand what that means.

It means our economy needs immigrant labor because citizens don't know how to do agriculture, and don't want to learn.
ROFL! They can learn in a week.

Sure they could learn, but it is hot, boring, and labor intensive work, so the US citizens refuse.
That means if we want our economy to be ok, we need way more immigrants.
Who said they did. If they were invited, they would have a visa. Tyson foods doesn't have the authority to "invite" anyone.

Of course they do. They do not have the authority to legally invite them. All the same, since that is not enforced that is just a technicality.
ROFL! It doesn't matter if they have authority to invite anyone? What a buffoon.
Oh, so now I'm like the El Paso shooter. Interesting...

So are you going to address the posts where I completely dismantled your position? No? I mean, I know you can't, but I'm not going to let it go that easily.

I'd cheerfully dismantle your arguments if I could find one. So far, all I can find is "They're criminals". There is no justification whatsoever to abusing, denigrating and destroying the lives of people who walked across an imaginary line signifying where one country ends and another begins.

If you were prosecuting white people entering illegally from Canada the way you are brown people entering from Central America, at least it wouldn't appear to be so racist and hateful, but you're not. Congratulations, the only difference between Americans and Nazi Germany, is that your government isn't carrying out the massacres themselves, they're just letting the lunatic fringe do their dirty work for them.

I also note that one of the greatest writers America has ever produced died this week and not one word from the White House. Toni Morrison is the only black woman to have every won the Nobel Prize. Not one annoucement, tweet or even a remark on the passing of America's greatest living author.

The silence is deafening.

There is no justification whatsoever to abusing, denigrating and destroying the lives of people who walked across an imaginary line signifying where one country ends and another begins.

Of course their is we have the Constitution and laws.

Yes, you do, and none of them justify abuse, attacks and destroying the lives of those who cross your border illegally.

I also notice how conservatives pivot on cue from decrying Muslim immigration, to decrying non--white immigration, to chanting "send her back". This is straight out of 1984. The ICE Raids are straight out of Nazi Germany, as are imprisoning brown people in deplorable conditions.
Diseased illegal aliens have no right to be here, we should not have to pay for shit… Kids or no kids.
People need to realize they need to pay for their actions… It’s their fault if their family gets all fucked up mentally and physically. Karma is a bitch

Notice how the trolls parrot the Trump Administration's lies that the refugees are diseased, and not really humans. Infestations, invasio lns, diseased, criminal, anything to denigrate, dehumanize and villianize refugees. Millions of Americans came to the USA broke, and fleeing all manner of unhappiness in their homelands - wars, famines, religious persecution. Russian know nothing about fleeing from persecution. They're always the ones meting it out. Just ask the Jews about the Pogroms where estimates are that more than 30,000 Jews were brutally murdered, and thousands of women raped.

Russians are well versed on how to abuse minorities, and those they consider "inferior". Their following the dictator's playbook of dehumanizing the victims first - infestation, subhuman, scum. They the cruelties inflicted seem justifiable. If only these scum hadn't come here, we wouldn't have had to take their children. None of this treatment is warranted, and none of it is justified.

These are barbarous and cruel acts, committed be people who should be arrested and jailed for crimes against humanity. Those who vote for or support Trump can't disavow the lawlessness or the cruelty. It's a package deal. It's time to decide your humanity or lack thereof.
It’s funny you calling me a Russian spy or something, Ask me something that you could not figure out from the Internet. Like let’s say Sturgis South Dakota what new buildings being built there and what part of town and what existing buildings are they being built near?

It’s funny you being a Canadian socialist thinking you know what’s best for American capitalists... lol
Who said they did. If they were invited, they would have a visa. Tyson foods doesn't have the authority to "invite" anyone.

According to the Constitution, Tyson is exactly who is supposed to invite immigrants.
Absolutely no authority was given the federal government over immigration in the Constitution.

Most certainly true in a free market economy.
Oh, so now I'm like the El Paso shooter. Interesting...

So are you going to address the posts where I completely dismantled your position? No? I mean, I know you can't, but I'm not going to let it go that easily.

I'd cheerfully dismantle your arguments if I could find one. So far, all I can find is "They're criminals". There is no justification whatsoever to abusing, denigrating and destroying the lives of people who walked across an imaginary line signifying where one country ends and another begins.

If you were prosecuting white people entering illegally from Canada the way you are brown people entering from Central America, at least it wouldn't appear to be so racist and hateful, but you're not. Congratulations, the only difference between Americans and Nazi Germany, is that your government isn't carrying out the massacres themselves, they're just letting the lunatic fringe do their dirty work for them.

I also note that one of the greatest writers America has ever produced died this week and not one word from the White House. Toni Morrison is the only black woman to have every won the Nobel Prize. Not one annoucement, tweet or even a remark on the passing of America's greatest living author.

The silence is deafening.

There is no justification whatsoever to abusing, denigrating and destroying the lives of people who walked across an imaginary line signifying where one country ends and another begins.

Of course their is we have the Constitution and laws.

Yes, you do, and none of them justify abuse, attacks and destroying the lives of those who cross your border illegally.

I also notice how conservatives pivot on cue from decrying Muslim immigration, to decrying non--white immigration, to chanting "send her back". This is straight out of 1984. The ICE Raids are straight out of Nazi Germany, as are imprisoning brown people in deplorable conditions.
Diseased illegal aliens have no right to be here, we should not have to pay for shit… Kids or no kids.
People need to realize they need to pay for their actions… It’s their fault if their family gets all fucked up mentally and physically. Karma is a bitch

Notice how the trolls parrot the Trump Administration's lies that the refugees are diseased, and not really humans. Infestations, invasio lns, diseased, criminal, anything to denigrate, dehumanize and villianize refugees. Millions of Americans came to the USA broke, and fleeing all manner of unhappiness in their homelands - wars, famines, religious persecution. Russian know nothing about fleeing from persecution. They're always the ones meting it out. Just ask the Jews about the Pogroms where estimates are that more than 30,000 Jews were brutally murdered, and thousands of women raped.

Russians are well versed on how to abuse minorities, and those they consider "inferior". Their following the dictator's playbook of dehumanizing the victims first - infestation, subhuman, scum. They the cruelties inflicted seem justifiable. If only these scum hadn't come here, we wouldn't have had to take their children. None of this treatment is warranted, and none of it is justified.

These are barbarous and cruel acts, committed be people who should be arrested and jailed for crimes against humanity. Those who vote for or support Trump can't disavow the lawlessness or the cruelty. It's a package deal. It's time to decide your humanity or lack thereof.
...And illegal is illegal… Therefore will never be right
Illegal aliens are illegal aliens… They have no fucking right to be here and should be treated like the pieces of shit they are… Kids or no kids

Just because they are here illegally they are piece of shit?
Are you even a human being?
Did your cult leader teach you that?
Diseased illegal aliens do not belong here... People have to pay for the consequences of their actions...

Bleeding heart politics mean nothing, Kids or no kids

I’m exactly right.
Your cult leader teach you well not to be human being.
But don’t worry we have a very big chance of dethroning that racist piece of shit.

Your ESL is showing, you might want to clean that post up a bit.


I just love it very much when you someone like you come down to this insult.
Means I kick your ass and you run out of ammo.

Did you read that post before you hit the reply button?
when you someone like you

these were WORKING undoc' immigrants, not welfare suckers...?

The left wants to turn them into welfare recipients by not following through with our laws and kicking them out. How long until you fight to give them access to welfare and turn them all into citizens?

*** In this very thread people are calling our border security laws illegitimate laws that should be broken.

Even without welfare they use our infrastructure and emergency services. They also send money out of the nation back to where they came from. They cost us even before you start fighting to give them welfare.

You have no respect for our nation or its laws. People like me are trying to stop people like you from pushing us down a slippery slope to appease your bleeding hearts. As logical people it is our responsibility to stop you overemotional types from ruining our nation with your good intentions.

It’s far more complicated than that.

These people that are here are economically and politically imbedded in our society. It’s very easy for people like you to say deport deport........ But ignored their importance and contributions to the booming economy.

*** Do you understand how this come about? Let me explain. Ugly inhumane disgusting Americans called illegal border crossing are criminals.
Decent Americans with a good heart and human being totally disagree with you. We do not called them criminals. So we ( not you) are going to change that law.
There "importance" is only that they are sucking resources out of our society and social safety net. The sooner they are deported, the better off we are. I don't benefit in any way from their presence here.,
No Bri...... life doesn’t work that way. Like I always said ..... Are you going to drop your job? I don’t even know what the heck you do for a living.
Is this means your are going to quit your job and work at this chicken place?

Yes, life does work that way. Every immigrant allowed into this country is sucking up resources that could be spent on native born Americans.

What does my job have to do with anything? BTW, I have to compete with millions of software coolies from India that Obama and Clinton imported into this country.
I’ve been through with these topics several times here in this site and in real life.
I personally know 2 farmers here in Ca and one in Arizona. They will not vote for Trump again.

What I’m telling you are real life no bullshit or horseshit. These illegals are are getting rare that they are demanding their rates nobody is getting paid $5. These farmers are willing to take any workers that apply.

You are absolutely correct. Pay wages that Americans will work. You probably talking about old timers. I still have several of them. Tough hard workers dedicated but they are getting old and retiring soon.

Let say you are willing to work at the farm picking strawberries or avocados. How much do you think are you willing to accept $16 $20?
1. How much do you think those strawberries or avocados will cost at the groceries?
2. With the heat, heavy lifting. How long are you going to last?
3. How far is your house to these farms? Are you willing to travel?
4. You probably wants break time, shoes or uniform.
5. And if you have a kid. Is your babysitting cost more?

For lousy $16 with all those factors. Will it be easier or cheaper if you just stay home or at works McDonald’s?

Here’s How Immigration Policy Impacts Your Avocados and Other Produce – Fortune

To attract workers, farmers are raising wages to well above the minimum wage, which in California is $11 per hour, especially in higher cost places like Napa, Calif. Farmers are also increasingly paying for H-2A visas for guest workers.

Tell the class why all the restaurants were crying about avocado prices when Trump threatened to put tariffs on Mexico?


You probably don’t even understand what that means.

It means our economy needs immigrant labor because citizens don't know how to do agriculture, and don't want to learn.
ROFL! They can learn in a week.
Sure they could learn, but it is hot, boring, and labor intensive work, so the US citizens refuse.
That means if we want our economy to be ok, we need way more immigrants.
They refuse because they aren't willing to do it for $5/hr that Mexican labor is willing to do it for. However, they would do it for $15/hr. I used to do work like that when I was in high school and college.
And then there’s this:

“Terrible things are happening outside. At any time of night and day, poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes . . . Families are torn apart: men, women and children are separated. Children come home from school to find their parents have disappeared.” - Anne Frank
Got to love crazy. Those people were taken to concentration camps. Even the girl that wrote it was taken to one where she died. Millions were slaughtered.
Being sent back to the country you came from after receiving notice and refusing to leave is hardly the same.
But can't fault you for not understanding simple ideas.

But what you don't understand it that the fascist death squads in Honduras, etc., are also murdering tens of thousands, and are trained, armed, and back by the US.
The only difference from the tragedy faced by Anne Frank is that now the US is the one responsible for the killing..
these were WORKING undoc' immigrants, not welfare suckers...?

The left wants to turn them into welfare recipients by not following through with our laws and kicking them out. How long until you fight to give them access to welfare and turn them all into citizens?

*** In this very thread people are calling our border security laws illegitimate laws that should be broken.

Even without welfare they use our infrastructure and emergency services. They also send money out of the nation back to where they came from. They cost us even before you start fighting to give them welfare.

You have no respect for our nation or its laws. People like me are trying to stop people like you from pushing us down a slippery slope to appease your bleeding hearts. As logical people it is our responsibility to stop you overemotional types from ruining our nation with your good intentions.

It’s far more complicated than that.

These people that are here are economically and politically imbedded in our society. It’s very easy for people like you to say deport deport........ But ignored their importance and contributions to the booming economy.

*** Do you understand how this come about? Let me explain. Ugly inhumane disgusting Americans called illegal border crossing are criminals.
Decent Americans with a good heart and human being totally disagree with you. We do not called them criminals. So we ( not you) are going to change that law.

They're called illegal aliens in the law for a reason dumb ass.


Most or all Illegals crossing the borders are only seeking a better life. Not criminals like some of you defined.

That's a fucking crime idiot. And show me where I've defended anyone convicted of a crime.

They refuse because they aren't willing to do it for $5/hr that Mexican labor is willing to do it for. However, they would do it for $15/hr. I used to do work like that when I was in high school and college.

He has suggested that Americans won't do farm labor for 15-20 dollars an hour. I think he's full of shit.
If you own agricultural farm and you cannot find workers that want to work or no one is applying.
Question #1. What are you going to do with your farm?

If you own a poultry or slaughter house and you cannot find workers or no one is applying?
Question #2. What are you going to do with your poultry farm?

These are very simple honest questions.

Pay a wage that Americans will work for. People want jobs and will work for reasonable wages. Saying "Nobody will do that job." is horseshit. Nobody will do that job for 5 dollars an hour under the table. Americans work all kinds of backbreaking manual labor jobs.

I’ve been through with these topics several times here in this site and in real life.
I personally know 2 farmers here in Ca and one in Arizona. They will not vote for Trump again.

What I’m telling you are real life no bullshit or horseshit. These illegals are are getting rare that they are demanding their rates nobody is getting paid $5. These farmers are willing to take any workers that apply.

You are absolutely correct. Pay wages that Americans will work. You probably talking about old timers. I still have several of them. Tough hard workers dedicated but they are getting old and retiring soon.

Let say you are willing to work at the farm picking strawberries or avocados. How much do you think are you willing to accept $16 $20?
1. How much do you think those strawberries or avocados will cost at the groceries?
2. With the heat, heavy lifting. How long are you going to last?
3. How far is your house to these farms? Are you willing to travel?
4. You probably wants break time, shoes or uniform.
5. And if you have a kid. Is your babysitting cost more?

For lousy $16 with all those factors. Will it be easier or cheaper if you just stay home or at works McDonald’s?

Here’s How Immigration Policy Impacts Your Avocados and Other Produce – Fortune

To attract workers, farmers are raising wages to well above the minimum wage, which in California is $11 per hour, especially in higher cost places like Napa, Calif. Farmers are also increasingly paying for H-2A visas for guest workers.

Tell the class why all the restaurants were crying about avocado prices when Trump threatened to put tariffs on Mexico?


You probably don’t even understand what that means.

It means our economy needs immigrant labor because citizens don't know how to do agriculture, and don't want to learn.

That is what we’ve telling to these morons here that we need immigrants workers.

I never plant a single plant or vegetable or crop in my life. I never clean a chicken or a cow in my life. I never cut my grass in my life. I never clean my pool in my life. I don’t even know how to turn in my rainbow vacuum.

Someone has to do it.
You have to be kidding me hey politico THEY ARE CRIMINALS ...we are a nation of laws you numb nuts..

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

The ICE raids aren’t just wrong – they’re expensive

Does it make sense to spend $50,000 locking up someone for supporting her family?

This week, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided seven Mississippi food processing plants and arrested 680 workers for immigration violations. The moral cost of these raids to our shared humanity is apparent in stories like that of a tearful 13-year-old boy waving goodbye to his mother or an 11-year old girl pleading for her father’s release. But some people might feel differently, believing such scenes are just the cost of enforcing our immigration laws. If that’s you, I urge you to weigh another cost instead: the sheer financial expense of such cruelty.

First, there’s lost income. ICE was created in 2003 to “protect national security and public safety after 9/11,” but this week’s raids were not about security or safety or terrorism. They targeted immigrants while they worked to support their families and our economy. Many of the arrested individuals now leave behind jobs that won’t be filled and children and spouses who now live without a family member and their associated income. Their communities and local businesses will suffer down the line. And state and local governments will lose the associated tax revenues; undocumented workers pay an estimated $12 billion a year in taxes.

Then there are the costs of enforcement and detention. ICE Acting Director Matt Albence admitted that the raids required a yearlong investigation and 600 agents to execute. The 680 arrested individuals now languish in detention facilities. According to ICE, the average daily cost of detaining one person is $134. Some estimates place the cost at closer to $200 per day. Given this administration’s immigration policies, from family separation to zero tolerance to mass raids, the number of immigrants in detention is rapidly expanding, not retracting. For every person who leaves detention, another replaces them, if not two. Even using ICE’s conservative figure of $134, the cost of keeping one immigrant in detention is almost $50,000 per year. The detention expense alone for the group detained on Wednesday is approximately $100,000 a day, $3 million per month, and $36 million a year. Given that more raids are coming, these costs are only going to go up.
No, it does not make sense spending $50,000 to lock someone up for supporting her family when you consider:
  • That she has most likely done nothing other than a violation of a visa return date which is not a crime. The most likely outcome is deportation which is not a punishment because there will be no guilt established.
  • Wall Street traders steal hundreds of millions and they get a slap on the wrist. Commerce Secretary steals 120 million dollars and will probably not spend a single day in jail.
  • Half the child molesters in the US never go to prison.
There is a right way and a wrong way to deal with immigration and this is not the right way.

The right way is to shoot them as they come over the fence. 20 or 30 bodies and they'll quit coming.
Most or all Illegals crossing the borders are only seeking a better life.

We do not have the means to provide a better life to all who seek one. That is reality.

We have 20 millions of them that are already here.

Yeah, no shit. How many will there be when left wing lunatics get their way with immigration?

You get me wrong. I’m only speaking for the illegals that are already here living with jobs following law.
When you let them off the hook, then millions more will come.
Pay a wage that Americans will work for. People want jobs and will work for reasonable wages. Saying "Nobody will do that job." is horseshit. Nobody will do that job for 5 dollars an hour under the table. Americans work all kinds of backbreaking manual labor jobs.

I’ve been through with these topics several times here in this site and in real life.
I personally know 2 farmers here in Ca and one in Arizona. They will not vote for Trump again.

What I’m telling you are real life no bullshit or horseshit. These illegals are are getting rare that they are demanding their rates nobody is getting paid $5. These farmers are willing to take any workers that apply.

You are absolutely correct. Pay wages that Americans will work. You probably talking about old timers. I still have several of them. Tough hard workers dedicated but they are getting old and retiring soon.

Let say you are willing to work at the farm picking strawberries or avocados. How much do you think are you willing to accept $16 $20?
1. How much do you think those strawberries or avocados will cost at the groceries?
2. With the heat, heavy lifting. How long are you going to last?
3. How far is your house to these farms? Are you willing to travel?
4. You probably wants break time, shoes or uniform.
5. And if you have a kid. Is your babysitting cost more?

For lousy $16 with all those factors. Will it be easier or cheaper if you just stay home or at works McDonald’s?

Here’s How Immigration Policy Impacts Your Avocados and Other Produce – Fortune

To attract workers, farmers are raising wages to well above the minimum wage, which in California is $11 per hour, especially in higher cost places like Napa, Calif. Farmers are also increasingly paying for H-2A visas for guest workers.

Tell the class why all the restaurants were crying about avocado prices when Trump threatened to put tariffs on Mexico?


You probably don’t even understand what that means.

It means our economy needs immigrant labor because citizens don't know how to do agriculture, and don't want to learn.

That is what we’ve telling to these morons here that we need immigrants workers.

I never plant a single plant or vegetable or crop in my life. I never clean a chicken or a cow in my life. I never cut my grass in my life. I never clean my pool in my life. I don’t even know how to turn in my rainbow vacuum.

Someone has to do it.
These are all jobs that can be learned in a day.
It’s far more complicated than that.

These people that are here are economically and politically imbedded in our society. It’s very easy for people like you to say deport deport........ But ignored their importance and contributions to the booming economy.

*** Do you understand how this come about? Let me explain. Ugly inhumane disgusting Americans called illegal border crossing are criminals.
Decent Americans with a good heart and human being totally disagree with you. We do not called them criminals. So we ( not you) are going to change that law.

Say what, so you want to let in 5 billion people? To want open borders to let the world come here freely and trash America's limited resources ?


We never said that. NEVER. We do not have open borders. We do not trash America.

Liar. Dims are doing everything in their power to open our borders.

But making poor Americans pay more at the groceries and everything because of trade wars.

But seeing those kids crying while their parents being yank from them because of papers.

That is called TRASHING America. Seeing around the globe is very very disgusting.

Your cult leader scared you well. And You should ask your cult inept leader who is trashing America. MAll these crisis are fabricated by Trump.

Enforcing our borders is not "trashing America," you sleazy lying cockroach. Nothing hurts poor people more than importing low wage labor to take their jobs. That's what you defend.

I understand truth hurts. Im so sorry about that. I’ll be nice to you. I’ll try not to hurt your feelings.

LISTEN TO ME YOU RACIST BIGOT PIECES SHIT. Cockroach are people like you who are not human being.
I called you a cockroach. I find it difficult to believe that you're a human being.

A good example of cockroaches will be in humane people like you.
They refuse because they aren't willing to do it for $5/hr that Mexican labor is willing to do it for. However, they would do it for $15/hr. I used to do work like that when I was in high school and college.

He has suggested that Americans won't do farm labor for 15-20 dollars an hour. I think he's full of shit.

The problem with farm labor is it's seasonal. We have a solution to that but there are minimum pay requirements there also and business doesn't even want to pay that.
Using their logic we should allow all criminals out of prisons it cost too much to have murderers and rapists in jail. It costs too much to prosecute them. Obviously we would be better off to either do away with laws and justice altogether or we should just shoot every suspect, no trial, no jail.
Can't have it both ways. We either enforce laws or we do away with them.

I realize that there are crazies who want to pick and choose but things don't work that way in the real world.

Exactly i was thinking the same thing when I wrote that title.. according to them judges/lawyer's/prisons are a waste of money, let's set everyone free and have a libtard Utopia of chaos

When the founders rebelled against the laws England was passing, did they want no laws at all, or were they differentiating between legal and illegal laws?

In the real world you MUST pick and choose.
Anyone who supports legislation that is inherently evil is a criminal.
You have a duty to violate inherently corrupt or evil legislation.
That is the difference between being a war criminal or not.
You can not just follow orders or legislation when you know it is wrong.
Every human being is precious and priceless and deserves our respect, at least!

Yes, we should respectfully find them and march them out of the nation that they illegally entered.
I respect everyone. that's why i'm a better human being than you

I follow the law. That's why I'm a more lawful human being than you.
you follow an unjust law. i speak truth to power when i see an unjust law.

i see poor folk, i see their hustle, i know immigrants are not our foe!

Immigrants are not our foe, illegal immigrants are. I had my identity stolen in 2012 be a group that provided IDs to illegals. I am still trying to get it straightened out. I have spent over $10,000 in fees. I have tax fines that are over $100,000 and I owe taxes in states I haven’t step foot in.

I have no sympathy for them at all.

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