The most morally bankrupt and depraved people on Earth

That's funny, only 17 people have been killed by rocket attacks since 2004.
That's because the dumb-shits in Hamas use Ouija Boards for navigation and telemetry.

Its like when we fought the indians with guns and they only had bow and arrows. Hardly fair...
That's how the Good Guys win.

Besides... what-in-the-world does 'fair' have to do with it?

"...All's fair in love and war..." --- William Shakespeare

And, I assure you, this is now a bona fide 'war'.

...I can't believe how many people are starting to realize that Israel is not completely innocent in all this and they need to start behaving better...
On the contrary - the silence on the part of much of the rest of the world this time is dramatic and profound.

...You can't keep fucking with the Palastinians and be surprised when they fight back...
Not surprised. Amused. And empowered to slaughter Hamas, now, in the eyes of much of the world. Kinda cool, how that worked out this time, isn't it?

...Jews are all too use to playing the victim...
Yeah... you're right... they've certainly had a lot of practice... and over 6,000,000 documented cases of victimization, within Living Memory.

...So much so they can't even fathom the possibility that they might be the victimizers here.
Just as with politics, economics, agriculture, science, diplomacy and war... Israel outshines you in the philosophical disciplines as well, and, employing those superior skills, Israel has successfully neutralized such arguments coming from the Palestinian side.

Hamas' rejection of the Egyptian Peace Treaty was the icing on that particular cake, in this instance.

Hamas' leadership has to be dumb as a box-o-rox.
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That's because the dumb-shits in Hamas use Ouija Boards for navigation and telemetry.

Its like when we fought the indians with guns and they only had bow and arrows. Hardly fair...
That's how the Good Guys win.

Besides... what-in-the-world does 'fair' have to do with it?

"...All's fair in love and war..." --- William Shakespeare

And, I assure you, this is now a bona fide 'war'.

On the contrary - the silence on the part of much of the rest of the world this time is dramatic and profound.

Not surprised. Amused. And empowered to slaughter Hamas, now, in the eyes of much of the world. Kinda cool, how that worked out this time, isn't it?

...Jews are all too use to playing the victim...
Yeah... you're right... they've certainly had a lot of practice... and over 6,000,000 documented cases of victimization, within Living Memory.

...So much so they can't even fathom the possibility that they might be the victimizers here.
Just as with politics, economics, agriculture, science, diplomacy and war... Israel outshines you in the philosophical disciplines as well, and, employing those superior skills, Israel has successfully neutralized such arguments coming from the Palestinian side.

Hamas' rejection of the Egyptian Peace Treaty was the icing on that particular cake, in this instance.

Hamas' leadership has to be dumb as a box-o-rox.

Kondor----sit tight----just when you imagine things cannot get worse----
they tend to go swirling down the cosmic toilet bowl. BUT then people
tend to SUDDENLY overcome the crisis and swim back the surface
There is a light at the end of the tunnel-------once the CALIPHATE CLOWN
goes into full swing---
a billion muslims are going to sit up and say---------or whisper
'"let's stop being stupid""
1)You must be under the impression that those who can't stand the Islamic Terrorist are the problem instead of the parents of the kids.

2)Your emotional response about you want to save the kids has nothing to do wit reality. What do you propose to do with the parents of these kids...............

3)Hmmmmmmmmmm..........say something emotional to them and it will change.................

4)We live in a real world, and your emotional posts or beliefs will change nothing.

!)I "can't stand the Islamic Terrorist" I thought I had made that clear in this thread as I have in several other threads on USMB. The parents of the kids and their sick warped religious ideology are the problem.

2)I absolutely did not say I "want to save the kids". Expressing empathy for their plight is an entirely different kettle of fish. (and would you say honestly you have no empathy for them?)

3)Nonsense impossible to respond to.

4)I probably should try to keep emotion in check when posting. On the subject of children in particular I find it difficult. I'm a parent. Just wondering, are you? Of course I have no right to expect an answer to that personal question.

Does this help at all in clarifying my true response to the OP?

I'll add one more comment. You said "emotional...beliefs will change nothing" Isn't it a historical truism that ideas people have believed in (emotionally or not) are precisely what has change the world through the millenia?

I have kids and don't like that kids die in War anymore than you do............

But you are talking about War here, and the Israeli's are taking precautions to avoid civilian deaths.............Hamas is taking measures to ENSURE civilian deaths. They want them to die to show the world their deaths even though they are causing it.

War is hell, and Israel has the right to defend itself. Civilians in these urban areas will be killed as a result. That's just the way it is...............

Reality sucks.

or something? I haven't mentioned fucking war or the Israelis. Don't put words in my fucking mouth. If you want to address those topics go irritate someone else. Fuck!! Your reading comprehension skills aren't worth a shit..
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Anyone can make pictures like that. Hollywood is Jewish.

Yanno, pissellope - when a poster makes such plain ol' dumbfuck posts like that turdlet above, it's really easy to ignore their stupid Nazi-sucking filth.

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