The Nanking Massacre and Iris Chang's Book The Rape of Nanking

What happened to "everybody wanted it!" and "no one cared!"?

You still haven't figured out how to use Google to find out who Ralph Carr was?

...The reality. People had a valid fear that this population might collaborate or act as a fifth column.

No, they did not. It was not a “valid” fear, and the racist, un-American scumbag fdr knew it, just as racist scumbag YOU know it.
No, they did not. It was not a “valid” fear, and the racist, un-American scumbag fdr knew it, just as racist scumbag YOU know it.

What I know is that our country was attacked without a declaration of war, by a bunch of savages who murdered tens of millions of people across Asia.

That's what I know.

It was in all the history books.

And someone had to make a hard decision about whether a population that worshiped their Emperor as a God could really, really be trusted if shit got real.
What happened to "everybody wanted it!" and "no one cared!"?

You still haven't figured out how to use Google to find out who Ralph Carr was?

No, because I don't care. He wasn't important.

Because you’re an intellectual coward. You are comfortable with your ignorant racism, and you’re afraid of learning anything that might threaten it. You’re a childish dimwit.
Because you’re an intellectual coward. You are comfortable with your ignorant racism, and you’re afraid of learning anything that might threaten it. You’re a childish dimwit.

Naw, you see, if I were a "go with the flow" kind of guy, I'd be engaging in the kind of "Politically Correct", "internment was bad" simple thinking you are engaging in...

instead of understanding the REAL THREAT people in 1942 were dealing with.

Funny thing, at the time, people were a lot more Angry with Japan than they were with Germany. FDR had to do real work to convince Americans that Germany was the more immediate threat. Propagandists at the time distinguished between "Nazis" and "Good Germans" (Not because there were all these "Good Germans" ready to oppose Hitler, but because there were so many German-Americans who had to be cajoled into supporting the war effort and signing up their kids to die at Normandy).

They had no problem painting the Japanese as sub-human monsters... because of the way the Imperial Japanese Military was acting across Asia. Was racism part of that? Yup. So was genuine anger about various atrocities.

Now, since then, 80 years of the Jews in Hollywood making movies about how the Nazis were the bad guys, but almost no films about the evil things Japan did, we kind of lose track that they were both equally bad.

Given the pure horrors of that war, I just can't get worked up with, "We got relocated out of a potential war zone for a couple of years"
What happened to "everybody wanted it!" and "no one cared!"?

You still haven't figured out how to use Google to find out who Ralph Carr was?


What was important. 2335 Americans were killed at Pearl Harbor. 650 American and 18,000 Filipinos died on the Bataan Death March.


And none of the AMERICANS in fdr’s concentration camps were responsible for any of that.
No, they did not. It was not a “valid” fear, and the racist, un-American scumbag fdr knew it, just as racist scumbag YOU know it.

What I know is that our country was attacked without a declaration of war, by a bunch of savages who murdered tens of millions of people across Asia.

That's what I know. .......

That's all you know? Is that why you don't seem capable of accepting the fact that none of the AMERICANS thrown into fdr's concentration camps attacked America or murdered even one of those people, you racist idiot?

And someone had to make a hard decision about whether a population that worshiped their Emperor as a God .....

Wrong again, idiot. No "their" about it. You really can't see past your racism.
AGAIN illogical, you brainless traitor.

Not at all. The Axis found collaborators in every country they invaded. We just got some of them out of the way where they couldn't do any harm.

That's all you know? Is that why you don't seem capable of accepting the fact that none of the AMERICANS thrown into fdr's concentration camps attacked America or murdered even one of those people, you racist idiot?

I can't worked up about it. Everyone else in that war was killing millions of civilians, especially the Japanese...

"Oh, boo, hoo, I had to spend a year at a camp where I was well-fed and housed!"

So did 16 million other guys who were drafted, and a lot of them got shot at by their cousins.
AGAIN illogical, you brainless traitor.

Not at all. The Axis found collaborators in every country they invaded. We just got some of them out of the way where they couldn't do any harm.

That's all you know? Is that why you don't seem capable of accepting the fact that none of the AMERICANS thrown into fdr's concentration camps attacked America or murdered even one of those people, you racist idiot?

I can't worked up about it.

Because you’re not an American.
You've [JoeB131] proven that you know nothing about the topic of this thread, troll. You've proven that you are uninterested in learning about history. You've proven that you are an illogical, un-American dimwit.

That sums up the guy nicely. I wonder if someone else wrote his signature block for him. When he makes claims such as his claim that the scholars I've cited aren't scholars and implies they are fascists, you know he's a clown who has done no serious study on the subject. He makes these absurd straw-man either/or arguments and then pretends that anyone who won't accept his sophomoric pro-Soviet/pro-Chinese/pro-FDR spin is a Hitler-loving fascist.

Anyway, one of the recognized premier studies on the Sino-Japanese War, if not the premier study, is Dr. Francis C. Jones' exhaustive book Japan's New Order in East Asia: Its Rise and Fall, 1937-45, published by Oxford University Press in 1954. Any serious book on the Sino-Japanese War will include references to Jones' book. Jones wrote several highly acclaimed works on the Far East. In the very near future, I'll post numerous quotes from Jones' book, but suffice to say for now that Jones' debunks the Soviet-Chinese-FDR version of Japan's involvement in China.

For instance, Jones points out that when the Chinese Nationalists first began to try to provoke Japan to fight in Shanghai, Nationalist forces in the area outnumbered Japanese forces by 10 to 1. Yes, 10 to 1. Why? Because the Japanese had delayed sending large reinforcements to the area because they hoped to reach a diplomatic settlement, due to the fact that they wanted to (1) focus on developing Manchuria, (2) limit their presence in China to a small buffer zone between China and Manchuria, and (3) be better prepared to resist Soviet efforts to control Mongolia and to destabilize Manchuria.

In painstaking detail, Jones reviews all of the Japanese attempts to negotiate a reasonable deal with the Nationalists. He also points out that the Nationalists signed a non-aggression pact with the Soviets before the war began, and that the Soviets did all they could to turn the rest of the world against Japan.
That sums up the guy nicely. I wonder if someone else wrote his signature block for him. When he makes claims such as his claim that the scholars I've cited aren't scholars and implies they are fascists, you know he's a clown who has done no serious study on the subject. He makes these absurd straw-man either/or arguments and then pretends that anyone who won't accept his sophomoric pro-Soviet/pro-Chinese/pro-FDR spin is a Hitler-loving fascist.

Yup,,,, When you try to claim the Axis were the "Good Guys" in World War II, you are a Hitler loving fascist.

Then again, you support Trump.

For instance, Jones points out that when the Chinese Nationalists first began to try to provoke Japan to fight in Shanghai, Nationalist forces in the area outnumbered Japanese forces by 10 to 1. Yes, 10 to 1. Why? Because the Japanese had delayed sending large reinforcements to the area because they hoped to reach a diplomatic settlement, due to the fact that they wanted to (1) focus on developing Manchuria, (2) limit their presence in China to a small buffer zone between China and Manchuria, and (3) be better prepared to resist Soviet efforts to control Mongolia and to destabilize Manchuria.

One more time.

Japan did not belong in Shanghai
Japan did not belong in Manchuria.

This was a genocidal imperialist invasion. The Chinese had EVERY RIGHT to try to expel invaders from their country.

Tell you what, let's take whatever Red State Shithole you live in and let the Chinese "Develop" it the way the Japanese were developing Manchuria.

Yeah, Japan's diplomatic Settlement.

It would be like if I bashed you over the head with a baseball bat, took your wallet, and then promised to give you back your credit cards if you gave me a blow job.
Your obvious disdain for America and the principles upon which my nation was founded does not excuse your constant affronts to logic.

What principles.

A bunch of rich slave rapists didn't want to pay their fair share in taxes for a war they started. They were willing to conspire with autocratic regimes to get their way.

They saved us from the horror of being - CANADIANS!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!

Compared to slavery and the treatment of Native Americans, I just can't get worked up that some Japanese went camping for a year. I'd take a year in Mazanar over a year in one of the Prison Camps the Japanese were running in the Philippines for US and Filipino prisoners.

I'll just select a couple...

8. Puerto Princesa and the Palawan Massacre. Puerto Princesa was a relatively small internment camp, with only hundreds of prisoners, but it is also the prison that led to the infamous Palawan Massacre of 1944. As the Allies bore down on the labor camp, Japanese forces marched the prisoners back to their own camp, where they proceeded to force the prisoners into a trench, light them on fire, and gun down all those who tried to flee. The massacre sparked a new campaign to rescue prisoners of war throughout the archipelago.

1. Cabanatuan Prison Camp. The most notorious of Japan’s prison camps, Cabanatuan was known as the “Zero Ward” because there was zero chance of getting out of there alive. Slave labor was utilized, starvation and malnutrition ran amok, torture and beatings were standard fare, and disease spread like Texas bluebonnets along the highways in April. The healthier prisoners were often transported in a “hell ship” to Japan for harder labor, and the sick ones simply died from a horrific tropical disease, a beating, or starvation. Filipino guerrillas and American special forces rescued the POWs on the same day the the Allies recaptured Camp O’Donnell. The prisoners were flown to the United States and hailed as heroes.

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