The Nanking Massacre and Iris Chang's Book The Rape of Nanking

Your obvious disdain for America and the principles upon which my nation was founded does not excuse your constant affronts to logic.

What principles.

A bunch of rich slave rapists didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes for a war they started. They were willing to conspire with autocratic regimes to get their way.

They saved us from the horror of being - CANADIANS!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!

Compared to slavery and the treatment of Native Americans, I just can't get worked up that some Japanese went camping for a year. I'd take a year in Mazanar over a year in one of the Prison Camps the Japanese were running in the Philippines for US and Filipino prisoners.

Thanks for finally admitting your real motive in defending the inexcusable trampling of Americans’ rights is your abiding hatred of the United States.

Thanks for finally admitting your real motive in defending the inexcusable trampling of Americans’ rights is your abiding hatred of the United States.

Explain this to you one more time.

There are no "rights". There are privileges that the rest of society agrees you should have, as long as you aren't obnoxious about it...

At the time, no one cared, they were more worried the Yamato was going to show up and start shelling LA.
Thanks for finally admitting your real motive in defending the inexcusable trampling of Americans’ rights is your abiding hatred of the United States.

Explain this to you one more time.

There are no "rights". There are privileges that the rest of society agrees you should have, as long as you aren't obnoxious about it...


You are working hard to prove yourself a greater idiot than even bobo or jitler. It is now established beyond a doubt that you know nothing about History or Political Philosophy.
You finally learned how to google! (Wikipedia? really? how bush league can you get, ‘historian’?)Too bad you didn’t read the whole page.

Didn't need to.

Point was, the issue was brought to the Court AT THAT TIME, and they voted 6-3 that it was justified by the circumstances.

That a bunch of politically correct wusses later said it was bad.. meh, don't care much about that.

They weren't facing the threat of imminent invasion.

And Since we both know you and Mikey Heil G aren't going out there and protesting Trump's prison camps, which really are an attrocity... your mewling about what happened 80 years ago isn't impressive.
Again, wallowing in your own ignorance. You’re too willfully stupid for any serious discussion.

Dripping Poop, SCOTUS ruled on this issue... and found the relocation to be constitutional.

There was never a real threat of imminent invasion. Even an idiot like you could see that if you knew how to count.

There wasn't? If the Battle of Midway had gone the other way, and our aircraft carriers ended up in Davey Jones Locker instead of theirs, what was going to stop them from invading the west coast?

Japan had 12 operational Carriers and 11 battleships compared to our four carriers and maybe six batttleships. (After the four sunk at Pearl Harbor that's all we had left in the Pacific.)

Our biggest problem before WWII was how woefully unprepared for it we were in 1941.
...SCOTUS ruled on this issue... and found the relocation to be constitutional. .....

Willful idiot. You couldn't even be bothered to read the entire wiki-page you shamelessly offered up as a source, let alone actually understand the circumstances you are playing at understanding. You are utterly brain dead.
Again, wallowing in your own ignorance. You’re too willfully stupid for any serious discussion.

Dripping Poop, SCOTUS ruled on this issue... and found the relocation to be constitutional.

There was never a real threat of imminent invasion. Even an idiot like you could see that if you knew how to count.

There wasn't? ....

No idiot, there wasn't. The state of California alone is larger than the entire nation of Japan. Start doing some math, you fucking idiot.
Willful idiot. You couldn't even be bothered to read the entire wiki-page you shamelessly offered up as a source, let alone actually understand the circumstances you are playing at understanding. You are utterly brain dead.

Not at all..

AT THE TIME, it was ruled constitutional. What some simpering PC person said 80 years later, really, really doesn't matter.

People at the time considered it a legitimate threat and acted accordingly.

No idiot, there wasn't. The state of California alone is larger than the entire nation of Japan. Start doing some math, you fucking idiot.

YOu realize the Axis Powers took over areas many times the size of their countries, right?



Willful idiot. You couldn't even be bothered to read the entire wiki-page you shamelessly offered up as a source, let alone actually understand the circumstances you are playing at understanding. You are utterly brain dead.

Not at all..

AT THE TIME, it was ruled constitutional. What some simpering PC person said 80 years later, really, really doesn't matter.

People at the time considered it a legitimate threat and acted accordingly.

No idiot, there wasn't. The state of California alone is larger than the entire nation of Japan. Start doing some math, you fucking idiot.

YOu realize the Axis Powers took over areas many times the size of their countries, right?

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Which one of those was The United States of America, idiot?
You have proven that you don’t.

No, I just kind of proven that Pro-Axis asshats are fun to ridicule...

No, you've just proven that you're an ignorant, lying jerk who makes false accusations based on your caveman understanding of history.

The Axis Lost. The world is better off for it..

Well, Caveman, there's a little more to it than your third-grade, silly oversimplification. Just as not all Allied countries were the same, not all Axis countries were the same. Italy and Japan were nothing like Nazi Germany. The U.S. and England were nothing like the Soviet Union. The world was definitely not better off that Eastern Europe, China, North Vietnam, and North Korea fell under Communist tyranny as a result of FDR and Truman's monstrous mishandling of WW II. The world was definitely not better off that 30 million Chinese were murdered at the hands of the Maoist Communists after Mao took control. China, Korea, and Vietnam would have been far better off under Japanese rule than under Communist rule.

And, no, under the Japanese constitution, the emperor could not have stopped the Pearl Harbor attack. He did all he could to prevent it, as many scholars have documented, e.g., Dr. Noriko Kawamura in her book Emperor Hirohito and the Pacific War, to name one of several scholarly works that document this fact. Under the Japanese constitution, if the cabinet was unanimous in support of an action, the emperor could not veto it. He was able to intervene to compel surrender precisely because the cabinet was not unanimous on the subject. If you'd just crack open your bigoted, ignorant mind and do a little serious reading, you might just ween yourself from your Soviet-Chinese Communist-FDR-Truman version of WW II.
Well, Caveman, there's a little more to it than your third-grade, silly oversimplification. Just as not all Allied countries were the same, not all Axis countries were the same. Italy and Japan were nothing like Nazi Germany.

actually, they were just as bad... Mussolini was a murdering buffoon... just less competent.

The Japanese murdered tens of millions of people, engaged in war crimes and even fucking CANNIBALISM.

The world was definitely not better off that Eastern Europe, China, North Vietnam, and North Korea fell under Communist tyranny as a result of FDR and Truman's monstrous mishandling of WW II.

This is where you get into the delusion... China and Vietnam WANTED the Communists. As for Eastern Europe... most of them threw in with Hitler, so FUCK THEM.

The world was definitely not better off that 30 million Chinese were murdered at the hands of the Maoist Communists after Mao took control.

Hey, the John Birch Society Called, they want their bullshit talking points back.

And, no, under the Japanese constitution, the emperor could not have stopped the Pearl Harbor attack.

Again, Hirohito was worshiped as a God. He could have easily prevented the war. He just chose not to, because his Generals convinced him that Japan could knock the US out of the War before they got a chance to gear up.

Japan's military thinking was distorted by how easy (not really) their victory against Russia was in 1905. They thought they could beat America the same way.

If you'd just crack open your bigoted, ignorant mind and do a little serious reading, you might just ween yourself from your Soviet-Chinese Communist-FDR-Truman version of WW II.

My Dad was a world war II vet.. that's the version of WWII I had to live in, the one where those vets would have slapped your Neo-Nazi face.
Somewhat surprisingly, a rich source of objective information about Japan's involvement in China, the conditions in China before the Sino-Japanese War, and the Soviet role in China is
Dr. Jonathan Fenby's highly acclaimed and "definitive" 2005 biography of Chiang Kaishek titled Chiang Kai Shek: China's Generalissimo and the Nation He Lost. Among other things, Fenby documents the following:

* The Soviet Union's deep involvement with and extensive support of the Chinese Nationalists. On a side note along this line, Chiang sent his son to Moscow for training, and the Soviets helped Chiang set up the Nationalists' first military training school.

* Chiang relied heavily on two Soviet advisers named Borodin and Galen. Most of Chiang's combat operational decisions were made by Galen.

* The areas in China with a substantial Japanese presence were among the most economically prosperous in China because the Japanese invested large sums of money in infrastructure and finance in those areas, whereas most of the areas controlled by the Nationalists and the Communists were poor and backward.

* For many years, the Nationalists only controlled a part of southern China; the rest of the country was controlled by rival warlords.

* At no time did the Nationalists control Manchuria. For a time, the Manchurian warlord allied himself with Chiang, but the "alliance" became so bad that Chiang found it necessary to go to war against the warlord.

* The Nationalists committed numerous massacres and mass executions, although they were not as vicious as the Communists. As I've noted before, the Nationalists actually killed more people than did the Japanese army.

* Chiang had several opportunities to reach an entirely fair, if not downright generous, peace deal with the Japanese, a deal that would have spared China from Communist takeover, that would have granted the Nationalists control over all of China, and that would not have required the Nationalists to formally recognize Japan's state in Manchuria but just to agree to leave it alone.

* After Japan's surrender, Truman and Marshall imposed an arms embargo against the Nationalists, which gave the Communists crucial time to rearm and titled the war against the Nationalists. Truman and Marshall cut off weapons to Chiang because he refused to halt a major offensive against the Communists, and because he rejected their idiotic, treasonous demand that he form a coalition government with the Communists and that he agree to another truce with the Communists.

* Chiang actually had the Communists on the ropes and was about to launch a major offensive against them in Manchuria that could have proved decisive, but Truman and Marshall were so opposed to this that they imposed the arms embargo in order to prevent the offensive (pp. 468-469)! As mentioned, the embargo gave the Communists crucial time to recover and to rearm, and it swung the momentum of the war in the Communists' favor.
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* Chiang had several opportunities to reach an entirely fair, if not downright generous, peace deal with the Japanese, a deal that would have spared China from Communist takeover, that would have granted the Nationalists control over all of China, and that would not have required the Nationalists to formally recognize Japan's state in Manchuria but just to agree to leave it alone.

Again. I beat you over the head with a baseball bat, take your wallet, and promise to give you your credit cards back if you give me a blow job.

That by you is a generous offer.

* After Japan's surrender, Truman and Marshall imposed an arms embargo against the Nationalists, which gave the Communists crucial time to rearm and titled the war against the Nationalists. Truman and Marshall cut off weapons to Chiang because he refused to halt a major offensive against the Communists, and because he rejected their idiotic, treasonous demand that he form a coalition government with the Communists and that he agree to another truce with the Communists.

Given the Communists were just as instrumental in defeating the Japanese as he was... maybe more so... that wasn't an unreasonable request. Wow, trying to avoid a prolonged civil war through negotiations... what a bastard Truman was. Clearly, after 70 million dead in WWII, we just didn't have enough war.
* Chiang had several opportunities to reach an entirely fair, if not downright generous, peace deal with the Japanese, a deal that would have spared China from Communist takeover, that would have granted the Nationalists control over all of China, and that would not have required the Nationalists to formally recognize Japan's state in Manchuria but just to agree to leave it alone.

Again. I beat you over the head with a baseball bat, take your wallet, and promise to give you your credit cards back if you give me a blow job.

That by you is a generous offer.

* After Japan's surrender, Truman and Marshall imposed an arms embargo against the Nationalists, which gave the Communists crucial time to rearm and titled the war against the Nationalists. Truman and Marshall cut off weapons to Chiang because he refused to halt a major offensive against the Communists, and because he rejected their idiotic, treasonous demand that he form a coalition government with the Communists and that he agree to another truce with the Communists.

Given the Communists were just as instrumental in defeating the Japanese as he was... maybe more so... that wasn't an unreasonable request. Wow, trying to avoid a prolonged civil war through negotiations... what a bastard Truman was. Clearly, after 70 million dead in WWII, we just didn't have enough war.

You idiot. Do you have any idea how many Chinese people died (and are still dying) because your idol insisted the communists win?

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