The most important question which nobody is asking

A perfect example of how this is done. The official liberal (false) narrative will attempt to convince you that this doesn't happen. Yet all across America, this happens every single day. Just imagine if we could restore Constitutional governmet and restore the over $1 trillion in waste to the American people. And just imagine if greedy, selfish liberals would do this as well...

It doesn't happen often enough to handle all the poverty the 1% creates.

Specifically how does the 1% (whatever that means) create poverty? Do individuals no longer have any personal responsibility whatsoever?

Well, they control most of the wealth that corporations make and they pretty much pay next to shit to the workers. Personal responsibility? You mean the workers should march up to the boss and demand the goddamn raise with a gun? Moron.
Really? That is fascinating... Roughly a decade ago or so I was doing consulting work for a law firm. Someone left their payroll on a copy machine (monumental mistake to say the least). They had attorney's pulling in over $800,000 per year and they weren't even the attorneys running the firm.

You're an idiot. Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc. is filled with all different types of executives, attorneys, engineers, etc. who are making six and seven figures. It's simply a fact that you're either far too stupid to know or far too unethical to admit.
Moron, show me where exactly the congress can't make these laws in our constitution? Congress can make laws and most of these laws are clearly constitutional. Your kind talk out your asses and I laugh at you.

Certainly it can be good or bad. But can the congress? Yes.
A perfect example of how this is done. The official liberal (false) narrative will attempt to convince you that this doesn't happen. Yet all across America, this happens every single day. Just imagine if we could restore Constitutional governmet and restore the over $1 trillion in waste to the American people. And just imagine if greedy, selfish liberals would do this as well...

It doesn't happen often enough to handle all the poverty the 1% creates.

Specifically how does the 1% (whatever that means) create poverty? Do individuals no longer have any personal responsibility whatsoever?
Because the liberal masters have brainwashed their liberal minions to believe that wealth is "distributed" and there is some wizard behind the curtain passing it all out and sticking it to the poor people (so they will vote Dumbocrat of course).

Asshole, your world looks like a central American country with the rich taking it all and the poor worker getting fucked. We would of never developed 95% of the middle class if it wasn't for unions, but hey, you don't know history as you're a loser that got fucked out of a decent education in life.
Asshole...Central and South America implemented all of the idiot liberal socialist policies that you advocate. Only an idiot liberal minion would advocate for the liberal policies which turned other nations into third-world shit-holes. :eusa_doh:
Moron, show me where exactly the congress can't make these laws in our constitution? Congress can make laws and most of these laws are clearly constitutional. Your kind talk out your asses and I laugh at you.

Certainly it can be good or bad. But can the congress? Yes.
Who are you taking to and what about?!? There are over 240 posts on this thread stupid. How about specifically replying to the one you are referring to so people know what the frick you are referring?!? are a special kind of stupid.
I founded two Christian-based non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.

If taxes weren't so high people could afford to give more to charities of their choice instead of having so much wasted in the bumbling government bureaucracy.

Charity is a joke. sorry, but it wouldn't do 1/10th of what unemployment and welfare(food stamps) does. Fucking idiot, the rich pay far less then they should be paying and yet you blame the government. Go fuck yourself.
Spoken like a true liberal parasite. Violating the U.S. Constitution is a joke. Charity is the solution to our liberal problems.
I founded two Christian-based non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.

If taxes weren't so high people could afford to give more to charities of their choice instead of having so much wasted in the bumbling government bureaucracy.

Charity is a joke. sorry, but it wouldn't do 1/10th of what unemployment and welfare(food stamps) does. Fucking idiot, the rich pay far less then they should be paying and yet you blame the government. Go fuck yourself.
Summarizes Matt's minion mind-set idiot mentality flawlessly...

"Back in the thirties we were told we must collectivize the nation because the people were so poor. Now we are told we must collectivize the nation because the people are so rich." -William F. Buckley
Why not have a combination of private and government support of the needy?
That is what we have been doing for 70 years

Because it's not working, that's why.

In order for this to be effective, there has to be funds available to all of the poor and disadvantaged across the country. The areas of need have to be identified, and there needs to be a fair distribution and allocation of resources.

The infrastructure required to co-ordinate all of the foundations to do this effectively would be expensive and unwieldy, and those foundations usually have an area of interest: a pet project. If the projects the foundations want to invest in don't match the needs, what happens then?

Government has the ability to do all of the above, but the problem in the US is that the programs, in many cases, benefit the corporations more than the people. Food stamps is a case in point. They current method of distribution, electronic debit cards can't be used with farmers and those who don't have the equipment to process the payments. So basically, you have to shop at a supermarket or store like Walmart to use them.

It is to be noted that when millionaires have "adopted" classes of innercity students, promising to pay their college tuition, that millionaire invests heavily in his/her students, getting them additional tutoring and classroom resources, fully 80% of those kids are going on to college. The United States is the only First World country which spend less to educate the children of the poor, than it does to educate the children of the rich. Your school system is struggling, not because of teacher's unions, but because it's cash starved.

The next generation of American youth are falling behind the rest of the world because you won't invest in their education.

Your faith in the "free market" has given you the 35th best healthcare system, the the 17th best education system. Those which are better, are in countries which are a mix of government run programs and free market. Your infrastructure is crumbling, but you have no problem wanting to send in the troops.
Asshole...Central and South America implemented all of the idiot liberal socialist policies that you advocate. Only an idiot liberal minion would advocate for the liberal policies which turned other nations into third-world shit-holes. :eusa_doh:

The Central and South American countries were turned into third world shit-holes by the right-wing dictators installed by the CIA and the US government. They completely destroyed the economies of their countries. They cancelled the social safety net programs, cut taxes paid by the rich, sold off the state owned assets to the elite and the US corporations. Prices went up, wages went down. The working class was ground into poverty, and the rich got richer.

The US is on the same path with Reagan's Free Market reforms. The US didn't have much in the way of state owned assets to sell off, but the effect of having the middle class subsidize the starvation wages paid by many of your large corporations has been a really effective way of destroying the middle class.
Because it's not working, that's why.

Exactly! Liberalism has a failure rate of 100% world wide. It has never succeeded and it never will. Which is why we need to restore constitutional government and get them the hell out of the charity business.
The infrastructure required to co-ordinate all of the foundations to do this effectively would be expensive and unwieldy,

You mean like government. Where it costs us over $1 billion per year just to process the paperwork for approving food stamps. Yeah....that is some real efficiency there Dragonlady. The kind that could only come from government. How about actually knowing what you're talking about before speaking?!? All you do is parrot the liberal talking points from George Soros's groups and you think that makes you sound intelligent. I assure you, it doesn't.

(It would take 59,110 employees working full-time (2,000 hours annually) to comply with the required paperwork)

Approving Food Stamps Costs the Economy $1 Billion
Asshole...Central and South America implemented all of the idiot liberal socialist policies that you advocate. Only an idiot liberal minion would advocate for the liberal policies which turned other nations into third-world shit-holes. :eusa_doh:

The Central and South American countries were turned into third world shit-holes by the right-wing dictators installed by the CIA and the US government. They completely destroyed the economies of their countries. They cancelled the social safety net programs, cut taxes paid by the rich, sold off the state owned assets to the elite and the US corporations. Prices went up, wages went down. The working class was ground into poverty, and the rich got richer.

The US is on the same path with Reagan's Free Market reforms. The US didn't have much in the way of state owned assets to sell off, but the effect of having the middle class subsidize the starvation wages paid by many of your large corporations has been a really effective way of destroying the middle class.
Really? So it was the U.S. and the CIA that installed Hugo Chavez in Venezuela?!? Bwahahahahaha. The idiot left-wing dictator implemented liberal socialism and completely collapsed the nation. As usual, that country now endures mass famine, mass poverty, and mass misery.

By the way stupid - there is no such thing as a "right-wing dictator". A dictator by its very nature is left-wing. The further right you go, government gets smaller and weaker until you reach no government at all - or anarchy. That polar opposite of a dictator you moron. :bang3:
Liberals will tell you all day about how they are angels sent from Heaven. They weep for the less fortunate. Their heart beats only for those in need. They will tell you that God created liberals because... sometimes... even actual angels themselves need angels. And that is why a liberal exists.

Just one small problem. If they care so much - why don't they achieve all of their goals legally through foundations rather than illegally through government? George Soros is a radical left-wing billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg is a hard-core liberal billionaire. Bill Gates is a moderate liberal billionaire who has long been the wealthiest man in the world (recently relegated to #2). Warren Buffet is a very generous billionaire who is the third wealthiest man in the world. So what is the problem? Habitat for Humanity has been doing it for many years. They don't mandate that government provide people with a home. They go out and build them themselves.

Liberals get so angry when conservatives oppose them. But no conservative would oppose liberals creating a foundation which provides health insurance policies to those that don't have any. In fact, conservatives would join them in that effort. Everybody would be a winner. Same with food. Transportation. Housing. Liberals would get all of the social assistance they claim to desire, conservatives would get all of the liberty and Constitutional government that they desire, and both sides would come together in harmony.

The fact that liberals refuse to do this legally through private foundations (where conservatives wouldn't have any case to oppose them) kind of proves that their agenda and their ideology has nothing to do with "helping" people. It is exclusively about control. Exerting power over other people. Stripping you of your rights and liberties so that they can feel "powerful".
Maybe it's because capitalism needs lots of poor people to use
The Central and South American countries were turned into third world shit-holes by the right-wing dictators installed by the CIA and the US government.

After seeing liberals post on USMB, I completely understand now why they want government caring for them cradle to grave like a mommy or daddy. They realize they simply can't survive on their own. God Almighty... "Right-Wing Dictators". That's like saying "those free-market communists". Even in the face of indisputable evidence of the failure of your ideology, you'll go all tin-foil hat conspiracy and proclaim "right-wing dictators" crashed the economies (when those left-wing dictators implemented pure liberal socialist polices which have a failure rate of 100% world-wide).
Liberals will tell you all day about how they are angels sent from Heaven. They weep for the less fortunate. Their heart beats only for those in need. They will tell you that God created liberals because... sometimes... even actual angels themselves need angels. And that is why a liberal exists.

Just one small problem. If they care so much - why don't they achieve all of their goals legally through foundations rather than illegally through government? George Soros is a radical left-wing billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg is a hard-core liberal billionaire. Bill Gates is a moderate liberal billionaire who has long been the wealthiest man in the world (recently relegated to #2). Warren Buffet is a very generous billionaire who is the third wealthiest man in the world. So what is the problem? Habitat for Humanity has been doing it for many years. They don't mandate that government provide people with a home. They go out and build them themselves.

Liberals get so angry when conservatives oppose them. But no conservative would oppose liberals creating a foundation which provides health insurance policies to those that don't have any. In fact, conservatives would join them in that effort. Everybody would be a winner. Same with food. Transportation. Housing. Liberals would get all of the social assistance they claim to desire, conservatives would get all of the liberty and Constitutional government that they desire, and both sides would come together in harmony.

The fact that liberals refuse to do this legally through private foundations (where conservatives wouldn't have any case to oppose them) kind of proves that their agenda and their ideology has nothing to do with "helping" people. It is exclusively about control. Exerting power over other people. Stripping you of your rights and liberties so that they can feel "powerful".
Maybe it's because capitalism needs lots of poor people to use
And yet is has created more wealth and brought more people out of perpetual poverty than any system man has ever seen. How do you explain that? :dunno:
The Central and South American countries were turned into third world shit-holes by the right-wing dictators installed by the CIA and the US government. They completely destroyed the economies of their countries.

Tell me something the dark recesses of your fucked up mind....was Fidel Castro one of these dictators installed by the CIA and the U.S.? Because I seem to remember the CIA and the U.S. trying to kill Fidel Castro. He was a typical left-wing dictator that collapsed a strong nation with idiot liberal socialism. The facts prove that you're just a political hack spouting off lies to support a failed ideology.
(when those left-wing dictators implemented pure liberal socialist polices which have a failure rate of 100% world-wide).

Canada hasn't failed. Or Great Britain, Norway, Sweden or Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland. In fact, the only Western European country in difficulty is Greece, which had other issues driving its failure.

Here's a list of right-wing authoritarian dictators supported by the US over the past century:

List of authoritarian regimes supported by the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Liberals will tell you all day about how they are angels sent from Heaven. They weep for the less fortunate. Their heart beats only for those in need. They will tell you that God created liberals because... sometimes... even actual angels themselves need angels. And that is why a liberal exists.

Just one small problem. If they care so much - why don't they achieve all of their goals legally through foundations rather than illegally through government? George Soros is a radical left-wing billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg is a hard-core liberal billionaire. Bill Gates is a moderate liberal billionaire who has long been the wealthiest man in the world (recently relegated to #2). Warren Buffet is a very generous billionaire who is the third wealthiest man in the world. So what is the problem? Habitat for Humanity has been doing it for many years. They don't mandate that government provide people with a home. They go out and build them themselves.

Liberals get so angry when conservatives oppose them. But no conservative would oppose liberals creating a foundation which provides health insurance policies to those that don't have any. In fact, conservatives would join them in that effort. Everybody would be a winner. Same with food. Transportation. Housing. Liberals would get all of the social assistance they claim to desire, conservatives would get all of the liberty and Constitutional government that they desire, and both sides would come together in harmony.

The fact that liberals refuse to do this legally through private foundations (where conservatives wouldn't have any case to oppose them) kind of proves that their agenda and their ideology has nothing to do with "helping" people. It is exclusively about control. Exerting power over other people. Stripping you of your rights and liberties so that they can feel "powerful".
Maybe it's because capitalism needs lots of poor people to use
And yet is has created more wealth and brought more people out of perpetual poverty than any system man has ever seen. How do you explain that? :dunno:
Not unregulated free market capitalism. That has put all the wealth in the rich bank accounts.

Your way puts 90% into the 1%s bank. Our way they get 75%. Our way works best
The Central and South American countries were turned into third world shit-holes by the right-wing dictators installed by the CIA and the US government. They completely destroyed the economies of their countries.

Tell me something the dark recesses of your fucked up mind....was Fidel Castro one of these dictators installed by the CIA and the U.S.? Because I seem to remember the CIA and the U.S. trying to kill Fidel Castro. He was a typical left-wing dictator that collapsed a strong nation with idiot liberal socialism. The facts prove that you're just a political hack spouting off lies to support a failed ideology.
Liberal Kennedy tried killing him but who killed liberal Kennedy?

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