The most important question which nobody is asking

Whooosh! Right over da head.....
We don''t need no water, let the mother fucker burn.............

See what I mean? Never a single post of substance. Well, almost never. You did just make a solid post with regards to your belief of the liberal ideology. That was good. But most like this garbage. Nonsensical snark designed to amuse yourself. Just makes more shit for the rest of us to have to sift through as we attempt to find posts of substance.
Rotting panties is under the delusion that he speaks for everyone .
Whooosh! Right over da head.....
We don''t need no water, let the mother fucker burn.............

See what I mean? Never a single post of substance. Well, almost never. You did just make a solid post with regards to your belief of the liberal ideology. That was good. But most like this garbage. Nonsensical snark designed to amuse yourself. Just makes more shit for the rest of us to have to sift through as we attempt to find posts of substance.
Look here Dilbert.....If I went around redundantly reiterating how everyone needs to follow my philosophy or they are a losers, I'd get another job to keep me buzy with real life......
Right now all we hear is your sophomoric attempts at judging the world through under employed eyes...
Whooosh! Right over da head.....
We don''t need no water, let the mother fucker burn.............

See what I mean? Never a single post of substance. Well, almost never. You did just make a solid post with regards to your belief of the liberal ideology. That was good. But most like this garbage. Nonsensical snark designed to amuse yourself. Just makes more shit for the rest of us to have to sift through as we attempt to find posts of substance.
Rotting panties is under the delusion that he speaks for everyone .
I don't wear undies, it's easier to whip it out and pee in shorts while working...
Whooosh! Right over da head.....
We don''t need no water, let the mother fucker burn.............

See what I mean? Never a single post of substance. Well, almost never. You did just make a solid post with regards to your belief of the liberal ideology. That was good. But most like this garbage. Nonsensical snark designed to amuse yourself. Just makes more shit for the rest of us to have to sift through as we attempt to find posts of substance.
Look here Dilbert.....If I went around redundantly reiterating how everyone needs to follow my philosophy or they are a losers, I'd get another job to keep me buzy with real life......
Right now all we hear is your sophomoric attempts at judging the world through under employed eyes...
Yeah, I went there after being pushed by a corrupt philosopher with terminal butt hurt...
Whooosh! Right over da head.....
We don''t need no water, let the mother fucker burn.............

See what I mean? Never a single post of substance. Well, almost never. You did just make a solid post with regards to your belief of the liberal ideology. That was good. But most like this garbage. Nonsensical snark designed to amuse yourself. Just makes more shit for the rest of us to have to sift through as we attempt to find posts of substance.
Rotting panties is under the delusion that he speaks for everyone .
I don't wear undies, it's easier to whip it out and pee in shorts while working...
I've gone commando since high school, 40 years.
Whooosh! Right over da head.....
We don''t need no water, let the mother fucker burn.............

See what I mean? Never a single post of substance. Well, almost never. You did just make a solid post with regards to your belief of the liberal ideology. That was good. But most like this garbage. Nonsensical snark designed to amuse yourself. Just makes more shit for the rest of us to have to sift through as we attempt to find posts of substance.
Rotting panties is under the delusion that he speaks for everyone .
I don't wear undies, it's easier to whip it out and pee in shorts while working...
I've gone commando since high school, 40 years.
I got tired of buying them and wearing them.....
Woof woof, you tell em poodle.
I founded two non-profits where I live. Every donated penny goes toward helping those in need. I paid all administrative costs out of my own pocket.

Despite that, and the efforts of all the churches and fellowships (Lions, Kiwanis, etc) in the area, we hardly put a dent in all the needs of the area. You don't really know how bad it is until you decide to do something. Most of us live in ignorant bliss of what is really going on.

That's why government steps in.
Good point

If one house in the community burns down, local charities can help rebuild

If every house in a community burns down, you need government

When has every house in the community ever burnt down?
It also holds that traditions do not carry any inherent value, that social practices ought to be continuously adjusted for the greater benefit of humanity,

But it doesn't account for the law. And therein lies the problem. In a private foundation, you have unlimited power to "continuously adjusted" for the greater benefit of humanity. In government, you do not. And hence the problem. Liberals get extremely pissed off when the law prevents them from "continuously adjusting" and conservatives get pissed off when liberals ignore the law and proceed anyway.

Why create that kind of rift and conflict (not to mention violating the law) when you can achieve everything you desire to achieve legally? And, conservatives would overwhelmingly join in the majority of the endeavors.
That is something that a small group are attempting.Not the masses....
Actually, that is the entire liberal platform. For instance, Social Security is 100% unconstitutional and that is indisputable. Do you know of any liberal that doesn't support Social Security? The same is true for Medicaid (100% unconstitutional, 100% supported by liberals), Medicare (100% unconstitutional, 100% supported by liberals), welfare (100% unconstitutional, 100% supported by liberals), etc.

You were either being disingenuous or you really have no clue about the liberal platform.
It also holds that traditions do not carry any inherent value, that social practices ought to be continuously adjusted for the greater benefit of humanity,

But it doesn't account for the law. And therein lies the problem. In a private foundation, you have unlimited power to "continuously adjusted" for the greater benefit of humanity. In government, you do not. And hence the problem. Liberals get extremely pissed off when the law prevents them from "continuously adjusting" and conservatives get pissed off when liberals ignore the law and proceed anyway.

Why create that kind of rift and conflict (not to mention violating the law) when you can achieve everything you desire to achieve legally? And, conservatives would overwhelmingly join in the majority of the endeavors.
That is something that a small group are attempting.Not the masses....
Actually, that is the entire liberal platform. For instance, Social Security is 100% unconstitutional and that is indisputable. Do you know of any liberal that doesn't support Social Security? The same is true for Medicaid (100% unconstitutional, 100% supported by liberals), Medicare (100% unconstitutional, 100% supported by liberals), welfare (100% unconstitutional, 100% supported by liberals), etc.

You were either being disingenuous or you really have no clue about the liberal platform.
Ultra extreme bullshit alert!

Right now all we hear is your sophomoric attempts at judging the world through under employed eyes...

What does that even mean? For starters, the only "sophomoric" one here is you. You're the one with the immature and stupid ass snarky attempts at humor.

And what in the hell do you mean my "under employed eyes"? That I don't see the world??? Now that is hilarious (first time you've actually said something funny). really doesn't matter what the world looks like. What matters is what the law says. Your insane belief that a perceived moral high ground entitles a liberal to act outside of the law creates nothing but a lawless nation. Lawless nations fall apart into civil conflict like Rwanda. Is that what you desire here in the U.S. junior? Rwanda?

Now answer this with some more of that sophisticated humor - that sophomoric snark that just has everyone laughing so hard (you can't see me right now, but I'm rolling my eyes at your belief that you are some brilliant comedian making everyone on USMB laugh).
Right now all we hear is your sophomoric attempts at judging the world through under employed eyes...

What does that even mean? For starters, the only "sophomoric" one here is you. You're the one with the immature and stupid ass snarky attempts at humor.

And what in the hell do you mean my "under employed eyes"? That I don't see the world??? Now that is hilarious (first time you've actually said something funny). really doesn't matter what the world looks like. What matters is what the law says. Your insane belief that a perceived moral high ground entitles a liberal to act outside of the law creates nothing but a lawless nation. Lawless nations fall apart into civil conflict like Rwanda. Is that what you desire here in the U.S. junior? Rwanda?

Now answer this with some more of that sophisticated humor - that sophomoric snark that just has everyone laughing so hard (you can't see me right now, but I'm rolling my eyes at your belief that you are some brilliant comedian making everyone on USMB laugh).
The law for common folks ain't the same as the law for the rich and powerful, and it's been that whey for many, many years..If you don't like it, do something about it and stop whining and thinking that what some people do, all people do....And watch out, your eyes will get stuck looking at the hole where a brain goes...
Right now all we hear is your sophomoric attempts at judging the world through under employed eyes...

What does that even mean? For starters, the only "sophomoric" one here is you. You're the one with the immature and stupid ass snarky attempts at humor.

And what in the hell do you mean my "under employed eyes"? That I don't see the world??? Now that is hilarious (first time you've actually said something funny). really doesn't matter what the world looks like. What matters is what the law says. Your insane belief that a perceived moral high ground entitles a liberal to act outside of the law creates nothing but a lawless nation. Lawless nations fall apart into civil conflict like Rwanda. Is that what you desire here in the U.S. junior? Rwanda?

Now answer this with some more of that sophisticated humor - that sophomoric snark that just has everyone laughing so hard (you can't see me right now, but I'm rolling my eyes at your belief that you are some brilliant comedian making everyone on USMB laugh).
There's that delusional and constant reference to the imaginary we.
It declined under Obama and it has to do with the fact that there are not many real jobs available for Americans willing to work.

The underemployed rate under Obama is dismal as good paying jobs are evaporating.

Engineers are now flipping burgers.

If Obama was honest in his employment rate it would be terrible. He has lied about the employment rate just like he has lied about everything else.

Obama has really fucked up this country and all the Moon Bat denial in the world is not going to change it.

I'm making more than I ever did under Bush... but never mind, you tell yourself it's the black guy making your sad life miserable.
So I'm not really seeing any liberals stepping forward and advocating for implementing all liberalism through private foundations and restoring constitutional government. Can we all agree that liberalism has nothing to do with compassion for people? Maybe we can all get real about modern-day liberalism and have more honest discussions/debates on USMB?

Maybe you'll stop being a socially retarded Ayn Rand reading retard, but I'm not keeping my hopes up.

Here's why I don't favor foundations. They don't work.

Okay, we're done here. Thanks.
It declined under Obama and it has to do with the fact that there are not many real jobs available for Americans willing to work.

The underemployed rate under Obama is dismal as good paying jobs are evaporating.

Engineers are now flipping burgers.

If Obama was honest in his employment rate it would be terrible. He has lied about the employment rate just like he has lied about everything else.

Obama has really fucked up this country and all the Moon Bat denial in the world is not going to change it.

I'm making more than I ever did under Bush... but never mind, you tell yourself it's the black guy making your sad life miserable.
When Reagan got elected my wages were cut by 1/3.
When Clinton was in my wages went up 50%.
When GW was in my wages stated about the same till the recession.
Obama has actually put a big patch on the hole bush's recession caused.
Private charities and foundations have never taken in enough money to handle the poor and disabled in the USA. Plus the charities and foundations made the decisions as to where and how their money was spent.
When this nation began, welfare was a state function and they turned it over to the counties, hence the county poor farms and so on. When the Great Depression hit, states and private charities could not fill the need and the federal government stepped in to help. But the fed required work if the individual was able and most did work. To list all that was built would take too much time, but it was highways, schools, playgrounds, air ports and so on. Private charities are still able to control the use of their own money, and it still isn't enough to take care of America's needs.
Liberals will tell you all day about how they are angels sent from Heaven. They weep for the less fortunate. Their heart beats only for those in need. They will tell you that God created liberals because... sometimes... even actual angels themselves need angels. And that is why a liberal exists.

Just one small problem. If they care so much - why don't they achieve all of their goals legally through foundations rather than illegally through government? George Soros is a radical left-wing billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg is a hard-core liberal billionaire. Bill Gates is a moderate liberal billionaire who has long been the wealthiest man in the world (recently relegated to #2). Warren Buffet is a very generous billionaire who is the third wealthiest man in the world. So what is the problem? Habitat for Humanity has been doing it for many years. They don't mandate that government provide people with a home. They go out and build them themselves.

Liberals get so angry when conservatives oppose them. But no conservative would oppose liberals creating a foundation which provides health insurance policies to those that don't have any. In fact, conservatives would join them in that effort. Everybody would be a winner. Same with food. Transportation. Housing. Liberals would get all of the social assistance they claim to desire, conservatives would get all of the liberty and Constitutional government that they desire, and both sides would come together in harmony.

The fact that liberals refuse to do this legally through private foundations (where conservatives wouldn't have any case to oppose them) kind of proves that their agenda and their ideology has nothing to do with "helping" people. It is exclusively about control. Exerting power over other people. Stripping you of your rights and liberties so that they can feel "powerful".
This fails as a straw man fallacy, ridiculous lies from the equally ridiculous right.
Liberals will tell you all day about how they are angels sent from Heaven. They weep for the less fortunate. Their heart beats only for those in need. They will tell you that God created liberals because... sometimes... even actual angels themselves need angels. And that is why a liberal exists.

Just one small problem. If they care so much - why don't they achieve all of their goals legally through foundations rather than illegally through government? George Soros is a radical left-wing billionaire. Mark Zuckerberg is a hard-core liberal billionaire. Bill Gates is a moderate liberal billionaire who has long been the wealthiest man in the world (recently relegated to #2). Warren Buffet is a very generous billionaire who is the third wealthiest man in the world. So what is the problem? Habitat for Humanity has been doing it for many years. They don't mandate that government provide people with a home. They go out and build them themselves.

Liberals get so angry when conservatives oppose them. But no conservative would oppose liberals creating a foundation which provides health insurance policies to those that don't have any. In fact, conservatives would join them in that effort. Everybody would be a winner. Same with food. Transportation. Housing. Liberals would get all of the social assistance they claim to desire, conservatives would get all of the liberty and Constitutional government that they desire, and both sides would come together in harmony.

The fact that liberals refuse to do this legally through private foundations (where conservatives wouldn't have any case to oppose them) kind of proves that their agenda and their ideology has nothing to do with "helping" people. It is exclusively about control. Exerting power over other people. Stripping you of your rights and liberties so that they can feel "powerful".
This fails as a straw man fallacy, ridiculous lies from the equally ridiculous right.

Only in your dreams.

BTW: Your post proves point #1.

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