The Nanking Massacre and Iris Chang's Book The Rape of Nanking

You've proven that you know nothing about the topic of this thread, troll. You've proven that you are uninterested in learning about history. You've proven that you are an illogical, un-American dimwit.

I'm uninterested in hearing Neo-Fascist apologia..

I can't get worked up that some folks got treated badly at a time period where we treated LOTS of people badly.

Native Americans on reservations probably LAUGH at Nisii whining about two years at Mazanar
" the entire "Japanese Problem" has been magnified out of its true proportion, largely because of the physical characteristics of the people; that it is no more serious that the problems of the German, Italian, and Communistic portions of the United States population, and, finally that it should be handled on the basis of the individual, regardless of citizenship, and not on a racial basis.”

-US Office of Naval Intelligence
December, 1941
You've proven that you know nothing about the topic of this thread, troll. You've proven that you are uninterested in learning about history. You've proven that you are an illogical, un-American dimwit.

I'm uninterested in hearing Neo-Fascist apologia..

I can't get worked up that some folks got treated badly at a time period where we treated LOTS of people badly....

From the Ringle Report:

"The action taken by the Japanese American Citizens League in convention in Santa Ana, California, on January 11, 1942. This convention voted to require the following oath to be taken, signed, and notarized by every member of that organization as a prerequisite for membership for the year 1942, and for all members taken into the organization in the future "I, _______, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I hereby renounce any other allegiances which I may have knowingly or unknowingly held in the past; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion. So help me God." ... That a very great many of the Nisei have taken legal steps through the Japanese Consulate and the Government of Japan to officially divest themselves of Japanese citizenship (dual citizenship) , even though by so doing they become legally dead in the eye of the Japanese law, and are no longer eligible to inherit any property which they or their family may have held in Japan. ... The last Issei who legally entered the United States did so in 1924. Most of them arrived before that time; therefore, these people have been in the United States at least eighteen years, or most of their adult life. They have their businesses and livelihoods here. Most of them are aliens only because the laws of the United States do not permit them to become naturalized. They have raised their children, the Nisei mentioned in paragraph (1) above, in the United States; many of them have some in the United States army. Exact figures are not available, but the local Military Intelligence office estimates that approximately five thousand Nisei in the State of California have entered the United States army as a result of the Selective Service Act. It does not seem reasonable that these aliens under the above conditions would form an organized group for armed insurrection or organized sabotage.... The United States recognizes these American-born Orientals as citizens, extends the franchise to them, drafts them for military service, forces them to pay taxes, perform jury duty, etc., and extends to them the complete protection afforded by the Constitution and Bill of Rights, and yet at the same time has viewed them with considerable suspicion and distrust, and so far as it is known to the write, has made no particular effort to develop their loyalty to the United States, other than to permit them to attend public schools. They are segregated as to where they may live by zoning laws, discriminated against in employment and wages, and rebuffed in nearly all their efforts to prove their loyalty to the United States, yet at the same time those of them who grow to about the age of 16 years in the United States and then go to Japan for a few years of education find themselves viewed with more suspicion and distrust in that country than they ever were in the United States, and the majority of them return after a short time thoroughly disillusioned with Japan and more than ever loyal to the United States."

Ringle Report on Japanese Internment
" the entire "Japanese Problem" has been magnified out of its true proportion, largely because of the physical characteristics of the people; that it is no more serious that the problems of the German, Italian, and Communistic portions of the United States population, and, finally that it should be handled on the basis of the individual, regardless of citizenship, and not on a racial basis.”

Okay- so what. This was the same Naval Intelligence that was absolutely convinced our battleships would be safe in Pearl Harbor.

"The action taken by the Japanese American Citizens League in convention in Santa Ana, California, on January 11, 1942. This convention voted to require the following oath to be taken, signed, and notarized by every member of that organization as a prerequisite for membership for the year 1942, and for all members taken into the organization in the future

Yeah, one more time... so what? A few divisions of Japanese landed in SF or LA, you think someone would say to a collaborator.... "But, but, but you promised!!!!"

By your own admission our laws didn't let them become naturalized after 1924.... you think they were that loyal?
" the entire "Japanese Problem" has been magnified out of its true proportion, largely because of the physical characteristics of the people; that it is no more serious that the problems of the German, Italian, and Communistic portions of the United States population, and, finally that it should be handled on the basis of the individual, regardless of citizenship, and not on a racial basis.”

Okay- so what. This was the same Naval Intelligence that was absolutely convinced our battleships would be safe in Pearl Harbor.

"The action taken by the Japanese American Citizens League in convention in Santa Ana, California, on January 11, 1942. This convention voted to require the following oath to be taken, signed, and notarized by every member of that organization as a prerequisite for membership for the year 1942, and for all members taken into the organization in the future

Yeah, one more time... so what? A few divisions of Japanese landed in SF or LA, you think someone would say to a collaborator.... "But, but, but you promised!!!!"

By your own admission our laws didn't let them become naturalized after 1924.... you think they were that loyal?

“They” were mostly US citizens, you traitorous asshole. You ignore the facts of history so you can cling to your racism and your hero worship. US naval intelligence knew these AMERICANS were loyal. Fucking scumbag fdr knew these AMERICANS were loyal, and he threw them into his concentration camps anyway. You now know a tiny fraction of what a true History Major would know about this topic, but you refuse to leave the womb of your ignorant racist narrative.
“They” were mostly US citizens, you traitorous asshole. You ignore the facts of history so you can cling to your racism and your hero worship. US naval intelligence knew these AMERICANS were loyal.

Naval Intelligence was absolutely positive the Japanese couldn't attack our ships at Pearl Harbor, because it was too far from Japan, the water was too shallow for torpedoes to work, etc.

The thing was, it wasn't FDR that was demanding they do something about the potential collaborators on the West Coast. It was the population at large. The GOP screamed to "do something" as loudly as the Democrats.

Fucking scumbag fdr knew these AMERICANS were loyal, and he threw them into his concentration camps anyway. You now know a tiny fraction of what a true History Major would know about this topic, but you refuse to leave the womb of your ignorant racist narrative.

Ho-hum... the biggest problem with studying history is that we often apply modern sensibilities to people in the past. A true historian understands the social mores of the period.

Of course, we all think this was bad because we think it's bad today. We've even largely forgotten our absolute terror after 9/11, when anyone named Mohammed in 2002 was strip searched on site before he could get onto a plane.

Now, imagine our terror after 9/11 and magnify that by 1000, and you get exactly what people were feeling in 1942, when it really looked like the Axis might win the war.
I notice Dripping Poop keeps skipping over that Naval Intelligence got Pearl Harbor so fucking wrong, but wonders why no one really trusted them when they said the Nisii could be trusted to not betray us.
“They” were mostly US citizens, you traitorous asshole. You ignore the facts of history so you can cling to your racism and your hero worship. US naval intelligence knew these AMERICANS were loyal.

Naval Intelligence was absolutely positive the Japanese couldn't attack our ships at Pearl Harbor, because it was too far from Japan, the water was too shallow for torpedoes to work, etc.

The thing was, it wasn't FDR that was demanding they do something about the potential collaborators on the West Coast. It was the population at large. The GOP screamed to "do something" as loudly as the Democrats.

Fucking scumbag fdr knew these AMERICANS were loyal, and he threw them into his concentration camps anyway. You now know a tiny fraction of what a true History Major would know about this topic, but you refuse to leave the womb of your ignorant racist narrative.

Ho-hum... the biggest problem with studying history is that we often apply modern sensibilities to people in the past. A true historian understands the social mores of the period....


Ignorant buffoon. There were rational Americans of good conscience in the 1940s as well, asshole.
" the entire "Japanese Problem" has been magnified out of its true proportion, largely because of the physical characteristics of the people; that it is no more serious that the problems of the German, Italian, and Communistic portions of the United States population, and, finally that it should be handled on the basis of the individual, regardless of citizenship, and not on a racial basis.”

Okay- so what. This was the same Naval Intelligence that was absolutely convinced our battleships would be safe in Pearl Harbor.

"The action taken by the Japanese American Citizens League in convention in Santa Ana, California, on January 11, 1942. This convention voted to require the following oath to be taken, signed, and notarized by every member of that organization as a prerequisite for membership for the year 1942, and for all members taken into the organization in the future

Yeah, one more time... so what? ...?

If you don’t know “so what,” you’re not an American.
I notice Dripping Poop keeps skipping over that Naval Intelligence got Pearl Harbor so fucking wrong, but wonders why no one really trusted them when they said the Nisii could be trusted to not betray us.


The president’s wife believed Naval Intelligence. So did the Governor of Colorado. They both lived “in those days,” you stupid shit.
“They” were mostly US citizens, you traitorous asshole. You ignore the facts of history so you can cling to your racism and your hero worship. US naval intelligence knew these AMERICANS were loyal.

Naval Intelligence was absolutely positive the Japanese couldn't attack our ships at Pearl Harbor, because it was too far from Japan, the water was too shallow for torpedoes to work, etc.

The thing was, it wasn't FDR that was demanding they do something about the potential collaborators on the West Coast. It was the population at large. The GOP screamed to "do something" as loudly as the Democrats.

Fucking scumbag fdr knew these AMERICANS were loyal, and he threw them into his concentration camps anyway. You now know a tiny fraction of what a true History Major would know about this topic, but you refuse to leave the womb of your ignorant racist narrative.

Ho-hum... the biggest problem with studying history is that we often apply modern sensibilities to people in the past. A true historian understands the social mores of the period....


Ignorant buffoon. There were rational Americans of good conscience in the 1940s as well, asshole.

The president’s wife believed Naval Intelligence. So did the Governor of Colorado. They both lived “in those days,” you stupid shit.

Good thing we don't let first ladies make policy, then.

Oh look, something else you’re wrong about.

Guy, your name is a japanese porn fetish... I doubt they even let you on a plane.

The president’s wife believed Naval Intelligence. So did the Governor of Colorado. They both lived “in those days,” you stupid shit.

Good thing we don't let first ladies make policy, then. .....

What happened to "everybody wanted it!" and "no one cared!"?

You still haven't figured out how to use Google to find out who Ralph Carr was?
What happened to "everybody wanted it!" and "no one cared!"?

You still haven't figured out how to use Google to find out who Ralph Carr was?

No, because I don't care. He wasn't important.

What was important. 2335 Americans were killed at Pearl Harbor. 650 American and 18,000 Filipinos died on the Bataan Death March.

That was important. We were at war with vicious savages, and Gosh Darn, no one trusted their cousins to not collaborate if shit got real.

Hey, speaking of the Philippines, maybe you should look up "Second Philippine Republic", and see how some Filipinos were happy to collaborate with the Japanese.

The reality. People had a valid fear that this population might collaborate or act as a fifth column.

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