The Nanking Massacre and Iris Chang's Book The Rape of Nanking

Commie Joe has proven over and over that he knows nothing about this topic.


True story... no one complained about locking up the Japanese Americans... except them. Everyone else thought it was a dandy idea at the time.

You’ve never heard of Ralph Carr, you’ve never read the Ringle Report...

Why do you bother trying to talk about something you know nothing about?
Ignorant troll. You know nothing about History, and you have no interest in learning. Go troll somewhere else.

Pearl Harbor. Bataan Death March. That's why those people got sent away to camps.

Nobody at the time objected.

Part of studying history is actually understanding what people at the time thought. My Dad was a WWII vet, guys of his generation STILL hated the Japanese 40 years later.
You . . . uh . . . you didn't bother to read the OP, did you? Are you aware that nearly all of the photos in Chang's book had nothing to do with the Nanking Massacre?

Don't care...

The Rape of Nanking is a historical event.... I put your shit up there with the Neo-Nazis who deny the Holocaust happened.

HUH?!!! "Bircher Propaganda"???! Oh, wow. Did you just beam into 2019 from the 1960s? You think that the research on the tens of millions of people whom Stalin killed is "Bircher Propaganda"?!! This is a cake-taker.

Again, you are the one who blurts out McCarthyite propaganda and expects me to get upset about it. Stalin was a bastard. He wasn't a genocidal bastard.

Uh, so you didn't read the OP, did you? Are you aware that in 1938 the Chinese Nationalists killed at least 400,000 people in Henan, Anhui, and Jiangsu when they breached the Yellow River dike? Go read the OP.

Again, don't waste my valuable time with horseshit. There's also a big difference between some people drowing because of flooding and people dying because they were systematically raped and murdered by an occupying army.

The Japanese were not as bad as the Chinese Communists and the Soviets in the in WW II

No, they were worse... much, much, much worse, which is why the Japanese are still hated by the Chinese and Koreans.

Anti-Japanese sentiment in Korea - Wikipedia

Anti-Japanese sentiment in China - Wikipedia

First thing Japan needs to do... openly admit they did bad shit with massacres and comfort women and the rest of that shit. That would be a good start.

I think what the op needs to come to terms with is the fact that war.... any kind of war is ugly. It probably makes me sound like an asshole but in my opinion once war has been declared it becomes almost impossible to identify the nebulous term war crime.

I think what the op needs to come to terms with is the fact that war.... any kind of war is ugly. It probably makes me sound like an asshole but in my opinion once war has been declared it becomes almost impossible to identify the nebulous term war crime.

You might have a point to an extent. War Crime Trials are the winners punishing the losers.

So the idea is to not do things you can be punished for if your side loses. The Geneva Conventions were a good place to start, but Japan never signed them and Germany routinely violated them.
Ignorant troll. You know nothing about History, and you have no interest in learning. Go troll somewhere else.

Pearl Harbor. Bataan Death March. That's why those people got sent away to camps.


Not one person in fdr’s concentration camps had anything to do with those things, you unamerican, illogical racist piece of shit.
Not one person in fdr’s concentration camps had anything to do with those things, you unamerican, illogical racist piece of shit.

Do you think people in 1942 were making that distinction between people who just got here and their cousins back home?


Hey, it's been 18 years since 9/11, we STILL haven't shut down Gitmo. It's just kind of still there....

Manzanar was shut down by 1945.
Not all of them. You sure as shit didn’t fight in WWII, and you are racist TODAY just because you are of poor character.

I love Japanese people. I even dated a Japanese girl once.

But they were really bastards during World War II.

I'm of German ancestry. The Germans did awful stuff in WWII, too.

It's easy to look at the precautions that people took after Pearl Harbor and say, "Wow, that was harsh".

People are going to look back at Gitmo and taking our shoes off at the airport and wonder what the fuck we were so panicky about.
Not one person in fdr’s concentration camps had anything to do with those things, you unamerican, illogical racist piece of shit.

Do you think people in 1942 were making that distinction between people who just got here and their cousins back home?


How about American citizens born and raised in the US, you traitorous fuck?
Not one person in fdr’s concentration camps had anything to do with those things, you unamerican, illogical racist piece of shit.

Do you think people in 1942 were making that distinction between people who just got here and their cousins back home?



Once again, you ignorant dope, go read about Ralph Carr. It’s painfully clear by now that you know nothing about History, but even a moron like you can google.
How about American citizens born and raised in the US, you traitorous fuck?

How about them?

Hey, did you hear about the Hero of World War I France, whose strategy was largely credited for defeating Germany?

In World War II, he became a collaborator.... His name was Marshall Philip Petain..

So you are facing an invasion, and you have a large population that might very well collaborate... What do you do with them?

Well, most countries would have just killed their asses outright.... and been done with it.

We just got them out of the war zone for a couple of years.
Once again, you ignorant dope, go read about Ralph Carr. It’s painfully clear by now that you know nothing about History, but even a moron like you can google.

Funny thing. I got a degree before there was a Google, and every moron could cut and paste and pretend they are smart.
Once again, you ignorant dope, go read about Ralph Carr. It’s painfully clear by now that you know nothing about History, but even a moron like you can google.

Funny thing. I got a degree before there was a Google, and every moron could cut and paste and pretend they are smart.

And yet, you still don’t have the slightest idea what I’m talking about.
And yet, you still don’t have the slightest idea what I’m talking about.

Nobody knows or cares what you are talking about....

Why do you come to the History forum when you clearly don't know anything about History and are uninterested in learning anything about it? Go troll somewhere else. Take your racist, un-American ass to the FZ, troll.

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